How much Moor blood does a typical Spaniard have?

Holy shit look at the picture of the soccer coach I posted. If he can be considered white then I'm not sure what can't be considered white.

Other urls found in this thread:


Some Spaniards sure as hell have gipsy or moor blood, but the vast majority of them is completely white (with med features, sure), and some even have germanic features.

>t. my mother is a full blooded spaniard with light hair and green eyes, and i know very well how spaniards look like

>How much Moor blood does a typical Spaniard have?

Moor than we can imagine

Whiter than Mohammeds in the South.

Wetbacks aren't white.

Wanna know?

Basques are light reflective and hairless.

Your average Spaniard is not that different from your average anglo. It is just that people living closer to the equator typically develops a more pigmented skin tone.

>talks about moors
>posts a gipsy man from a well known gipsy family

>I'm not sure

You should have end it there asshole. Educate yourself properly in genetics, species and race, or GTFO.

His facials features aren't arab at all, you fucking mutt. He's olive skinned and dark haired because he is from south of Europe, dumbfuck.

That man is a gypsy. Half, at least. Cousin to this one.

What do you expect from an uneducated burger?

Look at his skull shape dumb 56er. He could very well be tanned, you have no idea what it is like to be burned by the sun year round

Pic related can't be considered white, amerimutt.

Leave the proxy sargon

You got that right Irmao, but even then, Quique Sanchez Flores is a gipsy (at least half), and that fact renders this whole thread as idiotic.

20% came from sephardic jews. thats why they have "black" skin.

This it's to white for a typical spaniard gang.

africa begins at the Pyrenees, not sure where the white mediterranean meme came from

>implying we ever tell anyone that we should be considered "white"
fuck off already, we don't care about your "whiteness"

The heaviest admixture of moor you can find is a 7-8% in small rural towns in north Spain

looks like a tanned european

but this one is definitely some sort of shitskin

Oy vey, where's my 20% cut of the goyim tax then, you thieving bastard, I'll tell the Cohens not to do more business with you if you don't pay up Avi

right wing spanish politician on the left

>be moor
>look whiter than a Spaniard

Nope, sorry abdul

>be algerian nigger
>take photo with shitty quality
>turn up lightning by 10000%
>look at me i'm white!!!

Fuck off you low IQ sand nigger. We dont need human trash.

spaniards are basically niggers

Before the Moors the Hamitic Canaanites were there, then the Carthaginians who were descendants of another Canaanite colony (Phonecians for the Philistines here).

So they have a very long history of non-white admixture.

If you're an ashkenazi Jew you also have the same amount of Middle-Eastern admixture.

Those are Spaniards not wetbacks

>wanting to be associated with France or Germany

You ain't getting out of this one, now spread your cheeks I'm sure you have some emergency shekels hidden up there.


You're whiter than an Arab if this helps. If we use a whiteness scale, you're not as white as a northern Turk but whiter than a Kurd.

This is the only correct answer. Everyone but American mutts are all niggers.

No money...Get out!
Send more "aid"...

This guy is the same color as the underside of my balls.


How do you recognize gypsies? I think overtime, somewhere (maybe Hollywood) started romanticising gyppos and made them seem like Spaniards (especially women) with the dresses, flamenco and castanets.

>Made the kike laugh.
My great-grandfather, quite unfortunately, fought against the Nazis. Can I have some shekels?

I apologize, I meant, may I have some shekels, please?

Same shit. A spic is a spic

At least you live in Algeria.

No, bitch. send more aid...

"U.S., Israel sign $38 billion military aid package"

Next time send 76$ billion you cheap basterd!

It's okay, it won't last long, even one of the biggest faggots I know IRL has gone full NatSoc, even.

Looks like Dr House

Yet the love for israel is rising.

A myriad of things: the accent, the mannerisms, facial features, skin color, dress... and it isn't like they hide it.
Some of them act more civilized, but there is a whole set of customs they share and separate them from "normal" society. Their wedding feasts are beyond outrageous and can last for days, for example.
As a whole, not to be trusted, but if you gain the trust of a family or clan of them, talk straight and take no crap, they may very will kill for you .

Don't you have gypsies in the Netherlands? Those of pure blood look very much like they just came out of India yesterday, which is amazing. And Hollywood is partly responsible, that gipsy imagery and culture was also pushed for tourism reasons, apparently some people like this stuff, and some enterprising gypsies have even established themselves in Japan to teach flamenco dance to the locals. Personally I can't stand it, gypsy chanting makes my skin crawl (in a bad way).

