That you make songs about killing Jews? Why won't you just shut up and let jews do whatever they want. Why do you hate jews? Is it because they have higher IQ. Why don't you believe in holocaust? Don't you care about jewish suffering?
Why do you hate Jews so much
Other urls found in this thread:
Because you guys are pure evil.
I m not jewish, I m pro-humanity. All humans are equal, you nazis are just mad Jews are more successful than stupid whites
This is mens fashion week in paris
Tries to take OP seriously after listening to the vid'......HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA
No one believes in the hollowhoax or Jewish IQ memes anymore. Sorry Rabbi.
It's because you are anti-Semite who make pictures like this.
Hate is the immediate route of the Jew. I merely criticize and watch the sparks fly.
That doesn't mean all Jews are bad. Stop being antisemites you jealous white boys. What's next? Are you going to blame Jews for white woman getting blacked.
OP is a faggot
Oh, you're good.
kys op, sage, this bait is very haphazard, you've gotta try harder, faggot
>jewish suffering
you mean the suffering jews have caused to others? even if we literally kill every single kike on the planet, along with all the disgusting jewish memorabilia, that wouldn't be enough of a punishment
>all humans are equal
no jew thinks this, all jews are raised with the notion that everyone but jews are subhumans.
not really, hardly credible. lurk moar
Because, they keep asking me why I hate Jews so much.
I'm pro humanity too, that's why we have to genocide the anti-,human kikes.
Beautifully said.
i never understood this, jealous of what?
>Why won't you just shut up and let jews do whatever they want.
America treated you yids better than their own daughters and sons in many cases, yet you still turned on them. America proved that you will be satisfied until we're either exterminated or enslaved.
That's what you believe god promised the "chosen race" after all.
>Why do you hate jews?
You're the eternal enemy of mankind. The better question. Why does everyone hate the Jews? South Koreans are the most successful group in Canada and nobody has a problem with them. Iranians are the second more successful and nobody has a problem with them.
>Is it because they have higher IQ.
Israel destroyed the chosen race meme. Jewish nepotism, subversion, and corruption are off the charts.
>Why don't you believe in holocaust?
A few hundred thousand yids died during WWII and they deserved to be interned and removed from Europe. Your tribe may teach Americans the "stab in the back myth" but I know better.
>That doesn't mean all Jews are bad.
Nobody blames every Jew for the actions of the overwhelming majority but it's still an undeniable fact that most of the dire issues we face in our nations simply wouldn't exist if Jews weren't here. Jewish influence is overwhelming negative and they've overstayed their welcome, time for the chosen people to go to their chosen land. No exceptions.
>hate the jews
>support jew lover drumpf
pick one and only one
>Jewish influence is overwhelming negative
>Jewish influence is overwhelming negative
Trump has been great for the counter-semitic movement. Not on purpose, but that's irrelevant.
Sane people hate child molesters while the Jews worship them as Rabbis
this is now a question the kikes thread
>A few hundred thousand yids died during WWII
source for this number?
You tell me
why would anyone bother answering all these questions again, when they were answered and debunked years ago.
just look up "denying the holocaust debunk" and all your questions will be thoroughly blown to bits.
go and read something and learn and come back a better human being.
or read this
Here we go again.
Install this into your mind, a "jew" is not a nationality not a race, nor a religion.
Izraelites are not jews.
The scum that wants to control everything at any cost is a jew. To gain power at expense of anything. That is a jew. Sharpen your mind and realize ours and yours is a future bound by the evil of the jews. They are a lieing parasite, the name means nothing, you can call them demons or devils if you wish so. It's their actions that matter. Just look around yourself and tell me that this degeneracy is "natural" and not fabricated by someone.
Also please don't talk about something you know nothing. IE: holocaust and IQ.
holocaust by definition is "the burning of all jews", since we have jews alive right now the holocaust never happened, and never reqally attempted. What you really mean is a genocide.
Nobody buys the six billion anymore. A few hundred thousand inbreds died mostly from starvation, disease, or a bullet to the back of the head. Most of these deaths happened in the last few months of the war.
If Hitler wanted the rats dead there wouldn't be hundreds of thousands of survivors. Jew NKVD head Yagoda, kike Kaganovich, and kike-married Molotov managed to kill 6,000,000+ Slavs in the 1930's by cutting off main transportation networks and seizing enough grain to cause panics.
All you have are stories are nutcracker confessions. Jews deserved to be interned for your crimes against humanity. Even your Rabbis admit it.
I haven't seen that much pulpil since.. I don't even know when. Repeating "define x" and kike stories are not arguments.
well it is not that it is common knowledge now is it
I rate bait on the immediate subjective reaction it elicits. Eat my fucking cunt, user.
ok pick one of those questions and we can discuss it.
any one.
I have folders full of counter-arguments to Aaron the SWC shill and dozens of stories of holocausters, etc. I used to argue the holohoax now I just focus on what they've done to Europeans and why they deserve to be removed from the west.
