How & why is Japan's population shrinking? They have a lot of considerably cute women, their country's economy is stable for a large family to all get an education, and they have a lot of job opportunities yet Jap men are too weak to multiply, yet people in shitholes like Philippines, Indonesia, India, Bangladesh and other overpopulated shitholes continue to overpopulate.
Also, how can we stop overpopulation??
How & why is Japan's population shrinking? They have a lot of considerably cute women...
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*takes off makeup*
A lot of job opportunities?
go to japan then you'll find out the EXACT OPPOSITE. Upward mobility in that economically stable (I should say stagnant, it could've perform much better) country is very difficult. You can never be anything there, opening your own business and actually thriving is next to impossible.
Just go back to your cubicle and work for the big state-backed behemoths (ironically this is not the case in china). How can you think of making kids when your dreams and soul are long dead and buried? that's why most of their girls chose to do AV.
like shit
>tfw you admitted defeat to the yellow demon and have an Elliot Rodgers kid
I'm so sorry Sup Forums, but Im too weak.
Japan became a utopia, then their men became weak
Same as every other developed country. Future is theoretically secure, you don't have the threat of being a starving beggar when you're ready to retire. There is no pressure to foster a family that will take care of you when you grow old and weak. So you put family aside in favor of a career that never arrives. You get a job that kills your spirit, you struggle to find a partner and life is devoid of meaning.
If you manage to start a family, one kid is more than you can manage, so you stop after the first one. Again, because the pressure to have kids that can support you in the future has been replaced by the welfare state.
would still bukkake on
the literal nanny state that let muslims rape their children
our fertelity is relatively high compared to other East Asian countries, and almost same as EU average fertelity 1,5
you incels better worry about yourself first
It's literally autism, many Japanese men class themselves as "herbivores" and just stay at home playing vidya and wanking. It's a lesson for us all.
On the other hand, a drop in population is not necessarily a bad thing, the place was overpopulated anyway and they are technologically advanced enough to automate a lot of things. They won't have the same issues with surplus population as most countries once the automation takes off.
>How & why is Japan's population shrinking?
Highly educated societies have fewer kids. Japan is no different, they have some the highest educated people in the world therefore they’re not gonna be reproducing at a rapid rate.
>They have a lot of considerably cute women
That’s subjective.
>their country's economy is stable for a large family to all get an education
Stable? Yes. However it’s stagnant. They never quite recovered from their own stock market crash in the 90s. Just because a country is stable doesn’t mean it’s time to pump out more children.
>and they have a lot of job opportunities
Yes. I’m sure people are lining up to become low level Salarymen or become a part-timer. There’s not a lot of job opportunities in Japan. Plus the work culture is to work 80-90 hour weeks while being paid for 40hrs if that.
You’re suppose to work unpaid overtime as a salaryman. Your bosses hold complete legal power over you, and often abuse their employees mentally or some cases physically. It leads to high rate of suicide or working yourself to death they even have their own term for it.
Why does it even matter? They have 120+ million people in an island the size of Finland.
I bet that the Chinese numbers are from official records. There’s a number of unnamed children that are born to parents with a child already. To avoid paying a fine or going to jail, they don’t exist officially. They don’t go to school, don’t go to the doctor, if they’re found out about the parents get in trouble.
>How & why is Japan's population shrinking?
It isn't, birth rates are skyrocketing.
That's simply not true. Herbivore men are in every advanced economy and are a tiny part of a larger problem. The main factors are far simpler.
Higher levels of education and encouraging women to get a career leads to less time for kids and (in Japan in particular), trying to juggle a job and kids is career suicide when the corporate culture demands 100% devotion to the company. It's a benefit to the economy in the medium term (which is why governments pushed it initially) but the result is far lower birth rates and it can be observed across all developed nations. Japan just happens to be more developed than most.
But also this
problem is that niggers like to fuck. Also femensim's plague is everywhere in the first and second world.
According to population growth statistics it is not
I know what you mean, its 黒孩子, but those undocumented children are not that much. Either way it was too late to abandon one child policy, its inevitable that china is going to decline bc of liberalism and feminism like jp/kr/taiwan
Young men dropping out of society is a far bigger problem in Japan than elsewhere, although I agree that they may just be ahead of us and we're catching up. I used to live in Tokyo, and the lifestyle there is not really conducive to bringing up a family. Even when you aren't working, you're out drinking with your workmates.
