What happened to the druids?
What happened to the druids?
Resistance was futile, they were assimilated.
The Romans suppressed their religious practices, and they eventually stopped being around.
they became one with the forests. then they chopped the forests down and burned them in factories.
They didn't write anything down
No one knows who they were... or... what they were doing.
bump for answers
They were having gay sex with each other and it was weird and needed to stop.
Based Christians converted or killed them.
yeah... so you throw out the equivalency of Islam and Christianity. Except the old Roman Christianity allowed free thought and science while Islam only allows mud huts and blind obedience.
These go to 11
We're still here.
They were barely a religious entity. More like the Hebrew judge system.
>converted or killed them
> Except the old Roman Christianity allowed free thought and science
They're still there, mostly crazy old men who take acid in the forests/near the stonehenge (as is tradition)
No, they were suppressed by the pagan romans. According to the romans they were horrendous and did some fucked up shit, but who knows what really went down, could be roman propaganda.
Nothing its all crap anyway. Focus on individual sucsses not the success of your "white" "race" no one cares about that they care about what you have done
they got upgraded in 5th edition
Anglo-jewish paganism.
That's just an insult to the druids, you don't even know about their teachings because they didn't tell about it or write it down
Amalgam of all, sons of nature.
the druids fought spiritual wars against the jews on extra dimensional planes, but were wiped out by christianity. fuckin jews man
They got overpowered in 5th edition.
Druids were described as heinous.
The way the Romans wrote about them i don't think Druids were all too innocent. Propaganda or not something freaked out the Romans about them.
hahhaha kys larper nigger
If you want their teachings, dig into alchemy and hermeticism. You can find the path from there.
It's a mystery.
>What happened to the druids?
The same to the aztecs and the romans removed any primary source of them so nobody knows.
i've heard that before. also heard moses was controlled opposition. they put dead animals in local wells, plague magic. if any of this is true, glowniggers are a problem thousands of years old.
No you arent LARPer.
They were raised for decades learning orally transmitted verses until they could call themselves druids. Human sacrifiece was not as farspread as the romans claimed but it did happen.
You do not posses the knowledge of rites probably the size and extend of the rig veda that were never written down as their society believed written words would kill a message's meaning, neither do you serve a community and put sacrificial animals and criminals to death.
faggy christians demanded people worship a space jew and the christians slaughtered peaceful pagans that wouldnt convert in a coordinated ambush they used to brag about
They hide themselves.
Always did, power comes from surprise factor and 4D chess.
Pic related
Christian filth forced them underground.
Judo Christians killed them like they did everyone else not agreeing to their sick, Satanic religion
They worshipped mistletoe and then they died because it was poison. Tom cruise the first druid then let the only unicorn die and evil took over the land.
They took a big rock in their heads
Well something that supports it is the fact that Romans didn't seem as hateful towards Germanics as they were against Celts and the Druids.
Germanics tribes were described pretty positively, being barbarians and all. So either something was really rotten with the celts and their
religion, or the Romans viewed them as a greater threat/competition due to their more advanced society, relative to the germanic tribes at the time.
They were the traditional core of a rival society that was reaching the state of high civilisation slowly but surely.
They put them down for the same reason carthage had to be destroyed while still remembering celtic raids during a time were rome was young and vulnerable.
> freaky shit
Wickerman was propaganda bullshit but human sacrifiece was integrated into their system of law. Furthermore they had a headhunting cult going on. Similar to the Nagas of India, possesing your enemies head meant to posses his powers. Celtic families that had slain important enemies tried to keep and inherit their heads to later generations, showing them iff to guests and bragging about how theyd never sold them yet to other interested celts.
All written words end up as telephone game, because definition changes; as do emotional attachments to the words themselves, meaning shifts. Man who writes something dies, you are left trying to use your bias to explain his perspective.
Just look at christians and appcalypse/meek. Two words shifted, and the whole game is changed.
