And then, he died.
But every-fucking-body AND ther moms thought it was fine, because they're japanese.
And each and every true japanese man is supposed to work himself to death.
All hail Japan.
And then, he died
It's no different than the rest of the world. Since we don't have an inherent value men are always expected to die for others, preferably women and children. Are you just now coming to terms with that simple fact?
It's her dead husband. She's a widow, remember.
no he just fell asleep
>Work yourself to death
>Its not even efficient or helps the company in anyway.
Japanese business culture triggers the fuck out of me.
If you're not doing actual fucking work take your ass home, stop holding meetings over the littlest shit, fucking OT for these dumb ass work hours.
Get the fuck out of Sup Forums.
I won't lie, the concept of basically giving your life to a company is so incredibly alien to me I almost find it scary.
in japan companies aren't like in the west. you never get fired and they provide insurance and support for your family. companies in japan are more like clans or tribes you join for life. it's a very different system.
>Being cruel
>Being efficient
You can choose botg or just the latter. Fucking japan went for first however.
Well its not like its that common. Those who dont want fancy careers dont need to subject into it, at least that much. Im talking about basic workmen and clercs
A you triggered user?
Did he trigger you? Need a safe space?
>He doesnt like rofl
Most newfags dont even know the word, newfag
What are "basic workmen"? I saw this video about a guy who owns a ramen shop and it is his entire life.
Not for me since my father worked at IBM and my brother works at Apple.
>man employed or skilled in some form of manual, mechanical, or industrial work
daily reminder that in japan some office workers spend 12 hours erry day in office while dutch work 7,5 hours average and achieve the same or better results.
japs are just retarded
>I saw this video about a guy who owns a ramen shop and it is his entire life.
Well, that happens with most people who own a business, not just in Japan.
Even before he owned it it was his life. And he refuses to let more people work for him because he feels like he has to be there.
How do we fix it
Fix what?
i mean... are you given a lot of time to decide after schooling exactly which corporate tribe or clan you want to join?
you cant. japan westernized lightning fast. they took all the technology but when it comes to social issues they decided "western pigs are barbarians and we know better". east asia doesnt have much in form of individualism. they consider it normal to be used by society, to suffer for society etc.
It's not really that different from giving your life for your country in the end, which is somewhat of an alien concept as well, yet it's widely accepted because it's part of our culture. For Japanese men, who have had a culture of samurais suiciding for fucking up at their job, and in general dying for their clan and warlord even if it wasn't really necessary for them to die, it's probably just an honorable thing. Unless you're the kind of scumbag (or smart, independent thinker?) that just doesn't care about those things.
As they say, the old lie: dulce et decorum est pro patria mori.
>everybody fucking their moms because they're japanese
No, but you can study whatever you want. It's almost irrelevant. You get training at the company you apply for. The better the university you went to, though, the better the company you can go to later.
As the others said, you really cannot fix it. All you can do is wait for them to do reach that point themselves.
I'll grant you that the needs of the collective out weigh the individual in most cases, but used is a bit too far.
You dont "fix" it
Japanese people,are okay with this lifestyle. Until they get too dissatisfied and riot in numbers, theres nothing you can do.
They chose this route for themselves.
This is probably the most pretentious post I've read this year.
I mean if we're going to interfere anyway by telling them to stop abusing fictional characters maybe we could suggest a better alternative? Obviously it's ingrained in the culture but things like that end up going obsolete.
>a guy who owns a ramen shop and it is his entire life
I don't know if that's really a good example of work culture. I mean, if you're your own boss, then no one's being cruel to you, you're just doing whatever you want to and/or need to to make money.
Don't you have another nigger country to babysit?
Yeah but he was doing grunt work as well as being the boss. Here I'll post the video as well.
>A motherly older woman will never take care of you and cook dinner for you every night
>It's not really that different from giving your life for your country in the end
It's very fucking different. People usually are very reluctant to going to war unless they feel like safety of their family and future generation is in very real danger. Willingly giving up your life for nothing is practically from other dimension when it comes to how close concepts are.
