The systems are automated.
Our governements aren't telling us everything.
The systems are automated.
Our governements aren't telling us everything.
Yup. They've gone from illegal shit to full treason these past 10 years. As long as the alphabets cover it up they think they are fine.
Wtf are you talking about here?
hes saying hawaii emergency alert was not a mistake
it was probably a legit missile that was shot down.
just like the flying saucer over detroit yesterday
Dont forget the japanese false warnings. They had the same thing happen to them yesterday.
Obama never did much wrong in his presidency. Know how I know this? There were hardly any bad things the press reported on. Drumpf on the other hand...
>just like the flying saucer over detroit yesterday
what? do you have a link or source? I don't see anything about it
>The systems are automated.
The state EAS and the system that detects fucking missiles ran by the military aren't connected.
Angels on our shoulders.
Is BlueBeam finally here?
bump for interest
Quick rundown?
Been here for a long time. 'Member the Mayan 'pocalypse that didn't happen? 'Member the Cuban Missile Crisis where we shoulda all died? 'Member every other time we were so close? Bluebeam is misunderstood, it's basically science wizardry that alters probability to shift people in to realities by 'seeding' ideas and then using the power of the whole to manifest it and shunt people to realities that suit the agenda.
Those are actually fallen angels. Read Genesis.
I've been saying this. That was a real ballistic missile and we splashed it before it could hurt anybody. They just can't have people panic.
What if norks are really ayyys and that's why nothing real has been done about them?
He’s saying the state EAS system is automated, i.e. a real missile was going for Hawaii and was shot down.
It was probs a chink spy satellite being shot down in retaliation for the attacks on Hawaii and Japan (via China's NK proxy).
skynet is real
missile..? maybe. What if a craft was entering the atmosphere and triggered the automated warnings?
mossad hacked into ? and launched a missile towards hawaii that was shot down, not the chinks or gooks; but the kikes.
You think the LHC is part of it or a countermeasure, to try to branch reality elsewhere?
We get fake airspace violations all the time, and I assume many of those aren't fake. Could be.
>They just can't have people panic.
You are an idiot.
I agree, I think there is more ocean anomalies (violations) than anything else, but that's just me
But it isn't.
How does that statement not make sense to (you)? I'm laughing
>They don't want people to panic
>Better send out an alert about how a missile is coming and it isn't a drill
again, automated system.
Again, it isn't automated. The state of Hawaii doesn't have the capability to detect missiles.
Just the military/intel assets there, which aren't plugged in to the state EAS.
>not a mistake
>USS Fitzgerald
>USS John S. McCain
>USS Champlain
user who fucked his sister in that thread, we need an update.
So, they made a system to actively work against themselves? This might be one of the dumbest things I've heard in a while.
>automated systems don't have human controls
I'm confused. Are the warnings false, or is the all-clear false?
Some moke set up their system as to make it kind of a clusterfuck, so even someone not retarded might find it confusing, this insuring a fellow moke would fuck it up. I fucking hate Hawaiians so much.
I'm not actually confused. Just trying to point out the dissonance. If it's a psyop, there wasn't a missile. If there was a missle, it isn't a psyop. If Trump can manage to keep a defensive measure like that underwraps, power to him. And as you've pointed out, there's a big difference between the State of Hawaii's emergency broadcast system, and the Military's threat detection system. Doesn't make any sense that these would be automatically connected.
This user is correct.
Remember to invoke Christ's name if ever in the presence of one of the 'aliens after the reveal.
Almonds activated. I have always wondered how so many fishing boats could miss a giant freakin ship.
>>The state of Hawaii doesn't have the capability to detect missiles
USPACOM Headquarters: Camp H. M. Smith, Hawaii
Is your brain made of stone user?
yea, that's totally what I'm saying...kek
Which isn't under any type of control by the state of Hawaii. Can California invade a country just because it has Camp Pendleton?
>flying saucer over detroit
Wait, what? I live very near Detroit. Didn't hear about this. Source?
So how is it over if the system is actually working and the threats are neutralized?
No missiles hit hawaii
.Can Hawaii detect incoming threats? (yes)
...and that's it.
I don't know where your logic is going with your question
The EAS is under control of the state of Hawaii, the military there has nothing to do with it. The missile detection is under control of the military, the state of Hawaii has nothing to do with it. You are a dumb motherfucker. And I'll break down the logic of my question to simple terms that even a complete retard like you can understand.
