>be me
>Texas user
>9 degrees where I live
>But Much global warming
>Below freezing
>Snow everywhere
>400 crashes in 24 hours
>The Flu is fucking everywhere
>Some places declaring emergencies and outbreaks
>Schools shutting down
>Shots do nothing (go figure)
>Road is dangerous with ice
How are my northern Bros doing right now?
How fucked is your state right now?
Fellow Texas user here, 15 degrees here in Dallas.
TAP sort-of-fucked.
its warm here which makes the ice worse because its slowly melting during the day then refreezing t night.
protip for driving: all seasons are a meme u need winter tires to deal with icey roads.
>26 in San Antonio
>all schools were closed yesterday because there was rain and it was below freezing
WI user
1 degree F
Otherwise the same except for crashes and school closings. We know how to drive in this shit and we don't give a fuck about our kids.
I heard local schools are closing from the flu. It's a good time to be homeschooling. We're carrying on, business as usual. Snow is normal here though, but it's warmer than normal. Maybe all our cold is heading south.
Oregon here, on vacation for a few days
>more rain
>oh shit 10 feet of snow
>roads blocked for a week because my city is incompetent
>general chaos as people freak out over roads being blocked
Send help
PA here, before I went home it was completely fucked Im surprised I made it to the airport
A couple fags are trying to divide my state in the most jewish way possible.
The litterally want to divide cali so the best part of the coast is its own state
Can you convince your asshole friends to NOT come north, we have enough of them as is
Ohio is so bad right now we can't even go anywhere the snow is everywhere and are lazy State hasn't plowed any of our side streets so where I live none of the roads have been plowed I'm starting to feel a little claustrophobic
Tennessee. Couple of inches yesterday everyone worked from home. Roads are still icy so still working from home.
I always assumed that you guys didn't even get winter due to your low latitude, is this some kind of freak event?
where in Texas? It's cold here but other than that everything else is fine
winter is always a toss up. Some years we don't get it, other we get lots of ice and freezing rain
McKinney (town 1 hour away from Dallas). Now it's gone to 13F.
I lived in Miami most of my life. It never got below 70 degrees there. Recently moved to Texas 2 years ago. I've only seen snow twice in my life.
Ft. Worth here, it's 15 degrees atm. Also, can someone redpill me on making friends, I'm getting bored in life.
Snow is super weird for me, ice and freezing rain are not. Its gonna be like 80F in a week though because Texas weather
15 degrees here. Froze my dick off this morning.
So cal here, hate nor cal more and more everyday. They've legalized giving a person aids, and now drink "raw water."
It's the nigger blood you have in you, mutt. White people can withstand cold weather no problem, thousands of years of selective breeding during the Ice Age made sure of that.
I love the cold.
You are the fag, my boy.