Believe it or not - I've been out of the loop in ANYTHING regarding politics for the past 100 days, no news no pol no youtuber faggots no nothing. Feels good. But, youtube suggested me some warsky livestream with many of my go-to youtubers, so I gave it a watch...
He gets all kinds of guests on his stream and he said that he's number ONE trending on YT? What the FUCK??
WHO IS HE AND more importantly - HOW COME JEWTUBE allowes him to have such visibility when he's clearly not promoting straight up faggotry and jewry?
I don't want to sub to his channel and get disappointed once I realize he's another cuck in the line. His latest tweet is about him "dreaming" of getting on fucking Joe faggot Rogan show for fucks sake.
Adam "race" warski is an ardent anti Semite who recently declared war on all MTG pedophiles and their enablers at hasbro
Xavier Lopez
That's a show-meme, nice, just watched that ep. But seriously how is he trending on YouTube - last time I was "into" jewtube politics, they were shutting it down left and right, just around that time when they first rolled out that isolated videos where you can't comment or do anything unless you have a direct link...demonatizing started etc...purge.
So how the fuck is this guy allowed?
Gavin Wilson
number 1 trending livestream. Trending livestream are probably just based on views. Streaming on youtube isn't that big. Trending videos are moderated/handpicked
John Hernandez
He got big because he hosted a debate between Sargon and Richard Spencer, Sargon and Spencer both have their own fanbase who watched along with the general controversial of it ended up attracting a lot of viewers. He has nowhere to go but down from here imho
Nathan Morales
>Trending videos are moderated/handpicked
That's exactly why I'm asking, DonerKebapMan.
If trending videos are handpicked - how the fuck does anything that touches fuckin Richard Tiki Spencer get to NUMBER ONE spot? I'm not talking #51 or #88 wew lol....number one on all youtube? Among all the faggot gamers and their legion of zombie idiots, with all the vloggers and bloggers...
It reeks of suspect - hence I broke my abstinence and made my first post on Sup Forums in 3 months.
Jackson Perez
Quickest rundown:
Andy Warski was a former "skeptic" (you, the community of anti-sjws like Sargon). He got pissed out because the skeptics imploded following Kraut and Tea's bullshit trying to debunk and then dox/smear the alt right which uncovered a ton of dirty goings-on within their community.
After this happened, Warski basically just said "fuck it" and started allowing ANYONE on his show. JF, (a race realist quebecois nationlist biologist) is now his co-host, and he's allowing guys like Spencer, Ryan Faulk, and Mike Enoch on his platform to debate.
Recently there was a debate between Spencer and Sargon that broke records and was #1 trending for youtube livestreams and got a fuckton of views and superchat cash. Spencer, even though he's not the best debater himself by any means, completely demolished Sargon and Sargon looked like a complete fucking joke.
Since then, Sargon has been spiraling out of control because he can't handle even the most minor criticism or softball insults. There's going to be a round 2 debate some time this week. Spencer+Enoch vs Sargon plus... someone else, we don't know yet.
Matthew Butler
>He has nowhere to go but down from here imho Disagree. He's going to continue bringing people from different backgrounds/ideologies together and is opening the floor up to controversial and even taboo debate topics. Even stuff like the JQ, and he's trying to get some kike from the Jewish Defense League or ADL or something on to represent that side of the debate.
Should be extremely good.
Cooper Martinez
and I'm saying there are "trending" videos and trending livestreams. it was a trending livestream. for livestreams is just about views and shit. probably not moderated. you can also see infowars and stuff like that under the top/trending livestreams. youtube doesn't really give a shit about livestreams.
Liam Richardson
Sounds too good to be true. Among all the drama when it comes to jew-challenging youtubers, this guy is now somehow up and coming voice and platform that gets views and money to...promote their talks?
But that baked alaska guy is banned from twitter?
Again, sounds too good to be true. Plus from his twitter (and his "i'm neither side just curious about shit") he's a fan of Rogan.
