America is evil

After taking a huge dose of dmt (for the first time btw) I realized America is the bad guy. This country is ran by rich greed and every one is a slave, step out of "line" and the cops will kill you or put you inside a cage and rape and torture you.

Any nation that doesn't want to submit to corporations ends up getting invaded by the US. Everyone here is a slave to big business and no one is paid right because if we're all kept down the rich live even better lives.

I can't take it anymore. Everyone here is a brain dead zombie consumer.

Other urls found in this thread:

we're between what was complete shit before and progressing towards something better. Still a long way to go

But like why can't we be more lax with the militarization shit? Have you seen a cop? They are like fucking robots that don't feel, cognitive dissonance aside they are heartless fucks.

Also drug laws are fucking stupid, prohibition never works and only creates a criminal black market.

How's high school going so far?


I'm 35 and own a business, I'm just saying what the fuck man. Why does the upper class have butler's and drivers when I'm stretched so fucking thin that my hair is finally starting to fall out

If you defend anyone who has a butler then you're a sick fuck

people aren't there iq wise. too bad

Maybe you should start an opposition? If you're so fed up.

>why do these people have things I dont have WAHH

Not everyone has a butler dingus fucking relax

I am 12 and this is deep

So finally understand you're the heart of ZOG. Hopefully you also understand why many nations legitimately don't like you (pro tip: it's not shills saying those things)

This is what my husband keeps telling me and I'm starting to believe it's true, people are just dumb illogical fucking animals. So the real question is where can smart people live away from niggers and rednecks?

White race needs a shaman and hallucinogens to realize he's a small picked prick who hates Everyone..

No shit Sherlock.. nobody sets up a system for everyone to succeed freedom is just a white lie white people made up to feel good about themselves

"If I openly take everyone's stuff.. then I'll be a Savage nigger.. if I make up a story that everything is fair then I won't feel bad if I end up with all the success"

Nobody is fair man.. the white race is no exception

>hai gais, i took drugs and came to some retarded conclusions i think are brilliant, allow me to share!

"Sometimes the world no longer needs a hero, sometimes what it needs is a monster" - Dracula

>I took massive amounts of brain debilitating chemicals
>suddenly I am a commie
Checks out.

holy shit you needed drugs to figure that out?
back to unemployment line

DMT speaking

The white race saved your dumb brown asses and you still refuse to act civilized. Fuck you.

I hate Brazil and your people but you are fully right, America is a Jewish lie and jews set arbitrary values on items and that arbitrary value system is the enemy of us all, a close second is people like you who won't stop raping people like me just because muh white pussy is better meme

I think to each their own as far as figuring that out goes. I would love to live in an ethnostate and when I graduate college I'll try to move out of Houston to somewhere less infested at least, not perfect but closer. Plus part of living is coping with things you don't want to deal with.

So u are totally cool being owned by the government?

>Everyone here is a brain dead zombie consumer.
that's exactly what they think of you, there is no reason to come out of your shell so you apear to be a robot, people aren't the sheep you think they are.

I'm glad you did drugs and feel enlightened, but seriously
>no one is paid right
is your own fault in America.

You required a large dose of DMT to figure this out? My edgy 16 year old cousin knows America is the bad guy, and he still watches fuckin Yu-Gi-Oh.

>no one is paid right
>is your own fault in America
Not true at all since a select group of jews own all banks and means of finance. I've worked my whole life and I still rent a place to live. Why can t homes be affordable? And don't give me that shit about scarcity, we fucking build homes and raw material and labor comes out to $60,000 a home. Where do the the lenders get $400,000 for an asking price???

Dude, like America is evil, I'm telling the truth I know because I just invested a huge dose of dmt, Fuck off please
>"ebryone is a brain dead consumer egsept me
No, it's called capitalism
>"rich peeble run the coundryy!!!!"
You have to be brain dead to not have figured that out

>You required a large dose of DMT to figure this out?
I'm a 35 year old woman, to say I've been shielded from reality my whole life is an understatement, I've only recently became political

>This country is ran by rich greed and every one is a slave

so you now understand the nature of Solomonic communism

>after taking dmt
DMT can't tell you anything about the outside world, only about inside.
You think countries who force their citizens at gunpoint to "share" are more moral?

