You never hear the English piss and moan about being enslaved by the Roman empire...why is that?

You never hear the English piss and moan about being enslaved by the Roman empire...why is that?
Is it because we learned from them and actually bettered the world from that knowledge?
never hear about the Chinese getting offended about the US railroads either,why is it only niggers do this and claim it as gibs instead of learning?

Other urls found in this thread:

>English education

if you want to be 100% accurate it was the Romans that educated us,we were way behind them in tech and math and stuff like that,they helped us more than anyone else.

They were good lads were't romans.

Just a reminder of a little known fact that Britain, along with Basque country and Brittany are the only parts of the Roman Empire that managed to declare independence from it and successfully revolt.

You never hear the English talk about being enslaved by the Roman Empire because it makes them feel uncomfortable that a southern Mediterranean Empire colonized them. (Henceforth the names londinium and Britannia)

Anglo-saxons (english) came after the roman empire fell and slaughtered most of the romano-britons.

When did the Romans conquer Jutland, Frisia, and Saxony?

>You never hear the English piss and moan about being enslaved by the Roman empire...why is that?

We don't care.
what did the romans ever do for us?

>English piss and moan about being enslaved by the Roman empire...why is that?

Because the English didn't exist then.It was various Tribes of Britons not modern British.

Right after they banged your mom

The Romans happened ages ago. No one cares at all, limey.

What the Romans did for us?

I always found that amazing how they just let us get away when the british isles were so important?
that is like letting USA declare ind...oh yeah we fucked up too.

I am trying to say without the Romans we would never had an Empire and why everyone speaks English now,I would love to see just how mud hut/savage we really were before getting taught civilization.

That's not logical and it doesn't make any sense. Are you telling me that 400 years of the Roman Empire breeding with the natives and the anglo-saxons could easily tell which had roman blood and killed them. (Reminder most of Germany was also occupied by the Roman Empire)

No those are all long gone now raped by the dirty anglos and after that the vikings, so no Brittons left unless you count the Irish, they are celts so yea whiteniggers getting enslaved LOLOL


London's name stems from a pre-Roman name that goes so far back nobody even knows what it stems from.

Britannia comes from prior to Latin. The Latin roots comes from a Greek term, which comes from an old Celtic Brythonic word for 'Painted People', or Pretani that goes back centuries prior to the Roman conquest.

Latinising names doesn't mean that they are Roman. Look at the Roman name for Bath, Aquae Sulis. It means the 'waters of Sulis' who was a Celtic goddess. It doesn't mean that it was a Roman city in any sense.

Modern anachronistic ideas of Britain and other parts of the Roman Empire being 'colonised' were debunked a century ago. The number of non-Britons in Britain would have numbered less than 1% of the population, with it being almost entirely concentrated in the capital, the major fortress garrison cities of Deva (Chester), Eboracum (York) and in the militarised border zone near Hadrian's Wall. Most people in Britain in 410 AD (when Rome evacuated) had pretty much the same lives as their ancestors had before the Romans arrived in 1st century, only with more access to better pots and pans and shit. They would have lived in exactly the same huts, and 90% would still only have spoken their own language. There wasn't a single Senator from Britain in 500 years. The influence of Rome was almost entirely on the local aristocracy that tried to emulate them in every way by building villas, bath houses and amphitheatres. It was top down only, and it never made much headway. It's the reason that within a century of Rome leaving only a tiny minority of people considered themselves Roman at all, and they were monks with links to Latin writing and the Christian Church.

We weren't particularly important at all. We were a 'nest of usurpers', responsible for shitting out pissed off army generals that would proceed to march on Gaul every decade or so. That being said, we were a vital breadbasket for the massive armies stationed on the Rhine.

>Tfw Scotland was named after Scotti\Gaels

Makes sense to me, would kill all celts too for it's nigger blood. cant be too sure.


Both the british colonoes and roman britain were too far and too much trouble to maintain the moment there wad unrest. Both tge british and romans basically handed them independence.

The only reason the british put up a snall fight was to discourage their other colonies from revoktibg in kind

they must have known how difficult it was to get across the seas and navigate and shit,so why not realise how important having a natural sea as a boarder? seems like an easy strat and one the euro cunts always say how we won the globe.
we prob had really ugly chicks so the Romans just said fuck this and left us alone with all the knowledge.
lucky really.

