
>b-but Trump hasnt done anything!

DAILY SCHEDULE (WH Press Corps) publicpool.kinja.com/
TrumpTV Weekly Updates: pastebin.com/6HbHjbqF

>Pres Trump @Conversation w/Women of America 1/16/18
>Conversation w/Women of America panels 1/16/18
youtu.be/3vRdmErT5RU (panel1)
youtu.be/QNTYVbpXk-M (panel2)
youtu.be/SyXyvvw8ITM (panel3)
>Pres Trump Joint press conf w/Kazak Pres Nazarbayev 1/16/18
>Pres Trump meets w/Kazak Pres Nazarbayev 1/16/18
>Pres Trump Greets Kazak Pres Nazarbayev 1/16/18
>SoS T-Rex @20 Nation Summit in Leafland 1/16/18
>DHS Sec Nielsen @Sen Judiciary Committee 1/16/18
>WH Press Brief (Sarah, Dr Ronny Jackson) 1/16/18
>StateDep Press Brief (Heather) 1/16/18
>Pres Trump Weekly Address #45 1/15/18
>Pres Trump arrives at WH 1/15/18
>Pres Trump leaving WPalm Beach FL for DC 1/15/18
>VP Pence laying wreath @MLK Jr Memorial 1/15/18
>Proj Veritas - Twitter looks at your DMs 1/15/18
>Pres Trump remarks before dinner @Mar-A-Lago 1/14/18
>Pres Trump/FLotUS Melania/Barron arrive in W Palm Beach 1/12/18
>Pres Trump leaving DC 1/12/18

OP pastebin: pastebin.com/nygxu29R


Other urls found in this thread:



Derisive Dems Determined to Delay.

Dependable Dems Dumbfounded.

Dreamers Devastated

>people actually bought into the BCC scam

other thread isn't even close to finished you autist

I know, I fucked up.
Use this one first




>all Republicans have to do is turn out and vote
>they won't do that
Oh boy can't wait for more bullshit until 2020 because the razor slim margins will remain in the House and Senate instead of getting near super majorities like we should

Chain bakers are one of the most autistic people on this board right now

>The Barbary pirates, sometimes called Barbary corsairs or Ottoman corsairs, were pirates and privateers who operated from North Africa, based primarily in the ports of Salé, Rabat, Algiers, Tunis, and Tripoli. This area was known in Europe as the Barbary Coast, a term derived from the name of its Berber inhabitants. Their predation extended throughout the Mediterranean, south along West Africa's Atlantic seaboard and even South America,[1] and into the North Atlantic as far north as Iceland, but they primarily operated in the western Mediterranean. In addition to seizing ships, they engaged in Razzias, raids on European coastal towns and villages, mainly in Italy, France, Spain, and Portugal, but also in the British Isles,[2] the Netherlands[citation needed] and as far away as Iceland.[3] The main purpose of their attacks was to capture Christian slaves for the Ottoman slave trade as well as the general Muslim slavery market in North Africa and the Middle East.
For a bunch of niggers and sandniggers they were pretty tough.

Never follow your heroes on Twitter, kids.

>my wife has 2 sons

>people actually bought into the BCC scam
well it did make it to 8k so of course someone did



The beauty of Bitconnect was how much of a pure Ponzi scam it was. It barely even had anything to do with crypto, except that their supposed "secret trading algorithm" traded BTC, and people got paid out in BitConnectCoin which they they had to convert to BTC to cash out. Everything else, from the "guaranteed 1% per day returns" to the "get other people to invest and you'll get a bonus on your returns" was a classic scheme.

Do we have any new Acosta memes? That'd be neato.

>flat and 2D
Just the way I like it.

good i hope these retards trying to use crypto like the stock market get ruined. the entire point of btc was to NEVER sell no matter what. these faggots don't care about the long term viability of bitcoin or hedging inflation or keeping the dollar in check, it's all about quick cash. fuck em

>Never follow your heroes on Twitter, kids.

I've lost a few heroes since Trump, sorry for your loss.


Thanks for baking, OP

>I am so shortsighted that I dont have a steady income and instead put all my eggs in one basket not thinking that it could fail like history has shown

No, but it should be a slow day at work for me, now I know how to kill the time.

When the anglos got on them during the slaver ship crackdown, they usually bounded all nogs and tossed them in the ocean.
It was chains of hundreds of people.

Black Rednecks and White Liberals by Thomas Sowell had some anecdotes, other books too.

Any news on the Fake News Awards?

bitcoin cash isn't that low. sucks i can't really work these futures to short but it's still going down at a smooth rate. might stop at $8000/btc

>most of these guys were Democrats because of Vietnam
>but Johnson was the one that turned Vietnam into a full-scale war, it was Nixon trying to end it
>and now they're huge faggots too

Your hero is a joke and an idiot from the very beginning

doddering dumbass dabbles in digital discourse


Jefferson knew what they were.


So what do we do out of this?

But they just wanted to get rich quick

Some controversy, they might be doing some look on the legalese of it.

So BitCoin really is the tulip mania.


>throwing niggers into the ocean
Thanks, Hans.
I know. The Navy was created just so we could kill muslims.

>Your hero is a joke and an idiot from the very beginning

Axl Rose is too young to have been a Democrat during Vietnam though. He's just a faggot.

