Socioeconomic factors have a much greater effect on IQ than race. Anybody who thinks it's the other way around is a brainlet.
Socioeconomic factors have a much greater effect on IQ than race...
Niggers are subhuman tier.
Unlike OP, I actually have a source to backup my claims.
Now please explain the research that YOU have done yourself. Please show me the sources you've cross examined that infograph with. Surely that cannot be the only study that has ever been done... Could you also please describe the sample groups in that study, where it was done at?
Weird that one race keeps creating the same socioeconomic situation for themselves no matter where they are on earth...
Almost like their race is why they live in a shithole in the
Race has a much greater effect on IQ than socioeconomic factors. Anybody who thinks it's the other way around has never lived near niggers.
>Socioeconomic factors have a much greater effect on IQ than race
So race has an effect?
Haiti is all the proof you need of nigger ineptitude. At one point under French rule it was outproducing all of the original 13 colonies COMBINED of what would become the U.S.
For 200 years nignogs have been left to their own devices without
>muh oppressive whitey
on a massively resource rich island and they are literally eating mud and depended on foreign gibs. Haiti is located in the West and yet is a perfectly representative slice of ooga-booga tier Africa. It's absolutely hilarious that so many people pretend this isn't true.
Nope. Your turn, wheres your proof, nigger?
>Anybody who thinks it's the other way around has never lived near niggers.
This is the thing of it. Shitlibs in places like Vermont or Maine may have met a nigger once, but that nigger would have been relatively isolated and in such circumstances tend to be quieter and less invasive when surrounded by all white people.
On the other hand, it is not possible to remain bluepilled on nogs when you live in an area where they have their numbers up. The loud, whooping, obnoxious, violent stereotypical behavior is so superfluous that white people cannot understand why anyone would pretend these people are our equals. It's simply a lack of exposure to nignoggery.
>hurrr i post infograph nevur don reserch myself but beleeve evrythng redpill on enternet cuz 1566 maga prays keck shadeley
An where is your proof for the original claim? You make fun of Sup Forumstards for using only infographs, but at least they provide some sources for their claim, unlike you
Do socioeconomic factors have a greater effect on IQ than race, or does race have a greater effect on socioeconomic factors than IQ?
It's not a meme exclusively found on one infograph. The Minnesota Transracial Adoption Study is a real thing you could look up for yourself if you weren't retarded.
I always wonder why the fuck obama tryed desegregate white household with the buses of blacks, and at the same time pumped degenerate african social culture all over the place. What is the logic behind this integration??
You have posted literally NOTHING to support your bullshit claims. Do so or fuck off.
Blacks in America live more comfortably than whites in Eastern Europe. Why are their IQs 20 and more points lower?
Why do poor whites who live in American ghettos still outperform the blacks despite living in the same exact environment and poverty line?
Why are rich black people and their kids still dumb as shit?
How come the more white admixture blacks have, the higher their IQ is?
How come you can't raise the IQ of a nigger with more money and better environment, better education, but simply mixing them with some whites consistently increases their IQ?
Hitler was a fucking genius ya know.
Why are black people pissed. based athletes and big dick. you rather be a 5'3 chink?
Were fucking genetically different and those differences should be celebrated. Heil Hitler
It's not meant to do good. Shitskins like Obongo have cognitive dissonance where they lie to themselves that everyone merging into a mud race like him is a good thing for equality, when the reality is that it will bring the whole world down to a lower common denominator. People like him choose to ignore this reality and weaponize their own people as a bioweapon to try and BLACK the whole world into mud.
The truly moral position to take if you're white would be to preserve whiteness by physically separating ourselves from the lesser races in order to progress our technological advancement to achieve future greatness.
That doesn't mean we have to exterminate nogs, but by physical separation and cutting off the gibs fire hoses to them their populations will decline naturally.
Also here's the thing about this ''muh poverty creates low IQ'' narrative.
How come it's only diverse countries that have this problem?
You look at black people and you see that their IQ is low, so it must be because they are poor. Ok.
Now you go to a white country and look at all the poor people. Are all poor people low IQ? If I go to a poor neighborhood right now, is every person there with an average IQ of 80?
