What to Israeli anons think of US vets?

Zogbot here. Apparently I fought in 2 wars for you, Schlomo. Sup Forums always says that my buddies died for Israel, so figured I'd ask what our Israeli anons think of this statement. How would I be treated if I immigrated to Israel? Do you like Americans? I fucking hate muslims, and yall don't seem to have any love loss for them so...

Other urls found in this thread:

informationclearinghouse.info/pdf/The Zionist Plan for the Middle East.pdf

You think anyone gives a fuck what Israel thinks about anything? Your country is on stolen land fuckface.

>"Stolen" land

You can't immigrate but you'll be sure to get laid with a good accent, looks and backstory.

I'm descended from French crusaders who settled in the Levant, you think I give a fuck?

How hard is it to get a work visa, you guys must have some good PMC's operating there

big israeli here dual citizenship, i greatly appreciate your work protecting western civilization, and establishing order in shitholes

makes no sense, but make them take of the towels

Good luck if you aren't a Jew, Jewish heritage is a requirement. If you aren't a jew they put chemicals in your water to castrate you.

Pretty hard I think, not sure though.


What sense does that make, jewishness runs through the mother why would they castrate someone willing to fight for their country who would make more jew babies?

I stayed here in the US, and only lost my foreskin! What a stroke of good fortune for me; amirite tho?

fuck off we are full

I don't know, go ask them. You won't be able to immigrate if you aren't a Jew.

Better than pissing your own nuts out into the sewer rabbi lair where they suck the youth out of them to stay young forever.


More than half of all Jewish immigrants to the "Jewish state" are atheists. I repeat this on lefty boards I shill counter-semitic shit on all the time when the resident kikes try claiming it's not an ethnostate.


Why don't we make the Holy Land European-Christian again? Jews believe Christ is boiling in his excrement for eternity and they call Mary a whore. Also you guys spent six trillion for their ethnostate and they still blast tranny shit at your kids.

>Jewish heritage is a requirement
no it's not

Exactly, it's about keeping their race pure and their country exclusive. Most Jews I know are atheists but they are still Jewish.

No shit, been there done that got the hearing loss. Now I want my Khazar milkers


I wouldn't care so much if they didn't blast my kids with open borders and race mixing propaganda 24/7. I didn't even really hate Israel until JIDF drove me to it.

Yeah, best of luck immigrating to Israel as a non jew.

>Most Jews I know are atheists but they are still Jewish
they just say atheists coz it's trendy but they are all religious fanatics.

Getting married to khazar milkies would probably be your best chance of citizenship.

I actually hate Canada for fucking around in Kandahar so much, so politely neck yourself, eh


im not going to immigrate to a shithole but you don't need to have jewish heritage to immigrate to izrael.. wtf are you talking about.. they have a bunch of muslims and niggers with irzaeli passports

Doesn't your theocracy have a supreme rabinate that must officiate all marriages? I've always read that getting approval is pretty much impossible for Christians seeking to marry into the tribe, which is suicidal I might add.

Yeah, it's really kind of bizarre how they operate that way. They will spout atheist shit all day but still do pilgrimages to Israel.

We're at the root of the new counter-semitic worldwide liberation movement. Of course you hate us.

lol.. i've heard that pissing yourself on battlefield is quite common with all the newbie soldier who are first time on the battlefield

My team leader got a boner and my a gunner pissed his pants during our first firefight, extreme adrenaline dump does odd things; something you would know if you weren't

There will be a Judaic revival one day. I imagine they'll threaten deportation, like they do with everyone else.

Are you this dense? The 3rd highest jewish diaspora after Tel Avive and Kiev is Toronto you fucking mong

>still do pilgrimages to Israel.
coz they are religious.

in reality jews want to present themselves as an ETHNICITY.. and for that they have to sort of larp as atheists.. only to show the rest of the world LOOK.. here is a jew who is an atheist but still he is a jew

but in reality jews are not an ethnicity but are a religion just like Islam

>they have a bunch of muslims and niggers with irzaeli passports

Those people are treated like shit and they are only there so Israel can point to them anytime someone says they are an ethnostate and israel also has affirmative action in their immigration which gives priority to arabs and Africans too also make it look like they aren't homogeneous as shit. Also a lot of those blacks are African hebrews. If you are a non jew good luck becoming an Israeli is all I'm saying. I

They breed way to close together. I just got finished telling some IDF Sgt. not to throw stones in his glass house of birth defects while speaking of the Goyim.
>pic related

when a Jew in the diaspora wants dual-citizenship with Israel, they will submit a blood sample. It is at this point that a highly-trained, specialized Phlebotomy Rabbi will hold the blood sample up to a magic God light, to ensure there's enough religion init, cuz Jew is only a religion; amirite tho?

