STEP UP YOU FUCKERS! Hissssssssssssssssss

How can we save America if Euromutts won't move here?


Europeans will do exactly what they do best in times of conflict. Absolutely nothing until it reaches a boiling point and a bunch of people magically disappear.

We are Europeans you massive jew/hoosexual/mexican.

We have synthesized the common law of Anglos into a constitution.

We have served the darkwill of Cromwell's masters for 400 years. Eyes as black as night. Teeth filed into fangs. Soulless. The personal guard of Schlomo himself. The Anglo warrior elite. The deadliest fighting force in the hemisphere.

The Amerimutt.

All we ask is your whiteness!


>How can we save America if Euromutts won't move here?
Mass produce more white people with pic related

What good is this? What good is saving white America if we are not European? Not his European or that European, but all of them!


Nice try spaghetti gangster, send my regards to the ravioli family.

just use genetics
create your perfect human being or something

what happened, ameritard?
do you forget how to make babies?

I'm sorry but Europeans are rejected by the US immigration. Third world savages are preferred by a large margin.

Hissssssssssssss! Your slavicsshhh people's populationshhhh has had zero net growth sinshhhhhhhh the 90s. Only Assssshhhhhhhiatics and moosssssshhhhhlims reproduce in your lands. Leave them. Comesss to us! Hissssssss! And give us your whitenesssshhhh

Do you really really want Iberian blood? You'll just get mestizo looking mexicans which won't be a whole lot different to what you got now.

I'm moving to the US by the end of this year. You'll need to change the meme to 57% after a decade

I unironcally hope you will too. Be absolutely brutish about it, too. Whatever you gotta do to stay here. The true Anglos love slavs. The pretenders don't and love muslims.

True Anglossshhhh are like slavsssss. We all use an anonymoussshhhhh web server hosted in America, but only one of ussssssss would be arressssted for anything lesssss than postingsssssshhhh anonymously on it. Hissssssssssss!

No. We won't dilute our ancient blood with you sjw faggots.

Ahora soy una criatura de la noche.

>It's another Austria and Serbia shits all over saving the white race episode.

Do you faggots ever go to bed? It's fucking gay when you start to recognize people on this board.

Romania is not latin. You will forever be an ottoman slavic country ruled by Turks. But you're white. Codreaneau was Iberian tho.

Heil Hitler, friend.

t. 100% Austrian bull from the alps

they didn't even give me holiday visa, not to mention residential one

>Codreanu was Iberian
fucking kek



Ur triggering technique is weak goat fucker

I just finished my master in chemistry and depending on the next two years I will be gone from this shithole. America is and option but I think I rather would go to the east. Don't want to see that many niggers.


Come to Orono Maine.

stfu slav. I've literally got sorry moorish blood in me so fuck off faggot. You probably have ottoman blood.
Corneliu Codreanu was born in Huşi to Elizabeth (née Brunner) and Ion Zelea Codreanu son of Neculai born Zelinski.[1] His father, a teacher, would later become a political figure within his son's movement. A native of Bukovina in SPAIN FAGGOT, Ion had originally been known as Zelinski; his wife, Eliza Brauner, was of partial IBERIAN ANCESTRY FAGGOT.

Thanks Iberian Bro. I think he said today I am a creature of the night? I can't even speak Spanish and it fucking terrifies me that I can understand it. Hissssssssssssssss!


>A native of Bukovina in SPAIN FAGGOT
Uita te la el coisan cat de departe a ajuns in viata.
O plecat din pseudo curul moldovei aka Bucovina si acuma o uitat cine ii dadea mamaliga cu lapte.
Esti tragic si amuzant , tu esti ala cu clima bizonica?

Just send the ladies. Thanks.

>Orono Maine
only 1.2% Niggers + a climate I like ... yeah that would be a possibility

It's ok my little mutt, we'll send our little sudaca babies to America to mix with you guys so you can become white. Everything will be fine, in time

Your romanian is terrible and try to prove to me that I'm wrong. Prove to me that what I said was wrong.

What is a sudaca and how white are they?
Iberian, portugeuse, north african, turkishhhhhhh?

Givessssss them to ussss. Hissssss!

Esti tufa de Venetia colegu!
Your Iq is the same as a venetian bush

South Americans, out south americans have a diaspora of different european bloods, we're sending them to your country right now as we speak. I hope you take our gift with gratitude.

They're as white as they meet the eye, we can also send you a few of our very white gypsies to America if you like.