Please respond
Wrong. Heritabilty of IQ is widely accepted as a noticed fact. Reality. Arguing otherwise is just pulling an idea you'd like and wish was so, out of your ass.
Different races have different iq's, which is also fact. It's as fact as skin tones. Therefore your social-economic claim is bull's shit. People are going to end up being poorer, because they're dumber. They're going to be dumber, because of their genes. They're going to have their genes, because of their race.
The cart does NOT pull the horse, it is the other fucking way around. Similarly, people of certain races are not going to end up typically succeeding as much as members of other races, thus ending up in certain socioeconomic status, because of their race and it's genetics, not because oopsie-miraclemagic x-group just *fart* are midhighlow class and oh look they're members of this or that race in question. Not how shit works. Wrong.
Everybody here knows the truth, including OP I'm sure as he's made it clear he's a slide shill. I just like these threads to hammer home to newfags how pleb tier it is to believe races are equal.
Where were the children in the study adopted from? How old were they when they were adopted? Did they receive any preschool education before they were adopted? Do any of you care about these things or do you just spam "muh infographs" and cry "shill" when somebody challenges the research you've done into a particular subject? I haven't done research myself but I was hoping you faggots could provide me with information from studies you've cross examined, but it's pretty clear that you morons just take shit posted on Sup Forums at face value and never do any serious inquiry into it yourself. I don't care if niggers are dumb, so be it, but you faggots wonder why nobody takes you seriously and this is it.
In Britain, a study was conducted to prove this exact point and it ended up backfiring when the researchers found that Asian students (Chinese/Japanese/Korean) performed much better academically no matter if they came from poor, middle class, or wealthy families. They performed better than students from wealthy families no matter their racial background.
Genetics and culture are what determines academic success, not your socioeconomic status.
The name of the study is literally in the title
OP is a faggot. Anybody who disagrees is an even bigger faggot than OP.
Yeah, OP is trolling, but I honestly want someone to explain this insanity to me. It makes no fucking sense to me why anyone would believe this shit.
How the fuck did people get brainwashed so badly to believe any of this?
Think about what you are saying
>The reason that rich people tend to be more intelligent than poor people is that being rich makes you smart
If the inverse of this statement didn't have implications that make people uncomfortable, it would be considered pants-on-head retarded
Link about study please for redpills
please source
Race raises the ceiling on potential IQ. everything else is just the floor
>when somebody challenges the research you've done into a particular subject?
You haven't challenged anything nor refuted any of their claims, aside from doing the equivalent of calling them "shills!" which is what you complain about. Post a sourced rebuttal of their claim or get out of here you pretentious git.
And I don't even like Sup Forums generally, but you take the fucking cake
Yep. People complain about slide threads a lot, but instead, provided it isn't just bait attempting to rustle fefes and a point can be made, what they need to do is just cast the arguments down into hell repeatedly, every single time, because a fresh crowd is lurking everything single hour of every day. This is how to redpill lurking normies.
Yeah but when did you, personally, go and turn over every last rock on the planet to make sure there wasn't a living human there, to iq test yourself while a team of peers reviewed your findings? If you haven't done that well, I just aren't going to be convinced. And by that I mean I really really don't want to be convinced because that fucks with my worldview I find very comfy. In fact it's pretty much just so that I don't want to accept anything that's true which makes me uncomfy, so what's the point arguing with me instead of point out my stupid level of stubbornness and denial, so everyone else sees what a jackass I am? There isn't. Therefore clearly I win the argument anyway, victory for me.
> And yet this is the basis for 90% of World Politics
WW3 when?
You're right. Niggers dindu nuffin. Their insane crime rate is a coincidence.
I didn't call anybody shills. I'm simply stating that your infographs hold no weight in a serious debate and I was hoping that you could prove that you've actually looked deeper into them, but apparently not.
>Just gibs them moe programs and theyll be educated, sophisticated niggas
If this were true then rich niggers, of which there are plenty, would have a higher IQ than poor niggers. They obviously don't, they're just better at basketball.