The butler is getting paid, he isn't being forced to do it.
America isn't perfect, nowhere is. Even in nature, do you see equality and fairness? No, it doesn't exist. Everyone must work on themselves first, that's your priority. Know yourself and try to improve yourself before thinking about the external stuff. Don't be the mindless zombie, and then teach others. To change a nation and the rest of the world will take individuals changing in the first place.

Sounds like you got trapped in a neggo prison. Be thankful and humble and everything will be okay

t. drugs enthusiast

Wow Australia way to go sucking on that dick, maybe daddy will give you some more money. All of you Australians are alcoholic meth heads

All societal systems are fucking wrong and are power based. Governments are basically Negan from the walking dead, dont do what the powerful say and you get your head caved in or enslaved. The world belongs to every one but you're all too busy fighting eachother.

sounds like you would be happier in Scotland in a council house, in Scotland if people need homes they build them, then when you get into your council house after 10 years of paying rent your combined total rent paid is deducted from the sale price which you can then purchase your council home for the balance

and we don't do this because why let me guess niggers?

blaming minorities who supposedly can't build anything for what is obviously a book keeping problem is outrageous

Welp, thread is over. You know the rules. Tits or GTFO.

>Where do the the lenders get $400,000 for an asking price??
The market you huge fucking retard?
you can buy CHEEP homes in America compared to the rest of the world.

>I'm a 35 year old woman
Tits or GTFO roastie.

B a s e d k i k e

>All societal systems are fucking wrong and are power based.
they're all based on solomonic communism, same thing as capitalism or christianity or islam, bunch of bullshit lies designed over time to prevent your slaves from revolting at the sight of you

Fascism sounds comfy, as explained in an info-graphic I saw recently. I could get behind a system that let's me be an individual but gives me inherent motivation to put effort into bettering the group.

>he needed DMT to realize shit's fucked

>to say I've been shielded from reality my whole life is an understatement
when did you realize that your nation was a racist meatgrinder that accepts raw human corpses at one end and produces ground beef at the other?

Average home price in my area is $400k and that's just insane

Force is what I'm saying is the immoral thing

And I get without force comes tribalism and that's even worse, I don't have the answer but I know a police force with unlimited power and zero restraint isn't freedom

>you can buy CHEEP homes in America compared to the rest of the world.
America doesn't even exchange in real value, it's like saying you won all the monopoly pieces, how long do you think until they start taking his name off buildings to prevent terrorism?

I don't know who the fuck told you that about Scotland, but none of it is true. They've actually scrapped the right to buy altogether, and even the old system gave them a discount but it wasn't related to the rent, just how long they'd been there.

It's not just racist it's more so classest

Sure does but too bad they always end up being ran by dictators

Yeah this 100%

I'm just flabberghasted. that's all. How can you be so stupid.

we are not progressing anymore burger. chinks might, Poland might still have a chance but some western countries are just lost. no values, no feels, no future

interesting, I will ask my drunked Scottish relative for details, he was there a year ago so according to your documents his family may hear about this in the next few years

does this change the general statement, that when they need homes in an area they build more?

Alright, we're on the same page.
I can assure you that capitalism is the most moral system out of all the ones we know about.
That's because capitalism is voluntary.
Is it lame that Justin Bieber makes millions selling retarded songs? Yes.
But is it immoral? Not at all. People like justin and willingly pay to listen to his stupid songs.
This the opposite of force.

America is one of the least immoral countries among the big players imo and could benefit from being even more capitalistic than it is right now.

>It's not just racist it's more so classest
well classism is racism's uglier older brother

>That's because capitalism is voluntary
It's not, look at north Korea getting bullied by the US for not letting the Rothschilds take them over. Look at Iraq in 2003. Capitalism flat out bloody kills anyone who won't be a slave to the elite.

>I can assure you that capitalism is the most moral system out of all the ones we know about.
nah man it's fucked, creates more wars than the communist bullshit and really they're the same,

look at the South Americans' they had an 8000 year old civilization with no wars and including writing, high mathematics and astronomy

their secret was to only allow fame to be given to those who were sacrificed to the sun god for winning a football match, kept all their psychopaths in check, thats the raw force of your society and if you let them run rampant destroying everything you won't have much civilization left when they're done

Rampant degeneracy is less moral than force. A fun thing relating to OP, every war the US has fought post wwi has been against nationalists.

