How do you feel about this?
When will god purge again earth?
Is there even hope?
How do you feel about this?
When will god purge again earth?
Is there even hope?
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Pretty hard, I'd purge that kid's sphincter.
>All that prime boipussy
What a time to be alive
Dating for kids?!?
I've said it before, kids and teens are acting like 20-somthings!
> When I was 12, 20 year olds had an smartphone and a relationship
> Now that I'm 20 years old, 12 year olds have smartphones and relationship. Whilst I got neither.
10-Year-Old Transgender Boy is Starting a Dating Website for Trans Children
Read more at:
Its real
Literally a legal pedo-magnet. Looking for VERY underage kids? No problem, look at this site! Just make a fake profile, arrange a date, and you're ready for the time of your life!
Jokes aside, if it starts, how comes that the authorities haven't thought that it will be literally filled with pedos disguised as children?
>Sodom and gomorrah
quick rundown?
How the fuck is a 10-year old boy starting a website?
It's obviously an adult involved, but if the headline was "35 year old man start a website for transgender children dating" how would people react?
i want off
what the fuck
This is obviously for pedophiles, and there's no excuse for it. LGBTWTFBBQ is a growing cancer
Please God, destroy us today.
Do it now.
Crack the planet justly Lord.
This thread again? That's like 50 times this week alone. The Kremlin is really carpetbombing Sup Forums with this "West is degenerate" nonsense.
You know what to do.
God, I don't ask much from you but please, please smite the parents of this abomination.
He helped making the day of the rope list
No the west has reached decadence level degeneration.
Why does it look like he already has AIDS
If a kid can't have sex until a certain age then the sexuality of a kid should not be determined for them.
You guys need to take a better approach at this subject that cuts away the fat of emotions attached to this.
>If a person comes up gay that simply means they weren't meant to reproduce.
>Heterosexuality is only about reproduction.
>sexuality is fluid, therefore you can choose to not be gay
>gender is not fluid because you either have a vagina or balls
>if you have neither then you aren't here to reproduce and will die off ending your genes.
You need to fight the disambiguation that goes along the lines SJW try to make and show the comparative ideologues they see as absolute. In reality they are just batshit crazy and are brainwashed into spewing shit they can't seem to make connections to.
>how comes that the authorities haven't thought that it will be literally filled with pedos disguised as children?
Do you expect government officials to make a statement that they intend to monitor the site?
>Link to redpill your normie friends.
Just remember this fellas: it's going to get a lot worse before it gets a lot better. The events of the past 100 years will have to reach an apex point where everything is a lot worse than what it is now, then action will come and things will vastly improve. I'm very confident in this. There will be a point where even the normies realise this is too much because this sort of thing will be everywhere, and we will all reject it.