ITT: Cinematography
So what is this shot showing me exactly? That a phone is charged?
>CINEMAtography (a word etymologically related κινητικός, ie, kinetic, ie motion)
>Posts a static, out of context, screenshot without any further description
I'm going to play along with your faggotry. Simply fuck off.
Oh shut up, you complete idiot. Your input is clearly unneeded here, you know nothing about the subject.
He is absolutely right though.
Go back to Sup Forums or whatever hellhole spawned you.
CG wise, yeah, that snapshot is decent cinematography.
That's not CG
The lighting is.
>compression artifacts
>saving such a shitty quality picture
>The lighting is
How is that a bad thing?
CG is good as long as it compliments the hand drawn animation instead of overtaking it.
He called it decent.
Learn to fucking read at stop being such a fucking newfag.
more pls
forced animation
I believe the correct term your looking for is "kino".
Anyone have some good Naruto kinogrids?
Why are you summoning him?
that's a lovely phone