The Marxist Pope honors abortion activist

Did Obama blackmail the Catholic Church into selecting a Marxist Pope?

Podesta, a longtime Clinton adviser/confidante and hand-picked top activist for left-wing funder George Soros, revealed in a 2011 e-mail that he and other activists were working to effect a “Catholic Spring” revolution within the Catholic Church, an obvious reference to the disastrous “Arab Spring” coups organized that same year by the Obama-Clinton-Soros team that destabilized the Middle East and brought radical Islamist regimes and terrorist groups to power in the region. The Podesta e-mail is a response to another Soros-funded radical — Sandy Newman, founder of the “progressive” Voices for Progress. Newman had written to Podesta seeking advice on the best way to “plant the seeds of the revolution” in the Catholic Church, which he described as a “middle ages [sic] dictatorship.”

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Did billionaire speculator George Soros, President Barack Obama, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, Vice President Joe Biden, and Obama/Clinton adviser John Podesta conspire to overthrow the conservative Pope Benedict XVI and replace him with a radical, Pope Francis? Did they use America’s intelligence agencies, and our nation’s diplomatic machinery, political muscle, and financial power to coerce and blackmail “regime change” in the Roman Catholic Church?

An Italian archbishop close to Pope Benedict XVI has claimed that the Obama administration may have been complicit in the “tremendous pressures” that led the former pope to resign in 2013.

He's a massive liberal faggot from Argentina, they should be nuked for releasing this cunt onto the world.

>not Marxist Jews

Isn't Obama controlled by Marxist Jews?

How the fuck does the Pope honor and abortionist!

This pope is fucking NOT following tradition,
If he allows gay married priests, I will become a Mormon

Catholics are headed straight to hell


I am Catholic. But if this pope continues on his destruction of the Church. I'll have to become Eastern Orthodox.

How can christians stand such a heretical pope? I don't get it.

Yeah, at this point I'm going to convert to the Eastern Orthodox as well.

That's really sickening.

I hope catholics split the church away from the satanists.


It is also the religion of my ancestors, the Byzantines.

church is ded

I'm also thinking of converting. My gf has been pressuring me to read the bible and realize the Catholic church goes against a lot of what it says

Obama is a marxist Jew

So they used the intellegence agencies to dig up or fabricate dirt on Benedict or someone he cares about

We've always had a few retarded popes, the key part is to stick in. Otherwise, it'll become worse.

All Catholics are faggots

The Eastern Orthodox allow remarriage and that is my only qualm with them at this point

Give examples

idol worship
sun worship

catholicism is roman paganism with a christian facade

>1 post by this id




You are fake news!

Vatican II was a mistake.

Catholic religion is one part of the masonic talmud pyramid and was supposed to end in 2016 if killary won. This is why Soros was seen in the Vatican for every conference since the beginning of the new millennium, he's invested the Rothchild fortune back into the Vatican coffers, and the Pope is in on it hence his odd behavior. The hint was the queen saying in 2015 that this will be the last christmas ever while recording a holiday message for the people, the Pope repeated her message in Feb of 2016.
The plan was to get Soros to destabilize nations with protests, check. FBI, CIA/MOSSAD were helping fringe groups grow and were arming them. War was supposed to break out in Ukraine between NATO and Russia as tanks were amassing there just before the election.

What I still can't figure out is the recall of the all the navy, was is a plan to cripple the largest fleet in the world, and could something like that been accomplished

This guy is clearly a closet satanist. I’m surprised that the orthodox factions have not brought charges of heresy against this man

isnt he already under investigation for 7 accounts of heresy ?? cant see how this helps his case

They have. He's choosing to ignore it

He's going all out.
Probably got the medal for aborting the most white babies

Sometimes I think we ought to bring back that whole heretic burning thing.

Reminder that the true Christians are the Southern Baptists.

Do you have a real source that isn't breitbart?

found the retard

>imagine thinking that everyone was wrong until a fat german shit obsessive had a dumbass brainwave in 1517

The Pope loves Satan.

https: //

Fake news. Her entire delegation was given the award. "the award was given to Ploumen last year when she took part in an official state visit of King Willem-Alexander and Queen Máxima of the Netherlands to the Vatican in June of 2017."
The Dutch Bishop, who would make the recommendation to give an individual the award, had no knowledge of this and never made the recommendation. Pope probably didn't know who she was. She was just part of the royal's delegation.

