Ethnicity DNA Tests

Thought I was a Yorkshireman, born 'n' bred.
Thought wrong.
Sup Forums, have you done an ancestry test? Did you get any surprise results?

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Hey bro

Literally more mutt than an average white American

>Thought I was a Yorkshireman
You are. That's what makes one.

In a time where political ideology are moved by race baiting? Yeah... how about no..


>Europe West
Very specific

Sent away my spit to ancestry a week or so ago, looking forward to the results but I'm more interested in downloading the data and using it on places like GEDmatch and a few other sites like and FTDNA to look at the more interesting stuff

Hello, fellow mongrel!

Well, Britain was the blueprint for the States, we've had countless invading/settling peoples coming in and cucking the locals.

At least it basically makes me an RL Reachman. My favourite Elder Scrolls race.

That's beautiful, me ol' mucker!

Unfortunately, I don't think Ancestry allows you to do that anymore (not that I've found anyway). I think 23&Me still gives you access to the raw data, as well as My Family Tree.

It does, I researched that beforehand because I didn't think the ethnicity results alone were worth the cost. It's under settings, they send an email to you with a download link to your GEDcom

Ah, okay. Sweet. Thanks, pal.


I admire its purity.

>100% european
feels good man. My family came from the netherlands and east germany.

Your fell for the DNA jew. Hope you paid enough so your data gets eaten by skynet. Bomb Google.


This was mine.

That 0.3% Ashkenazi caused some serious depression for a while.

It's speculative apparently but if it's true it means I have a maternal Jewish ancestor originating in the 1700s.

Here's mine. I believe the term is turbomutt. No nig, jew, or spic though, so that's nice.

By the way the last 0.2% was just "Unassigned" whatever that means

Your basically a Viking with some other raider blood in you. Nothing to worry about

>"no spic"
Dude, you've got 5% Iberian Peninsula on there...

At least you've got an ethnicity at over 50% though.
My highest is a meager 38%. Doesn't give one much of a sense of strong identity.

>le 100% face

Picto-Norse! Thanks, dude.

Did this, it's telling me I'm part native amerimutt and abo. Can't be right.

Nothing wrong here


Iberian Peninsula has some of the oldest Europeans. It's not the same as Hispanic in the American sense

Personally I'll never bother with DNA tests until they start including fucking confidence intervals. I'm tired of seeing this shit where it's 2% this and 1.5% that, but I can't actually tell whether this is statistical noise or not.

I mean, they've had identical twins take these tests and get different results. Not VERY different, mind you, but still different. 5% more british islands for one than the other. This one shows 1% native american while the other does not, etc.

It all seems like bullshit to me.

The tests will become better with time, it’s still relatively new on the commercial level. I think the best one out there right now is AncestryDNA

Ancestry does.

thats not spic as in wetbacks and other latins, no native american content

>Europe South: 1%

Why is my country not on this list

Because they're not that sensitive, and because genetics != nationality.
the Dutch are germanic. You're probably not going to get results that are any different from germany.

Not to mention that 23andMe literally admitted to putting in fake scores to fuck with white people. I don't understand why retards on Sup Forums buy into this kike scheme just to impress NEETs on the internet and show how white you are. It's pathetic.

>Sup Forums, have you done an ancestry test? Did you get any surprise results?

hello fellow white man amirite
you may aswell stop here shlomo. fuck all if anyone is stupid enough to feed your masters beast machine with soon to be very relevant data.

Ahh. Okay.

Hey man. I'll take a crumb of Hellenic or Macedonian ancestry any day. Alexander baby!

t. 25% Subsaharan african

am i white?

I want a painting like this on my wall, but she has to be prettier and thicker.

Were a mix of celts,Germanics and franks.

how far back to these tests go?
what are the controls they test against?

oh man that was so sad when got gilgamesh'd.

Guess my cunt.

>part Celt, part Dane

Pretty much the definition of a Yorkshirecunt.

The Greeks invented homosexuality and are still its biggest practitioners today.

Shouldn't get hung up about this shit, it is so small it doesn't compute.

t. brainlet who thinks he's an Aryan because his test said he's 15% German

Go ahead and keep willfully giving your genetic identity to the Jews, goy. How else are medical insurance companies going to get it!