That's one of the biggest red flags sans being a jew. Being a fan of Rogan in ---the curreeeent yeeeaaaar-- is a sign that you're, at best, halfway cuck. How the fuck do you align yourself with anything Rogan does and be "right wing" or similar? Rogan is like dumb-american version of Sargon. Sargon is like the cartoon version of pompous sleazy brit "intellectual" just like the type Alex Jones mocked on his show when he does british accent (groom my stool hahahahahaha) - and Rogan is the cookie cutter dumb buff american "who's just curious about shit man, and weed, giggle giggle".
My red flag is half mast.
Cooper Torres
Warski is fundamentally non-ideological and true neutral. However, this action of his is revealing just how much of a market there is to hear the "alt right" have a platform and to debate people. He got fucktons of viewers and thousands and thousands of dollars from superchats.
This is his incentive to continue going forward. Hopefully the realization that there is a massive market for this will also cause other jewtubers to have white nationalists on. We might even see more "mainstream" people like that retard Joe Rogan start to have guys on his show, for example. We don't know what the future holds, but things are looking good.
Caleb Evans
If Joe had Spencer on it would be his biggest podcast ever. I'm a poorfag with only £600 saved atm with no work really this month, but I would chuck 500 Spencer's way for even going on, I just hope he smashed Joe to pieces.
Absolutely. That said, I really don't like Spencer as an orator. He's always going around saying his purple prose bullshit that sounds good but is empty of content. Spencer crushed Sargon in the other debate, but I wouldn't say he really looked GOOD himself either. And it's because he goes off on these tangents about shit like white colonies on the moon and whatever else.
Now, I UNDERSTAND what Spencer is talking about and trying to say, but to others out there, it just sounds like's a schoolboy daydreaming fanciful things. Which just makes it IMO a shame that Spencer is the "front man" for white nationalism, because there are plenty of people I'd rather have go on podcasts/debates.
This is why I'm glad Enoch is at least going to be tag-teaming with him in the next Warski debate. Say what you will about TRS and all that, but the dude is a really good public speaker, has an everyman persona that reaches out to normal people, and able to make grounded and to-the-point arguments better than Spencer.
I have to give Spencer credit for his ability to banter though. He's usually on-point with being able to throw jokes and jabs back at his opponents.
Charles Bell
I agree completely, but Spencer wouldn't be Spencer else, would he? Let the the left cucks bitch about his dreams. It makes him a contrast within himself of being pragmatic while idealistic.
Enoch, well Enoch is definitely a good team with him. Enoch is tenacious as well as strong with his arguments, with Spencer being more fanciful and closer to a household name. A good contrast to have with people coming from different angles.
Spencer can bant. This breaks down barriers with ease, as you seen with sargoy.
Julian Brown
I get what you guys are saying. I've been listening to these shows for the entire afternoon and my head hurts how fucking DUMB these jew-loving cucks are, it's really a joke now to hear their pseudo-intellectual "what if's" and "ackshually" shit and their constant snarky gotchas and catch 22's, that shit really had it's time back when jews had the full grip on television and radio so people were I guess impressed by degens spewing and mincing "complicated big university words" together.
It's laughable now. They all look sad weak and pathetic, all of them, even that imbecile Styx. But that doesn't change the fact that this Warsky guy is profiting from promoting alt-right. That in itself is a red flag for me.
Again - Baked Alaska can't tweet ever again, but this guy can collect youtube checks from putting fuckin Enoch and Spencer on his channel?
Am I the only one that finds this a bit suspect??
Lucas Gonzalez
He's literally retarded
>unable to pronounce Locke >unable to pronounce Marxist >unable to pronounce Aristotle
He literally can't read. And yet he's making bank.
Liam Hernandez
>He literally can't read
Right now I'm watching episode where he not only can't pronounce, but never heard of "sophistry".
How much bank is he making?
The disturbance in the force is real, it's Harry Potter reference.
