Venezuela confirms death of Oscar Perez aka "Venezula Rambo"

Does Sup Forums remember the former cop that flew a helicopter to Venezuelan government buildings and dropped grenades?

Yeah, he's dead now

>Rogue Venezuelan helicopter pilot Oscar Perez has been killed in a police operation along with six other militants, spurring Opposition complaints of human rights violations.

>Mr Perez was a former police officer and action film star who portrayed himself as a James Bond-Rambo figure on social media.

His last video he made during shootout with Venezuelan forces:

Other urls found in this thread:

where is the raw footage, news reports aren't kino

All of his last videos are literally on his Instagram

Wish I could understood it

> be highly trained special operations
> have access to weapons and helicopters
> dont shoot maduro or anyone from the government

smells fishy

damn thanks for sharing

the before and after of the grenade going off is nuts

Oh and here's the fucked up thing about this

This CNN interview that Oscar Perez gave...was how the Venezuelan forces found him

Not smart on his part

Good, another American backed """Freedom Fighter""" dead/

at this point, what difference does it make?

Actually Oscar himself said was an 'information leak'. Apparently someone sold them out.

He was a great man, a man of principle and faith.
There were innocent people with them in the house. He surrendered and was trying to negotiate the safety of all. The Major leading the operation said that Maduro's orders were to keep him alive, so they were waiting for backups and the press.

Meanwhile he was talking to the soldiers about the conditions that everybody live in, that the fight they were given was also for they. That the goverment is just using them. At one point he mentions that Venezuela has been invaded by Cubans (in the miltary), Iranians (drugs and politics), Russians and Chinese (oil and gold).
Also he says to the soldiers that everybody knows that Maduro is Colombian.

He kept telling venezuelans to go out and fight for their freedom, their country, to be good citizens and not to lose hope because God is with them.

Also is worth noting that he was killed by a 'comuna' (one of many government sponsored groups that supposedly helps people and preach socialism, but actually are paramilitar groups), not by the military which was overruled. Diosdado Cabello gave the go ahead to the Comuna, so he passed over Maduro's head. That rocket was launched by a member of the comuna.

>pretend to be an action hero
>your last sets of videos are you literally begging for your life

why do this?

You forgot to say that nicolas father is a jew.


I don't know about that.

I just kind of translated what he said in his videos.

However, the VP (Tarek El Aissami), is Syrian and has ties to Hezbollah. Diosdado, he seems to be Catholic.

tfw when you feel the bern

>At one point he mentions that Venezuela has been invaded by Cubans (in the miltary), Iranians (drugs and politics), Russians and Chinese (oil and gold).

But no mention of jews or americans..? Gee i wonder who was bankrolling him


>Bombs parliament, opposition complains of human rights violations. Australian media feels the need to call this terrorist "Mr"
Fuck this, I am going to bed

>But no mention of jews or americans
That's when you know he is a false flag.

Australian parliament has recently become faggy.
and literally after passing the gay law.


welfare state

Yes, and national broadcaster (ABC) is a shadow of its former self. No joke.




Now that i did my daily anticommie memeposting i can go to sleep.
RIP Oscar , you are the hero that venezuela got , but not the one it deserved.
IT DESERVE HELL, they sacrificied freedom for gibs and now they are about to pay the price.

the place where he was assassinated was demolished just minutes later

not a coverup of any kind, Venezuela is clearly a functioning democracy with human rights and rights to due process


>"ahhhh fuck off oppressor!!!"
>randomly lob grenades out of a helicopter
>"aahhhhh they wont let me surrender help me world!"

pol btfo

>Wish I could understood it

He is complaining because they want to surrender and the police forces keep firing and told them that they wont take anyone alive.

what the fuck happened in Australia in recent years? Did you import SJWs? I know Indians and Chinks hate fags so it can't be them.

SJWs and brain dead hipster types are everywhere. My industry (IT) is full of them.
Modern culture and specifically the reporting of news reflects this.
Thechildren are taking over. The adults remaining behind are reverting to mental adolescence

I'm sorry if you have to deal with any of my brothers.

There's none in my office

lucky. At least you guys don't have diversity quotas. (for now)

damn, what a shithole

Our military does. There was some guy here yesterday complaining about that. And I guess some areas of work do too. There are plenty of recent african migrants I know of who are in nice safe and secure government jobs

i used to have a crush on this venezuelan girl. i wonder how she's doing today

Check chaturbate

she was no thot, simply too pure

Chaturbate changes all that

Yeah, no mention of Germans or Buddhists either. Something is definitely off here!

i only have her name and net handle so i wonder...

do you know who i am?