I'm also like that, we are meds, not white bois, it should be obvious.

Those are probably Baby Boomers which thankfully are about to all die off in another decade, or at least be too old to vote.

At least you BTFO muslims every chance you get. When will you blow up that sacred mosque of theirs in Jerusalem?


They've been BTFO by the negros and chinese recently though

>being THAT brown

No amount of Jewry would ever make me, nor any rational person, fall for a poll, let alone one that is funded by an oil company, Schlomo.

We would do it years ago if the world wouldn't put sanctions on us.


spaintards are the product of carthadge being fucked by rome and fleeing into modern day spain and setting up a out post and after hannibal when rome showed up they fled farther towards portugal and rome gave up. over time they interbred with the natives and they still look like kebabs (if a kebab gets enough sun they tan but many avoid a bunch of sun so they look more white esk)

Wow so these gypsies actually work and do not screw over/terrorise the locals?

Polentone please, at least we ain't cucks. But I agree on one thing with you, Naples is a shithole, no scratch that, blow the whole South Italy except Rome and Sicily.

You dont believe this too right? thats why your going to be a minority in your own country.

Let’s hope we will see it in our lifetime. What a perfect shitstorm would that be.

Can confirm, I support Israel.

Spanish people fall into the European cluster. They're white, end of story. White is a shitty term anyway because it really only meant North-Western Europeans, specifically the protestant countries. Overtime it has extended to all people from the stock indigenous to Europe.

Nah don't drag us into your cuck club. We are meds.

Most of us are swarthy, black/brown haired, brown or green eyed, and have aquiline noses. Also please don't forget you can very easily tan in Spain but regardless we still have a darker complexion. And the Moorish admixture is quite likely very minimal, the only admixture from North Africa that could've occured would be from the Carthaginians, or phoenicians. I've kinda lost interest in arguing about the Moors. Long story short, the muslims have a history of not mixing with infidels and feel very little need to impose on their religions because they can just tax non-muslims which was very commonplace in Spain. And look at our most earliest statues, it's quite obvious we've always looked the same. And we also have the least admixture of haplogroups compared to any other country in Europe but Ireland with Ireland having more R1B than us by a small margin

ITT: eurocucks defend shitskins

El ogro de las Americas
La luz extinguido
La criature...
El Goblino
El tinieblas de las americas
El devorasueños de wallmart
El britanico corrompido

>ur not white thread
>tons of nu-pol users responding
Nice try shlomo, didn't work

The masses are easily swayed, Schlomo, you know this as well as I do. Quite fortuitously, more and more people are coming out against the Jews. I know you are just having fun here on cuck|chan, as am I, but there are serious boards organizing, not including those speaking in privacy to avoid people like you and the kikes that run boards like these.


Completely fucking agree, I stopped identifying as white and just started identifying as Iberian and to an extension Med. I have zero ties to non-meds and I'd rather it stay that way

Those figues are not anywhere near accurate and you know it. Most boomers and above still view jews as being eternal victims and the good guys. You brainwashed them good. People in their 30s are about half and half. More and more realize each day that something isn't right and begin to research the jewish question. People in mid to late 20s are about half and half too. Possibly leaning more towards favoring the jew. The millenial generation is truly the lost one. But the generation after that?? LOL. You Jews better buckle up cause its gonna be a bumpy ride. You are going to have to start WW3 because the kids 20 and under are very well aware of the jewish problem. The balance that are anti isreal and anti jew of that generation is probably nearing 3/4. You know this all too well. Its why you are trying so hard to get hate speech laws so that no one can question the Jew. When the boomers die off and when generation X, and millenials die off, you guys are absolutely fucked!!! Of course you will have started WW3 by then. But have no fear. Your kind are going to hell when you die. You know this. You know what you did to Jesus and you know the beliefs you and your people believe in. You know the price you will have to pay.

I read that on the outside of the spanish quarters in napoli there are soldiers and armored tanks patrolling the area. Have things really got that bad?

Like anything here isn't a massive pile of shit or a kike D&C. There are Israeli flags shitposting here, even.

And that's the right thing to do. If you look in history you would also see that nordcucks were the cause of all troubles in the world.