You proved nothing.

>white gyppos

indigenous in south america, less than mestizo

I'm implying that we have some romanians in Spain that we'd happily send to America

My nigger I am in the South West and the only actual Spaniards of colonial decent are generals of armies/dictators/white. Spics who come here are at the very most quadroons, the least, mulatto indians. t

>My nigger
Tu no eres blanco. And they still have some european in them, good enough for a mutt like you right? Plus they're native.

*At most quadroons, at the least mullatos, and increasingly more common, full blooded sullen-faced nigger tier 5'1 IQ60 Mayan blood*.

If you ever saw a pure blooded indian from Mexico you would quickly appreciate how 100 Spaniards could easily genocide 100 million of them effortlessly.

desu a lot of the deaths were accidental. I don't think our intentions were to kill them all, just to conquer them/

Make it easy for euroniggers to come here then. Also Trump is right, we need to stop flow from shithole countries and invite whites in

Also we get a lot of south americans here, I really don't have a huge problem with them, they're not as bad here I guess.

Mas blanco que tu muhammed (I knew all the words but had to google it since you don't use the same sentence, would have said "Que mas blanco tu". How did you learn english? Is it what I am experiencing but 10000x nihilism?

I would move in a heartbeat but your immigration system doesn't allow whites in freely

Breed me?

Kys Drumpfling. Why should anyone move to a 3. world shithole like the US? Plus, the purge is comming.

why would i move to mexico


easy there burger your country is brown enough already

Of all people, why shouldn't you with your reverse-jewish patrimonial swiss inheritance you fucking mountain jew.

Give white wimmens.

gib permanent VISA

I dont want to abandom my county and culture

Post bob vagen

so moorish

Put your money where your mouth is. I'll come defend your farm as a mercenary for room and board and your daughter has to cuddle with me to keep the bed warm. I won't touch her goodies, this is about comfort, not sexual deviancy. Sound like a deal?

>Black neighbourhoods: I'll get shot. My wife will get harassed.
>white US neighbourhoods: My kid will get shot in school. My wife will get harassed by meth heads.

Where should I move burger?

Seems you are butthurt. Go back to Sosach with your Russian proxy. Fucking turbobydlo hohol.

>When a literal nigger offers his service for your daughter under your own flag!?



News organisation from NL proposed a similar libertarian island.

I've never set foot in your shit hole for 80 years and four generations and I'm as legally swiss as you.

KYS mountain jew.

>Legally Swiss
>Not moved to Switzerland.

tf is wrong with you?

who the fuck wants to live life with tons of mountain nigger jews? Rather live with snowniggers


You should move over here. America is over.

Beats the hell out of flevoland lol.

I thought that was in Austria

actually if we all move to flevoland we could easily make it a libertarian island

kek, stay jealous moor.

mountain jews > snowniggers > spics

Literally the only reason why I still live in Russia. And I'm too poor, sure.

Wait. How a swiss knows about russian board? Please don't tell me you managed escape this country to live in Switzerland.

Because pic related.

We have better freedoms because we don't elect our executive from the legislature. It's like a super buff monarch with actual sovereign powers that we replace every 4-8 years, so almost nothing significant can be accomplished and failure isn't an excuse to declare elections for a new government. We're a bunch of kiked fags but compared to Euroshits our constitution may as well be the Sistine chapel to the toilet paper you call yours.

Post panzerkampfwagen tiger II bby

Certainly could, But would take quit some effort to delete every single shitskin from it though. (Almere)

>pic related*
Suck it fags. Especially bongs. Don't doubt the coincidence. Brexit is a failure, the eternal Anglo, in his impotent pathetic rage, turns fully against idol peer.
Whats the difference between a bong and American?
Necessity of access and anonymity to American web servers and jail.

we could use more uranium after obama and clinton sold all of ours.

>daily reminder that if you claim that meds are white you are indirectly saying that jews, arabs, turks are white.
Meds are not white.

I'm giving this seed to an Indian girl

Having whites immigrate to the US wouldn't solve anything. It'd just be shuffling around the demographics. The net number of white people would still be declining. Every white you take away from europe, for example, just makes those countries accelerate in their decline.

The only exception is I'd be okay with taking Afrikaners from South Africa. I know they've been there for like 400 years and it's their clay and they're proud of it, but they're all going to fucking die at the hands of niggers and I'd be okay with evacuating them to 'merica if they wanted.