Give me your best arguments in favor of National Socialism. I am new here.
Give me your best arguments in favor of National Socialism. I am new here
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>I am new here.
lurk more
find yourself
NATSOC fags not welcome.
what you're living right now is libertarian civic nationalism
it's easily subverted by shitskins and communists
I have lurked for years.
Lurk moar
>for years
What a pity that pic was never a real thing.
you don't get to decide, sugartits
New poster. Not new lurker.
I see New Zealand likes to pretend they make the rules as usual.
Nobody wants to bring back a 1930's German party that was built around opposition to kike Lenin's movement and his chosen successor Trotsky's Red Army that was parked in the east.
We esoteric Hitlerites share the glory of National Socialism not to bring back the NSDAP, but to push the overton window, share some incredible speeches, and bring the anti-semitism and nationalism to the masses.
So tell me Sup Forums, what are your best arguments? I'm always here to learn.
Be more specific.
If you're not here to contribute to the best arguments for national socialism/nazism, then you can't help me bud.
Sure I can. You just need to be more specific.
If you were trying to make National Socialism look like a good thing, or even the best thing or way of existence, what would you tell that person?
Nobody on Sup Forums wants to bring back a 1930's German political party. Hitler himself wrote at least twice about the necessity of being fresh.
Hitler was right about the role of women and Jews in society. Do you want to start there? I'll let him speak in his own words.
A study on different political systems showed that ethnocentrism was the most efficient
Nice pic btw.
Then why do most definitions refer to National Socialism as the same as Nazism? Is NatSoc just the 1930's version of Nazism?
And sure, go ahead.
Hitler considered Germany to be 99.5% German and all pre-war laws were targeted at kikes and gypsies. Ethno-nationalism isn't relevant, it was for all intents and purpose an exclusionary civic nationalism.
Skip to 20 seconds in and watch the video:
Then respond with questions. It's more efficient than me sitting here and trying to write a manifesto (for which you'd still probably have questions anyway).
I'm familiar with the video and the concepts referred to, so I'll be able to respond if you want me to explain something he said or if you otherwise want to challenge a point he made.
Nazi was a slur used by the KPD and the Jewish press in the 1930's. Kikery kept it after the war. Some claim it was an old Yiddish slur for peasants but I don't believe there's conclusion proof for this claim.
On Americans
I've seen this one and I agree with it. I was looking for a little more substance, but this is a great video indeed. What's the name of the man speaking?
We Will Have Won
My Struggle
Women & Femininity
The Jewish Problem
Do Natsocs have a rebuttal to Strasser? Specifically his claim that capitalism and liberalism are linked and that Hitler can't have it both ways.
Strasser was a communist that wanted a Stalin tier culling of the military and land reform. He didn't make arguments. Show me one paper he published articulating his positions.
He was a true demagogue and would have turned the SA on the military if he had it his way.
What about the 'socialism' part. Free market is he only way. Did National Socialism mean something else a half-century ago? Do we ignore the fact that socialism sucks balls?
Otherwise, Hitler got a lot correct.
It is the only way
all the answers are here start with the playlists
Great stuff, everyone. I have a lot of reading/watching to do.
Argument 1) Muh white race
Argument 2) Muh white race
Argument 3) Da joos wound't let me into art school
National Socialism had a free market for consumer goods but the German Labour Front (party organization) lobbied heavily for their workers and the state would intervene to arbitrate any disputes that couldn't be solved internally. They nationalized all banking and virtually all insurance that wasn't relugated to churches or employee pools. They had a currency pegged to a basket of goods so the German worker would never lose his purchasing power ever again. The NSDAP taxed the 'worker' (farmer -> lawyer) far less than the most lolbert developed county, in the most lolbert state, in the most lolbert country. They required industry to match production to consumption and forbade social dumping (partly forced due to mass international Jewish boycotts) and this and the guaranteed sustenance government work turned out to be the solution to unemployment. The NSDAP solved unemployment for the first and only time in history.
