Heaven's Feel's PV should be uploaded in more or less 4 hours.
How do you know it's being uploaded today?
Wonderful news.
The movie is a long way off so don't expect substantial new footage. The Prisma Illya movie trailer didn't show much either and the release date is sooner.
>The movie is a long way off so don't expect substantial new footage
I thought we already got a list of what was shown in the new trailer? No Sakura sadly, but I can manage.
I'm prepared to be disappointed, but it will still hurt.
Hold me, Sup Forums.
I just wanna see Shirou abandon his borrowed ideals for his true love.
True love is Saber, confirmed by Last Episode. And you should be ashamed of wanting Shirou to be the worst version of himself aside from EMIYA Alter.
>your entire post
Hey, EMIYA Alter manages to stop a Beast. And he has a fairly amusing personality. He's not so bad. Everybody seems to hate him purely on the basis of his design..
>Last Episode
Okay, so CG dragons and virgin vampire Sakura are canon, then.
CG dragons and virgin vampire Sakura were never canon.
The dragon does appear in the VN but it was only CG in DEEN's adaptation.
Sakura is not considered a Dead Apostle AKA vampire (neither is Zouken), and Fate/Zero made her a canon unvirgin.
Don't try to ruin RN's perfection with your pleb speedreader comprehension. I bet you also think Sakura is a serial killer because she murders a bunch of people in the RN PSvita opening.
>the point
>your head
Last Episode is RN only, just like those two things. If you accept LE as canon, so are they.
What's going on in this thread?
>the point
>my head
>your brainless skull
Drinking some blood and being a vampire are two very different things.
>It's canon because I say so, ACCEPT IT!
No, Sakura is not an actual vampire, she's not a virgin and the dragon was not made using shitty computer generated 3d graphics. Get your facts straight.
>this autism
The word "vampire" is pretty obviously a colloquialism for someone who drinks blood for mana in this context, as the distinction between that and actual vampires isn't relevant outside of Tsukihime. Zouken is compared to a vampire too in F/SN, for example.
Kamiya is gonna voice a rapist
Feels weird
Don't worry, he's not a rapist in Realta Nua, which the movie's going to be based on. He doesn't even hit or curse at Sakura anymore.
I've only seen the first series and never read the VN. I want to be up to date but all these alternate versions/spinoffs are confuding me.
Is there an Sup Forums recommended order I should watch everything in?
Then why did Sakura killed him? is this a personality retcon? because she didn't actually hate Shinji in the original VN, at least not until he tried to cuck Shirou.
The scene where she kills him has him trying to rape her for the first time, so she kills him to protect herself and her virginity.
>he's not a rapist in Realta Nua
That would be an extremely bullshit recton.
The reason Sakura kills him is because he was gonna tell Shirou all the time they had sex. Without that she has no reason to kill him
See Nasu realized his audience wasn't mature enough to understand that rape victims can still be pure, so he removed the parts the purityfags whined about.
Best Sakura
He doesn't try to rape her in realta nua, read it.
And sakura's hymen is in a worm's stomach, who ended up in kariya's stomach, which is in several worms' stomachs, who might be a part of zouken's own stomach, or dead.
The word hymen doesn't actually come out of Zouken or anyone else's mouth in F/Z. Read it.
>gets called on his bullshit forced meme
>N-no you're an autist!
You know damn well you weren't using the word colloquially, calling Sakura a vampire carries the connotation that she's an inhuman monster. In fact, that's exactly why Zouken gets called a vampire in HF.
But rest assured, Nasu himself stated that Zouken is not a vampire. So, if even him isn't considered one, how could Sakura be?
Well UFO may surprise us and use the old version
Anybody know why pic related went from 4'11" to 4'5"?
Is it because it was decided that she would have even less calories?[/spoilers]
She keeps getting smaller. Aside from her ass and hips.
Sakura somehow lost her virginity but not her hymen, sure, whatever floats your boat, wormfag.
