Soyboys and Masculinity

I really hope that this sparks an actual beneficial discussion where anons can help each other.

We all know what numales and soyboys are, but what actually (memes aside) caused this?

MORE IMPORTANTLY: What can we do to become the men we need to be?
Is it discipline? Hard work? Exercise? Unplugging? Stoicism? Even NoFap?

I'd really like for some older male anons 25+ to share their views on this, since you've fully developed in a way.

What’s the problem, they engineered a difficult piece of software that entertained a million high normies and made a ton of cash. Seems pretty masculine, when has a chick ever done that (without getting naked)?

All the while coming under a shot ton of pressure because it didn’t meet spergs dreams, they still dgaf, it’s awesome.

(((Geek culture))) is at fault. To fight this soyboy epidemic one should promote a lifestyle of struggle for self-improvement, both physical and spiritual. One should constantly endavour to become stronger, wiser and just. Morover men should adopt a mindset of 'duty above pleasure'. Why? For the glory of God, Nation and oneself.

MGTOW is the solution
ultimate goal of soy boy is pussy, no matter it's quality
that makes pussy owners degenerate, because they can get away with it
remove the pussy chase by waifubots and civilization is saved

This is the explanation.
We are currently at ''weak men''
Hard times are coming

They earn money, you really think video games and nerd-merch shit is cheap? Also they have girlfriends unlike most of this board composed of larp aryan warriors

many of those devs have looks on their faces like they know its going to be a shithole rip off game. only cucks i know bought that shyt

I just posted this pic because of the numale expression.
I honestly don't care about their stupid game.

Sup Forums shilled hard for the game even though it was obvious it was going to be terrible
Sup Forums is infested by these sub-humans too

Tbf having a gf now days is a mistake, literally BB 99% of the time, which is fine except for the half assed sex they dish out to someone beta enough to commit to them

>Sup Forums shilled hard for the game
(((someone))) on Sup Forums shilled hard, Sup Forums hated it

I wasnt refering to no mans sky pic, just the general fact that most of numales have good jobs

>these are not currently hard times
Jesus user, I'm scared.

Go check the archives. Sup Forums was full of people claiming the game would be amazing, they would all make shit up and project what they game would be. Even when told none of the features would be in the game, they claimed it would be fun to explore 6 gorrilion planets. When told every planet would be the same randomly generated crap planet, they cried about how Sup Forums hates fun.
There was practically a 50:50 divide between people who thought the game would be good and people who saw through the bullshit.

Don’t fall for this meme trap

>Sup Forums was full of people claiming the game would be amazing
5 shills working overtime
I shitposted agaisnt it

I'll throw my 2 cents in.
First of all
this user is right. Except the MGTOW part. Imo MGTOW is a movement born out of the horrid realization of the reality we're living in. We should learn to exploit it, we should recivilize women.

True masculinity is condemned in this world. OF COURSE, a feminized idea of masculinity (Chads) is pushed. A pretty boi with good genes that only wants to fuck girls (think about it, this is perfect for a femicentrist society).

Real men are the men of action. Strong men. Men with discipline. They don't waste time watching porn, playing video games, they don't choose the easy path. Every TRULY good thing comes through struggle - Intelligence, Career, Strength. Studying sucks, working out doesn't really feel good to most people (it does to me tho)

The new men like to blame things:
1. It's the jews
2. It's the media, they made us like this

We made ourselves like this. We can undo this.

>They don't waste time watching porn
that is doable
>playing video games
that is not
I would rather become communist before I drop vidya
that is my safe haven and this is where I draw the line
get out of my vidya

It was thousands of people.
The game didn't need shilling and it would be a waste of money anyway, the numale dev was invited on TV many times to straight up lie about the game. The retarded faggots on Sup Forums and reddit did the marketing for them.


why is this a meme

Not worrying about things out of your control, doing what can be done in the present.
Having control over your emotions.
Purposefully bringing discomfort to yourself in order to get used to it.

The last good video game was released somewhere in 2007.
If you still play video game you are part of the problem.

this is why you should always pirate beforehands

>What are Underrail, Darkest Dungeon, Nier:Waifumata and almost all nip games
I will be a problem then


go fight emus or Sydney SJWs

-You don't need to work that hard to have a comfortable existence
-Working harder is no guarantee of actually getting a better job in this economy
-Getting a better job is no guarantee of getting a better wife in this society

There are more risks and fewer rewards to being masculine, not really rocket science

Stop with the wife shit, she will cheat on you anyway in the current climate (tinder bumble Snapchat basically smartphones) nearly by definition. Anyone in this thread redpilled?

You'll know it's hard times when you won't be posting on Sup Forums anymore because your house is in rubles due to the previous night's air raid and you're too busy scavenging for food in garbage cans and sewers.