It's a mixture of both, they still steal copper and are the only ones ballsy enough to sell heroin, and they live in ghettos who look like post-apocalyptic landscapes like any bona fide gypsies.

I honestly could not give a single fuck about Israel, if anything I'm impressed by how they've mantained so much control in America. I would never ally with jews because of their history of backstabbing their allies, but nevertheless, I couldn't give a single fuck about the Palestina vs Israel thing because it doesn't concern me

European Meds. North Africans and western Middle Easterners have just as much claim to the Mediterranean. You'd rather be lumped in with them?

To be honest yeah. Atleast I would, North Africans have had a considerable amount of achievements in their history and we, even though it was pretty forced, have a long history. And I like the Middle East, I blame you for destroying those countries

Napoli? Just talking about them makes me cringe at how disgusting and nigger like the napolitans are. So there's basically this TV show called "Gomorra", it's about camorra and criminals, it got in the teenagers head and now they are 12 years old subhuman napolitan gangs beating up people, even cops. Even one of our ministers, Minniti, had to address the problem. It is that bad, yes.

This "white awakening" should have happened 50 years ago when USA opend the gates for non-white immigration. its too late now. USA will become a non-white majority its just a matter of time. most born babies in the us now are already non-white.

What the spaniard said. The Middle East has alot of culture to be fair.

I don’t blame them, I rather not be identified in the same group as Anglo’s either. Unfortunately, I’m probably more Germanic than Med. Snownigger blood runs thick in me, although I look like a Med.

For most of history the term Europe was an abstract term used by Greeks to quantify our dissimilarities compared to other peoples. I live in the European continent, that is it.

I'm heavily anti pan-european, anti- EU, pro-Med union and pro having each others backs as meds. We have absolutely nothing in common with northerners or easterners and want nothing to do with them

There wasn't much to destroy after Arabs took over, and if they were to become powerful again they'll take you over(again) without a second thought.

Look at his nose, not much of nigger blood, dude just extra med


I visited UAE, it's honestly one of the better places i've been to plus they have amazing history, mostly persians though. I stopped being a white nationalist some time ago and I'm just an Iberian-Nationalist but with heavy support for the Mediterranean peoples

It is what it is aquafresh, the netherlands isn't that bad though.

>its too late
We still hold power right now and still hold the best genetics the earth has ever seen. They are coming.

Well explained, I'm also looking forward for a possible Mediterranean Union. It is clear that we have still a chance unlike the germanic countries. And you know why? Because Mediterranean countries are built from virtues, family and lots of patriotism. You won't find such things in their countries anymore, they're dead inside.

Arabs took over what? The middle fucking east? You fucking destabilised the whole fucking region and YOU'RE THE FUCKING REASON WE'RE HAVING THIS MIGRATION CRISIS YOU DIPSHIT. GOD FUCKING DAMN AMERICANS ARE THE MOST RETARDED JEW CONTROLLED AUTISTS I'VE EVER MET. Why the actual fuck do you think most meetings were held in the Middle East in the early 1900s? Because it was a cultural epicentre. The Middle East is nowhere near the problem and the Muslims wouldn't be a problem if they moved back to their countries. It's you and only fucking you, and to an extension Capitalism.

When the USA is mismanaged Brazil no one will stop Hamas from nuking you. That is, if you don't get MUTT'ED by sand niggers and blacks as the BDS pressure grows on you to open your borders.

>El devorasueños de wallmart

>its too late now
Oh, but Schlomo, it isn't, and the further it is drug along, the more fun it'll be. You underestimate the amount of white people here and their growing feelings. I've been able to indoctrinate school children, even, without hardly trying (you may say that isn't difficult, but they aren't even believing the propaganda their teachers teach them, anymore, at least not here). But, hey, I live in an over 90% white state and people frequently mover here to get away from niggers and ((("Commies"))).

its the euroshits who are 56%ers. been mixing with eachothers shit genes for centuries
all euromutts should be raped then executed

I used to be very anti-patriotism and hated my country, but god damn do people here get heavily offended if you shit on their country the wrong way. If you talk shit about the Spanish Economy they'll agree with you, but if you talk about their history, culture or language they'll punch you right in the face. Also why would I form a union with slavs? We have absolutely nothing in common, might as well form a union with the Japanese if we're going to do that. We have to have cultural, historical, economical, and geographical ties. We also need to be allies which we've always been even since the Roman Empire