Be glad yank because you and your forefathers could all be of Irish origin was it not for the germanic tribes in killing them

The Anglo-Saxons came after the Roman Empire......hahahaha

We were circular people before the romans invaded.
We lived in roundhouses, built circular henges, then they came with their straight lines.

They killed anyone who wasn't anglo-saxon (which is obvious to tell).
How do you not know your own history?

The name Wales and Cornwals even Wallonia in belgium all come from the germanic word walla meaning foreigner or roman. Wallagia in bularia even comes from that word.

Every ancient account consider the britons as eternal and perfidious.

All of them, this century won't end without another british plot.

explain the giants causeway then? I will never trust geologists saying that shit formed naturally.
fucking hexagons do they form?

>what have the romans ever done for us?

I'm not saying they were their original names, it was examples of Roman rule. English people aren't all Saxons that is impossible. England like America is made up of different countries especially now. Anyway what is so wrong with having a genetic and historical connection with the Roman Empire?

>tfw nats realize they're not the native inhabitants of what is now Scotland

Why show a picture of a kike pedo? Jews hate Romans.

>giants causeway

giants did it, obv.

his name is roman in case you can not into filenames user,like the thread is about romans...shit nigger think for a second before posting.

I'll explain how it all went down.

>400 AD
>Rome's weakened but still pretty strong, especially compared to 150 years earlier when it was on its knees
>Empire split into two halves by retarded Theodosius with incompetent children running each
>infighting between the leadership of the two leads to Eastern Empire dumping Visigoths onto the Westerner's laps
>shit gets real as Alaric starts buttfucking Italy
>Roman troops recalled en-masse from Britain and Gaul to Italy
>Rhine freezes over by complete chance leading to tens of thousands of barbarians crossing into Gaul
>British remaining garrison is pissed off at being left undefended so declares a usurper (after murdering two prior crappier ones)
>general takes the last remaining legions across to Gaul
>in 410 the Britons themselves get pissed at being left to rot, and so chuck the Imperial officials out, de-facto declaring independence
>like four usurpers running around fighting in Gaul and Spain while Alaric sacks Rome in 410 AD
>an independent Council of Britain (or some other centralised body under a high king) at some point enquires as to what the Romans are going to do
>Emperor Honorius tells them "look to your own defences" in a letter, which is a tacit acceptance of their independence
>Roman Britain now falls apart as any remaining central authority dissolves and kinglets and tribal leaders start duking out
>one named Vortigern, likely the most senior, seems to hire Anglo-Saxon mercenaries ('foederati') to fight his Romano-Briton enemies as well as Picts and Gaelish pirates
>hands over the island of Thanet to the Saxons
>Saxons eventually blow him the fuck out at the so-called Night of the Long Knives (Saxon literally derives from the word for Long Knife) and exterminate the Briton leadership at a peace conference
>start conquering left right and centre
>things go down the shitter until a Senator's Son called Ambrosius Aurelianus leads a counter-attack
>could be historical King Arthur

How is it obvious? The Anglo-Saxons and a person from Britannia look the same to me.

Lol, completely true.

just because?
seriously tho I been to that place and I still don't believe it.fucking giants man...

>You never hear the English piss and moan about being enslaved by the Roman empire...why is that?

Because butthurt and whining are characteristics of inferior races, like blacks or the Irish.

All the more reason to leave the UK. They are belongings to Irelands.

I don't know really, its weird though isn't it.

well we sure as shit piss and moan about the weather a lot,can't go 10 feet without someone mentioning it or how everyone has the flu since all these fucking shitskins arrived...I love my racist town of oldies.

They speak a different fucking language.


Londinium? It was a Roman name.

>Anglo-saxons (english) came after the roman empire fell and slaughtered most of the romano-britons.

I'm just going to ahead and say that both of those are myths that were debunked a long time ago.

There are already a fuck load of graves and shit that show that Anglo-Saxons were already settled in quite high numbers in various areas in Britain, presumably used by the Roman administration to plug the holes left by the troops stripped from the garrison by Magnus Maximus, Theodosius and Stilicho. They were deployed in places like the Humber delta and Thames valley to defend the vital river supply routes from pirates.