>tfw protestant
>tfw Catholics are going to hell with me

nope, this "pope" is a heretic, therefore not a pope, this was prophesied(whore of Babylon)
everyone outside the catholic church will go straight into hell, for more information

Mary is the New Covenant

In this day and age you shouldn't have to worry about whether or not your pope is shit.

Retard there has been protestants as long as the catholic church existed ... who are the ?

muh martin luther

who were the

muh martin luther

muh true church of christ split up 1000 years after jesus

>July 16, 1054: Liturgical, linguistic, and political divisions cause a permanent split between the Eastern and Western Churches, known as the East–West Schism or the Great Schism. The three legates, Humbert of Mourmoutiers, Frederick of Lorraine, and Peter, archbishop of Amalfi, entered the Cathedral of the Hagia Sophia during mass on a Saturday afternoon and placed a papal Bull of Excommunication on the altar against the Patriarch Michael I Cerularius. The legates left for Rome two days later, leaving behind a city near riots.

https: //
Pope Francis "Abortion is a horrendous crime and a very grave sin."
Nope. Nothing has changed.

What the fuck

Nope. Protestants did not exist until five hundred years ago with Martin Luther, who was an excommunicated Catholic priest.

All of you do yourselves a favor and read these two articles.

You'll find out where social justice, the third world migration changes in the 60s to the west and who supported fascism and Nazism and learn that democrats platform is no different than them.

Fuck this, I'm converting. What is the most Jew hating denomination, lads?

Catholics should do #NotMyPope

Like the prohibition on raping children.


Top kek, and Cathocucks will still assert that the Church NEEDS a supreme leader to speak for all of them. Come home, Christian brothers.

Youre fucking nuts man here another schism already in 451

November 1, 451: The Council of Chalcedon, the fourth ecumenical council, closes. The Chalcedonian Creed is issued, which re-asserts Jesus as True God and True Man and the dogma of the Virgin Mary as the Mother of God. The council excommunicates Eutyches, leading to the schism with Oriental Orthodoxy.

muh martin luther , martin luther could do what he done because of the invention of the printing press, he finaly brought the word of god among the people , he succeeded and did not end up at the stake like all the previous reformers

Enough with the religions, please stop changing from one master to another

>he turned enough Christians into heretics that he had an army to protect him

i would love to stomp that fat old boomer fake-"pope"s head in with my cold wet winter boots, and take all his unholy riches just to burn it all on a fire. then make all his houses into factories, child caretakers and food production for the people.

Orthodox is not the same thing as Protestant.

He turned christians to follow christ through the word of god rather then the word of man.. with this he saved potentially billions including me. Not bad for a fat german shit obsessive dumbass

Who cares what this Saturn worshiper does.

loooooooooooooooooooooool it literally means protest thus they protest and there is a schism

He is not the Pope.

Today, the great majority of Christian denominations can be considered descended from the Pentarchy, subscribing to Chalcedonian Christianity, broadly divided into the Catholic Church and the Eastern Orthodox Church (with Protestant denominations descended from the Catholic Church after the Reformation).

The groups that rejected the Chalcedonian definition were the majority of the Armenian, Coptic, and Ethiopian Christians, together with a part of the Syriac Christians. Today, these groups are known collectively as the Oriental Orthodox churches.

Some Armenian Christians (especially in the region of Cappadocia and Trebizond inside the Byzantine Empire) did accept the decisions of the Council of Chalcedon and engaged in polemics against the Armenian Apostolic Church.[1]

Others developed into the Eastern Catholic Churches in full communion with the Catholic Church." https: //
Protestants did not exist until the Reformation. The Roman Catholic church is not the only Catholic church. It is in full communion with many other Eastern rite Catholics. Roman Catholics just use the Latin rite as opposed to the Eastern rite.

>Did Obama blackmail the Catholic Church into selecting a Marxist Pope?
The Catholic church has been heading this way since vatican II. Bergoglio is simply the synthesis of the freemasonic enlightenment era ideals that gained sway during that infernal heretical council.

