Fake News Awards

Didn't see a thread on here so I thought I would get some hype started, are you niggers ready for the mass triggering tonight as Pres. Trump gives out the Fake News Awards, as well as a big F.U. to the media? I am.

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do it

When does it start?

I've been looking forward to this all week.

Haven't seen a clear time posted anywhere, not even by Trump (as of time posted). But if it comes to fruition, I would probably wager sometime between 5-9EST, which is what really is to be expected.


Dis gon be gud

>When does it start?

You may be retarded




If it's a nothingburger I'm done playing games, and I will force their hand.

My bet, sanders hands out stupid trophys at the press conference and Trump doesn't show up physically.

"fake news awards" makes me cringe up inside.

doesn't this guy have other things he needs to be doing?

Will it be on CNN?

Shills hate him!
This one weird trick has pedoelites shitting their pants.

fake news awards can't be a fake news, can they?

Bump to the top

(They are)

And what would you tell me if I were?

>Fake news awards

Sick fucking meme, glad he's having fun in the White House while the country continues to go down the drain.

>israel still exists
>kikes still run our government
>IC still run by kikes
>fed reserve still run by kikes with kike treasuery
>prisons flooded with niggers
>niggers looting shoot raping and killing everything
>spic gangbangers doing the just the same
>millions of communists everywhere in the open
>colleges are (((indoctrination))) centers
>mentally ill faggots and trannies becoming more normal by the day
>no pedophile / pizzagate arrests
>hollywood still run by kikes and the cia who produce kike propaganda
>35-50 million illegal spics still need to be deported
>women are complete fucking whores with no self respect
>men are complete fucking pussies with no self respect
>Trump pushing war with Iran
>no fucking wall
>other shit I can't think of

Yeah Trump is doing a great job guys, the stock market is up and I got tax break! MAGA!

/ptg/ r*dditors will follow him if he decided to genocide all the whitess


I'm ready. He better deliver.

They probably fucking would and say it's 45D chess. Trump isn't Hitler, there's literally zero reason why anyone should follow and trust him so blindly, he literally hasn't said or done a single thing that should devote such mindless loyalty.

If Trump actually was Hitler like the (((MSM))) says he is I would follow him to the ends of the Earth. Sadly he ends his speeches saying "We all bleed the red blood of patriots" like a civic nationalist cuck and has shown no signs of actually going 1488 like people here believe he will.

Just enjoy the decline, unless the US goes 1488 and paves the roads for others to follow, this world is doomed.

i've been waiting all week for this. HUGE

Eat less paint chips.

nobody cares about fake news. did that astroid kill obama ? is king nigger kill? what will his sons say?

If this isn't the big happening I'm eaving Sup Forums permanently.

Bump for MAGA

It won't be a happening, it will probably just be a series of tweets


Can't say I'm too excited for this because i havent been following it enough but it'll be interesting to see what it'll be like.


To get everyone hyped for this, here is a recap of Trump's best media trolling.

Please be true

I say it should go to MSNBC or ABC

What about CNN? I feel they did their part, I mean CNN stands for Cunt News Network.



No. The U.S. media is the biggest threat to democracy. They are quite literally brainwashing people. The fact the majority of Americans have no clue who Imran Awan is a disgrace. The media sets the narrative. They tell people what to be interested in and what to believe. They decided the Vegas shooting should go away despite there not being any answers to what happened. We're getting dangerously close to the point where the MSM needs to be violently eliminated.

I hope he’s smart and creates a long compilation showing all the times the media has lied and incontrovertible proof that they were lies. Those normies won’t know what hit them.

>People raised by technology got hit by cars when playing PokemonGO.
>These same people threw their IPhones in water and put them in a microwave all because they saw a fake add.
>SJWs in general
If we as a people still do shit like that then we are all surly damned.


More like 3d woodden block puzzle and failing. Chump is a clueless baboon.

just a reminder...