In the United States for the last ~50 years or so, Jews have been taking the top 1% of nigs and putting them in TV roles as much as they can get away with, and more and more as time goes on. The whole idea is to brainwash white people that don't live around nogs to believe that they're all like how they are on the TV shows and commercials. In this way, they can slowly encroach upon them to the point now where you have Netflix openly showing black on white cuckoldry propaganda. They've gone from portraying blacks and being simply human, to being superior.
The whole purpose is to try and get as many white women as possible to BLACK themselves with the ULTIMATE goal to reign over a ~85-90 IQ subservient mud race, too stupid to ever lead an ideological rebellion, too inhuman to ever feel the need for self-actualization beyond consumerism and the bread and circuses they are allowed to have.
>source "The College Board", no article/section, sample info, date, etc
>no source at all
>no source at all
this is not even a debate brainlet, get out
It's like you guys don't even want to be taken seriously. I remember when this board was intentionally satirical. Now you guys want to play "big boy politics" but you've become just a plain old joke.
Interesting video about the downfall of Haiti, with clips from a speech by William Pierce (fixed link):
>be richest island in the Caribbean, controlled by France
>French Revolution happens
>French libcucks let the niggers run free
>the niggers genocide all the white people, liberals included
>murdered whites in ways too gruesome to describe
>Haiti now belongs to niggers
>Haiti turns into a shithole
>US government makes 3 huge attempts to modernize Haiti
>Haiti is still a shithole
Really makes you think. Maybe niggers are naturally retarded.
That's pretty basic redpill stuff.
I am more interested in why people fail to comprehend specific arguments and fail to see trough blatant lies like poverty causing blacks to be less intelligent. Of course the average normie will not bother to think about it, but how can people like Peterson and all those ''skeptic'' cunts like Kraut not comprehend that the jewish arguments are pure nonsense?
At some point they have to know, so I can only assume that they're lying on purpose.
If you guys are the "saviors of the white race", the white race is doomed. Good luck, I'm out.
No one will spoon feed you the info. Look it up yourself. Its what I did when I heard and saw these studies and infographs posted. You have to take the red pill we can't give it to you
Listen, I've spent a lot of time on Sup Forums, I've looked into a lot of things and debunked a lot of things myself. The problem is people will feed you the sources that support the beliefs they want you to have. There is plenty of conflicting evidence out there but you guys are quick to dismiss it as "fake" thanks to your conspiracy theories. This only further blinds you to coming to a true conclusion because all of a sudden you've chosen to not even consider the opposition.
It was years ago and I'm trying to find the exact study I read (there's a lot of them on this topic), but while I'm looking, the study is referenced in this speech at around 28:45
We have to take women out of the equation since they'll go along with 90% of whatever the larger society tells them is what.
If we look at only white men that belive all races are equal when presented with facts, my belief is that there are too many cuckified nu-males that have had their soyim minds feminized to the point where they will actually put feelz over realz just like a woman.
On the other hand, I think there are a greater number of men that once they are exposed to the data, they will come over very quickly. I've always known about nogs because I went to a 40% black middle and high school, but yeah I used to think nothing was wrong with Jews and I even thought it was funny when they BTFO Palestinians. It only took me like 2 weeks for Sup Forums to turn me on them once I saw all the data, and what got me to even look at the data at all was finding out that a Jew produces the BLACKED porn. That was the thing that struck me as odd, I assumed it would have been a black guy himself directing it. But yeah it just took that one thing that I disliked to open the whole rabbit hole of information. But yeah like Jews, this stuff is suppressed information on blacks so in the U.S. for normies it comes down to whether or not you're exposed to niggers or not. Whites can be exposed to like one black kid at their school, who will typically be quieter and more reserved when surrounded by white people, but you can't live in the South as a white without being redpilled on nogs.
But yeah as far as online goes, I think basically 100% of our vehement opposition on this is coming from either,
>non-whites who have vested interest in not being classified as lesser thans
>and low T fags
I just don't think it's possible to be a white man that is not a soy goy and has seen the data to go against unless they're just a coward, I think that's the minority. I think for majority they haven't been exposed to either niggers themselves IRL or the data.