A shoemaker in 1936 Germany, during the worldwide great depression, received more vacation time (and free vacations at state owned KDF oceanliners/vacation camps) than I get in 2017 as a boilermaker in one of the richest countries in the world.
>Strasser was a communist
Then why did he fight against the Bavarian Soviet Republic?
>Show me one paper he published articulating his positions.
red these two things all you need to know
Hitler wrote plenty about the Jews in Vienna, the Jews that led the commie revolution in Germany at the end of WWI, the Jews in the press, the Jews in theater, the Jews in America, and about the Jews that exterminated every intelligent Russian they could get their hands on. In my next post i'll share the paragraph from chapter fourteen of Mein Kampf that kikes use to claim Hitler wanted to genocide the slavs. He never called him subhuman, only inferior, and only after explaining how kikes ruled Poland from top to bottom and carried out dysgenic campaigns in Russia/Ukraine.
Good enough for me!
George Lincoln Rockwell
"By handing Russia to Bolshevism, it robbed the Russian nation of that intelligentsia which previously brought about and guaranteed its existence as a state. For the organization of a Russian state formation was not the result of the political abilities of the Slavs in Russia, but only a wonderful example of the state-forming efficacity of the German element in an inferior race. Numerous mighty empires on earth have been created in this way. Lower nations led by Germanic organizers and overlords have more than once grown to be mighty state formations and have endured as long as the racial nucleus of the creative state race maintained itself. For centuries Russia drew nourishment from this Germanic nucleus of its upper leading strata. Today it can be regarded as almost totally exterminated and extinguished. It has been replaced by the Jew. Impossible as it is for the Russian by himself to shake off the yoke of the Jew by his own resources, it is equally impossible for the Jew to maintain the mighty empire forever. He himself is no element of organization, but a ferment of decomposition."
Obviously it's harsh, but it's far less harsh than what was said by American presidents about fellow European ethnic groups.
Some 90% of the leaders were Jewish and it undermined the standing of Germany at the end of WWI. It wasn't a German movement. I should have said he was a Stalinist instead of communist.
ie. he wanted socialism in one nation tier garbage, a military purge, land reform, etc.
Everyone must read Mein Kampf. If you're a vidya NEET throw on an audiobook.
You're not serious are you?
It means something different than we typically think of "socialism" in the United States today.
As a side note, I would be much more willing to tolerate social programs and somewhat higher taxes if I lived in a nation that was comprised of people like me (of the same race) and a government I felt I could trust. I have no desire to pay taxes or support social programs when the federal government in the US is completely corrupt and social programs are just dished out to nigs and immigrants. It took me only until recently to realize this, by the libertarian inclinations and distrust of government that I developed is a product, at least in part, of living in those conditions in the US.
I bet if you really think it over critically, you'll find have the same realization yourself to some degree. For various biological/practical reasons, we just aren't inclined to want to share our wealth and earnings with those from the other tribes. This would be unheard of as an evolutionary matter. But to help those from our own tribe, who are genuinely in need of help? That's a different matter.
Nah. I grew up in a European country. Welfare to the max, user. "Come on in, Nigerians! Come take free money!"
Not that that's what NatSoc is about. But this is where I keep stalling.
Aside from his disagreement over capitalism Strasser's positions are pretty similar to say Oswald Mosley's.
Hitler isn't exactly know for having great authorship either.
It is bad. Stop it.
anti-usury economy
End the FED
Fuck the jewish gold libertarian scam too.
Wow that is some deep shit man - can you elaborate in your own words so that everyone can understand your gibberish?
>Wow that is some deep shit man - can you elaborate in your own words so that everyone can understand your gibberish?
If you can't look up central banking and usury for yourself then STFU and lurk more. Your Swiss Communist education is lacking in a basic understanding of monies, credit, and faith in printed paper.
>Hitler isn't exactly know for having great authorship either.