>Camp Pendleton is a large Marine base located in California
>It easily has enough assets to invade a medium sized country
>Does that mean California had the ability to use those assets and invade a medium sized country?
Doesn't make any sense. Why have this alert system at all then? Shut it down and no one would even know anything.
wow triggered...take it easy there bro..don't let my question ruin your day.
I'm well aware of military assets in California.
I was talking about the AUTOMATION of the EAS and your talking about something else entirely.
That has zero capability to detect missiles. The state of Hawaii controls zero assets to do that with. You are a fucking retard.
it isn't automated. An idiot selected the wrong menu item.
How do you know that?
user doesn't understand leave him be lel
So what you're saying is, is that if I get double numbers or more here, we'll have a real nuke explosion this year?
Berenstain, this timeline tries to hide the jew
This. Read the books of Enoch, Jubilees, and Jasher. Also, don't forget about Albert Pike's three world wars. Pic related. It's a letter he sent to Giuseppe Mazzini, founder of the Italian Mafia, explaining their plans. Pike was a 33rd degree Freemason and an open follower of Lucifer. There's a statue of him in DC.
It works, you'll hear trumpets when it happens.
gif related
Yeah, I'm the one who doesn't understand how any of this works...
ayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy checked
Kikes are going ahead with bluebeam and alium larp vehicles are just being shot down
Where was this?
here come the christ fags
What rock have you been hiding under user?
Here's a few more short clips.
There is an archived thread where an user predicted it. I saw it last night but I didn't save the link.
Ayyyo hol up hol up, so you saying, this is the missle intercept vehicle my USAF academy buddy was blabbing about 20 years ago? Back around 2000 he was talking mach 9 and lasers. What's the top speed for uav's these days? Mach 20?
this is a simulation of a ufo shooting down a missile. not actual footage.
Right. The real warnings came, they sent out the messages, the middle was shot down, "oops, back to work".
The guy on the eas button just did his job
>The real warnings came
Is that why every base on island did fuckall?
>it was probably a legit missile that was shot down.
>that was shot down.
by ayy lmaos?
The lied is to pacify us, you dense mong. Once they knew we were safe, 38 minutes later, they tried to stop the panic.
I'm well aware EAS is state controlled and not military controlled.
Don't know what gave you the impression I thought the latter, but go fuck yourself anyway keyboard kat.
Love that shop
>Oh it's more likely that a secret missile that LITERALLY no warning system detected was shot down secretly than a retarded moke fucking up on a poorly set up menu
The military tells Hawaii to send the alert. What's so hard to understand? The lie came after the threat was neutralized.
>Don't know what gave you the impression I thought the latter,
Because you kept saying "the system is automated lol." For that to make sense and be accurate, either the Hawaiian government would need some method of detecting missiles or the military would have to control the EAS.
Bot detected
>The military tells Hawaii to send the alert
Then why did not a single base on the island enact any type of precautions? It's almost like the only thing claiming a missile was en route was the state EAS.
>Retard detected
The Hawaii missile was a secret space program weapon directed to Hawaii that was removed by the Galactic Confederation before it entered the atmosphere.
Here's is a video explaining this gif.
Seems like this was made after what eye witnesses witnessed.
being an island in the middle of the pacific with us assets, it wouldn't surprise me the two are tied together.
Yep. Thanks bro.
Yes, Hawaiians being retarded is bait.
The fact it was blamed on a "shift change" is the biggest slice of shit you can cut. How the hell would a shift change influence a fucking decision to self-activate a missile defense warning?
>it wouldn't surprise me the two are tied together.
They quite literally aren't though.
user here. at first it was very weird but after about 1 day we started fucking again and she really sucks a mean dick so that's cool
nothing at ballistic missile speed inside of the atmosphere can maneuver like that
nothing in space would be able to maneuver like that
nothing trying to destroy a missile would want to maneuver like that
>What's the top speed for uav's these days? Mach 20?
What does automated mean in this circumstance?
Is it really that farfetched to believe TPTB have advanced knowledge of happenings? Or that they're steering societies towards them? The man spoke 17 languages and supposedly had a watch that could conjure demons. It's likely he knew about events 60 years in the future. I mean... The twin towers were built by a Freemason to represent the pilars of Boaz and Jachin so that they could one day be destroyed in an occult sacrifice. If you don't believe me why don't you look into sacred geometry and then the dimensions of the twin towers. It's all a system of control user. There are powerful entities at work in our world.
Why does the government think the people can’t handle a war? Is it solely to protect the financial markets?