What's our stance on this man, Sup Forums?

What's our stance on this man, Sup Forums?

On one hand, he's the latest target of the #MeTop thought police, and is apparently a rapist because a groupie got naked and blew him in his apartment and then retroactively withdrew consent the next morning. On the other, he's brown-skinned and has a funny-sounding name.

On the other hand, maybe we can kill two birds with one stone here. Other feminists are starting to turn on #MeToo, accusing them of infantilizing women and risking discrediting the movement. Imagine if we took this to its logical conclusion and false-flagged as SJWs accusing him of "retroactive rape," which is totally a real thing that needs to be taken seriously you guys.

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I saw Aziz Ansari at a bodega in SoHo yesterday. I told him how cool it was to meet him in person, but I didn't want to be a douche and bother him and ask him for photos or anything.

He said, "Oh, like you're doing now?"

I was taken aback, and all I could say was "Huh?" but he kept cutting me off and going "huh? huh? huh?" and snipping his fingers like a crab in front of my face. I walked away and continued with my shopping, and I heard him still snipping as I walked off. When I came to pay for my stuff up front I saw him trying to walk out the doors with like fifteen king crab legs in his hands without paying.

The girl at the counter was very nice about it and professional, and was like "Sir, you need to pay for those first." At first he kept pretending to be tired and not hear her, but eventually turned back around and brought them to the counter.

When she took one of the crab legs and started scanning it multiple times, he stopped her and told her to scan them each individually "to prevent any snibbidy:DDD," and then turned around and pinced at me. I don't even think that's a word. After she scanned each crab leg and put them in a bag and started to say the price, he kept interrupting her by yawning really loudly.

With poos, you lose

Simple rule: If someone doesn't want sex, don't have sex with them.

He didn't follow the rule, and now he's finished. Too bad.

Aziz hitched his wagon with crazed leftists, the right defended Roy Moore. Aziz is on his own

She willingly blew him before he fucked her, its complicated

Maybe he didnt pay for the fuk, more like theft than rape then

It's not at all complicated. If she's not into it, you need to stop. End of.

Fuck him. Chickens are coming home to roost.

If she didn't want sex, why did she stick around?

He was never funny and is only appealing to essay Ws and shit skins.

Oh and sage in all fields you sliding faggot

It's not on women to physically escape you. You should only have sex with women who want sex. Simple.

He's a whiny femicunt who bashed men all the time.

Zero fucks given.

Feminists don't care about infantilizing women, they only care about Aziz because he's a precious brown person. Wouldn't want to accuse a minority of something wrong. Everyone knows its only whites that can be accused of this shit.

treat yo self

to some tang de la poon

Maybe her leading him on should be a crime too ? We can play this game. She was down for the dick, and she got it, then changed her mind and retroactively fucks him over. Roastie death penalty, well done please !

This, commies eating their own. Excellent.

>It's not on women to physically escape you.
It's on women if they willingly stick around in a sexually charged context.

Fuck that stupid cunt, and fuck him too !

cause she thought she wanted indian, but after the tumeric crab claws decided what she really wanted was KFC

Aside, why bother defending another awkward fucking shitstain who idolizes whyte wimmin but settles for the dregs.

The women is a moron and expected him to be a mind reader.

With this move the #metoo thing has officially gone overboard into stupidity.

From a political view its good for conservatives but I am not a radical lefty so this doesn't replace what is actually true, that the women is a piece of shit.

>she was down for the dick
sorry but no. She gave no indication of this. If the woman does not consent, it is rape.

Being proximate is not the same thing as consent. You shouldn't have sex with someone because they did not literally run away from you.

My stance is he's your typical fucking poo, except he can use the loo.


Only correct response to this.


>Being proximate is not the same thing as consent.
No, but you're not helping your case if you willingly stick around in a sexually charged context. You have no business being there so you should fuck off like a logical and responsible adult.

Aside from taking his dick in her mouth, then yes, sounds like he didnt pay enough for it

he's a liberal cuck anti-trump faggot with no game and a micro penis.

What a cool guy. Glad he's clawing this well.

She was at his house dipshit.

cool. It's still rape though, and you're still defending it.

>What's our stance

is a pajeet strreet shitter low tier DNA piece of garbage.

we do not approve.

Yeah, and someone being at your house doesn't give you the right to rape them.

She sucked him off and he stopped when she said no later, what's your hang up?

Good day

>stops when she says no
I knew you guys changed to a guilty until proven innocent rule in rape, but that's not the case here.

