Are somalians the worst people in the world?

are somalians the worst people in the world?

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memeflags are


Negros + Semites... Probably one of the Demiurge's worst ideas.

Yes they are. They have no culture and the country is a fucking mess. Somalian people doesnt even like their own country as everyone fucking migrates. They just come to our countries and rape our people

No. Pic related are.


you forget that 99% of the population of africa are the same.
Whatever shithole country you pick from africa, they are all the worst.

yes, why does my country keep importing them

Somali is also one of those most disgusting sounding languages on Earth.

Please remember that the nothern part of africa is muslim. Rest is pretty much christian with almost the same ideologies as us westerns. The rest are small minorities of conservative tribes. Only the muslim africans are bad and rapists. Christian african immigrants atleast want to work and study and not exploit our welfare

Lol @ the swedecuck saying christian africans want to work and not exploit welfare...dumbass just the simple fact that they arent white makes them exploit welfare even if they are making 100k+

No, swedes are.
I've just moved to Sweden from Somalia.
The girls here are terrible, they scream and fight when I try to have sex with them, so I have to drug them or knock them out before I insert my BBC.

swedefag if they were like us, then why are their countries shitholes? Why would they even bother to come over here? because free money an' sheit.

no, ar*bs are

They give Moroccans a run for their money

No, that title goes to us.


>Christian african immigrants atleast want to work and study and not exploit our welfare
fuck off nigger, go back your shithole
Also Algeria, Tunisia and Libya have the highest on the continent HDI

Well played, have a (You) Sven.

reportedly the niggs of niggs

You clearly don't know Africa.
The south is as fucked up as the rest, with rampant rapists, murderers and theifs.
Even the police get in on the action down south.
Lived in Mocambique for 2 years and wasn't allowed to move outside without 4 armed bodyguards.
One of the most fucked up things I witnessed was 2 police men opening fire on two nuns in a car, dragged them out and then raped their coprses.
They later claimed they thought the nuns were muslim terrorists due to their covering veils and did the deed to make people feel safe.
Doesn't explain why they raped them though.

Another case of, these are now your borders negro by the anglo, what could go wrong.

the only good Canadian musician is Somalian, so they have that

This thread is Derg approved. Somalia will never steal Ethiopian clay.

For them to be worst people, they first need to be people.

>Doesn't explain why they raped them though.
Better safe than sorry.

Hi Ethiopian ape, all niggers should leave I don't give a shit what religion you're a part of.

t. Ir*nian disgusting scum


Definitely one of the least evolved, least civilized and least enlightened people, yes.

I second this

Yeah no.

We should move all of the liberals there.

Make Somalia great again!

They took over my neighborhood. I fucking hate them.

And hyper violent.

you can tell there is nothing going on in their heads, gives me the spooks... like the car is driving but there is clearly nobody inside


No, Pakistanis are.
Poo in Loo + Mudslime.
I really don't know how it can get worse than that.
Every Somali I've met here has been pretty friendly.

>raped their corpses

Come on sven, are you just being edgy ? I heard a story unironically from a fellow burger traveler that the place has some of the most beautiful beaches in the world. Didn't day much about the people though.