P.S. - did I hear someone in his show wrong - or did Jordan Peterson cuck out?? Again, I'm out of the loop. What the fuck did JP did, cry about le poor jews on livestream?
Ayden Phillips
I find his character confusing. Obviously a part of this "retard" aspect is from his speech impediment, and you could imagine that with it removed, he'd come off more or less like an average brodude (though perhaps a little more curious). However, yeah I was watching one of the streams and he had trouble pronouncing Aristotle. Well, not just that he had trouble pronouncing it, it came across that he didn't "know" the word. How the fuck can you go through not just public high school, but also spend a large chunk of time building up your name and brand together with various internet cliques, all the while engaging or at least being in the vicinity of revolving discussions about philosophy, current events, morality, etc. etc, and not fucking know the name "Aristotle"? I understand that for a lot of these content creators the youtube career boiled down to "read sjw article/watch sjw video, laugh at it and says it's dumb, rinse+repeat", but I wasn't aware to the degree you could stumble through video after videos, amass over a 100k subscribers, and ultimately not know shit for shit.
Having said all of that, the JF+Andy combo is lovable and I'll probably tune in every now and then if it continues.
> I'm not a white nationalist, but I like white people.
WHAT? So.....hahahahahaha...I was right? He's a JEW?? Or what?
He's a FAN of white people?
Nathan Nguyen
>Obviously a part of this "retard" aspect is from his speech impediment
I made numerous threads back in my "living on pol" days pointing out how EVERY SINGLE advocate of alt right or - to put it more realistic - anti-zionist and anti-jewry has a fucking LISP.
Every single one of them WHAT THE FUCK, Stefan has a lisp, Faith speaks with half lisp half man-voice, Gavin lisps, Joe Rogan - not against jews but sort of considered "edgy" by faggot normies, he also lisps, Lauren Southern (is she still relevant?) lisps...
Even fucking VARG lisps....
And this Warsky guy playing "dumb" is another red flag, that's the same tactic or - dare I say - SPIEL - that Rogan uses.
"oooh I don't know nothing maaaan hahahah weed man, oooh what's that big word you said, black dicks maaan hhahahah yo pass that shit up Bryan "The CFR father" Callen my random buddy".
Fuckin sick of this. Nothing changed.
Jordan Phillips
I agree with everything you said. You're exactly right I just can't be fucked writing all that out
What I find most hilarious is how JF and Andy are good pals. It's like that cartoon with the 2 mice - one smart and one absolutely retarded. They do synchronise well so I guess every smart person (JF) needs their Andy
Jordan Allen
You seem to be lost. I'm almost certain that plebbit is down the hall and to the left.
Samuel Robinson
This settles it. Feel free to use my premium meme.
Eli Watson
I'll be on his show tonight, my YouTube name is Hun E. Potte.
Colton Ramirez
just watch his fucking stream and you'll figure it out for yourself you stupid bastard.
Isaac Morgan
t. jealous nobody
James Powell
I'm not jealous.
I'm a fan of white guys!
Nathaniel Ward
>meme flag >no argument >pretending to be le kewl Sup Forumsack
Brody Hernandez
>Spencer+Enoch vs Sargon plus... someone
Dis gonna b good.
That's this week for sure?
I bet it'll get shut down in short order
Easton Ramirez
sage goes in the option field, I'm so glad the cancer of e-celebs is dying out what you faggots realized it was shills shilling shills >here have a long cat
Jackson Diaz
>I bet it'll get shut down in short order
If not - confirmed shill. That's just basic math.
Also, to reiterate my question - they mentioned something about Jordan Peterson cucking out - what happened?
Colton Walker
>I made numerous threads back in my "living on pol" days pointing out how EVERY SINGLE advocate of alt right or - to put it more realistic - anti-zionist and anti-jewry has a fucking LISP. A better use of your time would be to find out what a lisp actually is. The only person that has a noticable lisp is that retard Cernovich.