>do you know who i am?
Surprise me

>6 dollars



wtf is a "Grink"

that's me boy

From what I have researched or seen about this guy, he and his comrades haven't actually killed anyone that we know of. I remember seeing a video of them raiding a army barracks and shit. Had the fucks tied up and lecturing the commander, but that was it.

Worse thing was dropping grenades from a helicopter which was more like a stunt than an actual lets kill people.

This is what happens when you larp and aren't cold hearted killer. Do you think Castro and Che would have won Cuba by just doing small time bloodless attacks?

>african migrants I know of who are in nice safe and secure government jobs
every single time.

Mr. Jamal is going to take care of your economy now.

I wonder why the United States has no intention of attacking the Venezuelan government for "human rights violations".

Oh, yeah, because they don't share a border with Israel.

What makes this funny for me is Venezuela is like the sugar daddy to Cuba, Bolivia, and Ecuador, but it's Venezuela getting BTFO economically.

Venezuela supports Iran and Palestine.


They support Iran and Palestine with positive thoughts.


>going against the government.

He did his job, now CIA has extracted him.

This doesn't count as CIA failed revolution!
This is not fair! CIA is busy destabilizing Trump's government!
Next time when CIA has all of its assets free... you'll see how the democracy will flourishes in Venezuela (and 30% of population will die in a glorious revolution)

its getting harder and harder to overlook the shit happening in vnzla...true, they are idiots, but still, they are getting shit on.

the thing that's crazy is iranians will damn near blow their country up in a matter of days whereas venezuelans are ok with getting shit on for years at a time haha.

That's it venezuela is a lost case what a shithole country .....

>RIP to a man who stand by his ideology and actually fight against the commies

USA has lost it's teeth.

i dont think any true men live in VNZLA. just pussies looking for handouts from Maudro.

Enjoy the perma vacations bro, you did well.

agreed. he stood up and martyred himself. it pumps me up to see how stand up this dude was. and then i think about what will happen as a result of his death? will vnzla come to its senses and finally take the fight to maduro? highly unlikely. its a sad deal

How can we profit from and exploit the Venezuelans? They are obviously dumb cattle.

get on a plane, go over there, and then go around buying people's shit (trucks, cars, motos, etc) for say $100. then put all of said merch on a boat. bring them back to usa or better to brazil or argentina and sell them for $$$$$$.


you could probably buy a mansion for $1,000 us dollars ha!


>Burger education
>M-muh CIA
And that's why no one takes burgers seriously

On the same very page hes begging for his life, you can watch this
Police officers kidnapped, but look at this video
They literally say to this kidnapped officer, "fight for israel's god" lmao

You can go there and have sex with beautiful women for pennies. Buying stuff there is literally begging the military or criminials (same thing really) to steal it from you.
Outside of Venezuela? Most of the venezuelans in the U.S or Europe are rich and/or educated, so abusing those is kinda hard. The poor ones (who where the ones who voted for Chavez) have only very recently started leaving the country, but they mostly go to Colombia, Panama, Brazil and sometimes Peru and Argentina.
Realistically, not really a lot to profit from.

the sad thing is they are a stupid uneducated people. they dont understand simple things. ive given up on trying to have even basic conversations with them

galizanon as always you insist talking on subjects you clearly just briefed in the jew box. Ive expected more...

Because there's a huge social divide in Venezuela. The old rich and descendants of europeans who used to run things are pretty much the only ones who could pull off a revolution, in terms of resources and planning, but most of them left and utterly despise the lower class venezuelans for voting in Chavez and being useless in general. The lower class venezuelans hate the european descendants because of "muh marxism" and gibs, and voted in Chavez out of resentment and for gibs, literally nigger tier. So Venezuela is now populated mostly by monekys who are too stupid to do anything and are responsible for this situation in the first place, and capable people who just leave and don't do anything out of pure hatred for said monekeys. They're mot gonna risk themselves for the niggers who wanted them dead in the first place

Why does spanish language spund like such shit?
"Occcchchhhhchchhchcar Piriz"
Like stfu, you sound stupid af trying to sound all exotic.
Just repeat "friholee es tamale se yamo bugmen" over and over because thats all I hear when they talk.

what a cia nigger tier post

Kek you don´t know how true that is , look at cuba export impo and they import way more than they export , most of the imports are from venezuela in exchange of things like (((medical services))) , on reality they are leeching the country.

