It's afraid

It's afraid.

shut up you bogan shit
I could end your life right now

t. murdoch

Despite being boogeyman of the right, he was actually responsible for dismantling of most of the communist countries. It's like he hates Eastern Europe's guts.

Nationalism quite frankly is horrible for the betterment of humanity. Why separate ourselves by false identities and divisions when we could looks inwards at the similarities that bring us together? He's not wrong at all. The world will move past nationalism in the next century as it becomes moe globalised.

Really wish racists and nazis could somehow stop being nationalists, globalism is a cancer and it's never going to be killed as long as every supporter of killing it also wants to kill everyone that isn't exactly like them

Because your country does things in ways that I don't want to do them.

merely a diversion..

this but unironically

Sup Forums is the official Soros shills board.


Very good post

You have to believe in that though. Otherwise, you will be going back.

When did Soros replace Rothschild as the alt-right's main (((globalist))) boogeyman?

>look momee i yelled at da brown pipo on 4chins!! will that mean u stop fucking jamal??

We should start using different terms like patriotism to differentiate ourselves from Nazis and other retards

Rothschilds have an history as supporters of zionism. Ethno-statists sympathise with that, you got guys like Spencer condoning Israel.

Soros, historically, has had really bad relations with zionists, and is an outspoken promoter of (both classical and social) liberal values. He gives cash to orgs like BLM.

Unlike Rothschild's, Soros is actually funding leftist movements with billions. He isn't a boogieman, he is an actual threat.

These people are mentally ill. How do they support themselves if they do nothing but shitpost on the internet?

Around 2014/15

He's right tho

They want your attention, don't give underage faggots what they want

Oh noes someone dares threaten the Mercer, Koch-Brothers Think-tank!!! Quickly lets pretend the world is crashing!

>Mercer, Koch-Brothers

Neither of them fund terrorists. I know you're trolling and trying to provoke Sup Forumstards, but at least come up with a good comparison.

a real australian would never say this

Getting tired of both the /leftypol/ and Sup Forums threads. Are the new janitors coming anytime soon?

It's literally both groups of neets calling eachother cuckolds in every thread.

You're right, I'm not indigenous so I can't say I'm a real Australian.

>Neither of them fund terrorists.
Oh my sweet sweet child. If you though a multiple trillion Industry that requires people to be afraid doesn't fund and train terrorists your very naive. There is so much money in guns it would last for over 100 thousand major bank robberies over. How hard is it to get some farmers in africa to kill some people in europe if you then get billion dollar contracts as a result?

Who would buy bullet proof vests, guns, ammo disarming robots, armored APCs if no terrorism happens and the world is at peace?

this fagot is talking about koch brotherswtf is going on here???

I'm torn between my hatred for nationalism and my hatred for free market liberalism.

>Neither of them fund terrorists


Why do you hate nationalism?

One leads to something better, and the other leads to fascism.

what is free market liberalism and why do you hate it?

It leads to primal "us" vs "them" thinking that usally escaletes into war see literally every nationalistic country ever and it stops humans from working towards a common goal when they are discrated over petty bullshit

Free market lieralism allowed such monstrosities like the millitary industrial complex from forming, coporations are literally more powerful than governments and only answer to their shareholders, no democracy involved.

The real problem are his clients, the ones that actually hire him to disrupt, divide and conquer so they can keep the status quo that brings in their money. Goldman Sachs and the like.
Those people also hire the Koch brother's think tanks, you need both sides of the coin to win.

but the biggest contributer to nationalism is suppressing it?

Then the 1950s in europe should have been field day for nationalists, except it wasn't.

Austrian, you need to take a step back and read the stupid shit you type

Sorry not sorry if I'm creeping up on your comfort zone here but "hurr durr youa wrihte da stupid" isn't an argument

>24/7 arguing on Sup Forums
Yeah whatever, I'm going to watch a boxing match and go to bed. Have a good day.

What's wrong with nationalism?

>that usally escaletes into war
straight out of plebit

>Old Hungarian Jew
>Thinks the most important things happening in the world are in Central and Eastern Europe
I understand WHY he feels that way. But seriously?

It's unironically true. Half the wars in Europe in the 19th-20th centuries started over some nationalist autism.

>worthless post
Checks out

but the divisions are not false haha

he's the reason antisemitism exists today

He fucks with Israel too, he owns the haaretz. Not like Bibi makes it too hard for him since he's a nigger crook too.
He's been getting his claws on North Korea with those fake CIA run NGOs. He's all over the place and with very differing strategies but he's much more visible in Yurop.

Unlike you he knows.

why are you using a trip? honest question


The more I learn about the old boy the more intrigued I am.
Most rich guys find it sufficient to give away their cash to science shit or aid for shitholes.
Old boy Soros on the other hand has a thing about politics and he wants his mark on the world to be a more liberal world.
And he doesn't half ass it. My bet is he will leave every penny he has to his foundation.

