How do we save the next generation of boys from this fate?

How do we save the next generation of boys from this fate?

Death squads.

We need to once beat this man in debate, that should swing the younglings to the alt-right

An old medication remidied many years ago. Little lead pills that travel 1000+ FPS


Mandatory fitness and traditional extracurricular activities

>millions of donations a year to cure cancer
>50% of it goes towards feeding trannies

huh what?

islam unironically


Not much hope for the next generation unless you get rid of no fault divorce and somehow completely take education away from feminism/Marxism in the next several years.

Be a better parent than the parents those "people" have.

Former teacher here.

We need to support our boys. They're dropping out of society. Stop pushing this girl power bullshit. Girls already excel in school compared to boys. The margin isn't even close.

1.) Promote activities for boys AND ONLY BOYS. Not quite Spartan, but seriously stop putting girls in male bonding. Boys need to curse, talk about women, get in trouble, fart, etc, without being told how wrong it is.

2.) Support them academically. Stop beating them over the head with how bad it is for them to succeed because it hurts womens' feelings.



This, raise your sons to be men.

You're right and you've been right for years, but unfortunately nothing has changed except perhaps to make things worse.

A G P s

That pic right there is plague of society. It's such a cruel thing to do to boys that just behaving like one is labeled "toxic" and "disorder". Kids are taught that being like a good girl is the only way to function in society.

Current teacher here, yes.

>Higher than average IQ

AGPs are heterosexual autistic straight males, so yes higher than average IQ

autism does not imply high IQ
Just because you focus all of your energy and effort on model trains, doesn't mean you're smart.

>tfw no hsts gf

Have a (you)

nothing wrong with trannies if they pass

You won’t have to. These people are following a mass of their peers, the next generations will be able to see the full cycle of this way of life and will resent it

Save from what? Speedrunning was basically "LOOK HOW HARD I CAN PISS" but with videogames.

Electro shock therapy, and a lot of it

this is truth

Restore the fucking patriarchy!Women should not have the right to vote since they are not responsible basically like children.

I share the same views as you and had to stop teaching because faculty/feds don't