>Miyako Shirakawa, previously voiced by Risa Taneda (Strike the Blood) in the first drama CD, will be replaced by Ai Kakuma (Clockwork Planet) because of Taneda's Hiatus.
where were you when tanechan ripped in pieces
>Miyako Shirakawa, previously voiced by Risa Taneda (Strike the Blood) in the first drama CD, will be replaced by Ai Kakuma (Clockwork Planet) because of Taneda's Hiatus.
where were you when tanechan ripped in pieces
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She's just had a baby. Let her be.
I am not okay with this.
We want Taneda to resume all her roles, right?
More likely a problem involving her throat. And someone said she had trouble speaking in her latest radio event before her hiatus.
Ai Kakuma is more talented and has better range
entirely true
Drama CD VAs are rarely the same as the Anime's. In other words, oh wow it's fucking nothing.
everybody else is reprising their roles. taneda is the only one being replaced.
I thought Hosoya had throat problems too?
they said she's rehabbing so hopefully she'll return soon.
Do we have enough of roles from which Taneda was displaced to make a collage?
How does she keep voicing Yukina in the OVA?
nice meme bruh are you japanese yet?
Is tanechan kill?
post pics in memory of tanechan
>your face when Tanechan returns this year
He probably recorded in advance. Risa has been gone for longer.
What kind of disease is she having?
postpartum depression
MAO will replace her.
Impossible for Idm@s since M.A.O already voice someone there but in other animes, of course could happen.
>your face when her characters start getting written out of stories
I still can't believe she's Sento and Ruuko.
ugly seiyuu are often excellent voice actresses, see also setou asami and satou satomi.
It was fun hearing your roles.
Who is the second-shortest seiyuu?
>Miyako Shirakawa from Imouto sae Ireba Ii
Literally who?
>We want Taneda to resume all her roles, right?
Nope. I am hoping she dies so all the people who dismissed her illness have to live with that.
Saori Hayami is a great VA. Also ugly as sin.
i see koebuta still have their priorities straight
not anymore desu, she invested her money well. could stand to eat a bit more though
You should open a butcher shop with that sharp edge.
What the fuck is koebuta?
Also I saw Hayamin in person 6 months ago and she's still ugly as hell.
I miss her.
Yeah, because it's not edgy to claim she got knocked up either.
Hopefully you told that to her ugly face.
It's Tumblr, but it's the best version I could find.
Is that Ao-chan in 2nd?
Koebuta=huge seiyuufags
Aki Toyosaki was kinda ugly at first. Still a lovely voice though. And Minorin actually used to be kinda fat.
>Yeah, because it's not edgy to claim she got knocked up either.
you got issues mate, but ok
Getting fucked and having a baby.
Has she ever said she got sick easily or something?
LOL whatever. You literally make up a story that reflects on her badly and try to act like I'm the only one being "edgy".
I believe she did all of the ova episodes before going into hiatus
He got replaced for other stuff.
It's likely she won't retain a few of her roles. For Mashu in particular, TakaRie's been doing the weekly FGO radioshow which is honestly a lot more than Tane-chan did for the game. At the very least, I'd hope they have a Mashu Alter or something for Tane-chan to voice as part of an event or new gacha.
>pregnancy reflecting badly on a woman
yeah, you've got major issues, in fact.
What does Katsuyuki Konishi's daily "おはヨーギラス" refer to?
I'm not saying that's my opinion, that's the entire basis of why you guys are claiming she's lying about it.
I don't really see how thinking she's telling the truth about this means "I have issues" and that you spreading baseless rumors about it makes you superior to me and have no "issues" of your own.
But it is kind of funny to see someone with their head as far up their ass as you do.
kana hanazawa best role
It is when you are a Voice Actor and semi-idol in Japan. Are you retarded?