>Surveys of single Japanese men conducted in 2010 found that 61% of men in their 20s and 70% of men in their 30s considered themselves to be herbivores
There is a reason why words like hikkikomori and otaku are among the few Japanese words used in English, the process is more advanced there, though we see it all around us in the West (especially on here).
Because they are slaves to their economy.
They're trained from the beginning to become obedient workers that slave away in a dead end job.
Their community is cold and distant, why do you think they have so many suicides there?
Japan is overpopulated as fuck
That's a viet-gook
Japan is overpopulation against the land size.
Japan's side is almost same with Germany. 67% of Japanese land is mountains.
But population number of Japan is 1.5 times of Germany.
Self-sufficiency of foods and energy is low in Japan. So decreasing of population is rather good for Japan.
Therefore Japanese don't care much the decreasing of population.
I wish people in our country would follow Japan's work culture and work more rather than fucking overpopulating the fucking country, I swear people here don't like using condoms because they like it skin to skin, plus they think using contraceptives is a sin.
>Japan's side
Japan's land size
even though the transition from a high to a low population is difficult - becasue you will have a period with very many old people, it will only be a few decades.
After that the living standard in japan will probably rise a lot because overpopulation is a huge problem already.
If they reduce their population from almost 130 million to about 70 million, those 70 million will have a better life in the future
Having a kid is expensive, even with subsidies. I want 1-2 more, but shit, money.
Do Asians fear the BIg Mongolian cock?
Human population has always followed an ebb and flow. It's literally fucking nothing. That tiny island has a shit-ton of people living on it, instinctively, people are allowing the birth rate to stagnate a bit so the population can level out. It'll be fine.
What are you doing here? You should work work work
so why you gaijins easily believe those liberal ''oh look how weird japan is'' news?
like i said our fertility is almost same as average EU countries, for example, germany despite having strict policy about immigrants unlike germany
>you gaijins
You've spent a little too much time in Japan, Daniel-san.
It's a controlled population decline due to automation taking many lower level jobs. The fake urgency of it all reported in the West is to try to put pressure on Japan to let in 'migrants'.
Don't believe the lies that this is some type of epidemic. Japan knows what it's doing and the last thing they need is to be pressured into accepting immigrants, Japan is not a nation of immigration.
Japan is a country which is literally dystopia for men. I kid you not. Unless you are some kind of Chad (Brains, Look, Cash, Connections), you're just a robot slaving away your life for nothing but peanuts.
Woman there would not settle down until you can guarantee them a settled life. They won't. They'll settle only for chads who have a super stable job, which is not affected by recessions or shit.
Same in Korea. Unless you literally pick a whore off the dumpster.
There, the lower class (Blue collar) will try to live for themselves, than pop out little yellow babies. They're intelligent enough to know its hard to rear kids, and risk of failure too high.
Resources are scarce, and cost of living is extremely fucking high. seriously.
Phillippines is a growing country with fresh influx of jobs and opportunities, thanks to US outsourcing the tech support from India. Also, Duterte. It is also Roman Catholic.
Rest is not known to me.
Indonesia is Muslim.Wahhabi influx. Growing in its own right.
Bangladesh is a shithole where shitholes go to die.
If you think it is not as bad, everyone in B'Desh is muslim, with the talented ones long gone. They destroyed their own country, and Muslim solution is extremely popular there.
India, has at least 50% of population that cannot be reasoned with. Simple. They don't understand why they exist. Find a source of income, fuck, pop spawns out. That's it.
There is also a significant muslim population in certain states which contribute a lot to unskilled workforce.
India also has a refugee problem. Refugees from Bangladesh are literally pouring in. 6-10 million estimated figures. They'll be deporting 1 million this year.
India will stabilize its population, or at least fucking try to, if the current government continues to take actions.
How to stop Overpopulation?
Short term right, long term wrong answer: War.
Literally draft everyone to fight slams.
Long term answer?
