>Your State
>Your Ethnicity
No 56% memes
American General /ag/
Other urls found in this thread:
Dude this whole website is American General
I'll start
Fuck off back to sage
that's why it's all reddit now
>how mutts see themselves
>what mutts actually are
Don't worry, there is a place for you cool kids who hate Americans
New York.
Born and raised, parents moved from Bangladesh in '71.
id say most of Utah and north new england is anglo, the rest are mainly german excluding little africa and little mexico of course.
Pennsylvania, pic related
M*rmons aren't even people, how can they be anglo? M*rmons are pieces of shit and hell awaits them all
i am triggered by this offensive characterisation of australians
you do know that aborigines are 3% of our population right?
what demographic makes up 3% of america? pure blood whites? people with a BMI under 30?
Do you know anything about Vermont?
Every American with sense and who cares about any kind of European heritage of theirs hates America for what it has wrought. They know that Americanism was a mistake from the start, and that includes all the non-niggers in your alt-right movement.
Crash the Great Satan with no survivors
no shitskin
The whites in the south are mostly Anglos whos ancestors have been here since before the Revolution.
I am a zambo (mestizo + mulatto)
>Danish dad, German mom
that is true, I forgot about them desu
Honestly, they sorta forgot too, its a shame.
t. Louisiana, English and Norwegian
>Your State
West Virginia
>Your Ethnicity
wassup fellow negroes
Mexican, Irish, Enlgish, German
like......75% white
Cause you asked so nicely
is this the thread where we post proof that we paid some jews $199 to take our genetic data and develop biological weapons against us?
Lads, we gotta start embracing our american identity and culture,
Irish / scottish
non white:
>european mutt
Mostly a mix of scottish and irish, but i have ancestry from all around europe, but i'm 100% in europe, at least
German Swedish Norwegian Hungarian French Scottish Chinese
>No 56% memes
Tennessee (Appalachia)
Scotch / English. Literally 50/50
1/4 irish
1/4 scottish
1/4 welsh
1/4 czechen
just 1/16 native
100% white basically
Wisconsin, German primarily, then an Scottish/Croatian mix. Family bloodline has yet to be blacked, but I’m sure one of my nieces or nephews will change that in due time.
The masonic experiment America is the Whore of Babylon. Technological civilization, the dominant role of the economy, and the civilization of production and consumption all complement the exaltation of consumerism and progress; in other words to the manifestation of the “demonic” element in the modern world.
HOLY SHIT I Was scrolling down really reading because i thought It was a legit lineage and then i sall the mutt, and I fucking died laughing and then i Scrolled down. My fucking sides dude. holy shit that caught me off guard. LMAO
> pls no le 56%
This meme serves to increase your self awareness.
Amongrelica is an over 100 years old project to create a perfect host for the ashkenazi parasite. It was an absolute success.
They created the ultimate underclass mob specimen - the Amerimutt, el goblino. This creature is sufficiently productive despite its relatively low average intelligence necessary to avoid spread of dangerous ideas. The fact that said mongrel is managably docile undeterred by the present negro admixture is a major achievement.
The Amerimutt is a long awaited guarantee of safety and undisturbed dominance for the ashkenazi jew.
It is about half Anglo, half scots-Irish. Then there are the French in South Louisiana and Texas has a pretty big European diversity
Norwegian? Do you have ancestors from Minnesota?
How fucking dare you post that pic paying out aussies.
I fucking stick up for yanks in every thread from countries paying you cunts out because you are our best mate.
That hurts mate....that fucking hurts..
>No 56% memes
Not so fast
I highly doubt that
>Hispanic (not Mexican)
I am define try not white, although I am also not a nigger. My skin is lighter than your average Italian. My family is also from Guatemala, and moved into the US legally (at the time). Most of us are now protestant-Hispanics. Although some of my family members cannot control themselves out in public, and will say nigger around nigs. Another family member who is a pastor, always says chinks, nigs, etc.
> English, with some Austrian, German, Spanish, Danish, Czech, Irish (from the 17-18th century), Scots-Irish, Cherokee Indian
Florida. My dad's family is from English/Dutch by way of Michigan. My mom's family is Irish/German by way of New York and Florida. My great great great great grandfather on my Mother's side was a Baptist minister in North Florida. I am at least the 6th generation American in both sides but my Dad had a (i dont know how many times) great Grandmother that was 100% Native American _ no idea which tribe and cant validate so who knows if true. Other than that both parents had strictly European lineage at least 5 generations back. No im not doing a 2e and me so they can have my DNA. I dont care that much and honestly id rather not know if someone in my deep past was from elsewhere. Im 6'5" white with blue eyes. Had blonde hair as a kid. Lost my hair on top in early 20s. That enough?
White people with a BMI under 30. Seriosuly though 3% would be Indian continent or non-chinese asian
50/50 german and polish
murrika is the best country
micropenis general.
>1/2 Irish
>1/4 English
>1/4 German
Engaged to a blue eyed white girl who is half Austrian and half Ukrainian.
Eurocucks are so jelly
>Not showing a beaner instead
There are more beaners than niggers in Amerimmutistan
>Prides itself as THE Melting Pot of the world
>No culture or history older than the industrial revolution
>Half of the population are rape babies. Only country that surpasses that is Brazil.
>No 56% maymays please
Yeah right, Daquan.
Don't worry, you won't be 56% for long. It's mostly likely it changed already and soon you'll be a minority with less than 50% of representation.
If the race war does finally come, it won't be very soon, in my opinion, and you'll be outnumbered, as a minority, by the other minorities, as they rape you and make more rape babies.
Classic burger.
Dad is 50% Italian, 50% German.
Mom is 50% Scot, 50% Irish.
Am I huwite?
>one Irish greatgrandparent
Do I kill myself?
Irish and Anglo, 50/50
Shit-tier state because of Central Maryland, but the edges aren't actually that bad.
KS, dutch german
>no le 56% memes
But if I post here i'll be called a fucking leaf. Ohh the irony
Literally this is every fucking Argentinian and South American in South Florida. Half of y'all start spouting nonsense from your nigger sized lips that your grandparents were Nazis who escaped from Germany. You're the last the talk.
A sad, awful and sorry fucking state
Don't mind me, I'm just an amerimutt strolling through
>Your State
>Your Ethnicity