Why is Japan so scared of making GAR? Does moe sell that much more than badass testosterone? Are people not more ashamed to have little girl figures in their room rather than badass buff guys to strive to be?
Why is Japan so scared of making GAR? Does moe sell that much more than badass testosterone...
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because GAR is pretty hard to do if you want it to be actually good instead of something people watch ironically
> Are people not more ashamed to have little girl figures in their room rather than badass buff guys to strive to be?
What? Do you go "Wow, what a sissy, you have pinups of supermodel women instead of hot guys, you should be ashamed?" I mean, it's not a coincidence that GAR came from GAY, user.
>Are people not more ashamed to have little girl figures in their room rather than badass buff guys to strive to be?
Clearly you're a major faggot because a reasonable person would rather strive to be the little girl than some muscular gaylord.
Most of Japanese society is emasculated, specially the otaku collective. They prefer to fantasize about lolis or cute girls that they find non threatening as opposed to real women to compensate for their lack of romance. So moe is what sells the most right now.
>comparing real 3d women to fake 2d little girls
this is your mind on Sup Forums
>is pretty hard to do if you want it to be actually good instead of something people watch ironically
Sup Forums watches most things ironically because the seasonal output is fucking awful no matter what it is.
Damn user, I hope you don't use that kind of logic outside of Sup Forums for your own good.
>Why is Japan so scared of making GAR?
Kingdom is highly ranked and selling well. Berserk still manages to keep making shitty CGI shows. Ippo is still continuing.
Just what are you crying about again?
>Newfag that knows no better say something stupid
What a shock.
But even niggers on facebook and youtube know Kingdom. Is it even possible not to know? Isn't that just a bit off from not knowing what One Piece and Naruto is?
>right now
>idol singers who don't display their femininity
I call bullshit. Name a single idol group in Japan that's hot right now and isn't feminine.
Idol groups are geared toward the mainstream
Are you calling bullshit on the writer or on me? Because the writer's writing in the 80s (I thought that was clear, but maybe not), and I don't follow idols.
But they are all still feminine, no matter which group we're talking about in Japan.
On the writer. I know it's old, but even back then idols were feminine. Maybe 'pure' is what he's bitching about I dunno cause I can understand that since idol groups stress purity as an image, but how the fuck are they not feminine? I just don't get it.
Unless he means male idol groups. Then I can kinda believe it based on their standards of how males are supposed to be manly. But like which red hot popular female idol group in the history of Japan never wore like a skirt or something? Is that even possible? Is he maybe talking about an Enka trope instead with a bunch of hags?
Because they're not fucking homos
How is that comparable? One thing is fantasizing about something you want to fuck, the other is something you want to be. They're completely different types of desires retard.
You could argue that idols are presented less as feminine and more as simply childlike. The common idol image is not that of an adult (and thus potentially threatening) woman, but of a naive, eager and simple child.
i rather be a homo than a fucking numale that glorifies female bullshit
Not sure if you've heard but grown women can have a range of personalities.
I think you have it exactly backwards you fucking donut. A 110lb numale would naturally gravitate towards GAR because it's something he doesn't see himself and desire, but a real manly man would obviously seek out cute girls to inseminate.
Mazinger is getting a new anime movie. Things aren't so grim.
I think it might be the purity vs. adult sexuality thing he's talking about, yeah, since he's so bent out of shape about muh maturity and lolicons.
I guess that settles that then.
yeah sure, this is where the alpha males live.
OP here, didn't expect thread to actually go anywhere. I am a 220lb boxer, so I'm really into the manly over the top shit. I just can't get into the cutesy moe world of anime it doesn't make sense to me. I don't feel attracted to lolis nor happy watching. Maybe I'm odd
I think that's just pushing too far then, unless he's advocating idol groups need to be more slutty which is always appreciated. But that would just make him a closet pervert which is funny as fuck.
I guess? But even with like AKB48 I wouldn't go so far to say they are devoid of femininity and act like children. They are sweet/pure/innocent/etc, but they are clearly girls in all their portrayals. Budding girls, but still very clearly girls. Except when they intentionally do those tomboy themes, but even then their body language has a feminine quality to it, let alone the voices. I dunno I only seen their shit on youtube a few times thanks to linked in threads.
Isn't that statue a bit too tall? I always assumed school girl characters are usually made to be shorter than the manlets besides the one tall girl. Is that her then?
yeah, alpha males completely secure in their masculinity and sexuality instead of sniveling little faggots who obsess over muscly male bodies to compensate, correct.
>he think this is an impressive weight
Also lurk for 2 years before posting.
Characters have varying heights. Not all are womanlets. Do you even watch anime?
>Not all are womanlets.
Vast majority are, and the statue there doesn't look like the traditional tall type.
> unless he's advocating idol groups need to be more slutty which is always appreciated
I'm pretty sure that's what he's saying.
>that would just make him a closet pervert
user, that section I posted has him talking about offering people porn magazines, I think he's pretty open about it. And later in the essay he starts bragging about his underage girlfriend and how she makes fun of otaku with him (despite the whole "you're scared of mature women" thing). He's not Miyazaki, he's John who hates every single one of you.
nip fleshbag for reference
Are you telling me most nips aren't 4'10? Why is it not like my anime?
aoi is, and that's all that matters.
