Get ready Sup Forums
Who of the two fully regrown Hydra's heads will come on top?
See for yourself SOON
Get ready Sup Forums
Who of the two fully regrown Hydra's heads will come on top?
See for yourself SOON
i love memes
First for show your fucking collection.
I hope you've been hoarding all this time. This is the perfect time to do so.
NyaaPantsu soon
Is it really going to come down to first to market?
quick rundown?
>Pantsu and cartel version
I don't get it
oh man, I do a similar thing because I part-time sub at a middle-school. I print off binders of scanlations and digital rips and stack the library with them for the kids to read because books are fucking expensive and small. If you've released a scanlation that's a good resolution, there's a chance I might've printed it and made some bootleg volumes of it.
>mfw they get excited when I bring in manga
checking in, ill be back when we hit limit for comfythread
This. What the fuck do you mean OP?
Nyaa Pantsu and Nyaarchive. Guessing the latter is the cartel, from the context.
Let's not abuse the monthly metathread, kinomod seems to be around and he'll get mad And fuck us up
I'm going to be uploading some miscellaneous shit from my folders that's no longer on Nyaa since it went down, iirc pantsu said something about the hashes being wankered or something.
>He doesn't know
(for completion's sake)
I plan on uploading a lot of stuff, is there a way to make torrents for hundreds of files that have JP names? MakeTorrent doesn't support unicode.
Is this the shitpost general?
Well I think it'll all be in our best interests if NyaaPantsu wins the first race.
He deleted the loli thread immediately after a backseat moderator posted too.
I guess it's just the same tryhard who's been trying to fit in after modcat got fired again.
NyaaPantsu is independent and free from cancer
Nyaa archive is from the cartel.
They also deleted the loli thread that wasn't doing anything wrong.
Wait, so the cartel cloned NyaaPantsu and made their own? That'd be hilarious.
I got warned for off-topic posting when I called someone a newfag.
I have a bunch of 80's/90's OVAs that were dead on nyaa for a while.
Nyaarchive hasn't been nearly as well publicized, and nobody likes memes anyway, so my money's on pantsu
Anons with the stella no mahou torrents
Please keep seeding for the night. I'll keep up the good fight with you all.
I actually like the cartel despite their blatant faggotry. As long as I get my fix of cartoons I'm all good.
Is this the beginning of the warring states era of anime torrenting?
MY money is on pantsu
The cartel makes your experience worse in every way. You just don't know the faggot shit they pull all the time
Thing is that they've been getting slower and slower each season.
I can't help but think people who think the cartel is butthurt are the one who have been extremely salty.
I will be uploading any manga or anime I work on to pantsu. Think you, Sup Forumsentleman.
It doesn't matter. We all win.
I, for one, won't abandon the great revolutionary pantsu state.
Reminder that the one to pull all the nip raws first wins because that's the thing that matters
herkz please FUCKING DIE
you can upload them in the pantsu backup if you make a user in the IRC channel. Or just dump them elsewhere if they're light enough
Cartel detected
I wonder who is behind that post
fucking kek
If Pantsu doesn't come out on top, I'll watch an episode of an anime god dammit.
Make a MEGA
>People thinking about using NyaaArchive and not NyaaPantsu
Finally I need
>Dragonball (Og, Z, super) Manga
>Big O
hype for nothing, it will fail. screencap this post
you idiots that continuously go to this website are fucking retarded
i almost would rather not know about the new nyaa than sift through the incoherent bullshit present in this cesspool of morons
The cartel and Reddit are not people.
>grant me the throne
This still makes me laugh.
[OZC]The Big O Complete Series [1080p]
I think it has seeders
Dibs on Yoshitaka.
>People using pantsu at all
For what purpose?
So, what's the real difference?
>Implying i care about mods drama
I'm actually finishing up a 960x720 re-encode of Urusei Yatsura that I'll upload to pantsu hopefully soon. The series looks like it'll sit at around 70 gigs
Nostalgia is fogging your memory user, it's always been like this, every slow or chill thread goes back to the old rational Sup Forums.
I still have no idea what this Cartel/Diaz shit is all about. Been hearing about it for years but never bothered to look into it
Just check (((your))) own twitter to see the butthurt.
NyaaPantsu is down most of the time. Nothing against your "team", but i'm on the side of whoever provides the better service.
You are deluding yourself if you think I'm Herkz.
All I know
is we need more sleevejob posting.
Pantsu was there for us in the dark times. Archive is the same ol' shit that was always fucking around behind the scenes last time.
Just a bunch of EOPs being retards.
Buying a ton of eroge and uploading it when it comes online to celebrate
Would you prefer new sub groups being able to pop up and make quality translations, or only allowing CR rips and memesubs?
How is this even a debate, Pantsu will win by a longshot. I think this is genuinely a new era, RIP the cartel and hopefully some oldies but goodies [fansub groups] come along for the ride as well.
That's because it was running on a Raspberry fucking Pi. It's already been moved to a new server and the site's been very stable since.
Nyaaarchive sounds lame
Nyaa Pantsu sounds neat.
>Sup Forums banding together and rallying for a cause
It's just like old times
I'm really excited about what the future has in store with Pantsu.
i am mixed about cartel some of them are good and some of them are herkz cancer tier
The only reason I like nyaapantsu more is because it's fun to say that pantsu is down.
It's literally running on a single raspberry pi right now. It's moving to a real server this week and will have public mod logs, multiple redundancies, the whole shebang that the cartel will never provide
>tfw Sup Forums turned out to be cool just like /k/
Nyaarchive will remain just so. An archive of the past. You want to read the shitfest gabdro comments? Go there. For everything else, you've got pantsu now
>3 a's
Nyaarchive would've been a better name. It rolls along nicely off of the tongue; Nya-rchive.
>two new sites
>both of them use Nyaa's name despite his owner being a piece of shit
Nopan is just for sluts
More like Sup Forums going full autism, remember the time we doxxed a mod?
>mfw moot isn't around to bitchslap Sup Forums once it gets out of hand
Which one will have seeder number? For old torrents, that is vital.
There are people in cahoots with the cartel that are not pure distilled faggotry. They just keep a low profile, some of them just want to get anime on the internet, but the ones you hear from are the neurotic self-absorbed ones because they spend more time defending themselves than getting shit done. I just want those dedicated few to know they are loved and I'm sure you'll be fine because you most likely have a healthy real-life and a work ethic that will keep you in the business of turning out animus for us needy pricks.
Sup Forums has always been like a cool aniki to Sup Forums
Wait, what. Those fags are making a nyaa of their own? How can the even compete with a FOSS version?
Can someone give quick rundown how pantsu is different?
Sup Forumsutism always wins
>Download from us and we'll let you in our discord
Gotta stick with that brand recognition.
pantsu is open source
This isn't even a hard choice, girls
Daiz or "El Calvo" as he is known in the cartel is a major player in the anime scene. If he doesn't like you then consider yourself dead. Countless individuals and organizations have tried to take him down, but he has survived every attack. His ultimate goal is to kill anime.
I know, I just ignore the noise but it seems some people just like drama too much.
Should I get drunk again tonight?
It's NyaaTorrents but completely open source and not under the cartel's thumb.
Daiz and Herkz will have no power or presence, and this makes them very angry.
Too soon, wait till shit settles down
More like Sup Forums has connection to most boards, we are as invasive as Sup Forumstards or Sup Forumsermin, we just raise the posting quality because anime is superior.