>a killing bolt will shine in the night but will not kill
Just wanted to remind you guys about the impending doom.
A killing bolt will shine in the night but will not kill
as long as you die im ok with that
As long as its quick and painless in ok with that too
Next up: the star will gorge itself on clay
There's been like six killing bolts that missed since the prophecy.
I thought it was the Michigan meteor last night that fits this
I think this is the most literal one
Nothing “shined”. It was in the morning. You need a life. This is some tryhard bullshit.
This isn't Israel taking Jerusalem?
probably Israel annexing the golan heights. last year there was israeli military movement there
Could moving idols refer to sexbots?
Just wanted to say that we are waiting it for years
We had a meteor hit upstate last night. Felt it all the way by Detroit.
what if nuke is killing bolt and star is meteor or falling star?
wonder if the black flag will be flown over the dome. if isis took the dome of the rock. gonna be nuts if they 6 gorillion again, then once again the allies will be called to quell the extremist fascists. this is all getting way too fucking familiar. the yids they have been spamming on tv gassed for years now.
Whats the source of this?
i have blue balls from waiting the ultimate happening , although we have a happening each week these days
The prophecy will be fulfilled, spy-leaf.
Sophia, Hanson Robotics.
Some fat fuck made up a vague prophecy on a Himalayan salt curing board and thousands of people believe it will actually come true. All of you should kill yourselves. Every one.
Moscow stands on seven hills. Pls no bully.
the source for this is his bbc loving leaf asshole.
Hey Ivan how long do you figure before your society degenerates into complete shit? Will your country fall before or after Putin dies?
What "hills?" I've only been there twice, but the whole area looked flat as a fucking pancake to me.
So does Belgrade though.
Why are people still buying into this?
>Some autists are reading too much into a shitpost on Sup Forums
I fucking hate newfags
If you don't think it is this, i don't know what to tell you.
>anyone actually believing this vague larpshit
>when the weather cools
Earth expected to get colder in 2018
>three branches become one
Republicans in pres/house/judicial?
>an island
>a kiling bolt
not sure here
>star will gorge itself
Israel taking land
>idols will speak
Hollywood pedos
>the black flag
ISIS attack on Dome of the Rock or in Rome?
>belly of dragon will drip
Something to do with the 3 gorges dam in China?
>two voices
not sure
>a rock will stand
Either jerusalem Istanbul or Rome
>the ravens will starve
something to do with england?
>the bear
Either Iran or Russia doing something
>rod and ring
Oprah got mudslided
What happened with the ft Lauderdale lights from last night? That shit was soopy if true
>One guy slept with his sister over this alert
I wish I had seen it for myself
A Canadian reading Nostradamus is like a cripple smoking cigarettes.
The bear left the cave when commiefornia split apart
I too can also make a Nostradamus-tier meme prophecy.
>Stars will fall from heaven
>the hand of fate will favor the darkness
>the bear and the dragon will become friends and topple their foes
There, have fun.
Is it happening yet.
Notice how the warning message didnt say FROM WHERE.
The Russians had capability since 1955.
NK still doesnt have the capability in 2018.
FOX CNN MSNBC CIA MSM all tell us who to fear....
NK. (Who lacks the capabilty)
fuck off with your damn meme prophecy
It's not even a prophecy just vague shit that can be attributed to anything
Could be Russia going through a mass famine? Remember how bears always leave their cave when they run out of food.
I hate leafs they ruin everything and only produce shit
this has been going on since fucking 2016
>i now remember the blood moon shit you faggots wouldn't shut up about for months
Christ. Get a life.
remember that September 21st that Bodhi Mantra and Anon5 used to shill about?
Well, they weren't wrong. I used the blood moon and my semen to summon an entity. She made me feel very good.
Did it land in Montana or around there?
If so the parasites are invading!
>filthy casuals won't get the reference
Are you retarded? Why should they write that in an emergency message
Fuck off jew
>scared nigger who hides his flag
>calls others a jew while being jew
A rat has more honor than you.
Even though this is from a fag flag poster, unironically, this.
Just you wait I'm sure 2000 years from now when humanity is extinct and nothing is left behind ayy lmaos would only manage to scavenge this shitty post that a leaf scribbled then proceed to take it seriously like the autistists did all these years.
Essentially the cycle repeats itself for eternity.
>trying to fulfill some pedophile occultist prophecy
You cia niggers have to go back.
Holy fucking shit this right here is proof that Sup Forums is full of literal children a city on seven hills in clearly Rome or DC you fucking illiterate mongs.
>will not kill
>impending doom
pick one nigger
Fuck off, Titor.
Stop fucking with the worldlines.
Worry about our own country and the damage being caused by that that limp wristed cum dumpster of a prime minister we have. Also, posting a muh killing bolt thread proves that you're not old enough to post here. Get raked.
>4.5 inches
he was going so well, the larp was almost complete and he ruined it
To happening fags: it's not happening. Ever.
To special retards who think North Korea will ever do something: no. Just no. Please read up about it and you'll realise the Kim familly is just full of shit, doesn't care about America and does all that shit as a schtik to keep being in power in its own country. They will NEVER fire.