Fascist Government (1/2)
I know what you mean, I also wish my countrymen stop fucking overpopulating, since the more people we have the fewer job opportunities, food becomes scarce, large traffics, massive pollution, and our country's resources continue to run out
this, japan is so inbred that people there really look horrible
I told you, Ken-san, I used to live there. Germany's fertility rate is also diabolical, there's no point using that as a comparison. I agree that Japan is very crowded though, depopulation will be a good thing up to a point.
So you imply my eng is damn fluent enough to make you think that i am one of those pathetic fucking losers aka beta white english teachers with yellow fever? thanks
Fascist Government with an organised sterilization program( Containing Statisticians, and Theretical Biologists) which is racially, religiously economically, caste wise organized, and aimed towards eliminating the filth of the society.
Have you been to Japan? It is one ENDLESS CITY. There are too many goddamn people. If their population shrinks, it'll be fine. Wages will rise, densities will falls, resources will be reallocated. So long as they don't let anyone in, things will work out.
>its hard to rear kids
Not if you have connections with the Podesta Brothers
japan is one of the countries with the highest average iq unlike the shitholes you mentioned.
Intelligent men require good living conditions.
They require time for themselves because they are not monkeys that are happy with just surviving. they don't have this because japanese men spend a lot time at work.
They require decent women unlike the monkeys that just want to fuck any hole without thinking in having a good family or good living condition for their offspring.
you can't have good family with women who are mentioned to be shallow and with pretty high standards.
Solution: fix working conditions and women.
But that's is just a fantasy because if you try to fix this you will be labeled as a racist, nazi, classist, mgtow,etc.
you're projecting your insecurities, davido-kun
Japan has a lot of Japanese people
>So long as they don't let anyone in, things will work out.
Exactly, which is why given the chance you all need to spread this message. The open-borders/globalist/whatever you want to call them people are actively spreading BS about Japan to try to make them change from a homogeneous society to one of immigration. Do your bit for the Nips and correct the lies.The Nips know what they're doing.
A successful homogeneous society like Japan irks the 'left'(again whatever you want to call them) more than anything else.
Honestly a lot of the Japan men are just too shy to talk to girls
Unless you want your spawn to be diddled by some kike Pedos.
Caste system should be as follows:
Light-skinned Indians should be required to breed 3-4 children.
Dark-skinned Indians should be limited to have only one children.
White India will become a superpower toppling US & China
>how can we stop overpopulation??
Kill everyone with a darker complexion than the average Chinese man.
There's only enough land to feed 120m
an indian with a long elobarate post? On Sup Forums?
Not every Indian poos on keyboard and roads, Krautnon.
>How & why is Japan's population shrinking?
relationships full of autism, life too easy
>how to stop overpopulation?
kill all the elders, unironically
Caste system is more merit based. You cant look into it.
Although many light-skinned people are usually upper ones. Lower castes aren't bad people.
But many of them politically are more leftist/commie/rapacious. They chimp out with muslims. Thus, they need to be regulated.
you guys are always either filthy and terrible or decent and based with absolutely no middle ground whatsoever.
youre in denial and those types of weebs are on the brink of extinction.
>"cute women"
>thinking the asians you see in the internet is how normal nips look
LMAOing at your life
There are various factors that have aggravated the declining birthrate in Japan--many have already been mentioned, but I'll offer a few that you may not have considered.
Much like Western Europe and the United States, Japan has gone through something of a sexual revolution--albeit delayed. For most Japanese throughout history, aside from some naughty samurai, sex outside of marriage was very uncommon. That has only changed in the last few decades.
The Pill, Abortion on demand and Prostitution (+pornography). These are three of the leading factors in the declining birthrate in Japan--but they are sacred cows. So while the government tries to roll out more preschool programs, build more nurseries (so women can be wage slaves just like men) and make other such overtures, they are unwilling to tackle the real problems.
The Pill has allowed women to be sexually active without fear of pregnancy. This has for decades been pushing down the age of Japanese girl's first sexual experience. Thirty years ago, many Japanese women didn't have their first sexual experience until marriage, or their late 20's, early 30's. Now it is down into the teens! This of course has had major societal effects.
