Why are Israeli girls so perfect? You ask

Why are Israeli girls so perfect? You ask..

-They defend their homeland against SATANIC ISLAMIC INVADERS.
-Israeli girls are white of nature
-Israeli girls are loyal and honest

I support Israels right to defend itself against ISLAMIC INVADERS

Other urls found in this thread:


she looks mexican

Jewesses Are always very salacious

Why are they sluts also?

>fake hair
>fake tits
>fake contacts
>fake propaganda

how about no.

Women in the military are always trash.

fake jews

>Israeli girls are white of nature

It's ridiculous. I'll never be fully red pilled because I just love big Jewish tits so much.

they have the perfect admixture from each race. This is why they have god like bodies without having nigger IQ. They also have pretty curly hair and pale and/or olive skintone. I will marry a Jewess one day


IDF hotties is a psy op to make dumb goyim think Israel is worth defending.
Have you ever seen a crowd of Jewish people? They're pretty fucking ugly, on average.
The hot ones all probably get put in a special barracks where most of their job is doing pics and videos for propaganda men.

are those autistic movements supposed to be a sexy dance? what the fuck?

Breddy sexy user yes?

Gas all jews

I won't lie, though. Did you guys read this? Gal is perfect.

hello JIDF, running out of shilling methods i see

>kike desperately looking for good looking 0.001% quasi kike instead of the hideous black haired turkish looking apes that make up the majority

white of nature

Gross, silverman .5/10

>when sand people try to tell you they are different to the other sand people

I don't think the turko-juden are that bad

What about Muslims right to defend themselves against invading Jews?

State funded propaganda thots. Actual Israeli girls are fucking ugly.

>dances like a nigger

>tfw living in degenerate Sweden.
No wonder most people have STDs nowadays.

she can twerk on my dick

Animals don‘t have rights.

kill all joos

Why are Israeli girls so perfect?

Christ why

Jidf can't controll his kevetching.

Oh I wonder, I wonder if OP is rubbing his hands now.

>-They defend their homeland against SATANIC ISLAMIC INVADERS.
How? When?
Study show that Israeli population share common ancestor with Arabs. They got blacked already.
>-Israeli girls are white of nature
No, they're not, stop cherripicking from IG pages. Most Israeli looks very close to Arabs
>-Israeli girls are loyal and honest
That's why Tel Aviv is the Sodom of the modern world? Or why most Israeli women are pro-abortion?

Theses threads are only created to make Whites to believe Israel is a great ally.

Ally's are New Zealand, not terrorist states who seek nothing but the destruction of the West.

Nice try JIDF.

then why do we still follow their sand religions?


May Israel perish against Gods wrath, the children of the devil truly know no bounds to which they will exert their evil


This desu

The JIDF must have received some budget increases recently. Been seeing them around a lot.

>Islam is satanic
>Judaism isn't

ooblag ooblag, ive spotted a newfag!

Only good jewess is Agatha from Threemilk on YouTube.

How do I get Israeli gf


>want to make goyim teenagers support Israel
>"everyone likes girlz, right? Those goyim dunno what hit them!"
>hires white prostitute/pornstar
>dresses her in IDF uniform
>make her do stupid shit
>post video on social medias
>goyim like israel more
Sorry schlomo but Arab women are trash bins and jewish women are more annoying than sheboons, not to mention fugly(unless super mixed with whites to the point where they're not really jewish)

Everyone with half a brain would prefer to nuke the middle east than support any side.

btw thanks for the free fap

Carry around sacks of cash while being half-naked and wearing a collar.

40,000,000,000$ the US will give israel in the next
10 years in military assistance alone.
4,000,000,000$ per year. 127,000,000,000$ since 1947 we
have given them. Meanwhile, we can't even
get 1.8 billion per year to fund our wall.

My Sides...the thread.

That dancing is atrocious and completely unappealing. Use better propaganda.

They are very portable. I can fit 20 in my car: 1 in the front 2 in the back and the rest in the ashtray.

Go away Jew


If that's how they dance it's no wonder the Palestinians throw rocks at them. Fuck off Norfag, it's the
same post, every goddam day and every day I have to sage it for the shilling twattery it is.


based turkey
based greece

when is the day of the rope, guys, this isn't funny anymore

>based Portugal

Poland more than Spain or Portugal? That doesn't add up.

That's a Jew, not an Israeli.

It's pretty sad when of the 100s of photos of Israeli woman propaganda it's all the same 4 fat-assed women.

Many Jewish societies have practiced cognatic inheritance for millennia.
The average Israeli woman must be hideous.

Perfect or not perfect shlomos deserve death

>white of nature
>loyal and honest
you're delusional senpai
typical sloots are typical sloots in every country theres no fundamental difference except for some cultural context to their slootness .

kike shill from norway/south africa thread 9999


No khazar milkers = no support


>why are Israeli girls so perfect?
There's only one type of perfect kike, and it's pic related.

Syrian girl is the one and only redpill

That guy should cut his hair

i want an Israeli gf

it's not fair brehs

left one is probably hotter because the ashes on the right probably cooled down by this point .
based milkerposter
who's that guy ? also
>ranks not sewn to uniform

>norway jew shill still coming around after being exposed




he even shills menorahs!!!

>-Israeli girls are loyal and honest
>Israeli girls are white of nature

Why are Palestinian girls so perfect? You ask..

-They defend their homeland against SATANIC ISRAELI INVADERS.
-Palestinian girls are white of nature
-Palestinian girls are loyal and honest

I support Palestine's right to defend itself against JEWISH INVADERS

>spending all your free time shilling for a country thats not even yours

why are you so pathetic Andreas

Her body looks like a hot pocket.

desu i'd also rather drink cyanide than Jack Daniels.

tell me more about these "Palestinian'ians"

fucking roasties

Look on the bright side.
At least he's not doing it for free, right?

He's getting paid... right? RIGHT?


like all good goy they have him doing it for free.


jewish shill

Put on your burka! Absolutely Haram!

Underrated post.

JIDF thread? JIDF thread.

But yes we should immigrate to Isreal and breed with them, of course.

nice proxy burger

Knew a Jewish girl in college. Became a fuck buddy because she was skinny as a twig but had notably massive jugs. She wasn't good looking in the face and wasn't very interesting personality-wise but fucked like a rabbit and had tits like a woman several times her weight class

>israeli girls are white
Good try.

For you sir!

Fuck mate, even a pussy starved African has better standards than your dick.

Jewish women from all ethnic divisions are hyper sexual. How do you think Jews regained their numbers after expulsions and pogroms?

It's a double-edged sword. On one hand it's good for fertility, but on the other hand it means Jewish women are hard to control nymphomaniacs.

>uses norge flag
>is clearly a massive kike
I wonder if Soros knows his millions goes into massive failures like you.

Here's what OP forgot to mention

Wtf I love Israel now

hi JIDF, holocaust didn't happen, enjoy your shekels

>Israeli girls are loyal and honest
um, no sweetie youtube.com/watch?v=RZxp6TKwmdc