Fast Food

I just ate:
1 x Big Mac
1 x Big Tasty
1 x Rosti Bacon Burger
3 x Double Cheeseburger
8 x Chicken Nuggets
1 x Large Fries
1 x Apple Pie
1 x Large Soda

I'm so full I can barely move. What should I expect?

Also, how can fast food be unhealthy if Trump eats it all the day and is in great health? Have the jews been trying to besmirch fast food's name?

Congratulations you can claim your US visa now

You're a fat fuck aren't you

I'm also curious as to how big a fat ass you actually are. Post pic pls

DATS!!! how a big boi EEEATS!!!

I'm 160kg (352lb), but I am 2m (6.5) tall, so I can pass for normal altho BMI says obese. No pics nigga you crazy?

They want too see that bady.

Should have taken pics of the pile of food, fuck, it was beautiful.

that's fine. this is what we call a cheat meal. not going to look it all up, but that might be 3000-3500 calories which is not bad, provided you mind your calories for the rest of the day
you can anticipate a nice big dump and also feeling hungry way sooner than you'd expect on account of what you've just done to your blood sugar. your BMR is probably around 3000 calories so this will meal alone will not make you gain fat, probably.

>you can anticipate a nice big dump

feels good man

no you fucking can't pass as normal, you digusting fat fuck.

i'm 2m as well and weigh 92kg.

I can kick your ass anytime tho, Achmed Al-Frankfurtani

you fat fuck can't even lift your arms without needing a respirarator. get real.

I bench your weight 20 times, soyboy.

getting your fat ass out of bed after rocking back and forth 20 times doesn't count as lifting

Nigga you're obese as fuck. Who the fuck are you kidding ?

What the fuck ? With this amount, you could have dure this hard winter fed 4 entire syrian families you fat fucking piece of shit.

Im 2 meter tall too, but i just weight 80kg

Holy shit skelly detected, confirmed DYEL

350 lbs at 6’5” isn’t that much...


>you could have dure this hard winter fed 4 entire syrian families

Now I feel even better. If every burger I ate ensured a migrant dies from hunger I'd be at McD's 24/7.


That war pure irony my friend, bon apetit and let the refuckies always out of your land.

If you can't see your penor when looking down then you're WAY too fat

>skinnyfat euroboi

I’m 6’0” 270 and rock solid muscle. Hilarious that you cucks think that’s obese

I can see it just fine

>mutt behind proxy spotted

Holy shit you fat fuck.

Wtf are you eating?

Explain your reasoning

You are just jelly admit it

angus shopped into anus.... srsly how old r u niggs?

Uma delicia

explain your fatassery mutt. w'ere here to get entertained

2 x big tasty is the maximum for me

You disgrace Rusev with your gluttony.

R.I.P. whale user.

You realize many fast food chains are international, right?

It's the best of the big ones, but I am addicted to double cheeseburger the all time classic

Dude you're a fucking idiot and a typical burger

>average Bulgarian body.jpeg

I haven't had McDonald's in ages.

I get the urge once a month. Usually a couple double cheeseburgers, but went all out this time.

Have you tried Ugandan burgers?


Fucking kekem

>when you're so black your fingernails are yellow

They don't know wtf muscle is.

Not politics

Yes it is

More political than you Mohammed.

There's nothing wrong with McDonalds or fast food. The Jews have been trying to destroy the popularity of American cuisine (best most popular food in the world) so you accept disgusting Indian, Middle Eastern, Asian, and Mexican food as the norm.

No you didn't there's no way espescially claiming you only had 1 drink

lol? I barely even drink while eating.

What the fuck is wrong with you?
When I go to McD I just pick two cheeseburgers and a chicken sandwich, and that's enough for me to feel satiated for like half a day.

I feel hungry 30 mins after I go McDs. The burgers are tiny af.

Sounds about right, I hate all of those, especially the spicy Indian shit or the shitty Asian stuff.


worst thing about that binge is the salt then the preservatives. Fat carbs and protein its all just fuel.

Are you like 6'4 or you never chew your food? McD's food is full of calories.

Nigger please a bigmac and a 10 piece is too much for me i doubt even a fatty could handle what you listed without getting sick

>Be Moskal
>Eat in McDonalds

You bring shame.

I am talking about regular stiff like a couple cheeseburgers, those can never satiate me

So did you or did you not eat all that stuff at once?

I did the one in the OP, I feel full as fuck


I ate 7 Cheeseburgers, McChicken, 8 McNuggets and some french fries all at once. I became so weak from the sugar and salt overload that I slept for 18 hours. This stuff is deadly to skeltals like me.

That's fucked, but on another note wtf is wrong with the sunny beach mc donalds

Beats me, I ate there last summer and it was fine. First time I ever tried triple cheeseburgers actually.

And in the meantime, some Pomak/Turkish chad is plowing your girl/sister. People like you will be first to go when Putin calls Slavs into battle against the West.

buffet slams like 5 cherry colas a day. I think its just like one of those things how there are those rare people who can handle heavy drug use for a long time.