Unlike much of the west, there is no stigma against abortion, so tens of thousands of Japanese babies are aborted every year. Since adoption is almost unheard of, and single-motherhood is highly stigmatized, abortion is the only option many Japanese women feel they have to unwanted pregnancies.
With the advent of the internet age, prostitution has proliferated in Japan. While before it was largely relegated to shady night clubs and soaplands, now a person can get sex delivered to their local hotel with a few finger swipes on a cell phone app. Sex is cheap.
This had led to the break down in marriage, the lowering of the value of monogamy, and of course making men into zombies. Too many herbivore beta men.
>implying some of us don't see plenty of asians where we live
>MAOing at my life
You guys truly are the Mexicans of Asia.
>full of autism
>italy’s birthrate is 1.37
>They have a lot of considerably cute women
They are usually fairly plain to ugly actually. And no, your cherry picked models do not represent the entire nation's female populace.
Another thing is Japanese women are career women first and foremost, like almost every other developed asian nation. Feminism is rampant because they are influenced by the west, especially their women. Most japanese aren't having children because their women are just simply not suited to be housewives when they work late hours at office jobs along side their potential husbands and even with both parents working the cost of raising a child let alone having the time to even interact with the child becomes more and more difficult. There is hardly any room for family in their economy and life style so the japanese woman is often a feminist(in the career woman sense, not the sexual liberated sense which i could argue is equally as cancerous to a society because this leads to sexual degeneracy the more empowered end their egos inflate) and the men there are terrified of being sued for sexual harassment in office settings were men are bullied by the female coworkers into submission with threats to their job and public image. Its a very very harsh community and gossip will destroy you life in a heartbeat. Simply put, the japanese woman is hardly suitable to be a housewife and any woman that is willing to race mix and abandon her heritage and genetics is an auto thot.
It doesn't matter.
They'll have to get over it, man.
The current state of PORN is our litmus test for handling abundance as a species. If you can have unlimited access to free sexual stimulation, and yet you choose to partake sparingly and prioritize your species' survival, you pass the test.
How the fuck do you think we'd handle free energy if we can't handle free porn?
did i imply we are better, nip monkey?
They should overpopulate and then ship em out to Africa to colonize. I know declining population isn't a bad thing, but I would much rather see more japs than jigaboos in the world. Same goes for China, I hope they take over africa and start up the extermination
is that a happa or a pure jap?
You tell the truth.
The ones who act terrible/filthy are usually trash .They are ostracized and corrected. Nowadays, they aren't, because PC is the norm, and the straight ones are labelled Nazi/Extremists.
The trash move out to a region where chimping out is political correctness. We apologize for our trash. Currently eliminating them one at a time.
Do you really need to ask?
Why uneducated people like you think populatios need to continue growing up indefinitely, they don't need to. Basically its because of a ponzi scheme used in most part on their social security, so don't apply the same logic you are used to to all places.
Nah We know your cunt is shithole and cesspool of terrone desu
fifth horseman, anime
This one has the gist of it
overpopulation doesn't exist
it's a myth from the left
scarcity of space in japan has opened room for innovation to make it more efficient
Because, men over there would rather date pillows, as well as the Japanese not wanting to marry Whitey.
watch this and learn
Asians are considered expert difficulty when trying to cum in their eyes.
Half white, half Japanese 100% cute as hell.
malthusian myth
the less people, the less prosperity
less people, less geniuses, less entrepeneurs
japan is poor as shit due to monetary policies from the last decades still going on
You mean terran?
is it male or female?
if i were you i'd abort all the eliot rodgers you might have
>their country's economy is stable for a large family to all get an education.
No it's not.
>t. english teacher
>Brown eyes
what are you talking about
based nippon isn't poor like your country
You are absolutely correct pajeet.
My japanese co-workers are the slaves of their families. Their wives don't work but control the family finances. The husbands are given a little living expenses.
One of my colleague even had to save money on his lunch to buy a manga book.
This is what you called "cute" women.
Boy, and I'm not a Jew, he's okay.
i'm sorry for your loss m8
don't buy him a fedora pls
>T. EU waste hole.
What happened to your leaf?
of course it's gonna have brown eyes you dumb cunt
all chinks do
The wind blew it away.
I'm on no fap man come on