umm bros ?! how fucked are we ? How are you planning to prepare ?
According to Reddit We might have another "ebola" on our hands
Other urls found in this thread:
I hope you die first.
its happening
Cocoliztil fucked the natives up. Also it was an indigenous disease, not something the Spaniards brought with them.
>according to Reddit
>50 million dead mestizos
it would literally be the best thing that ever happened to mexico, it would transform the place into a world power in less than a decade without all the muds dragging everything down
>citing reddit
plot twist:
it's reddit that is the next ebola
Disease may have probably killed the Aztecs, but Cortez definitely killed Aztecs!
D-did you miss me, senpai?
We did it because we farted so hard that Aztecs, who had a fart fetish, inhaled so hard but their immunology system couldn't handle it and died haha
Don't worry im immune.
My Ebola Posting Folder has been idle too long
ebola chan is so cute
she never leaves humanity's side, she just waits
It was various poxes and plague you dumb fucks, they had never encountered them and had no immunity. We are due for a flu epidemic though.
>mfw msm labels Ebola chan a pointy chinned goddess
Checked and keked
>according to Reddit
go back
This has been know for more than a decade. I wrote a paper on this exact outbreak last fucking night. Doing on on the other three outbreaks that finished them off this weekend.
praise ebola chan
black slave in 1520 brought it over from cuba on the expedition prior to cortes' in 1521
aside from her dfc and unbelievably cute smugness, my favorite thing about her is that the skull is from a nigger
There's more bio weapons where that came from.
Checked and kekd. That picture is hilarious.
>Cuban Goodnig Junior
Jews probably bought over some niggers. Then pushed some multi culturalism on them. Best way to kill off any advanced culture. Add some niggers and a touch of that guilt.
meh, it was probably a bacterial infection they knew jack-shit about,because they were...well not in the 21st century.
Nowdays every major pandemic can be prevented by personal hygiene, medicine and if that doesn't work, gene therapy (still experimental but possible) if we are talking about viruses.
ok fuck off..
I donßt know if Ißm just going crazy, but if i remember right there was this exact same thread about a week ago.. with some of the EXACT same Replys too...
fuck me
>yfw Mexico had 1/3 the population of all of Europe in early 1500s
>a potential superpower in a strategically critical global position denied because nobody knew how to wash hands or take a shit yet
So the Aztecs also knew de way.