Can't the innocent trashmen work for the recyclingcenter?


I think he knows something we don't. Everyone knows power and money is easier to hold under a authoritarian monoculture and in crony capatalism which he lets his followers openly figh against. The new right isn't telling the whole story here.

That New Zealander is our resident Sup Forumstard and also happens to be a legit underaged teenager. The silly prick is a high school student, stupid enough to admit it not long ago.

More people here needs to use names, trips and show off pass account honestly.

I remember when years ago we had many tripfriends.

>a authoritarian monoculture and in crony capatalism
>which he lets his followers openly figh against.

look at Sup Forums
>it's shit
look at the other boards with no flags
>it's shit

>which he lets his followers openly figh against. The new right isn't telling the whole story here.
you need to tell me what you're smoking, i need to grow that stuff

why would he care about that? he's an old man

Oh that's normal. everyone goes through that phase. First you start out as a commie then you become a Sup Forumstard because you need a new identity now that you're older and the world still doesn't make sense when puberty ends and thenyou slightly lose your brainwashing around 22-24 and you ask yourself this question over and over again "qui bono?" and then you realize how fucked up uncontrolled capitalism actually is.

Soros is a hardcore Zionist. Its in his blood.

>More people here needs to use names, trips and show off pass account honestly.
if thats what you want then why don;t you use a forum?


Socialism doesn't exactly help very big coporations, who need wage slaves to grow big

>you need to tell me what you're smoking, i need to grow that stuff
All these groups like BLM are downright socialist to the core. Socialm hurts profits by demanding higher wages for wage slaves and taxing big players trough higher taxers on non-labour profits

or you just realize that all these ideologies are just meaningless window dressing for an actual millenia old ethnic-religious conflict between two certain groups

>Socialm hurts profits by demanding higher wages for wage slaves and taxing big players trough higher taxers on non-labour profits
This is American level of political knowledge.

He gets the left wing parties voters via brain washing, that doesn't mean those left wing parties actually fight crony capitalism.
They just vote some gay rights and abortion bullshit and throw their dog voters a bone. Just look at Hollande and his work rights reform.

Retarded tier understanding of history.

You will grow out of that phase too. Ethnicity means jack shit. For Sociopaths who run this world all that matters is wealth and power, race, religion, political leaning are just useful labels to keep the plebs fighting each other instead of the guys who live like fat maggots from human misery. Sup Forumstards, identitarians, or whoever give you a nice a enemy "the joos" "the shitskins" "the globalists" but all they are really saying is "donate to my cause and do what I want" it's basically like a sports club that needs fans, because fans make you money and give you influnce.

>You are retarded and young until you eventually embrace my ideology around the age I embraced it at which point you are mature and sophisticated

Black lives matter and shit like that isn't socialist. There's no actual socialism in the West. The former socialist elements and leftists in general have been allowed to indulge in retarded pseudoscience fads in the public sphere, in turn they ignore economics and let capitalim run wild. They are nothing more than cronies of consumerist society, allowed to peddle their surrogate religion of the day in exchange for remaining impotent with regards to economic matters. Capitalism in its current form can only profit from these left wing ideologies like destruction of borders and families, so they are allowed to dominate public dicourse.

In German at least Socialsim is mostly understood as "Social-democratism" a lighter form of socialism, which yes hurts coporations, all major news outlets and especially boulevard prints hit pieces on those parties since their inception because the guys who pay the papers and the specific medias trough advertisements are hurt by their policies.

babbies first day at university

Oh look, babby learned how to think outside of the box on a basic level
Do some more critical thinking and you'll realize reality is not a movie, there is an immoral jewish force controlling over half of the world's wealth, and that race is much more important than you think it is. Most people who do not understand race live with their own kin (this is why blue states are majority white in New England and why countries like Sweden are socialist)

he's right, the poor divide themselves to get the money of the rich
meanwhile the rich don't care which pleb gets the taxes he pays
the more money you have the less you rely on a community and the less the identity politics mean to you
the funnies examples of the lower class are those that apply their mold of thinking to the rich, example:

>Capitalism in its current form can only profit from these left wing ideologies like destruction of borders and families, so they are allowed to dominate public dicourse.

That's not how this works. A coherent family unit doesn't mean less turnover. More workers doesn't autimatically mean lower wages. What's stopping an unemployed person from becoming self employed and therefore hiring workers? Capital, Patents and Market share. The three major policies that help big coporations stay big are the following right wing policies

1) Labour income is taxed higher than other forms at income. It's true for almost every country on the planet. A stock broker will always pay a lower percentage than somebody who is employed. This ensures no sudden rivals who gain capital by going to work first and giving everyone wh is already making income trough transaction a MAJOR headstart

2)Patents. Yes this is not a black and white issue especially in areas like medicine that requires billions of investment but Patents and patent trolling is one of the major factors from stopping rivals from forming in your field, see Apple for example

3) Corporations being seen as entities of their own, reduces personal responsibillity at the top. Basically you can run a company into the ground and not face any responsibillity for making thousands of people lose their jobs, but if you do a bad job as an employer and cause your employer financial harm, your ass is in court.