Whatever you say, kid. Too bad for you most people disagree and your shit twitter movement is imploding. I wish it was rape just to make it even more delicious. Leftards had it coming.

he's terrible, and his accusers are terrible, all of the "commentary" on it is terrible

I remember a few years ago I was at a friend's house and they started watching one of his specials on netflix, and I couldn't stand his tone, but at the same time I couldn't articulate why

What's sad is the girl was into him. Why else go on a date with him?

He fucked up by not asking what wine she wanted, he just orders white when she wanted red. He cuts dinner short the wine is still in the glass and the bottle still full. It's obvious he just wants to smash and dash on her. He was treating this more like a tinder hookup than just a normal date.

She could have just say no I'm going home, but would Aziz called back for a second date? I doubt it. This whole smash and dash is the problem.

Actually more people are agreeing every day. The social justice movement has been increasing rapidly in strength and number.

I've always hated this faggot, and I still do, I hate his face, his voice, everything.

As usual when you try Indian, you regret it soon after.

>Actually more people are agreeing every day
In your country maybe, here its literally just a
college faggot thing.

>getting naked and blowing him
>not into it
I hate leftist comedians as much as the next Sup Forumsack, but that's bullshit.

I love how much you underestimate us. Keep doing that. :)

>Keep doing that
Oh I will. Because, unlike you, Ive read history,
and silly identity movements like yours never last, and never have. People get tired of it and it just becomes cringe. Like it already has. Have fun
being a living meme.

This. SJW poo maybe sort of rapes a dumb slut. Who gives a fuck? Catapult them both into the ocean.

He "motioned toward her to go down on him". The girl literally blew him without him saying a word

Nobody is arguing he isn't an SJW poo who had this coming. What we ARE arguing is that some bitch getting naked, blowing him, and then the next day 'withdrawing consent' after the fact and retroactively calling it rape is total bullshit, and that this is a really bad precedent to be setting.

That, and even mainstream feminists are starting to turn on each other over this. #MeToo has finally jumped the shark. We should be taking advantage of this.

Actually. We have always succeeded. Always. The civil rights movement, the women's rights movement, the gay rights movement :)

All of our aims are either getting closer to being achieved, or already have been.

And once it happens, your way of life is gone, and never comes back.

I'll shill molymeme analaysis once more, cause I more or less agree with him
Aziz is a typical power tripping beta creep. And the girl had no good father figure to tell her what's moral or immoral and to give her ability to tell some people to fuck off.

That's why we have words and language that express intent

even that's arguable. I'm sure he noticed she was hesitant

Good thing no rape occurred then.

He is more Aryan than every 56% here including the polish subhuman stormfront ans Dugins hohols.

This needs to be memed in with the claw

But it did. Sex without consent is rape.

They didn't have sex. They had mutal oral sex and when she said no to Intercourse he backed off and watched tv.

Then why would he have backed off when she finally said no to a pounding? Girls don't let you strip them down and suck you off if they're not into it.

I'm pretty sure at least one work was liiiiterahly uttered. My money is on 'O'.

See, what's funny is that let's say you're not a LARP and that you actually believe this. Your world is literally impossible.

Women's Rights and Gay Rights going to be such a funny joke in 2050 when Islam takes over. If the Islam world doesn't have to pander to the American Petrodollar but rules the west, women will be back to a state of slavery and gay people will be killed. Rape won't be a crime, it will be a pastime.

You literally can't win because your worldview is insane and does not reflect reality.

I don't feel sorry for him he's a fucking cuck.


>Any feminists here, clap?

Serves the Punjab right for acting like such a fag.

>The civil rights movement, the women's rights movement, the gay rights movement :)
Your talking about things that have only happened by and large in America and recently the UK. The rest of the world? Not so much. You tried the same thing in Russia a little less than a century ago and got manhandled. You tried it in China and got murdered. To a lesser extent you tried it in Japan and it went nowhere. Im sorry but that is not the definition of success. People here are sick of your shit and your "movement" is back tracking because people see you for the Marxists you are. It's getting rolled back faggot.

What is your source that he had sex with her? The only account I read was her stretching her mouth around his dick after he pointed at it

>left forces the meme where "awkward" sex can be spun as "raep"
>inpet pooshit permavirgin who probably had sex 3 times in his life gets busted
>streetshitters worldwide try to defend him
ayyyyyyyyyyyyy lmao

She blew him. Willingly. When he wanted to go further, she said no, and he called an Uber for her.

