
Sup Forums how do I stop myself from going to hookers? Is it degenerate? Am I ruining my mind and sexual drive? Is it moral?

I particurarly like super trashy gypsy prostitutes, it turns me on like crazy just thinking about it.
It's not that I don't have chances with normal women, I have been called handsome several times without asking, but trashy whores are just so fucking hot!

Share your experiences with prostitures and lets wty and help each other.

I've spent thousands on hookers, hotel rooms (I'm married), and buying them gifts. It will be expensive if you plan on scoring a lot. It's worth it though

it can be ugly but we are all just animals at the end of the day. it's forgiveable that you would want sex and some degree of human intimacy.

if you really feel like you need it and you literally can't resist, then go for it. Just treat the hooker with respect.

both of you are fucking degenerate subhumans and should be purged.

Virgin alert! His dick is so small, not even a girl who you paid to respect could hold back laughter!

lol i also know people who tried saving hookers with gifts and cash and they have always failed. Is your wife by any chances a former prostitute that you have saved?

you're not thinking very intelligently user. It's a finer point than that.

Virgin alert! His dick is so small, not even a girl who he paid to respect him could hold back laughter!

They are degenerate for having sex with women, and paying for it? I have news for you young fag, married men pay for sex too, and over the years it adds up more than what it costs for some hookers every know and then.

Who cares? How much do those gypsy prostitutes want per trick? Where do you find them?

I had sex with a few prostitues in my life, but not that many. Several Hungarians, a German and two Romanians.

>super trashy gypsy prostitutes
I know what you mean. It's sort of like why well off white women fuck the niggest of niggers sometimes. Mental masochism. You dip into trash in search of strong emotion.

If i won the lottery i would go to a hooker every day of my life. I do feel like it's ruining my sense of relationships though, like it's so easy to pay for what i want why would i ever go out of my way to impress a girl that isn't perfect in every way. It's made me value women much less to be honest, but it feels kind of good. Only real sociopaths will know that feel.

No, I married my wife when we were both 18 (2 years ago). I'm not really getting sex with her (she's working two jobs at day and night so she's always busy, and when we are both free I'm usually playing vidya or studying for college), so I've been going to prostitites around here under the guise of job interviews and study sessions

Betas pay for pussy. Beta faggots pay for dick. At least you are not a faggot (as far as we know).

Live somewhere where there are none within 200km.
It wont stop the desire, but you wont be visiting any hookers at least.
>t. 16 months and counting

How much do those gypsy prostitutes want per trick?
Also this, I'm curious.

its only immoral if you think of them as your capitalist sex slaves, and not inanimate masturbation tools

also, something i've always wondered. If prostitution is the oldest profession how did they pay for the prostitutes?

Similar question, not OP.

I have been "craving" some weed lately, Only time I've smoked it was about 2010 when I was a Freshman in college.

How do I find a weed hookup?

I know someone who used to smoke it but does not anymore.

>gypsy fucker

The trashy ones you find next to the train station? 12€

based swiss knows whats up

>Live in Oakland, interested in getting an escort
>Every post in the area seems to be just a phone number, no other text, and a bunch of photos that are clearly ripped from someone else's instagram

I know that feel exactly

Well, I wish you both a happy marraige

Only way is to stop going. There is no trick, if that's hard for you then it will be hard for you.
There is no magic secret we could say that will make all your problems easy

>If prostitution is the oldest profession how did they pay for the prostitutes?
Cave women weren't professional hookers in contemporary sense of the word. They were simply selling their pussy for food and protection.

Ever try a massage parlor? They are secret brothels. Although you have to be careful with asking - funny story, I once asked for "services" at one, and the guy in charge got mad since it was a legitimate family business, and tried to physically kick me out. Fortunately, I landed a good sucker punch imat his jaw and he fell back, knocking over some giant pot. I booked out of there ASAP lol, its what hapoens when you get tired of the same hookers

Who cares. Fuck away. Women do not have male sex drives

Just get tested before you stick your dick in a non hooker and don't spread your stds to honest women

At least over here the only women that sell their bodies ARE the gypsies

>fucking literal whores

>am I degenerate?



Backpage recently changed their rules so no incriminating evidence is left in case of a lawsuit, that's why only numbers are allowed now. What you do is Google their number and look for reviews on theeroticreview , don't go to hookers that aren't reviewed. Easy as that

She's keeping you and you're spending money fucking hookers?

Whores are based. Prostitution is only illegal because feminist roasties wants to keep sexual power over men through monopoly on pussy. All those virgins we're seeing today would've fucked a prostitute and grown some hair on their chests in the good ol' days.

>trashy gypsy prostitutes

Good choice OP

everyone pays for pussy in some form, my friend

>The trashy ones you find next to the train station? 12€
It is 20-25 euros here in a cheap brothel with a gypsy and the desperate street hookers go down to 15-20 euros.