The idea of a massive genocidal campaign against the locals is something that has been needlessly (and incorrectly) thrown out there due to a single line in Gildas, where he says metaphorically that the Britons are being pushed west towards the sea and BTFO by the Saxons. In reality, this never happened. Ignoring the fact that it is impossible to genocide anyone without the invention of mechanisation and guns and shit like that, Saxons wanted cash, and you don't get cash by killing everyone. The local conquered Britons just ended up culturally assimilating into the small Saxon minority, as they had with the Romans. Dressing and acting like a Saxon or Roman is all that it took. There were still Celtic Briton isolated communities in Eastern England in the Middle Ages, 500 years after the Anglo-Saxons conquered the area, speaking their weird fuck Latin-Brythonic derived language which nobody else could understand.

>The name Londīnium is thought to be pre-Roman (and possibly pre-Celtic) in origin although there has been no consensus on what it means. It was common practice for Romans to adopt native names for new settlements. A common theory is that it derives from a hypothetical Celtic placename Londinion which was probably derived from the personal name Londinos, from the word lond (“wild”).

>>well we sure as shit piss and moan about the weather a lot,

Complaining about the weather is not the same as being butthurt about a history of defeat. Clearly you have Irish blood in your veins or you wouldn't have made such a retarded comparison.

No. Romans have long since been btfo so the complaining has become irrelevant. And The Irish didn't do nuffin.

My dad was born in scotland.
My entire background is scotish and celtic.
I have wiliam wallace tattooed on my arm.
The english oppressed my people and fucked us over but i don't give a fuck because it happened 700 fucking years ago, so all these minorities should just get over it but they won't because theyre not white and can't persevere through shit.

The conquering Roman Britain's were predominantly mercenaries from Gaul and Germania, no? Sheit.

Achmed dont be telling us Scots who we belong to, you could start an internal conflict and we and the English might decide to gang up and invade you (again)

The Roman's took it from the Celtic King Lud.

>according to Geoffrey of Monmouth's legendary History of the Kings of Britain

Nigga that book is a literal meme. You can't take more than 3% of it at face value.

>people actually think the anglo-saxons killed off everyone within the borders of modern england
>people actually think english people have no romano-british ancestry

Stfu anglo. Your kind of breed is not a representative of SCOTland.

I mean if we had something to complain about to niggers that we were also slaves at one point in history but we turned it around and built a bloody empire based on the fact our food was bland.
but no we have to let niggers think only they were ever slaves.
I did drink a bit too much at lunch and start talking about the giants causeway randomly so forgive me m8?

I'm not undermining the links we have with the Roman Empire. I'm just saying that it isn't like the year 43 AD rolls around and suddenly an entire race of Britons have been eradicated and replaced with 'Roman' (whatever the fuck that actually means itself) people. Sup Forums is incredibly stupid when it comes to discussions about race, culture, ethnicity and ethnic cleansing.

Romano-Britons had their cultural quirks and stuff that made them different from everyone else in the empire, just like how Syrians, Numidians and Dacians were all different. Lots of writers laugh at the Britons for speaking an apparently incredibly old fashioned and posh Latin to make up for their poverty and nouveau-richness. Lots of people had a mix of Roman and Celtic names.

>I have wiliam wallace tattooed on my arm.

A tatoo you say? Well then pack it in lads. This bloke is surely descended from Queen mary herself.

Queen mary was fucking english you fucking shitcunt.
Learn how to banter silly yank or more importantly learn how to protect your national buildings faggot.

The Jews rule Brittania now. Jews plan to make it mudland so all that history does not matter. Jews are the only protected species and you can’t get rid of them.

no one said that and why the fuck do we speak english and not latin/roman tongue? it really just baffles me.
we made the rest of the world speak English but the romans just thought it was not important?

fucking mong ,unlike you I was born here in Scotland of viking heritage,....I like Anglos and even some shitskins ,you sound like a cock, I want to berserk you....
fucking Scottish and English neds are cunts, they let slip pride and now we have you cunts in our lands..

Its because your still enslaved. The Royal family isn't even British!!

Fair enough I agree with that. or william? I thought his post was kinda funny.

Which clan do you even descend from?

William Wallace was of Anglo-Norman descent, halfwit.
That's why his surname was Wallace.
Likewise with Robert the Bruce.
The English have never oppressed the Scots. The Scots invaded several times and were eventually beaten back, and they occasionally got a bit of the same treatment off the English.
Scotland is Anglicised because its kings (David I and James IV in particular) put it through a process of Anglicisation, as they recognised the superiority of the English political/regal system
Eastern Lowland Scotland, especially from Edinburgh down to the modern border, was Anglo-Saxon from the start

>You never hear the English piss and moan about being enslaved by the Roman empire...why is that?
It's because they were never slaves of the Roman Empire. That's not how Rome operated. Read a book or two - and read for comprehension, and have mommy tell you what the big words are.

son of the sea god asshole, find it if you can

>Jews are the only protected species
Jews and mongrels

When did i say William wallace wasn't anglo?
And why are you just going straight to insult me?
I was making a point that niggers and shit should get over shit instead of being pussies as they weren't the only ones whos oppressed.