And Andy is playing dumb because he's a giant fan of Jim Norton and the character chip chipperson. They're both funny retards who stay detached from shit by just being funny, i guess thats what Andy is trying to do too.
Lincoln Miller
Fuck I missed him on my LISP LIST.
I don't care what the textbook definition is, they have some lispy speech impediments, all of them. It's creepy how they all have it, probably some mkultra thing.
Can someone tell me what happened to Peterson!??!
Luis Richardson
A lisp is when you cant say S and it sounds like a TH. Like "JETHUTH CHRITH". Andy doesnt do that as far as i can tell. Neither does Rogan or gavin. Just checked on Faith (since i dont care what alt-right women has to say), she doesnt do it either. Molymeme has some kind of made up upper class britbong inflection, so i think his hoity toity S's are on purpose.
But Cernobitch has a legit lisp, and he's also a fucking lying sack of fag.
Nolan Rivera
It's a jew, all you need to know
Camden Reed
>Mass replying to posts
Bannable offence m8.
Matthew Torres
Fuckin knew it.
Juan Flores
Great rundown.
They need to have Jim on (Metokur). I want to hear him shitpost and troll throughout the debate, it would be hilarious.
Brayden Howard
Warski is walking proof that anything south of France hasn't been white since the 1200s
Joshua Harris
He's been on plenty of times. He BTFO'd DesTiny, shit was dope.
Benjamin Johnson
warski sounds like a jewish name. Could be sephardic which would explain his easy-goingness with other ppl and his need for attention
Dylan Cooper
That is why we we're gonna have a White birth revolution to push these cunts back and make even Spain White again.
Dominic Gutierrez
shit nah it was a Lauren Southern stream. Clip is still very worth watching but it cuts out the best bit when Jim brings up 'ethical child porn'. Metokur is a based honorary Aussie.
Jaxson Thompson
Joe Rogan doesn’t have a lisp he has like a weird half New Jersey half Californian accent from living half of his life on each coast and is baked most of the time.
Ryder Myers
This guy isn't really that funny.
Camden Rivera
Warski is not very bright, he doesn't seem to understand what the fuck people are talking about and summarizes in the simplest possible terms to the point of losing the wider context.
His new co-host abducted and raped (or fell in love as he put it) a mentally handicapped girl and attempted to make her pregnant, that way he could become a US citizen. (It is not slander, It went to court and that is what they determined).
Although you could say the show was balanced to a certain extent, since JF joined as co host it has become extreme right wing. Warski just believes its freedom of speech, which is true I guess. It's fantastic he got Spencer on, but the discussion turned to a shit show pretty quickly because literally Warski had no idea what the fuck was happening or what they were talking about.
>Have you had the conversation about whether it's ethical to fuck him? Watch the last two minutes, Jim is a god.
Gabriel Gutierrez
Maybe that he went against Faith Goldy and got her kicked off a panel for a free speech event?
William Watson
>His new co-host abducted and raped (or fell in love as he put it) a mentally handicapped girl and attempted to make her pregnant, that way he could become a US citizen. (It is not slander, It went to court and that is what they determined). Nice fake news, CNN nigger.
Nathan Gomez
I actually like Andy. He is pretty dopey, but he seems like a good dude and I think he's doing a lot of good. He doesn't really have anything to offer intellectually, but its cool that hes hosting these debates.
Dylan White
He has stated that Warski is just a pseudonym and not his actual last name
Hunter Ramirez
>since JF joined as co host it has become extreme right wing
Not really. Warski is very aware of needing to be balanced, he constantly references it.
Unlike Rubin, Warski doesn't need people to show up in person. His show will be THE go to Youtube program for e-drama showdowns.
Another thing, it's an advantage that Warski is a brainlet. He can step in and cool things down, and also he is too dumb to be pinned down defending his choice of guests on Twitter. If he was intelligent, he would tie himself up in knots justifying himself. instead he just says yolo, free speech.