How do we get men to stop banging random sluts and get married

How do we get men to stop banging random sluts and get married

My church has a huge problem with 25+ year old girls that can’t find a husband because most men are not interested in women that will not put out before marriage

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How do we get people to mind their own fucking business and focus on their own lives?

>hur dur how does the overall state of society affect you bro? Just mind your own business bro dude

A return to more traditional values.
This is a cultural thing. If you watch television, read magazines, etc the message sent is that sex is the greatest good. So, of course they will be eager to have sex. And of course, those are bad values that won't make them happy.

>25+ year old girls that can’t find a husband because most men are not interested in women that will not put out before marriage
church can be a beard for women and men. most of these women are probably undercover dikes. i feel bad for the dude that marries one of these girls and ends up in a sexless marriage

Holy shit seriously where are these women. Most churches I went to (Canada and US) were just full of whores openly having premarital sex and justifying it with "Jesus loves me you can't judge".

Dude like it doesn't even affect you why do you care like seriously bro like you do you bro let me do me consenting adults dude like why do you even care?

Dykes are not a real think
They just hate men
All churches usually have both casuals and hardcore believers

where the fuck are you?
Tell me NOW

maybe stop making marriage a financial joiner and men will marry them without fear of losing all of their assets. again feminism is the cause of this. nothing will change until feminism in all of it's forms is eradicated.

I think you are lying.

If not, send some pics of potential waifus my way and I'll help one of them.

They are not.
Not everyone is a degenerate like you.

used to be wholwsome girls would slut shame the local whores so bad they would keep the whore numbers low.
but then women wanted equal rights and like men they had to start competing against each other.
now its a race to the bottom constantly trying to out slut the sluts.
this is why women have to wear shorts that don't even cover their whole ass cheeks anymore.
10 more years and sheer tops will be the next level.
Women used to be the refs and keep men in bounds. Now we are all running around on the field and their are NO rules!!

Southern California


>ends up in a sexless marriage

Not sure how this happens. Whenever I feel like having sex I just pull her clothes off and push her onto the bed. Do you cucks seriously ask your wives for permission?

No, it's because nobody wants OLD HAGS. Maybe if they weren't such whores they would've married a decade ago and have a dozen or so babies.

Now I know you're larping. Southern Cali is nothing but whores.

why would a woman wait that long to get married then? a normal girl would get married at 17 just to fuck. what kind of girl WANTS to wait till 27ish? a woman that's dead inside or a dike in a cult. pick one

I honestly can't see myself going to church to meet girls
I'm not paying tithes to a goddamned church
If that's your thing then fine, I'm not going to judge

There are 20+ million people here
Plus since you are not expected to go to church you will find less phonies

Find a traditional Catholic Church

Your church is filled with moronic sheep*


If it was marketing you are not good at promoting your product

You’ll be paying a lot more in alimony when the girl you met “for free” in a bar leaves you for Chad


this seems like a cult suspicions

There are still probably 7 or 8 million white people in sc

It requires social pressure

The community at large killed the pressure to marry and stay married and so nobody does it

>girls that can’t find a husband because most men are not interested in women that will not put out before marriage

the same goes for buying cars. would you not take a new car for a test drive before before buying.
on the other hand marriage sucks. been married a long time and even tho she is an awesome woman and my best friend it still sucks.

What church?

Well if your wife doesn’t think the only place sex is acceptable is within marriage don’t be shocked when she cheats on you

>Most churches I went to (Canada and US) were just full of whores openly having premarital sex and justifying it with "Jesus loves me you can't judge".

Now try going to a real church, not some liberal motivational seminar that sprinkles a little jesus on top.

I swear, true christians are going to have to start distinctly setting themselves apart from the degenrate fake liberal sjw "christians" and start calling them out.

How do you convince a man that having orgasms to many women is bad and having orgasms to one woman is good?

Not necessarily. If I researched the specs and it’s coming straight off the assembly line (nobody has driven it before) then I wouldn’t need to. I’ve never driven a modern car and said “I don’t like the way this drives,” and likewise I’ve never had sex and said “I don’t like the way this girl fucks”

How do you find the traditional churches? Do you just walk in to random churches?

You fix marriage-laws.

Currently they are a fucking death trap to a man. Unacceptable

Marriage has turned from a strong bond between two partners to something that is basically a bear trap for men.

how do you find anything, user? when you're looking for something in particular do you just randomly look in places?

Look stop larping and give us the name of your church so we can see a pic of your 'white' congregations.

They already have to, my man. Though I'm an apostate, I'm gravely concerned with how all mainline protestant and the catholic churches have bent to the earthly and temporal will of the people. It's wrong. These churches no longer delineate what sin is and refuse to take a theological stand against it. Softening their image by not saying when one sins isn't going to get kids to love Jesus again and fill up the pews.

