Describe a nation's national character with one word, I'll start

Describe a nation's national character with one word, I'll start.

Russia: Stoic

Canada: cuck

Great Britain: cuck

USA: Narcissism

Sweden: cuck

Turkey: cockroach


Haiti: shithole

USA: Cuckmutt

Sounds right

I see what you did there Mr. President.

Hungary: redpilled

Poland: breadpilled

France: surrender

Fakeflag: cuck

good wan

Australia: upside-down

Serbia: Strong

Look who's talking

>swede calling other people cucks
Projecting much?


"The last act came on the far right of the Russian line where 10,000 troops were still unused and uncommitted. They were faced by the advancing Highland Brigade; a mere three battalions. Led by Sir Colin Campbell, the 93rd (Highland) Regiment, the 79th (Cameron Highlanders) Regiment and the 42nd (Royal Highland) Regiment were advancing in a dangerously thin line extended for almost 2,000 yards (2,000 m) although in the smoke and confusion of battle the Russians were unable to see that it was only two ranks deep. The highly disciplined Highland Brigade advanced firing, a task difficult to accomplish in those days. For the Russians it proved too much and they fell back. The Battle of the Alma was effectively over."

Take off the flag pajeet



Great Britain - postimperial conservatism
USA - narcissistic neoliberalism

Somalia: fiddle-dee-dee

>Getting this assblasted over a 4 letter word

USA: Jewish

Russian education at work.
He said one word ruskie

USA: Muttmad

What is the entirety of the 20th century they had to endure under communism?

Sell me a K6-3 helmet and I will be your dungeon slave.

UK: Anglo

Spain : Transcendent

New Zealand: Friendly.

Fuck off.

Canada: Smug

Bonus: bunged up


transcended what?
everywhere spain touched has become a shithole

New Zealand : Irrelevant Australian rogue state

Canada: Gay


Uk: gay cuck

South Africa: Zimbabwe

Chile: Rotary perfection



russia: slave

Madagascar: pandemic


New Zealand: Shitholed.

And I fully recognise that Spain is a shithole too, so you can't use that as your comeback

Russia: diseased

Poland: Pride

Australia: [spoiler]sick[/spoiler] cunt

USA: Jewish

Romania: dead

Latin America, Spain, Portugal, Italy and every other Latin country : Illustrious

you fucking idiot


Kill your self mutt

Philippines: dumb

USA: smokescreen

It's what I think downie

Australia: Romanian

Germany: raywilliamjohnson

Britain: Arrogant.

Can comfirm


>when you cant be a mutt if you are pure african

I want to do a tour of Moscow, do you recommend two nights or three and should I see st Petersburg as well or no?

Croatia: Stubborn

Redpilled a faszom! Have you been around Budapest anytime recently?

Poland: Mexico

See both, they're huge cultural and economical centers. In fact, only these two cities are somewhat nice, rest of Russia is a huge shithole generally not even worth visiting.

As for how long you should stay eh, frankly, it doesn't even matter, shouldn't be that expensive.

yeah thats about right
also cucks because we dont stand up to our government

You got it wrong.
America: emotional
In all the right and wrong ways.

>Poland: Pride
Pooland: gay pride worldwide

Bonus word: kikes

France- retarded hedonism

Russia : Mongolian outback of Europe

Russia: Drunk

Norway: non-confrontational

Not much hate even across vast political distance. And nothing ever changes.

America: burger

Russia: TIGERS

Scotland: England

Canada: disunity

Take a look at Western alienation and Quebec separatism. There is probably no no other country where the individual regions share such a little common interest with eachother and it's not really culture except in Quebecs case that causes this disunity between regions but economics and also the fact ontario and Quebec get the most representation therefore wr have a federal government that takes their economic interests alone into account at others expense.

America: Righteous indignation. cause yet to be picked.

America: beta

Israel: autistic

Thanks. I've found the packages online to be fairly expensive versus eastern or even Western Europe, not counting flights.
I'll have to keep looking. I want to bring some cheap Novaya Zarya colognes back with me too

Trips of truth. Or should it be
>Scotland: parochial

He said one word you fucking nigger. You used 4 so I can as well.

Spain: Mudshit Islamic Rape Babies

Germany: autistic

Merica: fuckyeah

Guam: Obese

Germany: worterfindungsexperten
Alternative: autism

Nah, Definately not.

New Zealand: Chadhugecockvaginablasters

Japan : Honor

Obese enough to make the island tip over and capsize?

I met some Germans the other day. They spent two hours talking about fucking Economics and Car Specs whilst everyone else was getting drunk and having a good time.

What the fuck is the matter with you guys?

America: Mutts

>Russia: Stoic
remember that one time when russia annected half of europe then almost lead the world to a nuclear holocaust? so fucking stoic