So the price difference is not that much.

Anyway, control your urges. Prostitution is ok, but do not get hooked - jerk off once in a while as well. My 2 cents.

lol, it won't be. Kids 20, his wife is working two jobs and this Catalan nigger can't even keep his nose on the grindstone for his potential family. That shit's going to be a disaster

Don't think about it from a moral or not moral standpoint(it's not) because if you do you are already in the wrong and it could hate yourself and become bipolar.
The question you should ask yourself is do you want a stable relationship with a girl where you could potentially fall in love and have a family or would you prefer one where you constantly spend money just to fuck. Is the end game lust or love?
I will say I have the exact same problem I have only slept with hookers most were twice my age and your typical street chick.
First kiss, bj and fuck were all hookers sadly. Seeing as you wrote this post you probably have some conflicting thoughts within you. You probably fantasize about these encounters a lot and it's the main thing you jerk off to and that's the main problem, in order to move into something more healthy you should change your fantasy. For myself was into hookers for 3 yrs till I had a metal breakdown and managed to not fuck for 2 years but last year I caved and went back, I will say I'm trying to look for a relationship with a girl but don't think I could truly be with someone and have to open up about my sexual history, would you say 5-10yrs from if you meet a nice girl that you could really tell here about this chapter of your life?

This catacuck just gets better and better.


That's hella cheap, those trashy might become millionaire in India within 6 months.

Number one exporter of potassium.

it is none of our business what do you do with your body and money

yourh benis yourh choice

It's all about being strong morally, psychologically, and spiritually. If you visit whores then you will never be any of those. It's easy to fuck whores. All bad shit is easy to do. But after that, you don't really have any moral higher ground over anyone or pride or dignity. If you're fine with that then keep doing it, but quite frankly if you do it more than zero times then you're basically a lowlife forever.

Yeah, so what? I need to enjoy life too you know. I'm trying to get a job later on in life (studying computer science to one day be a video game developer), so its not like I'm not contributing

This. Plus he punches protective fathers trying to run a massage business because he couldn't get his dick sucked

ouch, i felt that

a girl doesnt grow up thinking i want to be a hooker. does she?

You are not contributing at all. My parents came to America with toddler me, worked 2 jobs each while going to school to learn English and get certificates for the jobs they already spent a lifetime to get back in Europe. You are a scumbag. Not for enjoying prostitutes, but for not respecting your wife enough to just be a decent husband to someone who's literally babying you.
>Video game developer
Yea you and my retarded cousin.

is right
You're a complete degenerate, but with that flag it's not a surprise.

You are a massive faggot and I'm going to laugh when she ends up fucking her boss and you end up working at a 711.

Romanians and gypsies make up a huge chunk of our brothel population, by the way. They can make more money in a day than in 3 months in Romania.

Oh fucking well, he shouldn't have assaulted or disrespected me like that. That's not how you tell people that they got the wrong place. If you ask Store A if they sell products from Store B, does it give the employee the right to feel mad and attack you?


You're weak, you know you're a waste of space, I bet you hunt out whores because you know you're not a worthy mate for your wife. Go get a job, you useless piece of shit. Whatever you do, don't give your wife AIDS and/or get her pregnant. HIV rates in Barcelona are high. Catacuck cunt.

>It's all about being strong morally, psychologically, and spiritually. If you visit whores then you will never be any of those. It's easy to fuck whores. All bad shit is easy to do. But after that, you don't really have any moral higher ground over anyone or pride or dignity.
So whores are bad because they're easy? Why is it morally bad? Care to explain?

> spending hard earned money to have penis massaged
> with a non-zero chance of contracting STD
> while you can have it at home
> free
> safe
> fast
> clean

No gods, no masters, only science and economy!

And euphoria.

When you go to a legitimate business and ask for illegal services centered around sex, yes.
I really hope the folks in Madrid just murder you tards next time you get uppity.

I need a sex vacation in india

>just romania things

Lmao check out this white knight homo

Why would you pay women to fuck you? Furthermore why would you want to fuck trashy whores? I'm barely average looking, I'm autistic, and I've slept with my fair share of decent women. The only reason I haven't kept any of them around is because I'm socially inept. But.. paying for their attention? That's retarded user.


>I really hope the folks in Madrid just murder you tards next time you get uppity.

Well no, but if you showed up in a pharmacy with a tourniquet around your arm and a syringe in your hand asking for heroin, don't be surprised someone fucks you up too. You can't just expect every place in the world to cater to your every vice.