I'm glad I made the pivot from getting suckered into arguing the six billion figure.
"If international-finance Jewry plunges Europe into a second world war, the result will not be the bolshevization of the world, but the elimination of the Jewish race in Europe"
One can be absolutely sure that if he won there would have been a complete eradication of the Jews and their influence in Europe. He had already sent 80,000 to Palestine before the war broke out, a war that was declared on Hitler by Jewry in 1933. Hitler wouldn't have tolerated any European country harbouring the Jew after the war was over. If the Jew was to bring war total war to Europe, the Jew would have no future in Europe.
This is still true. Jews have no future in Europe because of what they did in the 20th century.
>All you have are stories are nutcracker confessions.
so the thousands of documents that are in archives don't exist? the plans and purchase orders for Auschwitz, the accounts by the SS and lists of numebrs killed , the mountain of german paaperwork?
oh and the archaeology - the ruins on the ground, the thousands of mass graves found, the tonnes of ash and bone?
or how about the accounts of the French camps where the jews were forst taken and the travel orders for taking them to Auschwitz.
or any of the other masses of evidence - not merely stories, but confirmed testimony.
you have not done much research on this topic have you?
get fucked leaf. i think i hear Turdoxx open his zipper over your shit posting
stop posting hate jews hate niggers threads you sick fuck. saged
Nobody argues that kikes were interned and shitloads of people died in camps at the end of WWII. It wasn't anywhere near six billion and there was no wholesale gassing. Even the wildest claims Jews make against Germans don't come close to what Jews have done to Europeans in the 20th century.
It didn't even start in Russia or Germany. The Donmeh crypto-kikes in the Ottoman Empire that funded/facilitated/led the Young Turk movement deathmarched millions of European Christians.
You're a retard, user, a total retard.
>Support a group that is responsible for the deaths of millions of people from around the world
>Layers upon layers of propaganda to destroy the free thinking person or anyone who makes a connection
You can't support someone who wants your people dead that's called suicide.
weren't interned
.. and rightfully so. This American Jew lays out how Jews turned on Germany during WWI and the interwar years.
oh this tired meme again
and once again - yes some people lied. Some people exaggerated. some even did it for money (isn't that weird, how shocking, I have never heard of such a thing before - how could anyone ever tell an untrue story, or how could a story become distorted int he telling or the memory - doesn't everyone always tell the truth all the time and have a 100% recall?) fuck off with this nonsense
so what?
three get rich quick con artists versus all the documents of the riech, all Hitlers speeches, all Himmlers and his diaries, all Goebbels speeches and diaries, the testimony of hundreds of nazi guards and functionaries the testimony of Ukrainian, Lithuanian and Latvian ex servicemen who helped, the mass of archaeological evidence, the receipts for the ovens, the gas tight doors, the zyklon B made specially with the warning odor removed...
come back with something that shows it did not happen, not just silly stories about a few liars and fabulators.
Or do you want to argue that there were no planes on 9/11 because some people say that?
pick related inb4 spam posting of silly stories that no historian has ever taken seriously.
this graphis is used by deniers to suggest that these few stupid stories prove that all the documents about hundreds of thousands of people being transported to camps from which they never returned are also untrue.
>Believing in the Holohoax
sorry which of the 21 questions is this related to?
i said pick one, not make up some other bullshit.
and as for a war that was declared on hitler by international jewry -
and if you think that justifies genocide than I am sorry for you. You really need help. Or secure confinement as a danger to society.
ok so you are being silly now with the six BILLION figure, but how many was it?
how many millions?
and why do you choose whatever figure you say?
sources if possible.
After returning to America the head of American delegation to the World Conference of Jews in Amsterdam, Samuel Untermyer, made a broadcast on ABC where he called for a sacred war and the wholesale starvation of Germany through mass boycott. During this speech he claimed that the Jews being stuffed into concentration camps weren't communists and were being executed wholesale. Both were lies. On August 7th, 1933 in the NYT Untermeyer was reported as making a declaration of war on Germany.
Not even half a million.
being fooled by a few memes from deniers that have been debunked a million (or six million) times
really? If you can make people believe that facts are fake then you can get them to do anything/
who is trying to control you by denying the proven mass murder of millions?
what do they want you to do - perhaps it is to condone mass murder int he past and in the future.
isn't it strange how deniers often say they do not care if if didn't happen, but it should have happened?
Btw Aarons garbage ass meme doesn't make a counter-argument. I have counter-counter memes for your counter-memes.
I am half Jew. Come at me bro.
>being fooled by a few memes from deniers that have been debunked a million (or six million) times
Where? Post the scientific references from non-jewish sources.
Watch out or you'll get strapped to the masturbation machine
>All humans are equal
Look you can have whatever political opinions you like but this is just not true.
the fact that we all pretend to believe this is going to be laughed at so fucking hard by future societies
>Why don't u want to be our slave? U jealous?