Women are the gatekeepers of sex. They've been sleeping on the job for decades now so why would men bother paying full price for used goods when there's plenty of free test runs to be had?

no. Usually all mainline christian denominations are liberal. It needs to say "evangelical" before baptist, wesleyan, methodist, etc... For Catholics and Orthodox, IDK.

Don’t go into marriage planning for divorce

They’re all whores at chirch

damn, you need to mate like rabbits

It's a childish way of thinking to feel entitled to think you know what's best for people. Maybe people don't need to have someone think for them because you needed to.

ALWAYS plan for the worst. Always.

Aren’t the evangelical ones more liberal because they’re trying to get outsiders to come?

If you get a divorce you screwed up your life no matter what the laws are

All church bitches are whores because the church teaches it's okay because the things you do don't matter.

Living in the south, they're liberal in the sense that they're constantly showing hypocracy.

A virgin woman that goes to church can't find a husband ?
I want to believe !

Less strict in worship traditions, much more traditional in values. Besides 'evangelical' another sign that the Church is traditional is 'Biblical'. It it just say something like "Lutheran" or "Presbyterian" alone, run.

They are trying to convert people
The mainline ones are the ones that tell people it’s ok to be a sodomite

More whores and degenerates in society affects my family too. They push their dissolute lifestyles on the television, in schools, hell even on the streets.

>25+ year old church going women who can't find husband because they won't put out before marriage
>Roasties who go to church looking for a stable provider and will deny him the same Arbys they provided to Chad and tyronne from ages 16-25.

Lol cmon. That shit ain't foolin anyone. I've seen these trashy goes at church. In fact, when I was single, they were generally speaking some of the easiest lays. If I saw a girl in tinder, FB, POF, whatever that was a good old church going gal looking for a good man... I would always target her, and she would almost always want to hook up by the end of the first meet up.

Most of them go to church looking for a chump to marry, and that chump is about the only fool they don't put our for.

Your children were genetically predisposed to be whores or degenerate, religion won't change that.

Mainline Protestant Churches are like the Swedish Lutheran Church where the first female bishop says that God is a woman.

If society and pop culture doesn’t affect morals, then why is there more faggotry and racemixing now than there was 70 years ago?

Have fun with your inevitable false rape accusations

user, I live in a town fairly reputable for hardline evangelism. I've been trying to attend these churches, overlook the "muh MLK" praise, integrate myself into their YA groups, etc.

On the few dates I've been on, I inevitably find out that the women I'm pursuing aren't virgins but "they've only had sex once or twice!!" Dumping them, every time, earns me the enmity of the YA group I'm in. How exactly can I go about looking for a decent church with attendees that are actually worth a damn?

>inb4 Catholicism
Can't, I live in an area where what Hispanics we have will dominate the Catholic Churches.

this girl could be improving herself, learning how to cook, clean, sew, help her community, charity work or exercise. Reciting an old crappy book written by jews isn't helping anyone.

Because more people are faggots. There's more people in general than there was 70 years ago.

>a girl in tinder, FB, POF,
Seems like a representative sample of all church going women

>church girls

Protestant here. Went to the church all through high school and part of college. What’s funny is that the church girls were just as slutty as the non church girls, in many case, they were more slutty. There was one girl in the youth group who sucked a black guy’s dick on a youth retreat. Basically the men were nu male betas and the girls were sluts who weren’t interested in the men. Just giving you a fair warning, in Amerilard land, even church isn’t safe.

that bearded cuck just praying to holy fuckin kek that one of these girls touches his peeper after this

In the coming war, women will lose all rights. They destroy everything they touch and need to be on a tight leash. Giving women rights was a mistake.

>All churches usually have both casuals and hardcore believers

True. The problem is 90% of the girls seem to be open sluts, secret sluts, or sluts in the past trying to "start over". The ones who aren't still justify the sluts with "who are you to judge?"

>Traditional Catholic Church
Catholics are even worse than the hip protestant churches. Full of Mexican sluts who pray to Mary and unironically place her above Jesus. Absolute garbage.

I attended supposed "hardcore extremist" churches in the Bible Belt in Oklahoma. They were always the same.

Members who never actually read the Bible, attributing motivational cat poster quotes to Christ, and having a plethora of sluts and degenerates who were just a lot more secretive about their behavior than the liberal churches.

t. mgtow

low hanging bait!

all things considered, i support the 25+ year olds, something in scripture say abstain from fornication ...

yes, i've heard the argument of well i'm gonna marry her so i should get to enjoy it now. or this one ... but i love her.

hogwash soyboy. do you have a relationship with the Lord Jesus Christ or not?

as a father of lots of daughters, your first meeting with me goes something like this ... my daughter introduces me to you at church, you get invited to lunch or supper at our home, you arrive and are shown into my study where you get about five minutes before i arrive! during that time, you either sit patiently or wonder around touching stuff. no biggy there. i wander in, sit down at my desk, open the middle drawer on the left and produce an engraver. i get up, walk over to the biggest fscking (not a spelling mistake) gun safe you have ever seen outside the military, open it and remove a box of 44 caliber wad cutters ... hot loads!

