Have white husband and daughter

>have white husband and daughter
>get into medical debt at 19
>have to do BLACKED scenes to get out of it

american opposition to healthcare is literally cucking americans

Should have stayed in school coalburning whore

Actually she would've been able to be on her parent's insurance until she was 26

Elsa Jean herself has to be an octaroon or something. Have you seen her mother?

*saves the white race*

Why should she make money off her pussy when she didnt build that ?


>the absolute state of wh*te women

That pussy belongs to the proletariat, she has no right to charge people for that. Reactionary



Elsa Jean is not white.

So many miles of black cock, even if she was, she is not now

She can move to the black homeland after the race war

Burn the coal ...

If this is true, there's a hidden sadness to the blacked hand meme...
It's almost like a metaphor for Christ's lesson of infinite love and forgiveness even for the iconic image of a coalburning whore.

Sauce ?

God that's so hot.

Is it wrong that I get turned on by the thought of a snow white aryan woman flushing her genetics down the toilet by mating with a savage African with skin the colour of a thick, warm log of shit to create an unusually ugly, caramel coloured baby? Her beautiful white recessive genes being overpowered and corrupted the dominant black ones, making her next generation of offspring darker, less intelligent, and more inclined to violence

That's just sad. Still, I'm sure there was other way. It's not like USA is a 3rd world country.

isnt she a light skinned half black??

You just described jew porn.
Well, gold is jew porn. This is a close second.

yes. You're also a cuck in the making if you're not one already

Can't expect much else with that flag.

satire, dude....satire.

Whiteness is meant to submissive, recessive as the strong black genes take over, darkening it so that it echoes through the bloodline forever. A pure white woman becoming a brood mother to a litter of brown mutt babies. Like a cup of raw sewage being dumped into a barrel of fine wine, fouling it. It's such a beautiful thing to imagine, I'm actually hard as I type this.

I dream of this diversification that Europe is experiencing to happen over here, and I'm glad that my country, my leader, and my people feel the same way. Litter after litter of brown babies will inherit all that we've built.

I don’t blame you desu, it’s super hot

I suspect people like interracial porn for the same reason others like bestiality. Except in the case of niggers there's a chance of impregnation.

She's Hispanic. See

you know she probably fucked many guys before she did blacked. she was a roasty even if she didn't do porn, just like mommies of all you westerners here.

Blacks are farm equipment - lazy, shiftless and indolent, they only exert themselves under
threat of violence. You have never and will never build anything of value. White women
only desire you in porn which with your inferior negroid brain you have mistaken for reality. This is
why black males are confused, frustrated and violent. If you had a shred of decency you would genocide yourselves - but you won't because you don't.

That's realistic goal. It's happening on on your eyes and I'm cheering it on reading posts like that even if they are a satire. Brits disgust me.

You guys post more about trannies and black cock porn than actual politics. This board is just plain sad.

more than likely true. No sane women would do that just to pay of her denbts. Also look at her cuck husband . That piece of shit should have sell his kidney if they were in such a need of money.

Sweden is a nation I really look up to. I like to envision a pure, nordic family that has had dozens upon dozens of generations born carrying genes as pure as untouched snow, only for the family's daughter to give into passion and accept the seed of an unidentifiable negro refugee from Somalia.

His putrid spawn growing within her belly, his primitive genes now forever tarnishing a family's future bloodline forever like a splash of feces being mixed in a snowbank. No matter how much white you try to add, it will never be pure again

Not all of us are like that. You got to wonder what these people look like irl

Should autistic people be euthanized?

White women love Big Black Crap.

>forcing others at gunpoint to pay for your poor financial choices

why did this meme disappear?

could single handedly destroy attraction to dark skinned males if spread wide enough

She has just enough space between the eyes for a neat 9mm round.

Your fault for getting into debt.

she didn't though, she went off and did what any modern american woman would do facing financial ruination


Elsa Jean is not white, she's half-Egyptian. Her (real life) sister is way darker.

some memes take time

ever heard of a roman nose

we will get single payer eventually. everyone wants it already. trump already gutted ACA by getting rid of the mandate. It will slowly go bankrupt.

Hospitals have financial assistance programs. And it’s not like they’re losing money because for every dollar of charity care they give they get a dollar of their taxes forgiven.

It’s more complicated than that but yeah. There are options to avoid wrecking your life over hospital debt. Only stupid people let their bills go to collections.

> broke slut needs porn for medical bills
In America, poor people don’t have medical bills. Everything is covered by Medicaid and dem programs.

When will the “poor Americans can’t get medical care” meme end? Only middle class America struggles with medical bills.

This bitch either wanted to do porn, or was too fucking stupid to fill out forms for gibs.

I think what needs to happen is to lift the limitations that insurance companies have when it comes to risk pools and allowing them to compete nationwide. Also, hospital and medical bills and pricing should be regulated by the government. And yea, for the welfare underclass expand Medicaid provided they attempt to get a job and pass a drug test every so often. (And are legal residents of the us oc.)

She is a "White American" it doesn't mean she is european, you can see in her face that she is a mongrel like majority of niggermicans.

>she went off and did what any modern american woman would do facing financial ruination

If I was a somewhat good looking wymyn with a great set of bobs and vegana I’d totally be doing porn, fucking chads, marrying and divorce raping betas, false accusing of rape, etc. The future is female yo!!

You’re mentally ill

sanpaku eyes

her mother is a coalburning whore too you dumb faggot, that's only her half sister

> commentary like that from brazil.
fucking hilarious. Everyone there is a nigger.

at least they know. there's nothing worse than a mongrel who unironically thinks he's not

Didn't the boyfriend kill the child

gross, look at his thumb!

>you dumb faggot, that's only her half sister
Interesting, you seem to know better than Elsa Jean herself.