This is what you wanted. No apology will ever redeem you

This is what you wanted. No apology will ever redeem you.

Damn, maybe he should have tried to become a citizen in those 20 years instead of bringing more spics into the world.

30 years to try and become a citizen. 30 years of doing fuckall about it.

If he been there for 30 years it been plenty of time to fix a citizenship and become legal. Its a crime in every country to be there without premission.

Get fucked

You're next, Joe

Its not the conservatives fault this is happen now years later after laws got broken.
It was democrats that ignored laws for decades this is on them and provably so.
Stupid people like you seem to consistently forget that illegal immigration is illegal and if the law gets ignored for decades by democrats then this is on them as simple as that. So congrats if you vote dem its you that is responsible and has been for decades.



Yes, the government has been digging itself into a hole, and the day of reckoning has come.

i LITERALLY dont care at all

He was sent back home?

Why is this bad?


You have to go back.

le slide thread
le sage

seriously how fucking pathetic do you have to try and keep the same thread in rotation for days on end.

sage. Lol. I might care if they didn't ruin my kid credit when they stole his social security number.

whoooah that's so crazy? let me tell you about hemp and weed

Probably doesn't have anything waiting for him where he came from. He's been here for so long, longer than most of you in this thread have been alive probably.

John Stuart Mill, godfather of liberalism

Why would I apologise if that was the intended outcome?

This shits sad and all but he had his whole life to become a god damn citizen? Why didn't he? Why didn't he respect the laws of the land at all? This shit is enabled by people like obama who acted like citizenship meant nothing.

A question. We know that he lived illegally in the US. But does that mean that he avoided paying taxes? I know it's possible for illegals to also be employed illegally, but it is possible for that man in the picture to be employed legally and pay the same amount of taxes that a citizen pays?

Perhaps maybe in all that time he should have tried to gain legal citizenship instead of being an illegal cunt.

>This is what you wanted.
No, donkey. This is not what I wanted.
What I wanted was 10 million spics impaled on pikes on our southern border, and every nonwhite on this planet to terrified to set foot on our soil.

I'm white and I support deporting all illegals. The "reckoning" I'm talking about is in the cases like what OP posted. The government could have prevented illegals building up in the country by enforcing its own laws, but nobody wanted to touch it.


One less littering asshole.

Cry me a river you donkey faggot.

>No criminal record
>Is here illegally

Won't they deport you if you alert them that you're a resident and non citizen?

sage as bait thread, but vaguely sympathetic. Mitigated by the fact he didn't apply for status, and also the fact that this is a dishonest onslaught for easy Dem votes and depressed cost of labour (which the honest Liberal should abhor).

But also why the fuck are we sending back people who have been here that long? The time window on this seems miscalibrated, and I fully support strong immigration control and a wall.

This is just bad PR. Send back all the young and new social burdens. This is kind of a sunk cost, when you factor in PR.

That said, I don't feel bad in general for wanting strong immigration laws. Stop with the cherry picked examples.

we have too many of these people, gotta go

If he has no criminal record, how'd he get caught? It's like that news report of the dude who got a DUI and was all crying and shit and people were all like "HE DIDN'T EVEN DO ANYTHING IT WAS JUDT A DUI!" as if DUI isn't a serious fucking crime.

Fucks sake someone needs to go to hollywood, bulldoze a wall off these cunts houses, show ten mexicans where the fridge is and tell them they can sleep on the couch.

When he comes home say they have to stay cause they won the popular vote and take his phone cause its a sanctury home so hes not allowed to call the cops.

I'll deport you too.

So, he had the option to go back and make a good life for himself, yet chose to sit on his ass and live off handouts? He deserves to go back.
Nothing worth having comes easy, if he can't suffer life, life should not suffer him

yeah joe rogan is a bitch

why is this sad though?? He's going back to a great, non-shit hole country full of beautiful ppl and picturesque landscapes that prove Drumpf was wrong

why is this sad, he blatantly disregarded a law
Send them all to their beloved homeland

I like your thinking. He would probably leave but continue believing in his ideology.

I'm not apologizing I'll kill you and every other spic that posts another one of these fucking threads.



We need chain deportations to get the youths.


If I did what he did in any other country on the planet I wouldnt expect sympathy id just be like "well fuck, i had a good run". Also i love how when these headlines come up its like they may as well be shipping him off to a life sentence in the Gulags.

Hola amigo, mi nombre es Pepe Lopez y me gusta tacos y burritos.

If he has someone else's SSN, yes. Since he wasn't eligible for DACA he couldn't have done it through that.

>A question. We know that he lived illegally in the US. But does that mean that he avoided paying taxes?

It doesn't mean he avoided all of them. Even illegals pay sales tax, for instance. It just makes it much more likely he avoided some. There's a lot of variables involved.

>I know it's possible for illegals to also be employed illegally, but it is possible for that man in the picture to be employed legally and pay the same amount of taxes that a citizen pays?

It all comes down to his immigration status. Some of them lost their deferment and work permits, and some of them kept up with the paper work.

Just based on face value, the fact that he's being deported, I think it's very likely he got lazy years ago and it's biting him in the ass now.

