We're going to win so much, you may even get tired of winning

and you'll say "please, please it's too much winning"
and I'll say "no, it isn't"

Other urls found in this thread:

twitter.com/search?f=tweets&vertical=news&q=korea flag&src=refgoogle

Trump united Korea in under a year.

this is the road to peace.

we have to walk it together as brothers.

sorry lads, pick a sauce
twitter.com/search?f=tweets&vertical=news&q=korea flag&src=refgoogle


which flag though?


only says "a unified flag representing the entire peninsula"

Bretty gud țbh.

How is America going to declare war now? False flag?

big, no. VERY BIG if true
fpbp. the madman

no war. 3 missiles shot down in three days. it's over.

We just won.

>Sup Forums gets a reality star elected
>It leads to peace in Korea

Wow, this is actually pretty cool. Not sure what Trump had to do with it, but good for them for kissing and making up.

It's a distraction while they keep preparing nuclear bombs

>You guys in White House yet???
>You guys in WH???
>Sweet that's aweosme
tfw i was always that guy

>Threatens to totally destroy you

Good job burgerland

Can someone tell me how Trump memed this into reality? I don't get what has he done.

>norks have nuclear icbms but its ok because they're ice skating together
wow thanks based god emperor

You're the only on that used nigger vernacular in this thread though fellow white man

crying rn
I love you Trump

big button guy


Trump and South Korea are playing "Good Cop/Bad Cop" with NK.

Trump threatens to destroy NK and SK offer NK a peaceful solution.

are you a kike. because i can make no sense of this. you happy he is in the WH or not lol.

if you are. it must be nice to have a President who actually brings a little peace to planet earth.

if you are not. isn't it nice to have a president who actually brings a little peace to planet earth?

nah, you are one of the good guys, i am sure

i mean i was always one of the noobs in the guild with shitty gear asking for a spot on farm raids but still being too much dead weight to get invited

all Obongo accomplished was a failed free healthcare scheme lol

i am japanese.
korean very sneaky.
sneaky sneaky


Reunification bump.

* the belly of the dragon will drip water *
o fuggg

Fuck off, shill.

Bingo, and in this instance it's worked beautifully. I don't ever remember Obama making this much head way. Probably because that administration were too pussy to play Bad Cop.

>neither of koreas want their people dead

>"trump did this!"

paid trump tower shills

What game is that based on?

You have to be a retarded leftist to think this is meaningful in anyway. NK can just restrict access to watching the Olympics and nobody inside would even know of this "oh-so-united" act. It's meaningless bait to deter the US from attacking while maintaining missile and nuke production. Good job.


trump did fuck all, based kim did this while trump was crying to his jewish masters

thats cute but his daughter literally eats some zionist soyboy's cum

what a shit fucking flag, have some fucking imagination

Korea carrying a single flag (unification flag) during these type of events is nothing new. At all. Been going on at least since the 90s with the Kim Dae Jung sunshine policy. Pic is the Athens olympics with the two Koreas entering with the unification flag.

Nice try Dotard shills.

hahaha I cant wait for the endless libtears

they were tearing their hair out over all of trump's tweets and then for it to all go this way, they will erupt

world of warcraft

>South Korean Olympic games
>South Koreans obligated to not wear their flags but the olympic one

If something North Korea cucked South Korea in their own country. If it was in another place, as it happend before, would have been ok, but you are in your own country and not using you own flag... South Korea got really cucked guys

maps on flags are the typical UN-backed design
for example, look at kosovo or cyprus

i know but i kinda like the look of the UN flag i think its probably the only flag with geography on it that looks good, but just having the shape of the country on a flag is just lazy and boring

They'll praise Kim for this and claim that Trump had nothing to do with it

Kek, the liberals are already spinning this as if Trump had nothing to do with it. Naive little bastards

Goddamn. This.
The man is the God-Emporer.

NK is playing this bipolar shit since forever. From I SWEAR I'M GONNA KILL YOU ALL to let's (03Xi$t and live in harmony the next day.

Fucking niggers just push the button

How are they gonna spin this one? he obviously had something to do with it.

Was North Korea threatening nuclear war on everyone including South Korea in the 90's?

Never realised how merchanty the outline of Korea is