Dekomori gets to fuck her daily

>Dekomori gets to fuck her daily.

Other urls found in this thread:

Shinka here, I'm not fucking Dekomori.

Shinka here, I'm fucking Dekomori.

Dekomori here, I'm fucking Shinka

Dekomori here, I'm fucking invincible DESS.

Shinka here, I'm fucking Shinka.


This one seems legit.

Yes, and?

Dekomori here, I'm genuflecting before Mori Summer to perform the daily oral rituals.

Threadly reminder that this is how best girls wink.

Go to bed right now, user.

why dont we get shinka threads with 200+ replies on a daily basis anymore?

What is there left to say?

>why dont we get shinka threads with 200+ replies on a daily basis anymore?

Shinka was just a prototype


I like to believe the one that claims to be Dekomori fucking Shinka, because I like to believe Shinka is the one who bottoms.

Damn, that epic THICCness.

You're wrong though, fampie. Personality-wise, you can't possibly call Shinka a prototype by any measure. Not only did she have a fully rounded personality, it was incredibly lovable too.

I'm not gonna do this "my girl > yours" shit, but to be honest, Sento's personality is the one that is less developed in comparison.

It's not her fault though, nobody really had much of a rounded personality in AmaBuri. Maybe except MC.

Not before I've masturbated.

this is my least favorite string of six characters in all of human language

It has too many characters and not enough episodes

>implying we ever had anything to say and weren't just circlejerking around shinka

Where can I get all the screenshots of the anime with those movie quotes?

We all know she lets wild dogs fuck her.

You animal fuckers sure are an obsessed people.

This is their way of sublimating their baser desires of wanting to fuck animals themselves.

That's obvious.

If it was so obvious, why do I have to deal with people who insist that Shinka tops, then?

i had a dream where i was in high school and shinka challenged me to a fight in the middle of the hall. i tried to coax her out of it but then she did a high kick and hit me in the face. i got to see her side tie thong but then she got mad at the fact and sweep kicked me. im worried about sleeping now. what do? should i use grappling moves?

maybe you should learn to fight
this is very helpful

She claims to be top to keep public image up.

I wonder if we'll get more clones

I'm not talking about her, I'm talking about people in the threads. People will say things like how Shinka is definitely dom.

But she clearly is user. And as pugnacious as Deko is, she becomes docile and submissive with Shinka.

See what I mean?


Shinka's vagina stinks.

Stop making threads about this whore

Wait until Deko cleans it with her tongue.

Already knew about her

You don't know how it works in yuri.

The tsundere is often the uke, because she's the more vulnerable side, and sex becomes about her yielding herself and becoming tame.

How come they still haven't topped 1.0?

Now you anti-KyoAni retards are going full autism. i.e., same as always.

But I actually like her and her clones. Can't never get enough of them

All I want is Shinka to fuck my shit up, fuck me so good I end up unconsicous. I want her her to unleash all rage on me, I want to feel all the power of her punches and kicks, I want her to hit my balls with her knees

>not wanting to spar with her

Aren't both tsundere?

OMG, yes!

As if I could be on par with her All I can do is recieve punishment from her.

> ?
> Mage
> Gunslinger
> ?
> Brawler

4 is clearly a bard.

Prototype is a Monster Tamer

Shinka is qualified for stealth!

She clearly looks like a necromancer there

Is there even a single class Shinka can't be?

Uh, why are you saying *I* don't know? I'm the one who thinks of Shinka as bottom. I'm trying to tell you something else, but...ah, fuck it.

Not a clone you fag, Mai is Shinka and Deko's love child.

why the fuck is everything about sex with you fucking guys? Can't a girl stay a virgin her entire life?

are you new here?

Sparring with Shinka would probably be the best thing ever, just imagine it's just you and her locked in a room just beating the shit out of each other. And when it's over and both of you are bruised up, you both would probably go for beer and hang out or some shit.

Shinka will, Dekomori will cockblock her for the rest of her life

I envy you.

>shinka will never be your gymbro


>thinking it applies only to boxing
this kind of shit applies to just fighting in general

Did you wet the bed when you woke up?