>be 28
>fall in love with hooker
>red headed 20 year old with a great sense of humor and perky tits
>could talk to her for hours after we where done with the deed
>a year into seeing her couldn't contain myself
>poke holes in the condoms, going to get her preggers and settle her down to raise some kids
>ill finally have her in my grasps
>she aborted the child after telling me
>ask her after she did would she have done it if it was mine
>"user, if that accident happened then it would be a happy one"
>refuses to see me after I told her I poked holes in the condom and we could try again

What do I do bros? She's amazing, besides the fact she gets paid to take dick. But beyond that, she is the wife I want.

The reddit spacing in this thread is more degenerate than the whoremongering.

Yes. In one way I don't feel like women are even human. They are mostly all very shallow and less intelligent than men. No logic. I tend to view them as props to dump my nuts into or do some task. I guess this is true misogyny. They are all whores on some level.

God, Hitler should have really won, he would have sent virgins like you to the camps to get Zykloned like how you betas deserve to. I hope Trump opens up camps though. We don't need weak men for tough times

Hahahaha not to you, Borat. If anyone else asks, I might try.
In the meantime, go fuck a baby goat

am gonna vomit cunt

I really doubt that you come up to a woman and tell her let's fuck and she fucks you. You pay her with your time and effort before she puts out. He pays with currency. How's that any more retarded than dating?

Hookers and Sexbots are unironically the only things that can fix western degeneracy.

Women are using their cunts to gain control they do not deserve. Once men can get their sexual urges fulfilled without going through the process of (((dating))) and (((courting))) women, then women will have to start going trad, as it’s the only thing they have to offer.

Sorry to hear that dude. Find another hooker to fall in love with, you just gotta use gifts and money to attract one


If she would open up about how she sucked 3 tyrone dicks at once at 17, I would also open up about my past. But man... I really found myself if your words. It's really nice knowing that there are people in the same position as me. In fact I'm standing right now on a bench where I always come for whores but I'm thinking if I should actually go for it... I think I'm going to gamble all my money to a nearby casino and will leave it to God if I it's okay what I'm doing

Good oost, screenshotting in case I run into any moralfags or virgins like the ones attacking me here

Jesus man wtf


I work fast food and make shit. Every time I saw her I paid her a weeks worth of pay. I even paid her just to watch Pulp Fiction with me once, that and the first season of Futurama.


I heard hookers in Bangladesh were $1. You could have a reverse gang bang for $10. Maybe it's time for a visit to Bangladesh.

Hahahah IKR, he's just a pussy, a bitch, and mad that hes a virgin with a micropenis and that he'll die alone like a loser

>this thread
it's starting to fag up now that you're here

You're the weakest fucker here, Jordi. I've got a decent job, girlfriend and a son. You are a waster. Don't try to make yourself feel better, you know you are degenerate and will swing on the DOTR

If all men thought like you I'd refuse to have sex ever again.


Now that's just sad man, you pay hookers because you need to use their bodies in exchange for money and no bullshit, they will never have any feelings for you. You're being a turbocuck

I want some women from Bangladesh need some brown pussy for my white dick.

You dumb fuck, hookers add to the problem. Prostitution and feminism go hand in hand. Once a man sees how much pussy costs, a constant supply of pussy, and what sort of condition that pussy is constantly in, then he will go along with whatever a non prostitute will have to offer just to cut a corner. Not to mention that hookers also work with feminists and use their same right to use their body however they want to hurt men via spread of diseases or blackmail, which lets even more feminists into positions of power through hookers.


You are a pussy and virgin with a small dick; don't lie to yourself you bitch

And not one fuck was given.

Low class gypsies go to the 20-30 euro a fuck low class brothels.

Better looking gypsies go to the 50-150 euro a fuck mid class brothels.

And top class gypsies do escort servies for 150-250 euros an hour.

Women are women, pussies are pussies. I applaud those gypsies for breaking out of their cycle of poverty and degeneracy.

It's a joke over here that if the population of a germen brothel is not at least 80% romanian, that's not a german brothel

I'm not a beta. I only date women and spend money on women that I want to spend more time with. The rest of them, I invite over to watch a movie and spend nothing on. I specifically don't put money or effort into whores. I could count on one hand the amount of times I've put any effort into a "date" that wasn't with a girlfriend.

Swedes are too perfect to understand human vices. imo OP's done nothing too bad. I personally don't go to hookers just because I'm afraid it will be used as some form of blackmail

East 14th or international
Lots of hookers in SF too

>finding people from my geographical area on Sup Forums

My girlfriend's son is also my son, retard. Can you even look your wife in the eye? KYS

I'm leaving this up to shame myself, fuck

Hookers are simply a shortcut. All women cost money and brankrupt you morally.

She had feelings for me. She sometimes would only charge me the amount she would make as a waitress if she choose the film we would watch after fucking. I just feel bad because she seemed like the one I could finally get along with, same sense of humor and could talk to each other like real people without hiding things.

And I fucked it up by telling her I was trying to impregnate her without her knowledge.