If she didn't want to go down on him, she should have said so. You don't get to retroactively withdraw consent after the fact and call it rape.

yes that is EXACTLY what "you" can do, as a leftist
stop muddying the water, shitskin

>you're a shitskin if you think this is bullshit
Uhh... what?

He's a fucking muslim and I don't really sympathise with him. Not to mention he is(was ?) A feminist and thus, all that happens to him is because he deserves it. While I don't hate him per se, and he is clearly set up by genderniggers, I hope he gets JUSTed . Then he'd probably see the error of his ways and redpill some soyboy just like him.

there's no way you're white if you don't see how there's literally nothing wrong with this situation
go dig for your IQ

>nothing wrong with false rape accusations
Is this Austrian humor?

He legitimately didn do nuffin but because he's one of those liberal hollywood cunts he deserves to be devoured by the false accusation culture beast he helped create and foster.
The only reason he has any support from parts of the media/industry is because he's a shitskin.

>there's nothing wrong with the idea of retroactive rape
Oh, I get it now. You're an SJW. Learn to speak English, Ahmed, you're severely lacking.

The ONLY reason the left is throwing this guy a bone is because he's brown. Rape = penetration + privilege, minorities cannot rape white women in the eyes of the left.

>Unironic leftist, feminist, cuck, pooinloo gets accused of retroactive rape
Kek. The only thing needed is to laugh at him burning on the pyre he helped build

What source said they had intercourse? He pointed at his poo peen and she gobbled it up without a word. If anything he could say she assaulted him, he didn't verbally ask her to suck

Normally, I'd agree with you. But considering this is the EXACT same shit that brought down Roy Moore and they're also trying to do to Trump (and mark my words, WILL be attempted in the upcoming elections in 2018), we really can't afford to let this one slide, even if Aziz really does deserve it.

Thankfully, even other feminists are waking up to how ridiculous the idea of 'retroactive rape' is. Granted, probably has something to do with why, but fuck it, if this is a chance to start pushing back against this kind of shit, let's take it.

Molly and guest Owen Benjamin spend an hour ripping him a new asshole in the latest vid.
One of Molly's better guest vids. They speculate about the woman's mind as well, and maybe go a little soft on her obvious monkey-branching behavior (she took Aziz's number while on a date with another guy, she's a total operator), but Owen knows Aziz from the comedy scene and by all accounts he's a total slime.

>championing le "rape accusation craze" after a literal soyjeet gets caught
>not after [n]million wypipo have been dealing with this shit for more than a decade
ranshit pls
I still don't know what's funnier. A gozillionaire who's a unironically "clawing" golddiggers, or people like you

I would like to know the dollar amount his accuser had already picked out for her lawyer to ask for ......

Friend of Ansari here. AMA.

Does he poo in loo? Do you?

Is it true he's such a pussy he won't speak to people over 5'8?

>t-thankful peepl are w-waking up now
>t.citizen of the world non-white who finally got around to watching some PUA vids and learning all the non-white damage controls and is READY to claw

I'm sorry, where are you getting that I wasn't against false rape accusations long before current year + 3? You think I give a hoot about the street shitter out the whore? Nope, I'm sick of sex being demonized to the point that relationships will be nonexistent.

> implying it will last after the next world war

Found the aziz wanna be

because "no" is clear, her looking hesitant isn't so he pushed on.

How is trying to drink a man's cum not enthusiastic consent?

Trump and Moore are white. The logic by which the left sees the accusations against Aziz as over-the-top will not apply to Trump or Moore. You don't understand how these people think. When they hear about something like this, first they decide which party they support based on external factors like race/gender/optics/etc., then they start thinking of ways to justify this logically in the context of the actual incident. The logic never comes first.

nah, you're probably just a non-white permavirgin who sees this as a setback, since one of your "based" role-models who you probably gaslight off, turned out to be an inept poo like the rest of yous
he was supposed to be the indian batman no? cool, hip streetshitter that's "in it" and knows what's up with the women, right?

just a regular fucking streetshitter HAHAAHAHAHAAHAH

I think everything about this is positive. It couldn't have gone better.

How does one "look hesitant" when they're putting your dick in their mouth hours after meeting you? You'd think she'd bite down or something if she was that hesitant.

when will the left sate its appetite of its own flesh?

Sorry to burst your burqa Ahmed, I'm white and have given a few gals a tumble before. I'm happy to see this streetshitter get his career ruined because he's not funny, but false accusations without consequences are a cancer to society.

whiter than you, diaspora

> brown people are rapists
What a racist woman.

No, and Depends on what day of the week it is.

No, who said that?

Let's see then.