This kills the alt-right


>jews kill jewish controlled opposition to claim victory over racists
yeah, gg

pay attention to this woman

that doesn't kill the alt-right, this does

Left destroyed !

Thank god for retards like that, we're winning the fight.

The left is a death cult, and i want their dreams to come true

Sup Forums BTFO!!!

She needs to be raped and killed by a nigger in front of me and I'll remain silent and masterbate

That's enough. Degenerates' opinions are worth dogshit.

you know with your titties in my mouth I wouldnt be able to talk

This saves the white race. Europeans and Orientals are going to form an Empire and eradicate all the shitskins for control over the entire planet.

More like the Chinks are just going to eradicate all of us, bucko.

Most chinks are shitskins that will be eradicated.

>dat gaping hole

Fuck wipe the jizz off your gash first

She wants a hate fucking.

when the soah comes, i hope ill find this thot so i can feed it her own fingers

Shes right, she isnt going anywhere.

>This saves the white race.
I'm sure boceoming all mutts will save the white race

She wants benis in vagina

This, china would have no problem killing their own filth.

Why be a nigger faggot tranny when you could just kill yourself?

There is no alt-right. You throw anyone who disagrees with you into one basket and straw-man them by associating them with bigots. Trump is right. You are wrong. Thank GOD Trump is president.

Technically shitposting on the internet doesn't make any sound.

>even jews are 56% in the US

>Be quiet while we destroy your country , family and culture

This, alt right is a psy ops and everyone associeting himself with it is either a shill or usefull idiot. It just serves to throw all trump supporters, conservatives, right wingers, conspiracy theorists, nazis, racist, people that hate the (((establishment))) and everyone else they dont like into one pot and discredit them all based on a few negative examples they likely have to stage themselves even

>Why immigrate to the west and claim resources and opportunity when that inevitably initiates conflict when you could just stay where you are.

jesus my sides

You consider this logic? This is manifestation of emotions. As Oprah said, make sure people here "your truth". Not "the" truth, "your" truth. The made up truth. From their feelings. And weak, pathetic clowns feel like they are discriminated against. So it doesn't matter what the alt-right says.

You are a joke and an embarrassment to thought.

being quiet has only killed people


Thesis (Antifa/BLM) Anti-These (AltRight/Infowars) = Synthesis (National Bolshevism/Dugin-Bannon-Zionism)

>This, alt right is a psy ops and everyone associeting himself with it is either a shill or usefull idiot. It just serves to throw all trump supporters, conservatives, right wingers, conspiracy theorists, nazis, racist, people that hate the (((establishment))) and everyone else they dont like into one pot and discredit them all based on a few negative examples they likely have to stage themselves even

slide thread
sage and fuck off

Why keep talking when you could just be sucking my dick bitch?

Why be quiet when you could just be correct?

Because I'm all of those things for a reason.

Why be an annoying whiny race baiting cunt when you can just be quiet?


Damn you're right, all opposition is controlled opposition, I guess the only winning move is to import millions of nonwhites and breed with them to make a good servile slave caste for the Jews to rule over.

What happened in the video? Did he just moon? Or did poop come out? I'm not watching it. Thanks.

of course she's not going anywhere, she's disabled.

because being quiet isn't as fun.

>when you could just be quiet

if only they followed their own advice...

I have actually had the "why dont you just be quiet" shit thrown at me by some progressives at uni.

I went to the standard defence "my ancestors where quiet as they were shipped off to the German camps, I will not make their mistake".

Best part? I am not even remotely Jewish.

Because having a tantrum like a toddler is the way to convince everyone that you have a point.

Stay classy, trannies.

I used to be quiet, then people like her pushed me over the edge of not giving a fuck anymore.


So she's just a white woman.

Its okay you don't have to go anywhere to be put in your place

like 80% of the people called "alt right" are none of those things. its a great strawman term for tearing down common sense populist polices.

nasty ass jew hoe

uh huh I pull that bullshit too when some mystery-meat liberal rat women gets in my face... shuts them down just like that, they know never to defy their jewish masters and it's pretty funny

no shame in bullshitting people that have no shame in bullshitting you

Damn, if fits all leftists, like the alt-right. Everyone should use one of these

Because all that is need for the evil to triumph is the silence of a few good man

imagine how long that jizz has been there

So what's the consensus on what the XXY signifies? Is that her allosomal karyotype?

is she asking black people?


This is akin to saying "things you hate exist BTFO"

>So she's just a white woman.

You have a strange definition of white, my friend.

I think I'm gay now.

Dude I unironically love Godess Greeneyes, her asshole is so perfect.

She has a clips4sale page and makes all kinds of weird "trash talking" videos and stuff. I don't think she's actually political, for instance she has another video where she calls the viewer a nigger about a thousand times. It's literally videos for people who like to be bullied while they fap.

>it's okay for me to tell you how to live your life, but you can't tell me fuck all to do with mine
Typical liberal bullshittery.


It's clearly a post-op transsexual.

Jesus christ, of all my years of internet experience, post-op vag has to be the worst thing to look at. Because it's so fucking unnecessary. Who in their right mind is gonna see that thing, and wanna jam their dick in it? Nevermind. I don't want to know. But anyway GEG's pussy is real you just haven't seen many pussies.


Soyboys love this shirt because all soyboys know to do when their views are challenged is to be quite.

These are some top kek

The fact that you know this kike whore's name - and are boasting about it - is just sad. And disgusting.

She should get her tits out and stfu.

Good, knowledge is power my niqqa.

That's really fucked up but so damn funny. He can never look at himself in the mirror again!

She has the thousand cock stare, avoid.

wtf is that below her asshole?

>muh ptsd
fuck off pussy

Trigglypoof spotted

>you are all assholes
spreads pussy.

when can we start gassing them?

all fields, stick to fucking sheep, faggotnigger

id rather fuck the horse.

no, not true. She plain and simply has jewish eyes. full stop.