>vampire carries the connotation that she's an inhuman monster
It's funny how you care about distinctions that are only relevant in Tsukihime where actual vampires appear, then make it obvious that you haven't even read Tsukihime.
Based on his current personality, not sure if I should be happy or sad he got removed from the Apocrypha roster when the novel came along
Same with George
>Sakura somehow lost her virginity
She didn't. Zouken doesn't actually directly state it took her virginity, but rather the more ambiguous word "purity".
You lied to me
But did they ever explain why? It's good they kept the proportions but I find it hard to believe she can still run as fast or jump as high being six inches shorter overall. She's not as spoopy if your average prostitute can outrun her now.
RIP longer legs
There is still 40 minutes left though.
That's the exception that makes the rule, at best.
Not to mention Arc needs to nerf herself to death to contain her bloodlust or else she becomes a fucking monster like every other vampire. You should know that if you truly read Tsukihime, so why did you even post her?
>That's the exception that makes the rule, at best.
>what are Sion and (the original plan for) Sacchin
>Sakura is canonically not pure
The length wormfags can go to deny Sakura's character-defining past is astounding and incredibly sad.
Not even I would go as far as calling her impure, that's beyond fucked up.
Most Sakurafags even argue that a major point of her character is that she's not a virgin but she still manages to be pure.
Ever heard of something called a pure heart? She definitely lost that to the worm torture up until she met Shirou.
Sion is a shitty vidya character, and
>the original plan
you said it yourself.
Still, even Arc, the most noble of vampires is naturally a ruthless killing machine that lusts for blood, so she further proves my point.
No, she lost her purity, all of it, not her pure heart. Read the LN.
Also, stop pretending, you can't possibly be that dense to ignore what that scene with Kariya really is about.
I don't know diddly about Sakura but could she really be called impure if she never broke her chastity of her own volition?
I haven't played any of these yet outside of the PSP fighting game, I've just admired the character designs for a long time now but I thought I'd ask some questions as a curious individual. What's the fanbase? Also would fans of this series play a fighting game based off multiple games from the series/Grand Order?
It's intentionally written to work both with the original version and the RN version. You're just desperate to cling to the former one. That's fine, but no LE for you in that case.
The point of her character is basically that she has a huge guilt complex about being "impure" because her rapists told her she was, and therefore has an inferiority complex towards her sister who's still a virgin. The irony is that Sakura is still by far the most devoted and faithful towards the one she loves, while Rin is a huge flirt who's all for open relationships and sleeping around.
I'd rather take a pure unvirgin Sakura from the original than an impure and (extremely unlikely) virgin Sakura from RN. But since I like LE, I must stick with the impure Sakura with ruined character development.
>still not uploaded
What the fuck is Aniplex doing.
Got it, thanks user.
Zero confirmed Sakura as canonically impure.
Also, the only pure girl in F/SN is Taiga, period.
So I guess they're gonna wait for Saturday.
Sorry for false alarm
You motherfucker.
>pure virgin with a natural, progressive yet innocent view of sex
>incestuous zoophile slut that somehow stubbornly clings to archaic conceptions of sexuality and couple dynamics
Seriously, why is Tohsaka so fucking superior to Sakura?
>she wasn't RAPED, so her character's ruined!
Did you forget about her being tortured and experimented on? Compared to being forcefed poison and rotting rabbit corpses, having worms crawling through your nerves and being forced not to breathe among many other things, rape seems like a pretty minor trauma in comparison. Never understood why people place so much undue importance on that particular aspect of her past.
You said this yesterday, shithead
>somehow stubbornly clings to archaic conceptions of sexuality
There's quite a bit of irony in someone who thinks virginity is a pro saying this.
So is Rin the type to get upset when she gets cuckolded?
Most of the time, she's the one doing it to others, but when it does happen to her, she can't get over it even two years after the fact.
The cult around virginity still stands strong to this day, I don't know what you're talking about. And Rin is a minor, may I remind you.
>The cult around virginity still stands strong to this day, I don't know what you're talking about.
Sure it does. In flyover states and third world countries, perhaps.