returning to my desk, i offer you a drink, rye or scotch, usually a decent 50 year old single malt. after all you are special, just like my daughter.

from there, i engrave your name on one bullet, hand it to you with a simple comment, you hurt my daughter and i will hurt you much worse! i let you ponder that, ask for the bullit back, place it on the mantle of the fireplace at the other end of the room and we head out for food.

does it work? yes! absolutely! are there tards who hunt women in our congratation? yes! do they stay around long? no!

fact of the matter, if you don't show up in the church prayer room on a regular basis, you never get the time of day from any of my daughters. Why? well the shear number of fake male christians is horrific! wolves in sheeps clothing! my wife and i watch over our flock of lambs, our pastor watches over us. and the Lord watches us all!

be not deceived there are also women who pray on male christians as well. female wolves if you will.

I would be fine with marrying a girl before having sex with her, as long as I saw her tits first and made sure they weren't pancakes or saggy. If the vag sucks, I can settle with HJs and BJs as long as the tits are decent.

>It's a childish way of thinking to feel entitled to think you know what's best for people.

Lol, only a child believes this, because children don't like to be told what to do. The reality (you'll discover this when you grow up) is there are right and wrong ways to live your life, and part of the point of knowing the difference is educating others to know the same. The fact that you reject this is pretty contemptible, and clearly Wrong.

So you live life thinking you're a child.

Shove your kike-on-a-stick in a place where the sun doesn't shine.

What church do you attend? I'm 25 and pretend to be a virgin

Maybe you could ask your mom to check


You must be 80. FB, tinder, kik, snap chat, Instagram, bumble, POF, match... It's literally the only way people date anymore. It is a pay to play scheme. You may as well not even exist if you don't have a profile there. Sure you can try picking up women in person... You've got about a 75% chance of being accused of eye rape and/or being pepper sprayed for daring to speak to another human being directly... IRL, without first arranging the human interaction via sm.

>You hurt my daughter I hurt you

This is the exact garbage parenting that has turned women into trashy entitled sluts who do whatever they want.

>Women need to get in line and become submission to their husbands again
>Except my little princess her shit doesn't stink if you hurt you I hurt you boy


My experience: start with more conservative traditional churches like church of Christ, southern baptist, pentecostal. Smaller the better. Mega churches are almost all corrupt due to the money influence. Evangelicals can be good at smaller churches but tend to drift the bigger the church. Until a decade or so ago many traditional pentecostal churches still didnt allow women to wear pants. Probably possible to find some still today.

Even in these more conservative churches i see drift. As the country turns away from its origins and more heathen are brought in it becomes increasingly harder for people to stay the course. That is why its necessary to call sin what it is and call people out. Force them to seperate themselves or leave.

>vag sucks,

lol. I have never thought about this.

I'd come across maybe 2 bad ones. Do you feel this is an epidemic?

And yes, after your message, you pointed my attention to this and now I can really see how fucking disappointed I would be.

suka nie da, pies nie weźmie
this is female problem

These girls, do they like British men? Serious question, I could get in to the USA if I tried.

This is life in the south but you've all been sheltered from the world to know anything about it and rely on whats on the surface to guide you due to having constant obedience beaten into your heads.

so will they at least give a handie or can I dry hump them or something?

>because most men are not interested in women that will not put out before marriage

And this shouldn't be surprising. If the sex isn't good, there's just no way the marriage will last, religious or not.

goddamit tyler

Or go to a topless beach?


Only if you’re assertive and not a shy beta soyboy like pic related

>25+ year old girls that can’t find a husband

Found the problem

my guess is you are a shill who knows not the Lord. repent! and you shall be saved!

as for submissive and stinky shit, all of my "princesses" have stinky shit, i've used the bathroom after them at one time or another! so, soyboy sargon, begone!


>caring about other people
i sure hope you goys don't do this

>Lame joke

This is the peak of boomer posting.

good thing this guy decides what is legally rape

There's sincerity and there's ulterior motives to inflate one's own perceived status or ego.

Growing up in the South, my experience was that the church girls were the quickest to justify sucking Tyrone's dick out of some colorblind interpretation of Christ's "love." Whatever Christianity may have been once, in the contemporary U.S. it seems to be little more than feel-good propaganda to reinforce diversity and tolerance.

>He actually thinks Stirner advocate not caring about other people

Start reading books instead of dumbposting.

I think this is a matter of education and knowing what stance one's church actually has. I come from a Catholic background, so it's easy for me just to go to the Catechism and find the church's teaching. From there, one can delve into the writings of Church fathers, mystics, and the bible to assert that claim, while still holding onto the 2000 years of tradition that bind all the churches together.

People don't do that and hold onto an idea of a Hippie Christ that's okay with their lack of moral fiber. It astounds me that people don't take that into consideration when dealing with matters of faith.