
are leafs based?

Other urls found in this thread:

>you will never be as brave and honorary, as last stand leaf

>10 years in prison
What the fuck

>ywn be a woman raking in beta orbiter bux while being mediocre at videogames on twitch

i doubt he'd get 10 years

>giving money to some fucking roastie playing vidya
kys now

>lil edgies more worried about proper memes and textual assault, this guy was spamming porn to other kids on twitch.. dude deserves 10 years

You forgot to leave out the part of "Some messages linked to sexual content including children.

"ha ha based canadian amiright? Child Porn isn't degenerate haha based."

Off yourself degenerate brainlets.


>unironically using meme flag

Go back to the_donald, aren't you turning 15 soon?

He's probably sick in the head but it's possible it was to just fuck with twitch and its users, it alone doesn't really prove he's a pedo himself. If he is then gas him.