Hey Sup Forums I just got my ass handed to me by a black guy for calling him a nigger. How's your night been? Share your nigger related confrontations/interactions below.
Hey Sup Forums I just got my ass handed to me by a black guy for calling him a nigger. How's your night been...
Other urls found in this thread:
>getting near niggers
Blacks are violent. And only leftist are victims of non-Whites. The rest of us "racists" avoid them.
>no cuts
That's fake blood
Fag Sage.
>calling them niggers and not having the skills to pop n drop em with a cross to the jaw
ur just dum
Too much ketchup on your burger
I was, he was messing with a little half breed kid. He kept kicking him and hitting him outside a convenience store. I ended up calling him out and told him to stopped being a nigger. This was completely my fault bc i got involved but I felt the need to help that small child.
it's not a pic of me retards just using it as an example because a friend of mine sent me it and said I looked like him after getting my face kicked in
Learn how to fucking fight then
>nigger dead
this thread is now
/bdlg/ - Black Dudes Larping General
you deserve it you look like a typical faggot trump dick sucker
>American mutt getting his ass kicked by a bigger American mutt
Le 56% post.
im whiter than both of you. MAGA
when you're going up against who's 6'6" and has gorilla strenght it's kinda hard to win. I'd like to see you the same situation
Here goes just for you soyboy in op's pic.
>told some somalis to speak Swedish in Sweden
>they glared at me and remained quiet
>so i left with a smug ass smile plastered on my face
I'll update if I ever see the rat pack down by McDonalds again
bad meme, niggers are retarded so are you
good try on a quasi bait thread tho
pussy, how could you lose to a nigger, if this was a different age, he would have slid his cock up your ass. pathetic!
faggot detected.
wise herb in options
why didn't they beat you up?
or a different country
I called a black guy a nig nog paddywhack pls send help
>things that never happened for $20
I wonder what cuck was so butthurt to make this thread.
Is this supposed to make people scared?
How much are these shills getting paid?
Because they were 5 and I was there with 2 friends. And perhaps they acknowledged that they are infact in Sweden and shall speak Swedish.
Guten tag, nigger.
s a g e
Still pretty aesthetic. Blacks hate pretty boy whites because they are the real chads
well that's fucking retarded.
what fucking good does that do? dummy.
You should've been able to beat them if you call them a nigger.
That's not blood
Op is a nigger
>Every nigger is le incredible hulk
Larping cuck detected
Is OP a troll or idiot?
It's hard to tell on Sup Forums...
Op is a troll move on from this tread
>gets whooped
Next time go to a hardcore muslim country and insault their religion.
They will take care of u...permanetly
I live in toroto.
I made a thread the other day where I broke down how I humuliated a nigger on the subway. Quick rundown as follows:
>nigger rapping loud
>told him to stfu
>keeps rapping
>yelled right to his face, "go back to africa you fucking nigger"
>nigger did nothing, just bitched out like the pussy he is.
>kept calling him a monkey and pussy
>he then called the police on me for harassment.
I bitch out niggers and mudslimes all the time. They never do shit. The white man is the dominant species in the jungle.
>work as a waiter at resutarant
>flirting with 10/10 hostess
>butthurt paki throws piece of paper in her hair
>hungarian chimpout incoming
>get right to his face
>"go back to pakistan"
>got a written warning from my boss for being racially insensetive
>paki did nothing, just bitched out as usual
do you really think somebody beaten by niggers is gonna come online and boast about it?
Your story sounds bullshitty.
Canada has anti-hate laws. I remember reading about a case where some guy got in legal trouble for insulting a lesbian.
You'd get arrested in Canada if you did that shit. Probably in America too, there are laws here against intimidation based on race.
You WEAK piece of fucking shit, go suck another load out your FAGGOT twink boy-friend down the street, literally fucking KYS.
stfu pussy. This is the real world.
Sure, had there been a cop in the subway cart I would have gotten arrested for racism/harassment. Don you really there is a fucking cop at every fucking corner?
Besides, I did not assault the nigger, so at best I would have spent a couple of hours in a holding cell. Big fucking deal. I taught this nigger a lesson. Next time he will think twice before annoying other passengers on the subway.
The key issue with fighting niggers is that white people will hold whites to a standard but not niggers.
Niggers will literally come in with the goal to kill you while whitey tries to knock him out at best stopping the moment he hits the ground (this is where niggers start stomping in comparison).
Doesnt help that whitey people are such self hating cucks that even if the nigger started shit some white faggot or cunt who walked by will side with the nigger and tell police you started it getting you in real shit.
I picked up a shift at work for a friend because she's tired and her retarded kids are demanding of her time. I'm working with a girl from Africa and all she does is make this sucking noise with her mouth and it's the most vile fucking thing I've heard in ages. But I need this job right now and can't cut her enormous lips off. I don't want to be racist, but goddammit black people need to stop.
Here is a pic of the full breakdown of you are interested
T. Me on the phone
OP is Froy Gutierrez
damn he's cute
who the fuck still uses opera?
check out pic related: Instantly as I called the monkey a nigger I had soyboys and some dumb broad coming to his fucking defense.
Fucking jew brainwashing is a motherfucekr.
White supremacists? Don't tell me u use chrome or firekike
this thread is literal shit & we are all worse off for having force fed it deep into our creamy eye holes
Do these posts make black people feel better about how poor and unintelligent they are or some shit?
This is why i am a stereotypically depressed german with no more sense of humor.
How the fuck are you supposed to find joy in life when you are surrounded by self hating white guilt faggots that will sell you out even when a sandnigger tried to rape/kill someone?