>trusting (((genealogy))) tests

good goy. remember, we're all part african or arab. race mixing and diversity are our strengths.


I was conceived in a gang bang

>23andMe literally admitted to putting in fake scores to fuck with white people
not true, one former employee said that

this is beautiful

what website? is it free?

23andme, and it costs over $200

why'd you spend that much to know possible falsified info wtf

What if there was an organization that mimicked MENSA but based on racial purity instead of IQ and that arranged dating based on levrl of education/income

I got 99.9% European which is cool but I also found out I'm 1/8 Balkan. Not sure what to think. Am I still white?

It but would only have autistic man childs and a few roasties hitting the wall and looking for a provider.

Thicker is always better.

I'm not sure, I think it just creates a mixture of your paternal (YDNA) and maternal (mtDNA) lines and shows what you inherited.
They've got something stupid like 7 million tracking markers or something and the rest of everyone who took the test's data.

You'd think that'd be what makes a tyke, but one of Ancestry's own releases says that Yorkshiremen are meant to be, on average, the most "British" group of English people.

What I don't understand is, they appear to use Anglo-Saxon and (the inference of) Brittonic interchangeably.
But, the original settlers who migrated to the British Isles some 8,000 years ago and the Anglo-Saxons who came in the last 2 thousand years are, I thought, two very different groups.

Also, Douglas Murray is an arse-bandit and he's doing more to make discussion of the preservation of Europe acceptable in the mainstream than the alt-Right ever could.

Cześć, fucker.

Don't hate on meds, they are nice people.

If Ashkenazi jews are supposed to be just europeans, can anybody tell what the fuck DNA is ashkenazi jewish? i am being serious... how does it actually classify that?


I'm pretty sure Ashkenazis are genetically distinct from the rest of Europeans. I remember reading that Ashkenazis are more closely related to Jews in Southern Europe, and the middle east than they are to Christian Europeans. You can double check me on that though as this is from my memory, not a direct source.

>Willingly giving away your genetic code. They are making a robot out of you as we speak

Big surprise:
You are a mix from celts,saxons and normans.

Nobody ever could have suspected that given the fact you are living in Yorkshire/UK.

Got Polish ancestry, but that not it

I'd have have that bastard framed you do know every mongrel who sees that will save it and say it's theirs

You'd think, right? But, they have a separate marker for "Great British".
Wish they'd clarify if that's supposed to be Anglo-Saxon or Brittonic.

Your ancestor got raped by the vikings kek


>tfw the rapist was my ancestor too

already seen it reposted a couple of times but that's alright let them lie to themselves

Give it to me straight Sup Forums I can take it.

Am I white?

> is it free
you don't need to bother taking it, 100% jew confirmed kys


What dna test is this?


Whew, thats a relief. I guess I can get on with my life now.

You realize that workers gave admitted to giving false information, right?

hello go- uhh i mean guys

They are literally niggers.


Considering that York was a viking settlement, aren't those results quite expected?

I have a reason to hate my ancestors now

by its gas content.

horry shitto, you are a rare specimen ,please dont waste away your genes by marrying with any non-100%British subhuman

lmao i love how accurate it becomes when measuring niggers as if all niggers werent exactly the same

go gome

>By the way the last 0.2% was just "Unassigned" whatever that means

Bloody 'ell. Now that is nice, think its time to get mine checked.

>0.6% Sub-Saharan African
Fuck off nigger.

Who else /polish/ here, the Amerimutt meme got nothin on Poland


Btw I’m 6 foot

Blue eyed and blonde hair

Wtf am I

Kikes say there more ethnic group there than anywhere in the world


23andme only deals with recent ancestry. They identify a pattern of mutations in different populations.

Ashkenazi Jews have ancestry from outside of Europe too. But they are put in the European category because that's where they formed as a distinct population.

You'd be surprised to know they more diverse than Europe. That's another reason we know humanity came from there. Longer time to mutate.


It's neither, these DNA tests deal with the last 300-500 years of your ancestry. From what I understand they simply find people whose ancestors have been living in, for example, Britain, and compare that DNA to the DNA of people from other areas, they then find the Britain specific DNA markers and look for those when calculating your ethnicity. That's why the "Broadly x" categories exist, those are markers that aren't specific to any region.