Reading his posts it's pretty obvious that he is.
look son, you're basing your rationale on ass-backwards assumptions. taneda hasn't said jack shit personally about this. look into it. it was all her management, and japanese entertainment business agencies are notorious for media cover-ups, as are most japanese companies in fact. you should be aware of this. taking what they say at face value makes you a fool, son. a fool. cf. the duration of previous hiatuses of seiyuu for vocal chords-related issues.
i don't enable that shit mate, i'm not a koebuta. it means nothing to me if retarded otaku scum losers are being crybabies about adult women entering relationships and starting families. wait no, in fact, it means something to me. it makes me smile. if she did give birth to two beautiful twin baby boys, it's a reason to be happy for her and not bemoan her diminishing entertainment business value. fucking check yourself, you clown.
Ai Kakuma is ten times as talented as Risa Taneda so it's fine.
>she likes Nines
My nigger. Who is she, she has gained my respect and I would like to know more about her.
I'm basing my "rationale" on the fact I'd rather be sympathetic to someone who is supposedly sick rather than dismissive of it.
The fact that there's no good evidence they're lying (different things can cause the same problems, severity can differ, etc) and the fact I'm not a sad virgin who feels threatened if she got knocked up also factor in.
Pascal's VA
>the fact I'm not a sad virgin who feels threatened if she got knocked up
sure doesn't read that way mate. good try good effort.
Yuuki Aoi
Yeah, you're fucking retarded. Not everyone is as obsessed with this about it as you are and needs to act like it's some conspiracy theory.
But hey, keep projecting, it just makes you look more sad.
>Planeptune's angelic goddess, Raphlutia
I love Aki Toyosaki.
i'm literally having the greatest fun with this shit, while you are buttblasted about your precious seiyuufu's online cred, lest your east asian brothers from other mothers thinketh bad of her. like come on, whiteknighting and fedorashit is so 2012.
Yeah I'd be happy if Tane-chan is in fact pregnant and not sick. But I'm not gonna say I want her to die just to prove some messed-up point.
The girl that killed Kirara anime
neither did i senpai, that was some other faggot
I think hayamin and sugar are cute.
>Scamco: "Please let someone else win this year, we can't afford Hayamin!"
>Kaede: "Oh, you'd like that wouldn't you."
Why does she wear the mask?
Look like a cancer patient. No joke.
Her voice can go quite deep.
it's a pregnancy mask
>138.8 cm
34 years old but I'd fuck that so hard.
Asa-nee is 41 and I'd give her the rough anal she wants
Nice feet. More please.
is she the best singer of the new-ish crop of idol seiyuu?
It's like you haven't seen Hyakka Ryouran Samurai Girls.
Granted, I would understand, since the show sucked donkey balls, but still.
Maybe later when she can take care of her health
I liked how in the radio whenever Aoi had no guest she would occasionally have a one-person conversation with Yagyu.(both of them)
And that she was aware of how autistic that was.
looks like a middle-aged local politician in bumfuck akita
Her comeback this season have been all green for me.
Sana remind me her soothe voice, Re:creators hime remind me of her range, Puripuri Chii-chan ED groovy as fuck.
Gochiusa seiyuu crime record:
Sakura ayane:
Minase Inori:
Uchida Maaya:
Sato Satomi:
Tokui Sora:
Hayami Saori:
Taneda Risa:
Why is it such a big deal if she has is revealed to her a baby?
English, motherfucker?
What are they about?
Sakura: raging on Niconama
Minase: ex children talent named 末永みお
Uchida: Look alike AV
Sato: Dark past about her being rotten girl
Tokui: ex boyfriend is a Host
Hayami: plastic surgery rumor
Taneda: Daily login Granblue on "sick leave"
Don't take it seriously, just voice pig being sensitive as usual
>Daily login Granblue on "sick leave"
The evidence for that one looks flimsy as fuck
>be VA
>get sick, throat problems (?)
>told to get plenty of rest
>take it easy at home and/or stay in bed
>bored and have nothing to do while healing
>play games to pass time
>otaku scum go REEEE
You can't make this shit up.
>Daily login Granblue on "sick leave"
why is that a bad thing?
She's supposed to be lying on deathbed
Yay lads she got a Drama CD role. Now her career will flourish.
Fuck it, she's dead, this has been her worst year so far.