So today was fucking crazy.
What do you guys make of this?
So today was fucking crazy.
What do you guys make of this?
I hear Namibia is nice
I can make a hat, or a brooch, or a pterodactyl
what are you still doing in SA? Do you have a death wish?
That blacks and whites can't live together. And whites are in for a rude awakening if they don't figure it out fast.
All south African niggers deserve to die.
>literally a majority of the country
>literally the majority of government
this is why niggers can never be catered to or trusted, it doesnt matter if only 1 white person exists in the future because he will be blamed by niggers for something
Whites should not be living in Africa, Blacks should not be living in Europe. Get out of that country and let the Blacks have it. If it collapses, so be it, it's their problem and that's how it should be.
It was these white kids first day of school, fucking ruined. God fucking damn it all to hell, pol.
What's with blacks and tyre fires?
>those Twitter comments
Boers need to be accepted as an at-risk group.
Should i move to SA and start mercenary hunting these nogs?
That reporter is a cutie tho
Right? Even the nogs kinda felt bed telling her WE GON KILL ALL WHITEYS
He just said "werr ging to embrace white pesants". So you've got nothing to worry about.
>Be white
>Live in a shithole country
Seriously why aren't these people just packing their shit and move out. You can sell your farm or any of your stuff and move to some other place. It is gradually getting worse in there and will end up whites losing their lives and property anyways. MOVE. THE. FUCK. OUT.
What's fucked up is that every other race has no problem with committing genocide to keep their homelands pure, except for one.
I have to be honest 33 years here I still don't know what the fuck he's trying to say, I just caught WHIITE PEEEEPEEEL MUST RAAAAN
We should organize a group of Americans and fly down there and just start mowing down villages
Good. Next time tell your Euro friends to pick their own cotton.
They learned what the monkeys are really about
I want a boer gf to save from the niggers
lmfao... ahhh I love that movie
We should build a dating app SPECIFICALLY meant to get boer girls out at least, marry them off to US/EU guys, start a fucking small time exodus for the girls at least.
I didn't know you guys had such cuties, i honestly most of the whites had mixed with blacks, you guys should seriously just leave SA
I'm not from the US but can i join? I'd gladly help
Did she even understand what he said? lmao doesn't even faze her that he just said he wanted to kill all whites
>the only ones who tolerate blacks are whites
>blacks still act like fucking animals on a daily basis
We're either gonna cuck ourselves out of existence, or their's gonna be another reich.
Honestly thought*
So a /k/ meet up? They've wanted to reclaim Rhodesia for a while now.
No not at all Joze, the bloodlines are pretty tightly kept due to... well.. wogs and who the fuck wants to touch a wog (Except EU)
For the longest time I thought the SA situation was a white nationalist meme. Then I saw that speech of that dude saying the killings must end and he got booed by everyone in the government. I'm actually concerned. What will people do if it gets worse.
Trump should offer asylum to white south africans. That would drive the libs crazy
giv white sa gf
literally die
What dumb wh*te people don't understand is that you have to expand to survive. Kill all niggers, colonize the land they've left behind. That's what we did to Ukrainians in the past, then our culture got bleached by fucking retarded wh*tes
Well the last SA white family who tried to claim Asylum to Canada got booted because their evidence was based on Right Wing sources.
So I don't know how the fuck we convince any government there MIGHT be a small problem here without coming off as Stormfront conspiracy theory racist cunts.
let’s meme it. I’d visa marry a white woman to get her out of a shithole. No coalburners tho
>you can sell your farm
Probably not. Who would buy it? The government wants to just take it from them and probably will do so soon. Then they will be left with nothing and probably constantly attacked.
Do niggers understand that if whites ever wanted to, we could exterminate the nigger species from the face of the earth without much difficulty.
>the only ones who tolerate blacks are whites
really, a subset of whites called 'baby boomers'. Their parents knew the score, and interestingly, younger generations seem to as well.
Boomers, however, are absolutely unable to put aside their desire to appear tolerant and noble, and overlook all aspects of black behaviour.
With any luck, the tolerance of niggers will die with the boomer generation. Which can't happen soon enough.
the reporter looked like she was trembling with fear. why do boers stay? its just getting more dangerous for them.
Sad that one day people are going be be saying "what are you still doing in the USA? Do you have a death wish?"
She's very tiny I don't know why the cunt media company deployed her there, no place for a girl that size, and WHITE ffs.
Who's bright idea was it to send a white woman out there among the chaos?
Yeah just like Mugabe did right?
>why do Boers stay?
because ZOG won't let them immigrate.
my thoughts exactly, she seemed like she was thinking that any moment they will swarm and rapemurder her or put a tyre on her
when will those white clowns listen stop abusing the blacks of south africa
Dont you dare call it a shithole tho.
Never comrade, we must kill these racists, every last one of them.
Get out of my country, nigger
you're gonna kill the black people in south africa?