How do you know this?

vnzla nigger are so stupid they pray to chavel idols..these niggers fucking pray to chavez. that's how fucking stupid they are.

Calm down

Im not that dude but he is 100% right , the european descendants have already left the country search for "bolivarian diaspora"
The few euro descendants that are left are moving to argentina ,chile and europe.
Most of the people left are either native descendants , arabs and africans.

Hell even the palestinean refugees asked help to be sent back to gaza a year ago.
And last two years there were more homicides than in the syrian civil war.
Venezuela is going to make syria look like a nice place very soon.

I have cousins in Venezuela. My father's brothers went to live to Venezuela (and became filthy rich). These past 2 years my cousins and their families have come to live in Spain. They went to Madrid, while I'm from Asturias though. I've been following the situation for a long time, have been there and have family that has explained the situation to me.

Thanks. How did they get rich if you don't mind me asking, kinda interesting.

Reminder that he was expelled from the Masons, maybe he knew too much

What jews?What americans?
Venezuela has been attacking israel and cursing it for 20 years so don´t tell me the jews side with the commies.

And the us has been importing venezuelan oil non stop , fucking hell the venezuelan government even runs business in the us (citgo).

Venezuela is like it is because the cubans vampirized it.
Russia in order to shit on the us supported the commies non stop .
China used to be like russia but now they are realizing they made a mistake because the commies are so retarded they can´t keep the country up so they are going to loose an ally in the end.
And iran and hezzbollah have used venezuela for drug funding , that is well known and has been said for years.

Like it or not but the muh jews muh imperailist version of the propaganda wars is totally exposed in venezuela , and everyone shows their true side.
Iran was also exposed doing this shit while financing commies in spain with podemos.

I feel that you are implying that Venezuela isnt a great country.
Venezuela is great socialist country that have recieved nothing but praise in the press.

The last thing i heard many moons ago in my mainstream media was that there were some food shortages caused by declining oil price.
And since no more news have been reported i can safely assume that everything is great again.

>most of them left

Which is why leftists are fuckin retarded for thinking the rich would "pay their fair share". They'd just up and leave, they can actually afford to...

Making money in Venezuela during the 70s, 80s and 90s was piss fuckig easy. Richest country in Latin America, where anybody that wanted business with South America went to Venezuela. Most of the population (the niggers) had money from gibs and good jobs from multinational companies and venezuelan super rich companies, and spent it all. My uncles started working in whatever they could find, saved the money, bought a commercial building with other Spanish expats (mostly asturians) and from there pretty much built, bought and rented buildings among other things. Right now they live off property they bought in Miami during the 90s. Super fucking rich. Ths story is more or less the same for the European migrants that went to live to Venezuela and the "old" whites in Venezuela. Their children go to specific private schools, specific universities (or go study in the USA or Europe). Marry amongst themselves, and live very different lives from the rest of the Venezuelan population, who voted in Chavez out of resentment. That's why most venezuelans outside of their country fucking hate the ones who stayed and are right wing as fuck. If they're not (and not white), they're probably chavistas, who are hated and excluded by the other venezuelans. My cousins paid some people to beat up a chavista kid in Madrid like 2 monsths ago, for example.


Rare image

Totally has something to do, can you corroborate the fact that he was expelled from the masons?, thanks dad

Jokes aside , the fact that he was a mason it´s not weird , freemasons have been the founders of murican republics , and have been purgued by psychopatic leaders.
However it´s obviously why the freemasons denounced him , on a country were you earn 6 usd per month , you can´t even leave the country.
The last thing those dudes probably want is to be on the next purgue , but those two dudes on the picture should get the fuck out fast.


I just checked , yea he was expelled and denounced , the first site i entered was about masons pissed off that the venezuelan masons sided with the government.

I don't have the original source tho

His last video says:
>"They are killing me Venezuela, God is our shield, we are your sword, but the real sword is all the people united"

He left wife and 3 kids.



>palestinean refugees


lmao I guess wanting to get cucked is not only a swedish trait but also part of the human species itself.

Na just what kebabs do , if you use woman as cattle and recruit from prisoners to psychos you will have a high fertility.
The islamic wave is expanding to all sides , the difference is that leftist like getting fucked by islamist.


Nice lurking

Freemasons have always been a cancer in latin america (and europe), the only thing they benefit is the US and Israel