And the church is a corrupting organization

No. The Reformation created Protestants. No protestants before that and many of the schismatic churches are in full communion with the Roman Catholic church.

>he saved
redeemer religions (all abrahamic) are a lie, salvation religions are satanic in their very nature

Okay, cuck. Go import more Sub Saharan "christians" and turn your other cheeks for them.

that was the hardest truth to accept, it is verifiable, but only after digging through layers of crap

there were always protesters of the catholic church , the church used the name as a strawman for all christians protesting the church in 1500 there are no protestants anymore because there is nothing to protest anymore , because the word of god shows us how to follow christ , you either do that or be damned

i wrote potentially

>. 16He that believeth and is baptized shall be saved; but he that believeth not shall be damned. 17And these signs shall follow them that believe; In my name shall they cast out devils; they shall speak with new tongues; 18They shall take up serpents; and if they drink any deadly thing, it shall not hurt them; they shall lay hands on the sick, and they shall recover.

i can not heal i cannot drink poison thus i am not saved

Digits and the Pope gets crucified for heresy

>the absolute state of cathlocucks


>catholicism is roman paganism with a christian facade
>implying that's bad
go back to your talmudism with a christian facade.

I like to pick up snakes thanks God

Popes come and go. Heresies are forever. Stay with the one trve chvrch.

Not Catholic and dislike their mariology, but the fact that people have used a "mother / child" motif in art (because motherhood is one of the most important parts of being human) is not proof of a multi-millenia long conspiracy

There are some errors in the Kikebart article.

>Dutch Abortion Activist
In fact, Ploumen is our previous Minister of Trade and Development

>Last year, Ploumen founded a pro-abortion organization called She Decides, which offers funding and support for international NGOs that provide, facilitate or campaign for abortion.

Last year she was still in position of Minister of Trade and Development, thus representing our government. Technically speaking she didn't found the pro-abortion organisation but our government did.

Why are her eyes slanted and her nose hooked so?


its Sup Forums fake news the pope is anti abortion

>“I was thinking about the custom of doing away with babies before they’re born, this horrendous crime. They do away with them because it’s easier like that, because it’s more comfortable. It’s a great responsibility—a very grave sin,” Francis said, in reference to his visit to the San Giovanni Hospital on September 16.
>“The honor of the Pontifical Order of St. Gregory the Great received by Mrs. Lilianne Ploumen, former Minister of Development, in June 2017 during the visit of the Dutch Royals to the Holy Father, responds to the diplomatic practice of the exchange of honors between delegations on the occasion of official visits by Heads of State or Government in the Vatican,” García said.

>“Therefore, it is not in the slightest a placet [a mark of approval] to the politics in favor of abortion and of birth control that Mrs. Ploumen promotes,” she added.

>been atheist all my life
>start questioning my beliefs about a year back
>realize that it's all pointless because all of Christianly has been pozzed in various degrees

tl;dr Vatican gives her a dime a dozen medal they give to all diplomats by virtue of them being diplomats

I like how everything he does and says is in direct opposition to what Jesus said or what the New Testament says.

And what else are you gonna do? Be Pagan? Remain Atheist? Forget truth for a moment but your standards aren't even coherent. You want purity? You won't get it until you make your own Church with the membership of one.

Do it

Required Sup Forums reading.

The pope, of all people, should know the difference between the Vatican state and the Church. Even with his double digit IQ and his age, I refuse to believe he's THAT stupid.

We need to get #NotMyPope trending on Twatter

>that moment when you realize you've made a wrong turn

You forgot Nestorius and the Copts

Sad how long we've been under the same spirit binding spell, really

It looks like Brietbart is reading in to this a bit to much. I Don't like Pope Francis but this is a bit of a stretch.

Copts are part of the orthodox church.

No, they're heretics. They split in the fourth century

No they didn't split. Greek orthodox bishops were tricked to divide the church by catholics and decided to excommunicate them. Coptics maintain miaphyisim, which all orthodox churches see as another perspective on Christ's divinity.

So glad I’m Lutheran