Is it allowed if the officials from the executive branch just closed their eyes and go to sleep when facing senators like this?

thats bitcoin cash and obvious scam where they just used the name bitcoin take peoples money
bitcoin is still gonna be worth quite a bit for a long time


The memes truly are real

Man, every damn day after school



>wife's son
Sup Forums troll



DOJ Anti-Trust lawsuit filed against Google when?

>I don't know how search engines work

jesus...it's happening already
I didn't think North and South Korea will be unified until year 7. I give it 4 years. This will be a major triumph for the Trump admin.

shithole refers to a place not person
left really can't meme

>Trump admin.
Um, Obama sweetie

>Trusting Best Korea

Not from Trump, but Mike's still riled up from yesterday

What did he mean by this?


Bantsmaster in Chief Huck

Honestly surprises by this.

I'm not sure if this will go well or if it will achieve anything.

North Korea won't exist in 4 years. "Best Korea" will be just known as "Korea". Kim is done. Korea will be fully Democratic.

How do we stop the Blue Wave, lads? I am starting to feel really uncomfortable about midterms.


Just thought of something, would king niggers win in 08 be considered a "bowl movement" ?

Fuck me man.. I just wanna be a kid again. I used to play Gohan in the school yard with my buddies in like 6th grade when we played DBZ and shit. We weren't even super nerds or anything, so I can't imagine the actual autists' games.

Read the full article.
It's less positive than the headline makes it out to be.

It's midday faggot.


A source who knows a source who knows another source who knows another source's thinking has said that the Fake News Awards are not happening.

In 1544 Hayreddin captured the island of Ischia, taking 4,000 prisoners, and enslaved some 2,000-3,000 inhabitants of Lipari.[14] In 1551 Turgut Reis enslaved the entire population of the Maltese island of Gozo, between 5,000 and 6,000, sending them to Ottoman Tripolitania. In 1554 corsairs under Turgut Reis sacked Vieste, beheaded 5,000 of its inhabitants, and abducted another 6,000.[15] In 1555 Turgut Reis sacked Bastia, Corsica, taking 6,000 prisoners. In 1558, Barbary corsairs captured the town of Ciutadella (Minorca), destroyed it, murdered many inhabitants, and took 3,000 to Constantinople as slaves.[16] In 1563 Turgut Reis landed on the shores of the province of Granada, Spain, and captured coastal settlements in the area, such as Almuñécar, along with 4,000 prisoners. Barbary corsairs often attacked the Balearic Islands, and in response many coastal watchtowers and fortified churches were erected. The threat was so severe that residents abandoned the island of Formentera.


Give credit to anybody but Trump, of course!

so can't we just flood the pics and make bill pop up?

Good catch I missed that. T-bone is literally an imaginary friend of Booker's that he made up, for use in stories about his childhood living in Newark to get elected mayor.

Even at this early stage, the European states fought back: Livorno's monument Quattro Mori celebrates 16th-century victories against the Barbary corsairs won by the Knights of Malta and the Order of Saint Stephen, of which the Grand Duke of Tuscany Ferdinando I de' Medici was Grand Master. Another response was the construction of the original frigates; light, fast and maneuverable galleys, designed to run down Barbary corsairs trying to get away with their loot and slaves. Other measures included coastal lookouts to give warning for people to withdraw into fortified places and rally local forces to fight the corsairs. This latter goal was especially difficult to achieve as the corsairs had the advantage of surprise; the vulnerable European Mediterranean coasts were very long and easily accessible from the north African Barbary bases, and the corsairs were careful in planning their raids.

During the first half of the 17th century, Barbary raiding was at its peak. This was due largely to the contribution of Dutch corsairs, notably Zymen Danseker (Simon de Danser), who used the Barbary ports as bases for attacking Spanish shipping during the Dutch Revolt. They cooperated with local raiders and introduced them to the latest Dutch sailing rigs, enabling them to brave Atlantic waters.[17] Some of these Dutch corsairs converted to Islam and settled permanently in North Africa. Two examples are Süleyman Reis, "De Veenboer", who became admiral of the Algerian corsair fleet in 1617, and his quartermaster Murat Reis, born Jan Janszoon. Both worked for the notorious Dutch corsair Zymen Danseker.

Muh Blue Wave



>yfw the Dutch aided Islamic pirates

Source here. Can confirm.

Only one man rocks this hairstyle

>my wife has two sons

Isn't it also a rip-off of Richard Pryor's Mudbone character? It's not even original.

It's a start anyway. Imagine the mental gymnastics the left will play if in his 8 years Trump peacefully solves the Korea issue.

>implying any reunification agreement wouldn't include full pardon for whatever crime any WPK member has done + possibility to run in elections

This new cut is a humdinger.


“No one wants to be a sacrificial lamb, but [Republicans] don’t even appear to be trying in some of these states,”

“That’s the state of the Republican Party,” Swecker said. “No one wants to run on a ticket when you have Donald Trump as the head of your party.”

“It’s not a missed opportunity. It’s malpractice.”

Trump is the only real friend liberty has in the world right now.

it will be glorious, olympic level stuff

There is no blue wave.
Even Democrat turnout is lower than last elections even though they should be fired up now.
The real problem is that Republican voters are even more apathetic and their turnout is even lower.
This is a problem though and it should be fixed.

It's going faster than I thought.
I give it 4 years.



>It's going faster than I thought.
>I give it 4 years.
Maybe sooner.

I've never known a guy to torch through so many hairstyles so quickly. Gowdy is an interesting dude

Has portubro done an analysis on the recent elections? How black-pilled should I be out of 10?