Well /pol?

Well /pol?

Muscle is heavier and denser than fat. It's the reason standard BMI doesn't work of muscular people

Picture from 3 years ago. And Trump didn’t claim anything, a doctor did.

The guy on the left is not 239. I’ve seen running backs that are 6’2 239, trust me they’re thiccc. Also muscle is heavier than fat

BMI doesn’t measure volume you retarded ape.

left looks gay

If Trump is 6'3" then he's probably around 270.

Nfl lies about height and weight. Cuz muh small penus from steroids.

The one on the right is hotter

who the fuck cares.
The left is losing it

Muscle is 1/2 volume.


We gonna call this 'weightgate' now?

nice bait

>Shit tier memes and shit tier bait
Stop with these fruitless efforts shareblue it won't work on us older Sup Forumsacks, the
JIDF was a and still is a lot more creative than you niggers.


On Dump's behalf/order

Lock him up!
Lock him up!

sauce on the left ass?

>doesn’t understand differences between volume and density

Checks out

>implying these aren't mutually exclusive
Fat equates to more bulk.

>quintessentially Sup Forums

Are we supposed to entertain this cosmo magazine tangent?


muscle and fat don't weight the same tard
whoever made this image is a sub 80 iq dipshit

Why not both?

i can find a fine female ass without any searching
finding a nice male ass is really hard

Fair enough satan

Wow, it's almost like whomstever made this is a complete and total fucking retard.

sauce? at least i'm honest goddamnit.


A pound of muscle weighs more than a pound of fat.


Check out height-weight-chart that big fat bitch is not 239 lbs at 6'3"

Be nice to Trumpy. His bone spurs prevent him from any meaningful exercise.

So the Obama appointed doctor is lieing. Seems to be a trend with everyone Obama appointed.

Awesome thread, thanks memeflag