Mostly defeated along with their various tribes via Roman conquests IIRC.
People keep blaming christians and jews, but it was the Romans who suppressed them, not competing religions. Their practices freaked out the Romans for some reason. The druids never wrote anything down, as a few posters correctly added, so as their practices were forbidden, they stopped the oral traditions, became obscure and then forgotten as the elders died with the customs locked in their minds. The only written accounts of druidic customs we have were from Roman observers, and those are few and originated from only the very beginning of the Roman conquest.
judo christian. putin is ready.
Druids, other bipedal races, and magic were wiped out from human existence. History was all altered, even memories.
Romans exterminated them after Gaius Julius Caesars conquest of Gaul.
You have to remember that the celts became pretty irrelevant and were heavily romanised during the time the romans started to interact with germanics.
All of southern germany used to be celtic afterall so during the time of caesar germanics were contained far away in modern northern germany and denmark/sweden. They did not have much contact. Also you are somewhat right about germanics being less advanced at first. They had no own cities keeping tens of thousands like the celts had and instead immigrated into roman ones adopting local structures like in cologne.
During the migration period rome itself was rotten and needed to arrange itself with the germanics out of necessity, just as we try to convince us today of the virtues of middle easteners if only they would start dressing as us and becoming good romans ...
>Wickerman was propaganda bullshit
Not known for certain. While it is possible that it was entirely fabricated to stir anti-druid sentiment, there's no proof either way, only the account written by a Roman.
>those are few and originated from only the very beginning of the Roman conquest.
Wonder why...
I think it's more likely this. The celts probably did have some brutal customs, compared to the
modern day, but how much more brutal were they than the romans? The vicious descriptions of
the celts could be a remnant from the days when the romans suffered a lot of attacks
and raids, just as you said their hate for Carthage was absolute after Cannae.
I think it's unreasonable to believe that the celts just killed everyone and anyone left to right, when archaeology
shows that they were pretty relatively advanced with great metalworking and so on. That doesn't really rise
from completely anarchistic cultures. And let us also remember that celts were a very widespread culture
so the variance between different celtic tribes could be quite huge.
They all sacrificed themselves and 1 year later Sam Hyde was born
> you are left trying to use your bias
No I didnt, I scratched at their perspective and thats it. My bias are only surfacing insofar as that I believe that the victory of literate society was unavoidable. Albeit ive read that the celtic upperclass started using script slowly for bureaucratic reasons, too late tho.
There are no druids anymore. That was my main point.
You're saying that like there's insider information to be had here, but not everything's a conspiracy. The accounts stopped because the druids stopped being active. If there's nothing to report, no one reports it. There were other things that were more pressing, like running an empire.
>and the romans removed any primary source of them so nobody knows
No. The druids just never wrote anything down. Druidic tradition was passed down strictly through word of mouth from old to young. The Romans tried to introduce written language to the druids of Gaul but they strongly resisted, claiming the written language would dumb people down because they would no longer have to remember things.
Reading the Arthurian legends are a good place to start. The story of the Sword and the Stone and King Arthur and the holy grail is basically about the Christianisation of England. Merlin representing the old ways and the Holy grail representing the new.
They are with the earth now. Die you degenerates diieee
They converted to christianity
Or watching Excalibur.
>written language would dumb people down because they would no longer have to remember things.
This is true.
Usage of search engines, calculators and similar crutches also dumbs down people.
Only a few Serbs from my generation can remember one whole epic poem from our orally transmitted medieval epic poetry. High civilization dumbs down people as well.
By suppressed you mean integrated. Christianity is a mixture of different pagan belief systems with a white wash of Christ.
And I'm telling you the lines still exist. If you don't believe it, then don't believe it. Makes no difference.
