Why aren't there more dogs in anime? There are cats everywhere, but you almost never see dogs even though they are the best pet. Is this proof that the Japanese are inherently evil?
Anime Dogs
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I remember those two getting along pretty well together.
Dogs aren't really Japanese (besides shiba inu).
Eh? Aren't you looking?
Thinking of five anime dogs right now off the top of my head.
Why is it that 75% of the anime dogs I can remember came from FMA? Arakawa is clearly the most based eleven.
Neither is blonde hair and that's in every anime ever.
Which ones?
Because this youtube.com
The "le doge is man's best friend" meme is mostly an American thing. Majority of Japanese people live very busy lives in metropolitan areas, and being a responsible dog owner is a lot of work.
Because the only place they could put them is in their food.
JoJo has plenty of dogs
What is this? Is this the fucking old yeller of anime? Why would they make such a thing?
because cats are better
>an American thing
Germans and Brits love dogs even more than us, though.
>Which ones?
Alita's pet dog
One out of the entire cast of Wolf's rain
Because dogs are mediocre compared to cats. Surprisingly, the Japanese don't have shit taste in this case.
>The "le doge is man's best friend" meme is mostly an American thing.
That's obviously not true, though, retard. Domestic dogs used for protection have existed for thousands of years. Most common breeds of dogs today are descendants from generations of European ownership.
>Cowboy Bebop
>Fullmetal Alchemist
>Wolf's Rain
Clearly BONES is the most pro-dog anime studio.
Hello, subhuman.
Oshii has a thing for basset hounds. Who can really blame him?
Probably too big for their studio apartments.
Yeah, but Full Metal Alchemist takes place in a renaissance era fantasy Europe, doesn't it?
No, it's post-industrial revolution. Somewhere around the 1910s, I think.
There's plenty but they're not omnipresent like cats
That's cute. I have to watch this now.
It's dogs are not considered normal pets in Japan. They eat them.
All Mexican and most of Latinoamerican cultures regard the dog as a brother.
Aztecs believed the dog would follow them in the afterlife.
Mayans put Xolotl in the same spot as Kukulcan(Quetzalcoatl), Kukulcan cuts his scrotum to infuse the birth of mankind, Xolotl tears his face and molds it with the remaining bones to create the Dogs as eternal partners of his "brother" creations.
Ma'am take it even further and in their version of the deluge myth it is a bitch that joins a man to repopulate the world(After transforming into a woman to make tortillas) hence their appreciation for the dogs as companions.
Doggos where regarded as true companions of mankind even before Europe came in.
Is that...
When do you intend to finish your post?
at 2:12 AM EST
You motherfucker.
it's difficult to capture the allure of dogs in anime without making them seem like big awkward retards whereas cats' bodies are inherently small and passive looking so any drawn cat doing anything at all will demonstrate their allure.
>it's difficult to capture the allure of dogs in anime without making them seem like big awkward retards
Some dogs are massive fucking dorks, though.
>everything is a meme
I like when you know when somebody just needs to kill himself.
>fuck cats
That's what I'm talking about
That is the allure of dogs though. It's fucking cute. Everyone loves a retard.