I don't see anything bad with this, guy clearly has a lot of passion for his work and loves his shop.
>people usually are very reluctant to going war
Not everyone is like you, keep that in mind.
>knowing what a real war is
Please, those guys are going on a late picnic.
>real war
you do realize that US has fought in most casualty heavy conflicts in human history?
Id rather fight a medieval battle than a world war one. Latter is much more brutal and unforgiving
You'd fit in in Japan.
90 hours a week is insanity. I manage perfectly fine with ~40 hours a week.
You're exaggerating US' war efforts in real conflicts. Even saying "took part" is probably too much.
And yet we learn nothing.
How well does being the generic salaryman even pay?
Maybe the company will buy him a fancy headstone. I saw some of those in Japan
The Dutch also have a top end Tax bracket of nearly 60% so even if they did work Japanese hours, they would gain effectively nothing from it due to the government bending them over and fucking the money out of them.
Japan will be fine once the old people die. Most of the younger ones have some awareness of how silly a lot of their work practices are and don't want to keep them going.
t. Guy who actually lives and works in Tokyo with Japanese people and not at an American company or as an English """teacher""".
Teaching is a real profession you know.
Yes it is, but ALTs in JET and people at eikaiwa are not real teachers.
Why's that?
manga's name?
Are you a butthurt pretend English teacher, a retard, or just a regular shitposter?
>Japanese business culture triggers the fuck out of me.
The whole Asian anti-individualism hivemind culture does that to me but I'm not an autist so I can just ignore it in my animu and mango. Most of the time.
So you don't have a reason, okay.
>Haha, look how clever and intelligent I am!
Ok you absolute fucking retard. The qualifications for these jobs don't require any sort of teaching degree or experience. You only even need a college degree (in anything) to qualify for a work visa. ALTs, by definition, are assistants and not teachers. On a day to day basis all they do is stand in front of a class and talk and hand out stickers. The barrier for entry for eikaiwa is even lower. I know, because I did it part time when I was a college student here because it pays crazy high. I actually have experience with this stuff. Now please, how about you explain to me how they're real teachers? I sure hope you can put a real answer together instead of just whining or trying to change the subject.
depends. it's not the bubble or pre-bubble days anymore.
a big corp will make a spin-off company for doing something new and transfer you (and others they wanna get rid off) there.
if the new sub company succeeds then good for you (rare, but it happens). if not then well, you will get laid off while the main company can keep their image of never having fired anyone.
yakumo san
Wew no need to get so butthurt. To me it sounds like the kind of job where you get out what you put in. If all you do is get a degree and don't know the language or do any teacher training then you're not going to be that great at it. Sorry that you felt useless at your job. From what I've heard other people have gotten a lot out of it.
You literally said nothing. They are not real teachers, they are glorified tape recordings. You idiot friend in the program is not a teacher. If you do not have any sort of education and teaching qualification and can't teach a class on your own (which none of them can) then you're not a teacher. Objectively.
Is there any demand for English teachers with proper degrees?
>Being upset that your future husband loves something so much he'd work himself to exhaustion for it.
>Realizing it will one day be you.
Have you no passion?
You did the bare minimum for your job and probably didn't even like the kids. You were not a teacher. You could have become fluent in the language and gotten a teacher's certificate and been in a real teacher's role. Someone that people can come up to and ask questions and be a real resource to those who want it. Instead you are bitter for no reason and still shitpost on Sup Forums. I will not follow your advice.
Demand? Not really. Demand is for highly qualified foreigners that actually know moon and English, and do something STEM related, preferably with a graduate degree. That said, if you graduate with an advanced degree and have teaching qualifications, you might snag a job teaching English at a little university.