>Ethnicity means jack shit. For Sociopaths who run this world all that matters is wealth and power, race, religion, political leaning are just useful labels to keep the plebs fighting each other instead of the guys who live like fat maggots
So globalist jews.

Why do you have such a basic bland black and white pseudo intellectual worldview? Life isn't an algebra problem
>the more money you have the less you rely on community and the less identity politics mean to you
Yeah, until their neighbors all become foreigners to them and they have nowhere to go
The most staunch advocates of multiculturalism live in rich white places. It's ridiculous

You'll get there one day. One day you'll realize you've been working all your life for somebody elses luxury life and you got nothing to show for it. Or if you do, you worked yourself to death while some guy who was born into wealth reaps all the benefits of you guys keeping the system alive by letting his money work for him. And then you stop giving a shit about ethnicity and realize you got fucked over in your only live to make some rich fucks life great.

>baby's first month at work

>haha yeah kiddo, you'll get there one day ;-)
Jog on with your communist bullshit. "ugh people are getting all the benefit of workers even though the workers could get in their place if they were smarter and played the game of life better"

>A coherent family unit doesn't mean less turnover.
the idealized nuclear family with one income and one family head who decides upon the family's amount of consumption does though. individualization and particuralism on society e.g. "diversity" mean more diverse consume choices. the ideal is the individual that defines itself over consume choices, as we can see in modern society. left-wing identity politics fuel this line of thought.

>Yeah, until their neighbors all become foreigners to them and they have nowhere to go

You'll just split the foreigners into two groups and keep them fighting each other instead of you, just like you have been before. As a rich guy you have literally billions at your disposal to cause infighting. Rich people have been doing this since the dawn of mankind.

Ah yes, this worked very well for the French nobles in Haiti when blacks became a majority
Just like your generalization - just like history! WOW! Got him! I love being an intellectual robot that doesn't at all pay attention to human nature!
Get it together kids.... life is just complicated algebra ;-)

Too bad, not born rich enough? You didn't go to university X, you're not in X club? Looks like we don't have a spot open in X high paying job. Sorry.
>played the game of life better
If you have no starting capital you have less than a million chance of making it rich. 99% of poor people will stay poor. High rent, high cost of living and the inabillity to get a loan to compete will exclude you even if you found the perfect niche.

>The most staunch advocates of multiculturalism live in rich white places. It's ridiculous
they also travel the world and meet other pleasant rich people of different colors
their race is money and the race they hate is the poor, not the negros or the asians, the unrefined working class
you know it's true, they hate it's guts more than anything because they're as different as one can be from them

Yeah man, these sophisticated rich smart looking people really had it made before they were born

Yeah getting super rich maybe but you can definitely make a decent living and enjoy your life with effort.

Why are you so focused on being a billionaire?

The communist hungarian and austrian need to fuck off. You aren't fooling anyone

please spare him. his life is not worth shit.

You're equally generalizing, How do you know the rich and I mean the actual rich, not the white middle class got killed in Haiti and they didn't leave for France with the first boat that set sail? the only time rich people couldn't make it work is when they were the target, like french revolution.

>the slaughter of French in Haiti was just because of racial hatred in 'human nature' and definitely nor because slavery there made US slavery look like Disneyland

What does Oskar Gröning have to do with this?

Capitalism is inherently anti-nationalist and so are rich people as well as Jews. Figures. The old "the rich use nationalism to stirr up the peoples against each other" doesn't work anymore these days. The rich are on TV preaching diversity and anti-nationalism 24/7 in cooperation with so called left-wingers.
That's Oskar Gröning

>uncontrolled capitalism
doesn't exist

That you cannot get without figuratively breaking your back, wealth is not a measurment of effort but how much power you have or have had. But I'm the crazy one thinking the more effort you put into society running great for everyone the more wealth you should have, not those who live parasitically off other people's labour.

"Muh Gommunism" Keep being a wageslave to wallstreet my friend. The alternative is too scary, as FOX TM News TM has told you.

>this post
>this flag

Literally the only scenario where everyone coming together is needed is if there was an alien invasion

Basically does exist. Most rules are just there too keep newcomers out. The millitary industrial complex and all major internet companies answer to one but their shareholders.

I work for myself and the average age of Fox (tm) viewing is like 60.
You playing the Olympics to justify how evil the rich boogeyman is, is boring to me now. There are some faults with capitalism, they get some more benefits because they worked for it or inherited it, big fucking deal. It's only when you realize this rich class has cohesion with race and the members of the tribe of said race control all of it to immoral uses with examples like you have explained out