Why the fuck would i ever want to continue living here let alone create a family? God and the number of soyboy seems to rise by the month these days its like they are being bred in some underground lab
Retarded story that never happened made up by a faggot from reddit. Yawn........
>>moms spaghetti
Who are the people in pic related?
>How the fuck are you supposed to find joy in life when you are surrounded by self hating white guilt faggots that will sell you out even when a sandnigger tried to rape/kill someone?
You want an honest answer?
Move to Hungary. Thats what my ancestors did in the 13th century. Never looked back since.
I was brought to leaf land as a kid but i am returning. I cannot tell you how AMAZING it is to just be around those people when you are redpilled. Fucking old ladies raggin on jews and niggers in the market. Its surreal.
opera an alt-right meme now I guess? what the hell have I been missing these past few days
If a nigger chimps out and attacks a white guy for calling him a nigger, then the nigger is proving the white guy's point by acting like a nigger.
Eastern Europe is a meme dude.
You will only truly get it when you live here and can visit those places within a few hours. I am currently trying to get a job in Taiwan because ive been there on business before and liked it. No niggers, food is good i dont understand half the shit they say and girls dress like women.
Ignorance is bliss
It's true. The only way to transcend niggerdom is to prove them wrong by not rising to insults.
Yea dude the opera meme is all over the internet since trumps tweet.
It's either opera, or we gas-ya
Does that EVER happen though? One on one, every time I have called a nigger a nigger, he just got scared. They never chimp out. Niggers are actually bitches.
Its not a meme. You're a cuck
Yea, a cuck.
You sound like a pussy. KYS
Eastern Europe collectively is a complete fucking shithole and they are literally the niggers of Europe whoring out their women for the rest of the world.
Its the Thailand of Europe
Why is Sup Forums so obsessed about posting pretty white boys I see this everyday
>Its the Thailand of Europe
That's germany. Your little bitches spreading their twats for niggers and muds. German men have to go to taiwan for puss.
>they are literally the niggers of Europe whoring out their women for the rest of the world
Yea we all know Romania is a fuck up. That shit was a westuck creation, never forget.
>If a nigger chimps out and attacks a white guy for calling him a nigger, then the nigger is proving the white guy's point by acting like a nigger.
Acting like a nigger? lol no.
Insulting another man in public is grounds for a fight. Hell, a couple hundred years ago men would duel over that shit.
If you call another man an insult in public, you're asking for a fight.
Sage, report and hide.
I'm serious
>defending niggers.
>Thinks my story of bitching out a nigger in public is bs.
Whats the matter nigger? You'd be submitting too if you met me.
i never said that you homo but this nigger was pretty fucking big compared to me
why don't you fight him huh?
Because the majority of threads like this are made by faggots from reddit. They post pictures of guys they have a hard on for.
somalis are like 5'6 and weight 90 pounds try again with an american nigger they're short tempered and will attack you
are you a turk?
yes and it was 1 nigger
I'm cute and will fuck all your stacy crushes stay mad!
LOOK retards i said I look him. KYS
I have a job and a family look after. Chimping out over a 6 letter word like an angry gorilla is what niggers do. Why risk losing your career? Then again you niggers have nothing to lose because youre losers with a low IS. You'll always be a nigger. Just remember, all races call you nigger behind closed doors.
>>Thinks my story of bitching out a nigger in public is bs.
Don't take it personally. The majority of "men" on here are actually pussies and losers in real life, but they talk a big game on here, all pretending to be Aryan or some shit.
If your story is true, then whatever. I don't care. It just doesn't sound believable to me because the majority of "men" on here are beta.
I bet if I made a topic right now saying "Why don't you marry an Asian woman, Sup Forums?" I would get a flood of responses from people saying, "I do have an Asian wife, OP."
That's the reality. People pretend to be Aryan neo-Nazis on here but in reality they are fat, ugly, married to some fresh-off-the-boat Asian or some other woman with no standards....
Sooooo, I really don't think you are some superhero tough guy who punks black people in public.
yeah, right
nobody gives a shit you lying piece of shit faggot bitch
Nigger isn't an insult it's just what they are. They're the ones that start beating on their chest like monkeys when you say it.
stay mad ugly
OP is from Reddit or possibly shareblue
Did you call him a nigger because your mom died of AIDs?
>OP is from Reddit or possibly shareblue
i've been using Sup Forums before you 2016 newfags came >
>in the middle of early morning hours
>Sup Forums
You're not fooling anyone newfag.
You're losing the culture war and your faggy aren't changing it.
>showing powerlevel
fake faggot who would never call a black man a nigger in his life.
i live in brooklyn. got robbed twice by real niggers with knives. the type who probably stab three niggas a night for 10 years straight.
i'm just a student. so it sucked. i certainly wouldn't have the smug fake face you have so kill yourself OP.
1 vs 5 against gyppos,broke ones jaw and ruptured ones ear lobe (i had knuckle dusters)
once those 2 went down the rest ran away
You're right. The people on Sup Forums reflect the people on the streets. Mostly weak and demoralized. But the memes that blacks are stronger than whites have to be fought and rejected regardless.
Seeing how I act, I know I am in the vast minority. Its partly why Blacks are so startled when they are in a confrontation with me. Most blacks, especially in Toronto never actually get called niggers to their face. When confronted with that in the moment, most are just left stunned and flabbergasted.
I blame it on my Hungarian blood.
you dont look like him because niggers dont look hispanic.
pic with timestamp or kys.
>Getting assaulted by a nignog
>In America
>Not going full Zim Zam
OP is fake and gay or he would have dropped a hollowpoint into his nig dome. OP is lying. sage
fake and gay. sage
>helping a half breed
Did he cum his ebola sperm on your face or what?