It just keeps getting worse.

What current country's model do you prefer?

I've had a cop look me in the eye and bark about how the Founding Fathers were terrorists. They're a low IQ, KGB style political force at this point.

You need to be at a certain psychological level to be a cop. Or else they won’t take you.

There’s an obvious reason they are soulless, dumb, and aggressive.

I'll admit I'm racist if you admit nigger culture breed rape and violence, Asian culture breeds complete nihilism and numbness for life, Islamic culture wants people like me to sit on the floor while wearing a black shower curtain over my face, and whites just want peace, car racing, and wine

>I've had a cop look me in the eye and bark about how the Founding Fathers were terrorists

you should tell them about how your internet friends with Jefferson's descendant who claims to have his gay love letters to Washington

it is quite fucked here. Hopefully you guys benefit from what we've created as far as things like computers and cars go and take it from here.

>look at the South Americans' they had an 8000 year old civilization with no wars and including writing, high mathematics and astronomy
South America in general or a specific civilization?
From when to when was the period you speak of?

>Why does the upper class have butler's and drivers when I'm stretched so fucking thin that my hair is finally starting to fall out
user, you have a moron for a boss. Get a new job.

how are you not a consumer?

None sadly

I had a cop the other day ask me what I was doing just sitting in my car and I was on private property and told him he didn't have the right to patrol there. He basically spit in my face and told me to leave, I was just in a parking lot waiting for my hair stylist appointment.

Guess you're not allowed to chill in your car for 5 min anymore

>needs DMT for that

well sure, but the violence doesn't begin or end with blaxploitation culture, really I don't consider use of these terms, everyone is classist or they stick out in this society, we now have more people that stick out than ever before, but those who stick out are still a minority within the culture

but yeah training the slaves to be violent if they break free, this is Roman imperial rule complete with opium

>with no wars
They were constantly at war with each other and were complete savages. They regularly executed all of their 'wise men' (astronomers scientists)
>their secret
their secret was being brown savages.

>on one hand

OP did you really need drugs to realize the truth? This is quite sad.

>on the other hand

Wew lad, you brought out the shills in full force.

How dare you speak the truth on a fake ass "anonymous" image board! Shame on you for not realizing this website is full of cucked up shills.

Bro these people make money for shilling big time and you brought them out in full force, good on ya.

Now with that being said, hide your fucking power level from now on, USA is turning into Jewrope, aka Big Brother State. Its already here fool....

>does this change the general statement, that when they need homes in an area they build more?
There's a massive shortage of social housing in Scotland - there are 130,000 households on the waiting list, they build about 10,000 houses a year (and demolish some). Shit's fucked man. There's a shortage of housing all over the UK.

Iraq was a disaster long before the US ever touched it, but that's rather off-topic.

Threatening someone with force is the opposite of a capitalism.
In a capitalist system, the buyer and the seller have to give consent.

>From when to when was the period you speak of?
read Arnold J. Toynbee

Sounds like you need some lebensraum

>None sadly
Then apparently with all of its evils America is your preference. Perhaps you should take less drugs and better yourself, instead of whining like a bitch.

Because I work

True, also let me say my best friends are black and they have more of an issue with their own race then I do

“In America all too few blows are struck into flesh. We kill the spirit here, we are experts at that. We use psychic bullets and kill each other cell by cell.”

Tits or gtfo roastie

I have 100mg of DMT I've been meaning to take, I hope it doesn't turn me into a gommunist

You apparently already have.
Why not just answer the fucking question?

“He got a corporation mind. He don't believe in nature; he puts his trust and distrust in man.”

All of mankind is bad brother, The U.S was once a shining example of what every nation should be and its population and dedication to Yeshua admirable and an example for all nations. People are sinful creatures ergo we will decide to do what we wish with our hearts, we will decide what is right and wrong because we know best, we know better than God.