I thought there was an ethnic Ethiopian Jewish minority

Fuck, every one of these losers are trashing "their" countries on purpose. This is what will send you all back to Israel, you human filth!

>AhlulBayt News Agency
Why not quote Pravda you stupid mother fucker

quit being a faggot you can share some of the khazar milkers stingy fuck

>Allahu Akbar News Agency

The reason the USA is trying to overthrow Assad and destabilize the Middle East in general is because they want to Balkanize the area to ensure Israel's long-term security and expansion. The (((US))) military campaign in the Middle East is closely following the Yinon Plan which was published in a Hebrew journal in 1982. Wake the fuck up people.

It's no secret, faggot. China may be second to Israel in the organ trade.You can turn on the DayStar network and watch mini-docs about them transplanting all of the time. Where do you think all of these organs are coming from: the elderly or those killed in terrorist attacks? Go fight another kike war, OP. You were stupid enough to do it once.

Those are fine, pic related.

We do have some eritrean and sudanese refugees however who are less based.

Oh yeah, and Israel did did 9/11.

From the wiki page

>The West was disintegrating before the combined onslaught of the Soviet Union and the Third World, a phenomenon he believed was accompanied by an upsurge in anti-Semitism, all of which meant that Israel would become the last safe haven for Jews to seek refuge in.

Wow this is pretty much all true except the Soviets

Literally every country has a buy in program where if you invest a certain amount you can immigrate

>Those people are treated like shit
yeah but everyone is treated like shit unless you have money

if you have money - you are welcome in izrael for sure and be treated like a boss.. i mean there is no doubt about it, since i know for a fact they give citizenship to rich guys like everyone else in the world

the bottom line is that jews don't want to see all the filthy beggars coming to izrael.. and they do have to accept poor jews by default

but they treat poor jews like shit as well. they'll send poor jews to kibutz where they will live like slaves

the only hope a poor jew has is if he/she immigrates at a very young age, serves in IDF and gets education with subsequent landing of a job

then it may be ok for him\her

but i've seen such jews immigrate to USA anyway, since ironically it's much better for a jew to live in USA then in Israel

actually Izrael was made for poor jews anyway
and they are a poor state that exists only on donations from USA and Germany

the moment the donations stop, the Israel becomes another sand nigger shithole

i mean.. they have nothing going for them anyway

i kinda feel sorry for them.. they are the total victims of politics and their own brainwashing

Check 'em

FYI, my dear subhuman shitskin low-IQ basement dweller NEET user, you're using a fake pic, please address that in your future shiling attempts

Read the whole thing:

informationclearinghouse.info/pdf/The Zionist Plan for the Middle East.pdf

Explain the diaper then

Nice photoshop.

Here's another, you fucking cunts.

No they are not, they are niggers in every way and aspect: smell bad, has low IQ levels and tendency to crime. And the fact that they are based monkeys who cry in every opportunity they have in the media is aggravating by itself

No, it's not photoshop, just use reverse search and see for yourself

Having trouble reading? The Goyim know, and you all are out of here sooner or later.

Came across Yaron Schmuel's LinkedIn not too long ago.

They just do not care, do they? They expect us all to be dumb and not pay attention. I guess you have that privilege when you can purchase government officials and the media.

It's a shop.


you dog, you should kill yourself

No it's not, see pic. But of course, you already know that

Everyone here loves and respects america for their support of our state. Asking if we care about people dying for our country is a non starter.
The memes and truth,jpeg's you see here are fake quotes from irrelevant rabbi's at best, and anti israeli (and jewish) shilling campaigns and propoganda- which i see are working

Wow, that's pretty good, Schlomo.

It's just that a lot of western jews have a behavior problem. They really are money grubbing thieves half the time. There's a town in new york where they basically just took the fuck over, don't get jobs and leech welfare. Or that fucker trump pardoned, that happened in my state and it wasn't just fraud and illegal immigration, he had disabled people living at the plant and paid them less than minimum wage. It's not israeli jews, it's american jews. They're terrible.

Those are some nice platitudes Mr. Oyveyberg but how about you answer his question?
How would he be treated if he moved to Israel? Additionally I would like to know whether or not you would support a hypothetical white ethnostate.

I wonder why

They don't care because the vast majority of the people in the West either don't care, or are morons.

They're not going to, user.

see Oy Vey, dis was over dirty years ago, Goyim!

Military men are just dumb, stupid animals to be used as pawns in foreign policy.



Don't forget the Lavon Affair