Set standards(the condition of success and path towards); live by them. When you lose or get outright fucked it's because your standards were wrong. Re-evaluate your standards; live by them.
Soyim believe life is a journey. That's fag-think. It's a process guided by willful action.

That's literally what I meant

Fair enough

>journey is not guided by willfull action
holy macarooni, are you forced to travel or sth?



nu-male detected

First and foremost, lets cut the shit: either if its a divorced middle aged man or an incel posting on its forums its all about the inability to score. Yes, women get to chose and it sucks. Its old /r9k/ v2.0.

Someone who has been made like this by drinking the liquid jew and eating soylent
A soulless person with no greater goals in life or just a hedonist
The typical white knight

Look at the image attached, look at how much we have lost in terms of social status since the 50's.

We just need to stop letting our privilege as straight white males be stripped away wholesale.

Look at what every minority group wants: to be equal to us - the funny thing is, I can actually understand this but I am now realizing that we shouldn't be forced into giving anything away.

Think about it: what actual benefit do we get from lowering ourselves to the same level as minorities?

Why are we now expected to simply give everything away and if we even so much as question the agenda we risk punishment for simply trying to hold on to our place in the world.

Once men are allowed to be themselves again all of the social issues that plague the western world will fade away.

>women get to chose
I also can choose whether I want to participate in relationship with women in which I have to give my time, attention, energy and money and hope for sex and companionship
this is utterly uneconomical
hookers now/waifubots in the future for sex
dog for companionship
nothing wrong with that
>INB4 angry roasties
you can always suck my dick and make me a sandwich and I will consider giving my stuff to you

>Baww I don't care about your achivements, your facial expression is triggering me

but goy
real men are poisoned by toxic masculinity
real men are mysogynistic
real men are strong, which is too primal
real men don't want their nation to be poisoned by progressive media, rap music and constant porn videos (niki minaj etc.) playing on the TV
real men don't want immigrants
real men don't settle for the first roastie


The problem is that they have beards and glasses which Sup Forums doesn't approve of.

Men should be clean shaven and keep their mouths closed at all times in order to preserve the white race.


This is a good attitude. Geek culture is toxic and is structured in a way that promotes weakness and discourges strength, whether physical mental or spiritual.

For me the most important steps to improving my life were

>lifting weights
>eating regular food
>ignore pop culture as much as possible
>setting goals, big and small
>consume intelligent media, books, audio-casts (less vid content)
>focus on what I can control more than what I can’t

Video games are pointless, degenerate garbage that do nothing but help the elite push their diversity agenda and turn young men into societal dropouts.

since i come from a third world place and we have no time of this faggotry ill tell you the answer:


these things are what make a man become a man

if you have an easy cozy life from the start, chances are you will end up a faggot like those

>What’s the problem, they engineered a difficult piece of software that entertained a million high normies and made a ton of cash
You might be a soyboy yourself if you think engineering a video game to inflict upon other soyboys is at all masculine. It should be a act punishable by death. Letting your son skip school to go out with you on the first day of hunting season and teaching him how to track a blood trail and field dress a deer is masculine. Taking your son to teach him how to set and check snares for fox is masculine. Nothing to do with video games or perpetuating gaming culture is masculine.

Do a physical and potentially dangerous job.

My non meme answer is geek culture becoming cool, or at least more popular. These guys are pretty timid and insecure, most of the time when they do engage women they end up being really self depricating because they don't want to be like those "jocks and badboys". I've seen so called soyboys say the cringiest shit to women, then they laugh awkwardly like "it's just a joke haha but I really do love Star Wars".
I feel kinda bad for them cause most of them are pretty ugly or unoteworthy in appearance to begin with, so the odds are already stacked against them, but their refusal to get fit doesn't help. They see working out, sports, and typical guy stuff as "that shit the jocks who picked on me in HS did, fuck that". They also think they're above such men cause they're "smart", and maybe they did take AP Calc in HS and got an A. Honors physics too, oh boy. Better casually drop that when I'm chatting up this girl, that'll look good and subtly show I'm an intellectual. It's hardly subtle though and the girl picks up on this and finds it cringy as hell.
They have a superiority complex over typical manly men cause they think they're smarter and that's better in "modern society" as they learned growing up. In secret they resent manly men and wish they could get laid like Chad, but they'll never admit it. Afterall, those guys are cavemen brutes and they're above them.

this "difficult piece of software" did nothing to advance humanity. it in fact retarded it by making thousands of people sit in their bedroom and do nothing for hours/days/weeks. why is that something to be praised?

On the contrary, video games are the last entertainment medium that hasn’t completely fallen to Jewish propaganda and brainwashing. I agree with you that they are a massive waste of time though, wish I could quit