Wasn't Sakura the one who had a yandere episode just because Rin saw the high jump too?
So, slut shaming, for example, is not a thing?
And let's not even talk about the east.
That was because Rin was trying to talk Shirou into betraying and killing her. Rin stooping low enough to bring her own romantic feelings into it was just insult upon injury.
>once they put me with the worms
I thought she wasn't wormed in RN.
And you underestimate her rape greatly, nothing you mention even remotely compares to being violated for years by worms and your own family members that you have to face every day, while having a body that will make you ENJOY that fucking shit just to fuck with your head harder.
Not to mention you still get to have worms in your nerves and uterus, eat corpses, get beaten up and all that shit.
Sakura killing Shinji is just not believable without the trauma of him raping her and physically abusing her, therefore the trigger that makes her snap becomes a forced plot device rather than a foreshadowed
Your external point of view doesn't matter, what Sakura thought is that Rin was trying to cuck her and freaked out bad.
>slut shaming, for example, is not a thing?
It isn't among people who aren't retarded misogynists.
I'll just post this in the hopes of shifting the discussion away from virginity and focus on what you like/hate about Rin & Sakura.
My secret-flower-garden-o-meter just exploded. Damn!
The only reason im looking forward to HF is more sexy ass snek Rider and Illya dying again.
How come Sakurafags argue that Zouken is so cruel and fucked up in RN yet they think he's compassionate and dedicated enough to prevent the worms from taking her virginity every time she throws her in the pit?
>I thought she wasn't wormed in RN.
She went through worm torture, but they're not penis-shaped or lust-based, so those memes went straight out the window.
>nothing you mention even remotely compares to being violated for years by worms and your own family members that you have to face every day, while having a body that will make you ENJOY that fucking shit just to fuck with your head harder.
Her getting tortured and having her body twisted into a messed up one doesn't change. Rape was far from the worst thing she went through, so acting like it's the only thing that justified her mental breakdown is just ridiculous. Furthermore, the scene where she kills Shinji strongly implies that he's about to rape her even in RN, it's just that it's the first time there.
>archaic conceptions of sexuality
Then why did she admit it when she lost her own heterosexuality?
It's literally what Sakura herself is stated to think. What she's freaking out about is Rin trying to talk Shirou into turning his back on her and killing her. The NTR undertones of the scene are what come from the reader's external point of view. Try reading the scene, and you'll see.
Because not even Zouken is able to go against the Japanese ESRB.
>Rape was far from the worst thing she went through
It was. And Sakura wasn't "just raped", every time she was fucked by the worms it was rape, incest, physical torture (how many do you think she can fit in her child pussy before it becomes unbearably painful instead of pleasurable?), drowning in fucking worms, scarring mental torture and a near death experience.
>Shinji strongly implies that he's about to rape her
Like Zero strongly implies she lost her virginity, but you don't take strong implications as evidence, so why do you bring this up?
Still, implied INTENT to rape from a non-rapist is not an excuse for gruesome murder.
Sakura is completely unjustified in RN, whereas in the original it's easy to completely side with her and wish Shinji died. But fuck empathy, right?
>she lost her own heterosexuality?
She what?
There's no such thing as losing your heterosexuality. She was bisexual to begin with, she just didn't clearly realize it until that moment.
Shinji will never rape his dear sister Sakura. He's probably checking if she has mold growing in her vagina
>physical torture, drowning in fucking worms, scarring mental torture and a near death experience.
All of these apply to RN too. Trying to brush all that off just because there was no benis in vagoo just serves to show what your view of women is.
>Like Zero strongly implies she lost her virginity
She didn't, get over it.
>implied INTENT to rape from a non-rapist is not an excuse for gruesome murder.
Considering how much people bashed her original version for losing her virginity, clearly it must be justified to protect it no matter what. Either way, though, the entire point of that scene is that she has a mental breakdown because she doesn't know whether it was her will or that of the shadow that resulted in his death, so you can just chalk it up to the latter if protecting her virginity for Shirou isn't a motive that convinces you.