>of viking heritage
>I like Anglos
>and even some shitskins
The scandicuck has revealed himself AHAHAHAHAHAHAAAAA

why are you saying that in the English Language?
why not scottish?
you all have to speak English so we won EVERYONE...

>his name is roman
>somehow because his name is roman that somehow correlates to Rome the nation or the Roman people
>he's literally a kike
>literally has nothing to do with Romans in any way at all

You're actually fucking retarded, I'm sorry you had to find out this way.

take off the meme flag and we can talk.

The guys a plonker.

>why the fuck do we speak english and not latin/roman tongue

Because nobody ever really did speak Latin. If you were a wealthy aristocrat you spoke Latin. If you were a learned priest you spoke Latin. If you were a soldier you learned Latin. If you worked in the government you learned Latin.

If you did none of those things, you almost certainly didn't know Latin. You were a farmer like the other 98% of the population that spoke the language of your father and his father before him stretching back centuries. You spoke a Celtic language.

Then when a bunch of bumfuck Anglo-Saxons come marching onto your land claiming they've killed your king and you are their workers now, you grin and bear it. Then a member of your family learns their employer's language to become more useful, and then another learns it to be able to get a job with the king. Over the centuries this occurs to often that nobody speaks either Brythonic or Latin anymore. The only people that still speak Latin are monks that have a cultural attachment to the Church in Rome. With the loss of your language, your culture dies and you become just another 'Anglo-Saxon' despite being a swarthy as fuck, dark haired Welshman in all but name. You don't want that stigma anymore, so now your name is Aethelbert instead of Cunedda.

In the lands that stayed mostly free of English conquest for centuries, they still speak a descendant of the original language of the British Isles. Many Welsh speak Brythonic even to this day, with a lot of Latin influence on it. The word for window in Welsh is ffenestr, which is derived from the Latin word
fenestram, just as examples.

>we won

currently running away from england to come to Scotland, funny as fuck!

This meme is top kek.

user, The english language is 60% Latin.

you have been a good contribution to the thread btw,no homo just wanted to point it out.
here take this as a gift from my family heirlooms.

say that in scottish I fucking dare you.

I wasnt fucking hiding myself ,unlike you cunts when your kids get raped...

It's just his viking genes expressing. Tbh i'd unite forces with anglos just the once, to rid such people out of these Isles. We already see what there tendency is over in their homelands.

>The english language is 60% Latin.

Before 1066 it was 0.01% Latin. Virtually all Latin-derived words in the English language stem from French and the Norman Conquest, not directly from Latin itself. Speaking Latin during the centuries of tribal Anglo-Saxon rules didn't confer any prestige on you. You would have been seen with suspicion.

Cheers mate, i'll treasure it.

Who's kids get rapped? Certainly not Irish kids... uggh i mean not counting the Church.


nigguh purlease go back

alright braveheart what did you do when that Scottish kid got tortured to death by Muslims for a laugh in like 04? absolutely fuck all what did anyone in Scotland do? nothing or the other week when that Scottish girl got mauled by Muslims because she didn't have a lighter what did the big tough Scottish people do then fuck all as usual

the real treasure in this thread is (you)

Raped rapped what ever. I pressed the keyboard twice be accident.

And go back where? I think you should go back honestly.

you know this thread is shill proof right? it just wont work whatever you are getting paid to do.

I thought we said no homo.

What's the bottom left flag?

I believe it was a withdraw. By the 5th century, A.D. barbarian tribes were attacking other parts of the Roman Emperor Honorius decided that the Roman legions in Britain were needed elsewhere. He sent a letter to the people of Britain telling them the soldiers had to leave. They must fight the Anglo-Saxons and invaders on their own.

northern I.. it doesn't really matter

they wore kilts and play bagpipes,

but we all know painting you'r self blue isn't a battle plan...

an-dràsta a 'ruith air falbh bho dh' einnsean gus tighinn a dh 'Alba,

still funny as fuck.....Seems you have outlived your usefulness to your true masters
He who laughs last and all that