You can tell the older black stepping in just in case things got a bit weird. Would be bad PR for the EFF.
Guys. I think I know a solution.
quick rundown on the chimpout?
She was scared but doing a good job of maintaining professionalism. Which probably keeps her out of victim status. Overall she's still fucking retarded for being there though.
>The guy at the that a grenade he's brandishing behind her???? What the absolute fuck.
it's why peepoh
To be fair, as soon as i saw the thumbnail i assumed some nigger had attacked her
I bet it scared the living shit out of her but she just kept on with the job. Probably got out of there immediately after they cut.
Why not the boys too?
the yellow shirt?
They will be genocided to the last woman and child while the UN makes statements about being deeply concerned and condemning violence.
>nogs burning tires and basically wanting to kill white
>News sends a petite white girl down for interviews
Hope there's a few mercenaries off camera making sure that qt survives the day
Don't think it was her choice to be there
Why do boers stay?
1. White people are generally patriotic if the land they were born in
2. Kikes won't let them because that'll halt mass immigration of brown people in white countries
There’s riot cops there, probably closer to the school but I’d say not that far away
after watching this
There's a tiny white woman out in front of like 3 random burning tires, and a few black people aimlessly milling about.
The only thing that gives this scene any gravity is the disparity between an aggravated fat man and the reporter.
I dunno, this just seems off. Media manipulation, but to what effect?
Yeah, it's hopeless trying to claim asylum in to Canada if you're white. In my opinion, it would be helpful for the right-wing media to simply present the facts on what is happening in your country. Video's like this resonate with centrists and especially normie whites, it's just a matter on conveying the message properly. Ethnic hatred is ethnic hatred, no matter the ethnicity.
Godspeed brother
>implying the Jewish world media won't remain silent on it
Well it's becoming more and more obvious now. Public discussions are being had about taking away land from whites and to whether or not do something about the targeted killing of whites.
OK, early this morning, first day of school.
Afrikaans speaking school in town, mostly white kids. 55 black kids wanted to be put into school, they couldn't speak Afrikaans, demanded the school change language.
MEC of Education told nearby English schools to lie about having space for them so he could push his anti-Afrikaans politics.
Kids were excepted into nearby English schools after Afrikaans group took the MEC to court and found there were infact spaces in English schools nearby.
EFF picks up on this, after the recent H&M store thing, they need to stay relevant, they deploy en masse this morning to this Racist school to protest evil white racism and segregation.
Proceed to chimp the fuck out.
Police fire rubber slugs at them earlier today, they run like fuck, one broke an arm, one was shot RIGHT in the face, ill get footage.
Blacks are chimping out on Twitter over police brutality against blacks.
mandela necktie
finding a white SA girl that hasn't had at least 1 black dick in her would be like looking for a needle in a haystack.
>Well the last SA white family who tried to claim Asylum to Canada got booted because their evidence was based on Right Wing sources.
So people literally getting murdered on farms doesn't count as victimhood re: Canadian immigration but Gibseeking or being slightly bored of Akbaring heads from shoulders gets you the red carpet. Good to know.
I'd marry any white Boer to get them out.
Lauren southern is doing this
It's her job to cover the news, nogs know this too, she's fine. But you can tell she was scared out of her fucking mind.
She's especially effective
theres a blackout in the media about this because it would ruin their agenda
southafricabois give me some more details to go on.
I'll join your struggle. i'm not even white.
time to cleanse the lands.
dont try anglo countries. try eastern europe. they wont be as biased
The new stuff is unironcally good
The Democrats here are trying to keep chain migration. Marry a sister off to a burger and move to the US. Having whites benefit would piss them off so much.
Make the black guy look dumb and violent.
>Blacks are chimping out on Twitter over police brutality against blacks.
Any time police are used against blacks they chimp out about police brutality.
Perhaps the police wouldn't have to be brutal if blacks weren't so fucking prone to violence at the drop of a hat.
That's actually clever, they want to make them look huge and intimidating, (Meanwhile they're normally manlets because of shit genetics)
This is official canadian immigration policy.
no joke.
>you can sell your farm
>Probably not. Who would buy it? The government wants to just take it from them and probably will do so soon. Then they will be left with nothing and probably constantly attacked.
Just like in Zimbabwe, where the government seized farmland without compensation. And just like Zimbabwe, they'll start starving without white people, and whine and cry for gibs.
You guys know about what happened in Marikana, right?
man you guys are always walking on eggshells gtfo you fool!
only after fucking over Faith Goldy on covering the story
Just fucking shoot nogs on sight. White people need armed separatist movements in South Africa
It was one judge I think it'll change though
And go where? It's not like being white allows to get in any white country. Most countries don't need and don't want farmers. The only option would be to claim refugee status, but they'd get denied after a year because no country wants to acknowledge the white genocide in SA.
And blacks are in for an even ruder awakening once white's figure that out