St. Patrick chased all the snakes out of Ireland. A symbol of the druidic clergy was the snake. Flash forward hundreds of years, neopagan satanksts co-opt the druid brand and market it to environmentalists who feel spiritually empty, mask satanic summoning rituals with celtic names and principles, then trick idiots into summoning demons.
go back to wicca you green man goblin cock sucker
leave your desert fairy tale character out of this faggot.
No they dont.
> alchemy hermeticism
Pseudocosmic burgerfag.
They get written down tho by now?
Would be a shame if not.
Well, while people may have been burned for Taranis we have to believe the romans here and they loved to exagerrate.
From what archeologists dig out, bog sacrifieces and decapitations seem to be certain.
Maybe the stragglers were integrated eventually, but the Christianity movement was about twenty years old and in a different region of the world a thousand miles away when Druid suppression began. It wasn't a factor yet. Like it or not, Sup Forums's favorite religion had little to nothing to do with the disappearance of the Druids. They just happened to be the flavor of the month that took over in their absence. The Romans had political reasons fo suppressing the Druids. There may be small parts of druidry that passed into christian tradition, as is the case with every religion that disappeared in its wake, but that was because populations that were forced to convert in later years needed Christianity to fit into their established customs to ease the transition. Many religions share similar dates for holidays anyway, like the equinoxes, so many similarities may simply be from different religions. No matter how much people today want there to be some triumphant christian defeat of all other competing religions, druidry wasn't one of the ones they had a hard direct effect on. They were only around to pick up the pieces and snatch up the now directionless druids with no written traditions to follow.
They went to space
>leave out the most important religion in the history of the world in a discussion about a failed religion that was destroyed by said most important religion
A spacemutt talking about who looks spacejew. I think we found the american mascot for pol.
Thats like saying because christianity got btfo in north africa the splitting of the moon is necessarily true.
Nothing against your beliefs per se but interpretating alien religions in your favour will meet resistance as it would the other way around.
Wiccashits are pretty satanic with their selfobsessed vanitycult and if I as an agnostic got the meaning of satanic right at least.
The Romans essentially killed most of them in Britain. Fun fact: there were 3 legions stationed in Britain in total for peace keeping purposes and 2 of these legions had to be dedicated solely to Wales as that was the stronghold of the druids. Boudicca's uprising was only as successful as it was because the remaining forces joined up with the legions in Wales to wipe them out for good, leaving modern day England empty of a standing army.
Kierkegaard said that if there is a God, he would logically present multiple incarnations to the people, or else only one group of people in all of time would be saved. Thus you have to look for religions that have similarities in message to find the group of truth. Christianity is one of then to be certain, but I say it's the most important because of what Christian nations have accomplished.
We're still around.
Christianity surely did gave the individual a basic dignity it could never be robbed off even in sin, slavery or failure.
Druidic ritual was lost entirely to history in the middle ages and revived a full thousand years later. Whatever you think you practice is a lie. It's a name brand only. You're a starfucker, but you're fucking an impersonator. You're a joke.
We are here on /pol and you are becoming one of us, shillie
Started doing more satanic shit and falling to the negative Gods... Bitch made
This is a ridiculous assessment based only in imagination.
Some things aren't made to be written down.
They were made for ceratain people and to be experienced in a certain way.
Once that people is gone the experience goes with them.
they stopped being faggots..
It's a mystery.
Druids didn't build Stonehenge
Who did, then?
>kill yourself to curse the romans
If you kill yourself you win. The original Troudeaus
They wuz Hindus n shiet.
>tfw whites were literally poos in loos minus the sanskrit
Thank God for Christianity, romanization, and latin
You have no idea, mongrel.
Lost all their fluids.
No, you have no idea. You're a poser. Your beliefs are modern assumptions of what long lost history might have been. If you actually practice any of this, you're simply a ridiculous and silly person looking for identity, but you're pumping a dry well.
The Christians converted them. The dude whonis the foremost expert in the 50s wrote a book showing how easily assimilated they were to concepts of eternal life having a soul and of course saints doing miracles.