True, true.
Well i like mature anime women alot and i wish japs would like them too
welcome to 2017
Ehh. It's probably because real-life mature women are so rarely hot. Also because nips value youth for more than just good looks. And also because a lot of anime relies on nostalgia and features a cast straight out of "the good old days." Probably doesn't help that the worldwide standard for beauty has been shifting towards neoteny with no signs of slowing down.
Point is, a preference for older women has become a fetish at the same tier as foot worship by now and you should just give up on your christmas cake-loving ways if you don't like disappointment.
If Japan was scared of GAR then pic related wouldn't exist.
Unless you mean nowadays in which case carry on because modern manga and anime are feminine homosexual trash pandering to fujoshi.
>ITT: two factions of homosexuals debate which one's gayer
Just watch some old shows and shut the fuck up, you r/manime shitter.
>real-life mature women are so rarely hot
Literal pedo or homosexual detected. Having mature sexual characteristics and being able to invest in offspring is the definition of attractiveness.
You should look up the word "attractiveness."
But you can have good looking mature woman in anime like Mine Fujiko
>kenshiro unlikeble
Fuck you
>why do you have a cinderella poster on your wall?
>umm, pshhhh cos I'm not gay? what do you have on your wall? Rocky? pfffff homo.
>not having disney posters up
Look at this homo, anons. Look at him and laugh.
No one wants to fuck anything so disgusting looking hence cute moeshit.
shut the fuck up just how many times do you feel the need to revive this shitty stale meme
You mean cartoon shows for little kids?
GAR is for little kids. It's what little boys like. If it shows up in anything that's all ages or a little mature you can bet it's more of a family and young teen film about superheroes or some dumb kiddy shit.
Move into media that's exclusively for adults and young adults in ANY culture and all your GAR guys are conspicuously absent unless there's a need for a bouncer or meatheaded idiot stereotype, so the closest you get is the realistically muscular dude who's more reserved than some fist of the north star junk. Also, what do you see in a teen boy's room? A pinup of a girl. A little boy's room? A poster of superman. An adult's room? Either his wife or a lot of empty bottles, some half-full bottles, and a monitor replaying the idolmaster anime for the millionth time.
Not sure if you've heard but idols are paid to act like idealized teenage girls. There are anime idols that act more like regular adults than 3d idols.
>unironically using the word "GAR"
OP you are gay as fuck.
Kill yourself.
I strive to be a little girl thank you
I don't necessarily disagree, but there's nothing wrong with liking what little boys like. Yes, even if you aren't an actual little boy.
Man is an evolved species that has children on purpose due to an intimate understanding of its own reproductive process. We can be attracted to anything that bleeds within reason because we fuck over and over again until we reach the desired number of children. Any and all small fertility boosts are irrelevant as long as the female partner has hips wide enough to pass a child and both partners are fertile in some capacity.
Having big tits and a fatty ass to signify fecundity is arguably less important than a mindset and personality of the sort that belongs to a person who desires a family and would be able to take care of one. As such, the modern - modern as in anything past the goddamn bronze age - mature and desirable woman does not look old or mature. It can look like a wide hipped 12 year old. It acts mature and believes mature things, and that's what tells a man that he will have children with her.
Which is what you will not see in moe anime and idol groups. It doesn't matter how "LADYLIKE" the bodies of the characters and actors are. Some Chihaya Sonoda from Wake Up Girls: School Idol Pr@ject could be flat or tall and curvy and decked out in all the OL trappings and say "ara ara", but ultimately, they display the emotional reactions, hopes, dreams, naivety, and overall personalities of little girls, so even otaku who say "well you see here, i like mature ladies! christmas cakes!" can exist without feeling threatened by adult minds with characteristics like... well formed opinions on politics, society, and religion, strong moral codes, preferences for the kind of people they spend their time with, subtle personalities that can't be reduced to 4koma jokes, the ability to truly hate a person, the courage to happily tell you to fuck off without a single "eto, uguu....". Those things scare them.
Means being sassy independent black woman.
it means having at least one sexual partner in your entire life without saying "gomenasai"
So you want a gyaru girl instead of a normal japanese girl
>if it's not an idol it's a bimbo
nice joke
You can have cute girls without overly glorifying them, though I see what you mean.
what the fuck is GAR?
I wouldn't compare pinup girls to nonexisting 2D little 14 year old cartoon girls. May as well have strawberry shortcake on your wall.
Manime is more similar to shit like Rocky and Terminator, and teens and young adults who watch that type of stuff or manime tend to be pretty cool dudes, I wouldn't know about people that watch moe though because they never leave the house lmao.
Teen boys have pinup girls on their walls.
Hairy overweight virgins with bad hygiene have anime girls on their walls.
It doesn't sell as much
Think about it, the average young adult male is not confident or strives to work hard and be someone who is useful, strong and skilled at what he does
He would rather sit back and look at cute girls doing cute things and get instant gratification
I'm not blaming anyone, there are times when I do that, too and I always try and get back to what really matters
>Does moe sell that much more than badass
yes also it's easier to make
>Cinderella or Strawberry Shortcake
>remotely comparable to most of the stuff that sells bishoujo figs
Except for PreCure, basically everything that you'd commonly find figs of in an adult guy's room is made with adult male consumption and sexual attraction in mind.