Best selling book besides the bible and harry potter.
But you're a commie faggot, not someone who really reads...
Well I for one do not want my country to be a vassel state for the international jew and no party is address this issue. I can not stand political theatre and I want to do away with parliament and party politics. National Socialism is the only way we can unite our fragmented nation but first we must drop the retarded white nationalist neo nazi image created to sully the good spirit and intentions of real Nation Socialism as the germans experineced during the time of Hitler.
Two things must happen before we can make our vision a reality we need hard times to fall befall us and to preach a message of community and national revival.
national socialism focuses the purpose of the government and economy on the welfare and power the people of the nation and not the greed of the individual. It takes the best of capitalism, including private property and maintenance of economic incentives. While taking the best of socialism by not allowing things like homelessness or economic exploitation.
National socialism is not about the worship of vague values like in modern day america, it is about worship of the people of the nation, your family, neighbors and countrymen and maintaining cohesive and strong communities with wholesome beneficial values that advance the race and the nation.
>I have lurked for years
>I still donĀ“t get it
Everything was self sufficient in Germany under national socialism. Now it relies on EU.
>he doesn't know what a newfag is
> i can't explain it
> instead i'm going to post some random pictures I saved during my edgy phase
I would like to add that national socialism is not about hatred of other races, rather it is about love of ones own race and people. Hitler respected the Japanese and other proud nations. National Socialist foreign policy would be the best allies to those who are good allies in turn. At the same time National Socialists will show no mercy to those who actively fight against the good of our people.
Sup Forums's argument in a nutshell
Saving the traditions of a country. The biggest reason is that its an effective cure for communism
>I have lurked for years.
No, you haven't. Lurk more.
The honest critique of national socialism is that it was an abuse of fascism by an idiotic imperialist, who in the end ruined most of Europe.
Fascism and similar authoritarian (or even totalitarian) forms of government are great tool to create a free and healthy country, but only if they are not bound to imperialism, which is just another (more violent) form of leftists multi-culturalism.
In the end Hitler didn't really care about the German nation, he wanted to form a multinational German empire.
Choose one user. By definition authoritarianism, regardless of specific form, requires the erosion of freedoms.
>Choose one user.
Freedom is "being able to do what you WANT".
An authoritarian state directly increases freedom by reducing what you want.
Just look at drugs, if the state forces you away from drugs you become more free.
>In this Anglo-French world there exists, as it were, democracy, which means the rule of the people by the people. Now one would think that the people must possess some means of giving expression to their thoughts or their wishes. Examining this problem more closely, we see that the people themselves have originally no convictions of their own. Their convictions are learned, of course, just as everywhere else. The decisive question is who enlightens the people, who educates them?
>In those countries, it is actually capital that rules; that is, nothing more than a clique of a few hundred men who possess untold wealth and, as a consequence of the peculiar structure of their national life, are more or less completely independent and free. They say: 'Here we have liberty.' By this they mean, above all, an uncontrolled economy, and by an uncontrolled economy, the freedom not only to acquire capital but to make absolutely free use of it. That means freedom from national control, which means control by the people both in the acquisition of capital and more importantly in how it is used. This is really what they mean when they speak of liberty.
>The capitalists begin by creating the press. They speak of the 'freedom of the press.' In reality, every one of the newspapers has a master, and in every case this master is the capitalist, the owner. This master, not the editor, is the one who directs the policy of the paper. If the editor tries to write something that doesn't suit the master, he is thrown out the next day. This press, which is the absolutely submissive and characterless slave of the owners, this press molds public opinion.
>Public opinion thus mobilized by them is, in its turn, split up into political parties. The difference between these parties is as small as it formerly was in Germany. You know them, the old parties. They were always one and the same.
>These parties, with this press, they control public opinion.
>implying italian fascism wasn't imperialist
Mussolini had pretty much same Problem and I didn't want to imply that they weren't Imperialist, they just were pretty bad Imperialists.