Was their anime that bad?

Was their anime that bad?

It was more of really run of the mill back then.

I don't know but if you need to ask probably yes.

Bad would be memorable in some way. It was less.

Average. This franchise deserved more.

>Disgaea D2 for PC never

It wasn't particularly good, but it was a fun watch. Was still Disgaea.

How good is Disgaea's story? I'm playing the first one right now, but I'll probably drop it unless it gets better. I've only beaten two major areas.

Wish they would port Z.H.P. that shit was glorious

It was just meh, average and forgettable. I even forgot it was a thing until now.

disgaea's story is pretty decent for a game. has some laughs and some feels. i wouldn't play it for just the story though, the gameplay was pretty fun too. if you're not having fun then there's no point i guess.

Flonne will never tie you and your demon vassal down and forcibly teach the both of you about LOVE~. Physically.

Xenosaga is still my most hated anime adaptation to date.

It's easy to emulate though.

Forgot pic.

Disgaea was shit too, of course. The thing that bugs me about turning games to anime is that they claim "the game story is too long to adapt" so they instead summarize it and do 70% original filler episodes.

Cute, funny, very relaxed, dont take itself seriously.
Then you get the normal ending and there is only FEELS

>Killing your comrades ever
No wonder the player should get a bad end that way.

>How good is Disgaea's story?

It's not as funny as they like to think it is. N1 relies to much on 4th wall and LOL VIDEO GAMES games and if that doesn't work make a joke about flat chests.

Im personally pissed over how Devil Survivor 2 ended up.

I can understand need to have it be hyper abridged, I can even deal with the cop out ending but they just missed the point of so many of the character it was just painful.

As an example Makoto Sako. You have a character whose whole arc is about her being conflicted between the logic of her group being forced to make hard choices and sacrifices for the greater good and her desire to help the people her leader would sacrifice. In the anime they give her some shitty romance angle because "lol that's the only way women can be loyal" other characters barely get any screen time and are killed off without ceremony.

It needed to be twice as long as it was for proper character development and its like the writers didn't even play the stupid game

Shota lead just doesn't work in anime.

>not killing your comrade and heroine so you can hear MC devour his siblings

it was pretty bad

I watched this about a decade ago and only remembered because of this thread.

thats because the games humor is stuck in 2007, to be fair though DD2 was a direct sequel to said game so at least that one passes in my book.

Am I the only one who thought D2 was kinda disappointing?
Of course I loved seeing Laharl, Etna and Flonne in leading roles again, but the actual game was quite a bit less fun than Disgaea 4 for me.

why is there no good video game animu

Same reason why there is little good video game movies: they mix very poorly.

It was alright. Could have been worse.

I'm about where op is right now, playing it for the first time and just made it to the prinny chapter where the reason Laharl hates loves gets infodumped all on you at once. I fucking wish the uppity bitch would put her money where her mouth is and femdom his brains out if she's so eager to teach him about love, the brat could afford to grow up a bit quicker.
So why would it work in a video game?