Black Lightning

We electric niggers now. Whitey cops beware.


Black physics > real physics


I don't actually have a problem with this one. Black lightning was always black. There has never been anything wrong with blacks having their own role models or heroes. The only problem I ever had was the endless whitewashing and anti white bullshit. If this is just a good black guy looking out for his own more power to him. For all of our anti gangster culture and anti degeneracy talk. Pol should support an upstairs black superhero that isn't we was kangs.

A crimefighting negro is a better rolemodel for the nigglets then degenerate rappers.
Let them have this one

>fries white cops in the first 15 mins of the show


This. The KANGS shit gets old real quick. Isn't this what we want? Those who are ruining our entertainment to just leave what we love alone and make their own thing?
Yeah that seems like some pandering shit, but whatever, I can't pretend to understand what the fuck is going on with America and their police vs. the people thing, so I'm letting this one go.

I'm just glad they aren't too PC to remove the BLACK part from the front of their names

Hopefully this means we get BLACK Manta, too

Yet he's beating up hood trash too?

so attacking cops in a tv series is different than rapping about attacking cops in a good way? i dont follow how this is good for nigs. cyanide is good for nigs because of their magical melanin

Kind of have to agree with this one. It's not like we aren't aware of the PC/anti-white bullshit underlying this show and getting brainwashed by it. We know well enough what the agenda is so we won't be affected. That being established, a crime fighting negro is a better alternative than degenerate rap niggers.

>t. halfbreed

The problem is that blacks are still in the USA. They can have their super heroes, but they need to have them in Africa. We have got to get them out of this coutry.

only if he artistically obsesses over aquaman at every possibly moment

you dumb shits brought them because you were too fucking lazy to pick your own cotton. you retard

Hell, whuppin' 'em wasn't all that much easier, honestly. But then it turned out that they were just better at pickin' and whuppin', so we went back to sittin' on the porch drinkin' mint juleps and let them run the whole show.

Crime fighting niggers? That is revolutionary!

1.21 niggawatts

aw crap, another cw series
I like Flash despite racemixing and blackwashing, but I bet this will be Arrow tier cuckery

That's fine. Just pay us roughly 60 quadrillion dollars for centuries of oppression, unpaid labor, and stolen resources and culture. We'll go back to Africa.

I don't think the cotton-picking class of white people had much say in the matter. There were an awful lot of kikes in the South, though.

>I can't pretend to understand what the fuck is going on with America and their police vs. the people thing, so I'm letting this one go.

Black people commit the most crime and therefore get arrested more. Some people think that's not fair, and instead of telling black people to commit less crime they tell the police to arrest them less.

Yeah but aren't they also disproportionately killed by cops? Which makes sense because if you're going to act like a violent ape, I wouldn't take any chances with a tazer and just straight up shoot your ass. But then again that would just make people more nervous about police, and it sounds like it's a cycle that can't be broken because now it's both sides messing up.
I've lived in a couple of places where police are not to be trusted, and are more likely to mess with you than help you, so I get that sentiment, but at the same time I wouldn't applaud some nog taking down a couple of cops just doing their job.
It's a complex kind of feel I have a hard time understanding.

I really don't want CW to fuck up Black Manta.

There's literally nothing wrong with having black superheroes who are supposed to be black.

>aren't they also disproportionately killed by cops?
No. A high number are killed relative to their population, but that is a consequence of their relatively high rate of criminality. Proportionately more white criminals than black criminals are killed by police.