Are you fucking retarded? No seriously, that's not a rhetorical question, I'm actually asking if you have a mental disability. I tutored at an eikaiwa, and you'd know this if you read my post. I taught adults business English a couple nights a week while I was a grad student. I was not a teacher, what I was doing was tutoring. I took it seriously and did a good job, but it was a part time job and I was definitely not a teacher. My degree has nothing to do with teaching, I did that as a part time job for extra spending cash. Your friend (or more likely, you) is not a real teacher. Get over it. Talking to Japanese kids in English is lots of fun, but it's not teaching of you're an ALT.
>its the americans larps as a japanese episode
wapanese are getting out of control
are you an orphan? don't you have a mom?
>I taught
>I was not a teacher
Mind pointing me to where I pretended to be Japanese?
>Muh Sup Forums boogeyman
Nevermind, just kill yourself.
I cooked dinner last night, does that make me a chef?
it's been a while since i've seen someone this triggered. the person you were talking to was just asking regular questions.
No, he said something stupid (because he's likely an ALT himself) and then went with the good old Reddit style "No arguments, haha, I accept your concession!"
A chef is a cook, but a cook is not always a chef.
A professor can be a teacher, but a teacher cant always be a professor.
And neither a tutor nor an assistant whose job it is to pronounce English words is a teacher.
I'm not sure what kind of complex you have but there's really no need to hate yourself for teaching English. Like, you sound like you're sickened by the idea of it. Why do you have to put so much hate and shame over something so harmless?
So I triggered you, got it. Take a walk or something if this is getting too much for you.
let's see
seems alright to me. maybe you projected a little too hard
>Yakumo-san will never be your mom
Why do you keep conflating ALTs with actual teachers?
Seems like you're an idiot given that his next reply was "nu-uh, my friend's an ALT and he said he's a real teacher. Let me just ignore everything you said about actual education, qualifications and work." I know there are a lot of people here who dream is getting into Japan as an ALT, but it's a joke job and they're not real teachers.
So no actual response to the discussion of what qualifies and makes a teacher? That's ok, I don't expect much from ALTs.
Holy shit how is this thread not deleted yet?
This. It's actually counterproductive. Oh well there's a reason Japan is a dying country.
Is it?
Lowest birthrate of all First world countries
Because they're not inflating it with third-world immigrants like other countries.
oh, it's just a kid who passed out. I thought it was actually her husband who overworked to death.
unless that happens in another chapter...
And, due to the work culture, literally killing itself because people don't have the goddamn time to have a relationship.
This is me when I'm on call.
Without the welcoming wife though.
It isn't really 90 hours a week in many places that are claimed to have those kind of work hours.
The Dilbert Cartoonist, Scott Adams talked about this in one of his books, about how American employers tried to use Japan as an example of a great economy because of their super long work hours (thus attempting to get employees to work longer for no increase in money), but then one day it crashed and it came out that a lot of the people working there worked more or less 9-5 and then spent the rest whatever amount of hours slacking off.
Ill bite, 650k deaths in 4 years in the civil war
He doesnt really like baseball, though. Hes just not a bitch who quits easy.
user please stop newfags aren't even able to comprehend how hard you're thrashing them.
Is white-collar STEM work the only way to reliably get work and live in moonland? No way of being a blue-collar guy if you know the language?
Shit was irrelevant to the outside world but I'll give you that one.
A Nip-worker probably takes 5 or 6 15/30min breaks within his little 15 hour shift.
Blue collar? Not that I know if. The easiest way to get a long term visa is the "70 point system". If you check that out, it's mostly geared at STEM. Are you a tradesman? If you are and you know moon you might be able to get in.
No, it was pretty relevant. All the major nations had observers on both sides. Military tech took a leap forward in the war as well, with things like the henry repeater rifle and the first major use of railroads for wartime logistics. You better believe other countries were paying attention to the american civil war when they introduced ironclads to naval combat.
I really hate to break it to you, but every single civil war was, is and will be observed by the major nations. American civil war is as unimportant to the world as, say, Meiji Restoration.
Bait or retardation
The American Civil War is taught in schools outside America. That's pretty important.
If the outcome had been different, niggers would not be free to wreak havoc in America today.
>Yakumo-san will never be the mother of your child
Why go on?
She's so damn THICC