>can't shut down
I see, so that means the world was at war, or there was a war happeneing for 6 years before the start of the WW2.
really? I never heard about the mass of jewish troops that invaded Germany with their super jew tanks adn in 1933.
but I did hear about kristallnacht.
I did hear about the ban on jews marrying, adn the ban on jews teaching, and the ban on jews practicing medicine, and the bans on jews from leaving the country without paying a huge ransom.
hmm, really makes you think - poor Hitler, so badly treated. I think we might even have to disagree with Trump here - perhaps Hitler was even more badly treated by the press than him.
I don't what makes me hate your tribe more, your larping as French, your reddit spacing, or your pilpul and non-arguments. Enjoy your last few years in the west. Justice is coming.
oh yeah and still have not picked one, still just making up new bullshit.
Because when you start learning about Jewish influence and its effects, it's hard to not hate them.
How much power do these Jews have when you can simply... not watch CNN or MSNBC ? ???? You Jew haters are so dumb.
Sweden Yes
source? why this figure?
I hate jews because they keep resurfacing the holocaust and inject the fact that jews were apparently the most "persecuted people" ever in human history into every faucet of education
>The WORLD holocaust first appears in the 18th century Oxford dictionary
I appreciate that image, but geez couldn't someone have spent 2 minutes proofreading it?
>perhaps Hitler was even more badly treated by the press
Joseph Goebbels - The Jewish Problem
This is why
No because I only made them to trigger Aaron. I don't bother arguing the six billion.
How many people watch and read from those putlets?
oh dear.
the first appearance of the word int eh OED is not the origin of the word - it has a history going back far longer than that, so it is silly to suggest it was invented then.
secondly, those stories if you read them do not usually say that 2,3,4,5,7 million have been killed. They say that the populations of those areas (which happened tobe millions of people) are under threat of death - there were pogroms in russia you know under the tsars as well as the soviets.
But you convieniently fade out the stories so you cannot see that they do not say millions have been killed.
hmmn I wonder why?
Why don't you goys do something about mr bond and other anti jewish artists? This song is so full I hate it makes me wanna commit suicide. How can you goys be so evil and heartless, I don't understand. Why why why why why why is this happening.
please be more specific - what do you want debunked and I shall provide a source.
although i suspect that you will claim all sources are tainted and say that it is all fake or forged or lies, so I am not sure why I should bother...
We are biological beings first and foremost, and that's the first level their social engineering hits. So sharpen your mind (unless you're shilling then please neck yourself).
oh I see - you are now resorting to personal attacks since you cannot debate even a single point.
and it wasn't called "reddit spacing2 when I learned to type - it was called clear presentation. And it wasn't called "reddit spacing" when I used to post on /new/
try harder newfag.
I never would've thought that pic related was even the slightest bit true, but I have to say, some of the anons have really put my mental faculties to the test, and I think my argumentative skills have been put to the fire. When do we do this thing?
I already explained this. I made it to fuck with Aaron and get him riled up. I don't bother arguing the six billion. It's irrelevant because Hitler had every right to intern and remove Jews from Europe.
That's the case I make because we need to remove you from the west if we are going to survive. I spent many threads arguing with Aaron and I eventually came to the realization that the holocaust is a giant diversion and suppression tactic.
Why did Hitler hate Jews? Rabbi Yosef Tzvi ben Porat will explain to you
they're not breeding for looks
and yet on this thread someone as a jew hater gives a list of all the times jews have been persecuted, and mentally flips this to say that they must therefore deserve it...
wow the gymnastics are fantastic.
Got anymore of these, user?
ah so you agree that about 5.1 to 6.3 million jews were systematically targeted adn killed by the nazis - you are one of those non deniers who thinks it was not enough?
good. Now at least we know you are scum.
It wasn't even half a million. Kike NKVD head Yagoda, kike Kaganovich, and kike-married Molotov famined at least 6,000,000 in the 1930's. That's why you invented and wildly inflated your holohoax story. It's why Europe had to bring in holohoax laws in the 1990's after the Soviet Union collapsed and Germans/Russians/Poles were putting kikes on suicide watch.
It wasn't for shekels. I assure you there will be a very thorough investigation of the hoax once my generation gets the 1990's laws lifted. I only speak French/English and i'm an entire world away. I'd rather focus on your crimes past and present and why you deserved to be interned. Why you deserve to be interned.
Well, perhaps a few studies with the numbers of jews killed (intentionally) by gemans. The methodology, statistical analysis of the data etc.
If anyone brings up le Jewish master race 250IQ just consider the odds.
>One Jew.. 1:50
>Two Jews in row.. 1:2500
>Three Jews in a row.. 1:125,000
>Four Jews in a row.. 1:6,250,000
>Five Jews in a row.. 1:312,500,000
>Six Jews in a row.. 1:15,625,000,000
>Seven Jews in a row.. 1:781,250,000,000
.. and look at Israel.