So Yes. He could be working legally and paying all requisite taxes. Did/Is he? Very unlikely. The fact he's being deported leads me to believe his status lapsed and he was lazy. If he were lazy with that, he's likely just as lazy about working a job and paying his share


>Man being punished for committing a crime has no criminal record.
Ok, whatever you say.

Nevermind. Didn't realize he didn't qualify for DACA. He's a leech.

Serious question to people replying "he could have obtained citizenship in those 30 years":
What happens if you go to whatever government office and claim that you were brough to the country and stayed ilegally from 10 to 18 years of age? Is it possible to obtain citizenship? Won't you get immediately deported after confessing that you are illegaly in the USA?

Fucking Joe Rogan should be deported.

it is fucked and it is sad
why the fuck did it take 30 fucking years to send this piece of shit back where he came from

Alex Jones told him so much and he just sat there with an empty soul and didnt change a bit

The journalists don't treat illegal immigration as a crime. But steal so much as a candy bar and see how hard they throw the book at you. And if someone expresses fashy views, they treat him as if he has committed a crime.

I didn’t want this, I was hoping for death squads.

Just let them go back to their own countries to make them great again (if they ever were great).

Oh NOOOO NOW HE HAS TO JUST IMMIGRATE IN LEGALLY. Kill yourself you fucking cunt. Democrat elites drink baby blood after they torture them.

In his case it would probably require him to marry a Citizen or Lawful Permanent Resident.

The real choice is to make the most of being here. Save up some money, get some training or higher education, go back, and then get in line and show your worth.

>I stole money from a bank
>bank will forgive theft if admitted
>I had 30 years to return it and admit my fault
>did not

Can I run a fucking red light for 30 years because I was originally a south korean? Can I come to the US and break laws left and right and claim it is racist because I have narrow eyes and jet black hair? Getting really fucking annoyed with these twitter cries for help for situations that are 150% responsible for and expect everyone else to fix.

30 fucking years to apply for citizenship

>Joe Rogan
weird how the fear factor guy is trying to be like a beacon of morality or something

Awesome this gives me hope for the future. Well done America.

This is the culmination of so much hard work. Fuck an apology, I can't wait to see these fuckers tossed out by the millions. I will tap dance among their misery and drink in the lamentation of their frustration and ruin.

Oh boo fucking hoo. Can we send the fucking kids with him? I don't give a fuck if they were born here, we have enough brownies.

The faggots call illegals, undocumented citizens now

you want an apology for every criminal parasite or just this one?

the problem with this one is that he didnt steal the money, his parents did. thats why libshits always use these examples. its morally wrong to punish someone for something they had literally no control over

you could say well ya that fucker shouldve marched back across the border at 18, but that isnt realistic at all. i dont really care about sending him back, but it isnt so cut and dry as hurr durr he broke the law

Fuck Joe Rogan, what a cuck

How about you have to give back the money your parents stole ?

>no criminal record
I thought he was busted for drug dealing at one point.

It’s so sad they won’t let his family go with him.

Oh.. wait, that’s right. They can all be a bueno familia en Mexico

receiving stolen goods is a crime

Meme flag, this is just for ((( you )))

He's literally marred to an american.
The only reason he wouldn't be a citizen after thirty years is if he was a criminal or the laziest person in the history of the world.

So sad we can't deport the whole illegal family. End birthright citizenship now. Both parents must have legal status for child to get citizenship. If father is gone or dead, child gets green card.

Can someone explain this to me. Was there no option for him to become a citizen in those 20 years?

>the democrats will ignore this simple truth


You know it is a felony to accept stolen felony money?

>but these KIDS did not know what was going on
DACA does not cover kids. Almost all of them are over 18 year older. They are adults. They have suckled the American gibs tit their entire lives. Hell a lot of them are even FREE college educated. Send them the fuck back. They can obvious improve their home nation. If they are smart and beneficial enough they can reapply for citizenship the right way. If they cannot do that then they did not belong here in the first place.

Allow me to be clear. I would gladly allow 1,000,000 screaming crying foreign children to starve to death then allow my nephew to die. Fuck everyone else make it work yourselves or die. I am not responsible for your failures.

No reason his family can't go with him, then they can live happily ever after.
But, this is probably fake news.....

>living in America is more important than living with your father / husband

Fucking shit ass kids / wife. This is why we need even stronger borders.



dank the_donald meme you faggot. i dont care about him or his parents. but if you cant see why they are specifically using this example youre retarded

Make Mexico Great for Once, not our problem

Why is this a bad thing?

Certainly the country he's being sent back to isn't a "shithole" country or anything. He should bring the rest of his family along with him.


Didn't know he's a cuck, why was he advertised here all the time?

They should deport the kids with him so I don't have to pay for them

I see exactly why, i dont care. Reals/ feels. You can eat shit and die, ps. Fuck you

bye bye faggot

This is why we need TWO walls

>no criminal record

accept breaking the law as soon as they set foot in our country



Its why we need a minefield like east germany had.

but he does have a criminal record if he entered illegally?

Couldn't give less of a shit.

so youre saying "well in my mind most of the other illegals are this way so fuck this guy"? thats fine but dont expect people to take you seriously. this guy has been here as long as he can remember. he has american kids (presumably) with an american woman

again, its clear why this is the propaganda they are using. they also know that the rural and suburban retard responses like yours will push public opinion over to their side. congratulations on being a willing pawn i guess