We live under the U.S hegemony today, but this will end at some point and the world will be swept up into the globalist-Luciferian hands as a new religion and movement to unify all of humanity in every aspect, the ancient dream of those engaged in the mysteries since even the antediluvian age, will come again as it did and Babel and thus ends the interlude between the Revelation of Christ to the End of Days.

We are all slaves to sin, it's only through repentance and humility towards Yeshua that we are forgiven of our sins and transformed into something else, something more. I feel like the emptiness and loneliness inside of me has been filled by Him, He has helped me improve myself greatly and I love our Lord for His help and patience with a sinner like me.

We are all sinners, you are no different from those you criticize as you are still a slave to sin and the proponents of sin. Through the blood and life of Yeshua, we are cleansed and are instructed to do the same with our brothers and sisters.

Trust no king on this Earth, only the Lord Yeshua and Yah, trust only His example and walk with the Holy Spirit, Love one another and treat each other with respect, a firm well-meaningness in the persons spiritual help and follow the example of the Lord to the best of your ability, you aren't perfect and God is all forgiving to all His sons and daughters if they truly repent and try

Life is a journey, experience it with Yeshua today and watches it become even richer and fulfilling, both physically, emotionally, and spiritually.

God loves you and He wants a relationship with you Make it right through Christ.

Trips of truth. The fact that there's a shortage of housing in Scotland doesn't stop the SNP being leading lights in the "Refugees Welcome" thing, but that's another story.

>They were constantly at war with each other and were complete savages.

but borrow money from each other to execute specific classes within the society they did not do, instead they worked everyone to death, and overall it was more civilized and less detrimental to the culture as a whole

>Shit's fucked man. There's a shortage of housing all over the UK.
2 friends of mine living at home with their full grown adult children, they all have degrees from Oxford and Cambridge

Why do these situations always seem to happen to cop-haters and not to the rest of us?
It's almost like you guys provoke them into this shit.

I'd suggest not expecting anything at all. What happens, happens. Your biases will only mess things up

Basically this 100%
This country is a prison, best summed up by the ricklantis mix up

>doing drugs
kill thyself

America conceptually is not evil - but it has been commandeered by a greater force, “the regime” or “old world order” if you will, amongst many other nations that fall under its umbrella - their system of control involves division/pitting parties against each other (nation vs nation, black vs white, rich vs poor) and enforcing an overall slave class of dumb obedients, so they can proceed to utilize harrowing means (false flags, drug/human trafficking ect) to uphold this system of ‘order’ or ‘control’ that we are all experiencing, and to avoid a sort of madmax scenario / collapse of consciousness.

>Why not just answer the fucking question?
my time is limited, I can discuss Toynbee's analysis of civilizations with you but the conversation will be more to your liking once you have read this stuff, if the complete works are too complicated let me know I can suggest an abridged edition for you.

>doing drugs
Literally already exists inside of you.

This proves to me that psychoactive drugs are actually the most retarded fucking thing on the planet. You formed a low energy, entry level thought after taking a highly psychoactive drug and now you, "can't take it anymore". The redpill isn't for you faggot if you can barely handle a low tier bluepill. Fuck off.

hey man, that one is ok, it's in the bible

>Because I work
That's not how anything works, retard.

You needed dmt to figure it out? Jeez dude thats common knowledge here when youre like 7

>that psychoactive drugs are actually the most retarded fucking thing on the planet.
considering the concept of god is built around them in the old testament you may have just said the most intelligent thing to have ever been uttered on /pol

I didn't request a discussion.
Just the answers to two basic questions, you dodging fuck.

>It's almost like you guys provoke them into this shit.
I was sitting in my fucking car and he walked up and tapped on the window

God isn't real, man made god to control eachother with threats of eternal punishment, it's all sun worship

Go to a place without cops and see what evil really is.

Hey whore, let me inseminate you so that I can spread my white genes.


>Hey man, like I just smoked some DMT man and corporations are bad. They're ruining our earth and we should just get along dude. Just love, it's all connected, we need communism.


>concept of religion
>based on psychoactive drugs
>thinking the Bible originated with Christianity
My friend you have a long road ahead of you. It started from the Phoenicians but came from even earlier sources out East. Follow the trail. I wouldn't recommend taking psychoactive drugs while you do this either because you'll probably come to the wonderous conclusion that, "Like, dude, letters form words man."